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Jalan Gajayana 50 Malang, Telepon (0341) 570872, Faksimile (0341) 570872, Kode Pos 65144 email://


Education Level: Undergraduate Time allotment: 150 minutes

Course : English 1 Lecturer : Septia Dwi Jayanti, M.Pd
Schedule : Thursday, @ 06.30-09.00 Contact : 082333502597
Room : B110
Department : Arabic Education Semester/Class: Odd/C

A. Course Objectives
This course aims at developing students’ knowledge-related Arabic education through
English skills. After the end of this semester, the students are expected to be able to read a
variety of English education/foreign language education texts (e.g. related articles and
journals) in order to help them understand English literature. The literary texts are
especially related to foreign language education which helps them to enrich their ideas to
write a good article or thesis later. In addition, this course encourages students to speak
English both in individually and socially through learning activities.

B. Course Contents
The content of the course covers academic literacy skills comprising of reading and
speaking skills, including basic language components (grammar and technical terms). The
students are required to comprehend texts which include skimming for main ideas,
scanning for specific details, identifying implied meaning, mind mapping, paraphrasing,
summarising, narrating, describing, reporting, classifying, etc.

By identifying the features of the texts with various structures, the students are expected to
understand the meanings of the texts better. This English 1 course, hence, includes some
tasks to help the students understand the generic structures of given texts. Likewise, the
students are encouraged to recognise language features which focus on certain types of
texts, and build technical terms to the field of study.
C. Activities

This course is presented online through short lectures, individual presentations, WhatsApp
group discussions, and students’ works. Performance is required, both in class and group
discussion. The students must finish given assignments and quizzes within all skills to review
the lessons.

Meeting Schedule

Week Genre Unit/Activities

1 Introduction Course orientation and need analysis
2 Reading 1 Skimming and scanning
3 Reading 2 Critical reading
4 Reading for Different Purposes Practice reading
5 Pre-reading techniques Describe pre-reading techniques
6 Paragraph structure Describe paragraph structure
7 Review materials Reviewing the materials
8 Middle test Reading test
9 Main idea/theme Main idea, topic, and supporting sentence
10 Anticipation in reading Define anticipation in reading
11 Increasing reading speed 1 Increasing reading speed
12 Increasing reading speed 2 Increasing reading speed
13 Journal review 1 Mind mapping education journal
14 Journal review 2 Summarizing the education journal
15 Review materials Reviewing materials
16 Final Test Reading test

D. Assessment/Evaluation
Students’ final grade will be based on performance and assignment (15%), intensive /
afternoon class (30%), quiz (10%), mid- term test (20%), and final test (25%)

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