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Name : Yoga Setiawan

NPM/NIM : 21211135

Class/Major : DIV MPH E/ 2

I. Complete the sentences. Use the past tense of the verbs given.

Im’an immigrant here. I was born in Chile and grew up there. I came here in

2005. I was not very happy at first. Things was difficult for me. I could not speak

English, so I went to a community college and studied English there. My English got

better, and I found this job. What about you?

II. Change the following paragraph into past tense!

During my last holiday, I made a lot of handicrafts. At that time, I was crazy about art and

creativity. Many ideas had come to my mind three months before. All of the ideas was wrote on

my notebook so I could read them again. Also I searched other ideas from internet. Yap, I google

it, I watched tutorial videos and read many art blogs.

III. Complete the sentences with the the Correct Words!

1. Susan is the most cheerful person I’ve ever met. She’s always smiling and telling


2. Jake is very polite. He always says “ Please “ and “ Thank You “

3. Sam hates waiting in the line. He’s a very impatient person.

4. You can trust Rosa. If she says she’s going to do something, she’ll do it. She’s


5. Joe isn’t good at remembering things. Last week, he missed another important

business meeting. He’s so forgetful.

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