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Overview 3

Instructions 3

Overwrite a vanilla install (simplest method) 3

Overwrite a vanilla install but keep settings 4

Partial Install (for use with mods) 4

Compatibility Notes 5

Kentie Deus Exe Launcher 5

Transcended Mod (DXT) 5

Troubleshooting 6

Thanks for checking out The Lay D Denton Project! (Or LDDP for short.)

This document contains the current install method(s) available for playing Deus Ex as a Female JC
Denton. It is possible that these methods will expand if the project gains popularity. For now, we’re
keeping it simple.


These are the methods available for installing LDDP at this time. Select the one that’s best for you.

-Consider installing with a fresh copy of Deus Ex if you experience problems.

-Using old saved games is not officially supported.


This just overwrites the files the project needs to run. This is ideal for a fresh install when you haven’t
played the game, or if you aren’t invested in your settings. You can go into the options and fix your
settings afterward.

PROS: Easy

CONS: Overwrites any existing settings. (keybinds, screen resolution, etc)


1. Download the Mod files here:

2. Copy the downloaded Maps and Systems folder to the root of the Deus Ex folder. The location
will vary depending on how and where you installed the game.
a. If you downloaded the game from Steam, the most likely location for the folder will be:
C:\Program Files\Steam\steamapps\common\Deus Ex or C:\Program Files
(x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Deus Ex
b. If you downloaded the game from GOG, the most likely location for the folder will
be: C:\Program Files (x86)\GOG Galaxy\Games\Deus Ex GOTY
3. If you selected the correct location, it will ask you to overwrite existing files. Confirm the copy.


This is similar to the above, but it allows you to keep your settings (keybinds, screen resolution, etc).

PROS: Still not too hard. Keeps settings intact.

CONS: A little text editing.


1. Download the Mod files here:

2. In your \Deus Ex\System folder, make a copy of the user.ini and the deusex.ini files and put
them somewhere safe.
3. Copy the folders to the root of the Deus Ex folder. If you selected the correct location, it will ask
you to overwrite existing files. Confirm the copy.
4. Copy your user.ini and deusex.ini back into the Deus Ex\System folder.
5. Open the user.ini with a text editor
6. In the User.ini file, near the top:

Change the line that says Class=DeusEx.JCDentonMale

to Class=FemJC.JCDentonFemale
7. Save and close.
8. Open the DeusEx.ini file.

9. In the DeusEx.ini file, under [Engine.Engine] change

Change the line that says DefaultGame=

to DefaultGame=FemJC.JCDentonFemaleGameInfo


Change the line that says Root=DeusEx.DeusExRootWindow

to Root=FemJC.DeusExRootWindowFemJC

10. Save and Close.


The Lay D Denton project was designed to be as compatible with other mods as possible. Some mods
make work flawlessly, most likely the mods that revolve solely around gameplay mechanics. Some mods
not as much. Mods with additional story content, mods with changes to dialogue, or mods with changes
to the JC model will likely have trouble. Full conversions such as Revision or GMDX will almost certainly
not work without additional configuration considerations.

Please check the Technical Overview section of the Lay D Denton Project Guide.docx in order to see the
different components of the project and what they do. From there, you should be able to install parts of
the mod and see what can or cannot work.

If you can’t get a mod to work and you want to see it implemented, reach out to the mod creators and
ask. We at LDDP are happy to work with any modder who wants to get Female JC working in their mod.


Included are some notes related to LDDP’s compatibility with mods, launchers, renderers, and existing
settings. This section will be updated as more information is discovered and more troubleshooting
efforts occur.


LDDP was developed and tested with the Direct 3d 10 rendering device. While other devices work for
the most part, the Female JC model may have a pink band around her trench coat collar where the
transparency is broken. There may be other oddities as well, but for now that’s all we’ve noticed. To fix
the pink collar issue, go to Troubleshooting.


As Female JC is a new class, the console command for turning on cheats is different:

set fhuman bcheatsenabled true

Enjoy you dirty dirty cheater you.


Kentie’s Deus Exe launcher moves your DeusEx.ini and User.ini files to the Documents folder of your
windows user profile. The default location for this new folder is C:\Users\[USERNAME]\Documents\Deus
Ex. You will need to modify or replace THESE ini files rather than the ones in the \Deus Ex\system\


You will need to modify the DXT ini file to be compatible with LDDP.
1. Find the Deusex Transcended.ini file and open it with Notepad or a parallel program. The most likely
location for this folder is in \Deus Ex\system\ .
2. Under the header [URL], edit Class to be Class=FemJC.JCDentonFemale
3. Under the header [Engine.Engine], edit DefaultGame to be
DefaultGame=FemJC.JCDentonFemaleGameInfo, and edit [Root] to be

4. Find the Deusex TranscendedUser.ini file, and open this one with Notepad or a parallel program.
Again, the most likely location for this folder is in \Deus Ex\system\ .
5. Under the header [DefaultPlayer], edit Class to be Class=FemJC.JCDentonFemale .

If installed via the Deus Ex Community Update, the ini files may be named
deusexcommunityupdate.ini and deusexcommunityupdateuser.ini, respectively.


Take a look below for some ideas on what may be going wrong and how they can be fixed.

Female JC is still talking with the Male JC voice.

Ensure that the conversation files are in the right place. All the files below should be in the game’s
system folder.


If you are unsure if the copy was successful, you can check the sizes of these files and compare them to
the downloaded files.

If the files are correct, make sure they’re in the right place. Do you have more than one copy of Deus Ex?
Did you have any mods installed previously that might have changed where the game files are read

Female JC still looks like Male JC

This is usually related to the ini files. Ensure you copied them to the right location, or if you edited your
existing ones, that all the edits are correct.

If that works, are you using a launcher? Launchers can sometimes edit where the ini files are read from.
Double-check the steps in the Compatibility Notes section. If that doesn’t work, try running the game
directly using the DeusEx.exe located in the system folder.

Female JC has a big pink collar

This can happen with some rendering devices, including the default Direct 3D renderer and the OpenGL
renderer. The Lay D Denton project has included the updated Direct3D 10 renderer. You can switch
rendering devices by launching the game and going to Settings > Display > Rendering Devices… Confirm
the closing of the game and then a new window will display.

Click the “Show all devices” radio button and select your renderer. Proceed through the rest of the
wizard by clicking Next >
LDDP was developed using the D3d 10 renderer, but others may work.

If you have stuttering issues

If you have issues with stuttering while your renderer is set to Direct3D10 Support, especially during the
first few minutes of play or after alt-tabbing:

1. Open up the game.

2. Open the console. By default, you hit ‘T’ or ‘Y’. Backspace to remove everything and then type
“preferences”. Hit Enter.
3. Go down to the “Rendering” Submenu, then to the “Direct3D 10 Support”
4. Enable these settings:
a. Set "FPSLimit" setting to zero.
b. Set "Precaching" to "True"

5. If that doesn’t help, open the NVIDIA Control Panel. Go to “Manage 3D settings”, then the
“Program Settings” tab.
6. Under “Select a program to Customize”, add deusex.exe to the list.
7. Change the following settings under “Specify the settings for this program” (you may need to
change the preferred graphics processor first):
a. Low Latency Mode: Ultra.
b. Max Frame Rate: 120 FPS. (I chose 60)
c. Power management mode: Prefer maximum performance.
8. Click Apply.

None of the extra NPCs are there

This can be caused by the map files not being updated. Ensure that the new maps in the \Deus Ex\maps\
folder have been overwritten properly. Remember, the Maps folder you copied should be outside of the
system folder!

The first instance of an added NPC is right after the statue mission. There are two UNATCO troops right
inside the base door. The first line is, “You’re Paul’s sister, right?”

The game won’t launch and gives an error instead

Make sure the FemJC.u file is in the \Deus Ex\system\. If you opted to edit the .ini files rather than copy
them, make sure the edits you made don’t have any typos in them.


Starting with a fresh copy of the game and using the vanilla install method should work. If it doesn’t,
there might be a bigger problem at play. Let us know in the discord.


Reach out to us on our discord:

We’re happy to help.

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