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S. No. Description of item

1 Issuing Letter
2 Concept Policy for Economic Corridor
3 Plan for 4 Lane Economic Corridor
4 Cross-sections for 4 Lane Economic Corridor
5 Plan for 6 Lane Economic Corridor
6 Cross-sections for 6 Lane Economic Corridor
7 Plan for Service Roads with U-Turn Facility in Urban Area
8 Cross-sections for Service Roads in Urban Area
9 Plan for Grade separated Intersection
10 Cross-sections for Grade separated Intersection
PoHcv for fuU access control of proposed Economic Corridor under
Bharatmala Pariyojana.

movement in the
to minimum 4-lane standards especially
corridors needs to be developed it was
and set standards.
2. present planning of the multilane highways provide infrastructure
on high\\'ays, for segregation and circulation of slow moving and local
controlled access to the highway through Service Roads. and for mitigating the severance of
communities through liberal provision of underpasses/ manner
which these infrastructure are being operated is hardly conducive to operational
and the highway system (comprising main the ramps
Road and the NH, and the Service Roads) as a whole. The user
travellers is seriously impacted because every nmv and then in course of their travel they are
faced queues, turbulence, breakdown flow, delays and unsafe manoeuvres
smooth tlow. The operational problems manifest themselves at the

The entries to the highway get intermittently tandem with

platoon entry) choked. At entry ramps queues of vehicles are formed on the
whenever a platoon is released from an upstream green
platoon v.ants entry to the highway as quickly as possible accepting
upstream main line traffic to slow down its speed (turbulence in
undesirable situation at entry (platooned entry, turbulence and breakdown line
can be avoided by making the vehicles enter the highway randomly (and not in a
on the ramps and acceleration lane to the main l speed
and accepting a safe gap tor entry. In simple there be no
upstream of the entry ramp that causes this situation.
way movements on them
opportunity for overtaking),
(conflicts at access points, at merging/diverging
at Roads

to be substantially improved to
eliminating altogether any
that the drivers make only sate manoeuvres (merge, and weave).
3. The important lesson learnt is operational is
for achieving that the main high\vay because most the problems originate on
Service Roads (capacity constraint, congestion and conflict) and impact the line
The capacity of the two-lane Service Road, therefore. has to be maximised (e.g. by promoting
unidirectional instead of bidirectional flow, reducing the number of access points,
movements). Secondly, the facilities for the three crucial manoeuvres
diverge and weave) on the main line have to be adequately provided in
length, weaving length and sound
traffic engineering 'gap acceptance·.
and for the respective demand volume (e.g. merging,
Incidentally, the distance between an Entry ramp and the f()llowing
less than the sum of the three lengths stated above because
required to be accomplished two ramps.
the highway system (main line, Service Roads, Ramps) and all merge, weave,
diverge), traffic operation should be targeted for more or less the same acceptable
that the demand generated at any point due to
the capacity at other point and force the latter to operate on a lower
planning and design of service roads in urban stretch is
road is severely hindered due to cross traffic, right turn
frequent accesses rendering chaotic and unsafe
m hour traflic.
4. scenario the road-side
business establishments abut
control along entire corridor:

capacity beyond 6 lane, alternative alignment is to be developed. Economic
are to be developed fully access controlled. Other roads such as Inter-corridor, -r-=.~rifW
routes, international connectivity, border roads etc. are to be proposed
access control/ no access controlled;
Conflict free movement in the entire corridor and in service roads in Urban
In urban stretches, the Corridor is proposed on till start
viaduct of 6 lane configuration is to be proposed on single pier to minimise
acquisition. Further, Entry and Exit from Main corridor to service road and
is proposed at start and end of built-up area of municipal city limit However, in
case area is more than 5 long, may be as
traffic need.
uninterrupted movement on cross on
is proposed:
a) The cross roads category NH/SH/MDR/4 lane road is proposed at one
The service road is at ground level;
For litating cross movement lower
introduce concept near the cross road.
to be met within 600m length for b,)th sides of U-turn.
may adopted around every 3 so as to minimise the detour length.
U-turn to
from 45m to 70m may be proposed keeping in
faci and entry and and vice versa:
Typical layouts and cross sections as elaborated under para 6 as
Appendix to this policy.
, the appropriate traffic management measures to be adopted
movement and circulation, vehicular entry/exit, n"''"'"'''Trl
areas access and circulation, etc.) and

8. Implementation
using the state-of the-art methods
and design, construction specifications
materials, technology and management capable of
environmental safeguards, anJ operation and
traffic management and information
refined/updated every years based on research, may be adopted.

water body contamination, degradation)
specifications besides the institutional arrangements to be put in place
Concessionaire to ensure the carrying out of various activities and compliance
personnel, resource
deployment, fund flow, progress monitoring, intervention by the management).
I 0. Operational Aspects: The operation of the Projects should be exactly in the way
are planned (unidirectional movements, no right turns on service roads in urban area,
regulated merge. weave and diverge, entry/exits through ramps in one direction only). This
may not happen. basically for three reasons. to the
new system of movement (b) innocent mistakes caused of habit (e.g. taking a
right turn on a junction because turning right has been a normal driving habit), and (c) wilful
violations (e.g .• taking a short cut to avoid longer detours). A tvvo-pronged strategy
be followed for fulfilling the operational objectives, as outlined below:

arrangements which have been scantily used on our

signs, variable message signs. arrow, word and legend marking on the road surface. gore area
markings, markings separating travelled way from non-travelled way. References while
designing may be taken from FHWA's Manual on Unified Traffic Control Devices
(MUTCD) in conjunction with relevant IRC codes. All sign boards shall be on
gantry across carriageway. For multiple sign boards on a single gantry different colours may
be used. For sizes of sign boards, letters and colour scheme, consultants may to the
,.,,,a,. ..,," manual FHW A in IRC (standardised
boards would be to Consultant separately)

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