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Thesis Report On

Customer Relation Management of Motor Industry in

Bangladesh: A Case Study on ACI Motors Limited
(Agriculture Machineries).

Submitted by:
Md. Riyadh Hossain
ID: RMBA2202026008
Major: Marketing
Semester: Fall-2023
Sonargaon University (SU)

Submitted to:
Department of Business Administration
Sonargaon University (SU)
Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Executive Master of Business
Sonargaon University (SU)

147/I, Green Road, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.

Date of Submission:
Thesis Report On
Customer Relation Management of Motor Industry in
Bangladesh: A Case Study on ACI Motors Limited
(Agriculture Machineries).
Submitted by:
Md. Riyadh Hossain
ID: RMBA2202026008
Major: Marketing
Semester: Fall-2023
Sonargaon University (SU)

Submitted to:
Sharmila Sikder Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Sonargaon University (SU)
Submitted for the partial fulfillment of the degree of Executive Master of Business

Sonargaon University (SU)

147/I, Green Road, Tejgaon, Dhaka-1215, Bangladesh.

Date of Submission:
Letter of Transmittal

Sharmila Sikder
Assistant Professor
Department of Business Administration
Sonargaon University
Subject: Submission of thesis paper.
Dear Madam,
I am here by submitting my thesis paper entitled “Customer Relation
Management of Motor Industry in Bangladesh: A Case Study on ACI
Motors Limited (Agriculture Machineries)..” which was assigned to me as a
requirement for the completion of the EMBA Program. I have discovered this paper
very interesting, beneficial, and insightful.
The entire report is based on my practical experience in ACI Motors Limited
(Agriculture Machineries). I expect this paper to be informative as well as
comprehensive. This thesis paper will help me a lot in my future career life.
Thank You very much for your guidance and cooperation during the course without
which this thesis paper cannot be completed.
Moreover, if you have any further inquiries concerning any additional information, I
would be very pleased to clarify that.
Yours Sincerely

Md. Riyadh Hossain

ID: RMBA2202026008
Major: Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Sonargaon University (SU)

Declaration of Student

This is to notify you that, the thesis paper on “Customer Relation Management of
Motor Industry in Bangladesh: A Case i Study on ACI Motors Limited
(Agriculture Machineries)..”, has been prepared as a part of my dissertation
formalities. It is an obligatory part of my EMBA program to submit a thesis paper.

Moreover, I was inspired and instructed by my supervisor Sharmila Sikder, Assistant

Professor, Department of Business Administration, Sonargaon University.

I am further declaring that I did not submit this report anywhere for awarding any
degree or certificate.

Yours Sincerely

Md. Riyadh Hossain

ID: RMBA2202026008
Major: Marketing
Department of Business Administration Sonargaon University (SU)

Certificate of Supervisor
This is to certify that the thesis report “Customer Relation Management of Motor
Industry in Bangladesh: A Case Study on ACI Motors Limited (Agriculture
Machineries)..” has been prepared as a part of completion of the EMBA program
from Department of Business Administration, Sonargaon University (SU), carried out
by Md. Riyadh Hossain, bearing ID: RMBA2202026008 under my supervision. The
report or the information will not be used for any other purposes.

Sharmila Sikder Assistant Professor

Department of Business Administration
Sonargaon University (SU)

First of all, I’d give my heartiest gratitude and thanks to Mr. Afzal Hossainmy Faculty
advisor for her valuable guidance and assistance, which helped me to complete the report

I am grateful to Mr. Md. Hafizur Rahman Khan, Head of Unitron Healthcare Limited, who
gave me the opportunity to perform my Thesis in his esteem organization. I would also like to
thank Mr. Md. Golam Mortuza Menon, Head of Business Administration of Unitron
Healthcare Limited for his kind guidance and assistance throughout the program. Also, I’d
like to thank to my supervisor, Ms. Nihad Sultana GM & Head of Sales Senior Supply, for
her continuous cooperation throughout all the assignments and tasks that I was a part of and
the lessons given from practical problems that I had faced in the organization during my work
period. Apart from them, I’d also like to thank Ms. Mahfuja as Parvin, Mr. .Ala- Uddin, Mr.
Golam Mostafa, Mr. Lutfor Biswas Rahman, Mr. Syed Siraj Us-Salekin, Mr, Mr. A.S. Md.
Manjur, Mr. Arefin, Mr. Morshed, Mr. Afeef Mahmud also Mr. Mahmid, Mr. Tanjil, Mr.
Razibul Karim, Mr. Nurunnabi, Mr. Jakir, Mr. Sabbir Sadat, Mr. Monir Hossain and Mr.
Mohait for their guidance which made it possible for me to work in a friendly environment, I
highly appreciate the cooperation they had offered by giving me different information on
their medical machineries, practical field work and to teach me making tender & bidding

Finally, my gratitude also goes for the Unitron Healthcare Limited’s authority who has given
me the opportunity to study their official documents, intranet & SAP software. I would like to
thank others who have provided any kind of information about my report. Last but not least, I
thank Sonargaon University & UNITRON for allowing me to conduct the research and
writing the report. I have really enjoyed the three-month Thesis in the organization and
learned so many things regarding corporate life.

Executive Summary

This report is prepared to illustrate an experiential discussion of the major operational process
and activities of the Unitron Healthcare Limited; as well as giving an overall introduction of
the sector, products and service, marketing strategies, major customers and competitors etc.
In the end, the report is concluded with a list of major learning outcomes I was able to
achieve from the whole Thesis program through practical approach and observation.

The information collected to prepare this report was limited within the functions of
commercial, sales and services department through observational attitude and oral
demonstrations by the staffs working in the different levels of the sector. Most of the data
used in the reporting of the study are from the internal documents and reports provided by
company. Some of the data related to the reporting requirements were not authorized to
access due to confidential reservation practice for the benefit of the organization.

Table of Contents

Objectives of the Study

Broad Objective

To understand the functional process and related activities of Unitron Healthcare


Specific Objective

 To gather an overall knowledge about the Medical Audiology Equipment

Sector of Unitron Healthcare Limited.
 To understand the sequential process of Sales Business (Own & Commission)
and Service Business of Unitron Healthcare Limited.
 To understand how the efficient practice of the functional business process can
affect the higher performance of Unitron Healthcare Limited.

Company Background

Unitron AG, one of the most successful global powerhouses in the field of electronics and
electrical engineering, was founded by Warner Von Unitron and George Halske in 1847.
Even though it began as a telegraph manufacturing company, it evolved with time and
enhanced its business reach in almost all the sectors of electronics and electrical engineering.
Since then, they have been playing a significant role in its overall development. Today,
Unitron AG is one of the largest companies in the world. With over 405,000 employees, they
have successfully spread their business in more than 190 countries, and approximately 500
manufacturing sites in 51 countries (Unitron Asia 2012).

Today Unitron stands for quality, excellence, and class. With her wings spread over such
diverse area as health, information technology, power and energy, and home appliances,
Unitron is a major contributor to the development of Bangladesh. SBL, consistent with its
parent company's culture and principles, is looking toward the future- as it has been for the
last 40 years.

Unitron entered Bangladesh in 1956 and it was consolidated in the nation as a private limited
organization in 1974. From that point forward, Unitron Bangladesh Limited (SBL) has set up
itself as a pioneer in the interchanges, transportation, therapeutic hardware, control age and
circulation, data innovation, lighting and photovoltaic parts of the electrical and gadgets

Unitron has been dynamic in railroad extends in the nation since 1962. In 1968, it was
advantaged to end up the primary direct remote financial specialist to begin a joint wander
with the administration of Bangladesh to produce phone switches and sets. From the earliest
starting point, Unitron' restorative frameworks and arrangements have been the nation's
innovation of decision in this segment. Unitron' achievement in control age and supply is
likewise remarkable. In 1967, it was effectively engaged with building the Ashuganj control
plant and it has since kept up a decent association with Bangladesh's energy division. In a
current move, it has started promoting sun based boards, which give sustainable power source
to remote towns not yet connected to the nation's energy lattice. It is additionally assuming an
exceptionally unmistakable part in giving cell phone innovation in Bangladesh by building up
the nation's versatile system framework and giving portable handsets to a huge number of
versatile clients.

What's more, among every one of their parts, the 'Medicinal services Segment' is the one that
gave this nation a solid brand an incentive in the field of therapeutic IT and arrangements
(Unitron Bangladesh 2012).

In December 2016 Unitron Healthcare formally got separated from Unitron Bangladesh
Limited. Unitron healthcare is one of the best suppliers of Medical equipment, IT
administration and arrangements that are compelling to another time of enhanced patient
conclusion and care around Bangladesh. Their skill in restorative innovation assumes a
crucial part for the welfare of the patients in both private and open clinics. Their sufficient
scope of imaging items and arrangements has empowered the nation's specialist to treat their
patient in a superior, secure, and more solid way. Unitron Medicinal services vision is to
encourage a practical business development and 95% uptime benefit in the therapeutic field.
They have remote prepared specialists, amazing administration focus with present day
framework, for example, saves parts bank, electronic and mechanical workshop, PC bolster
and so on. With a productive model of client mind,
i prior determination, pre-symptomatic
checking, recognition and issue counteractive action – Unitron health care limited has turned
into the nation's innovation of decision. In Fiscal 2011 (October 1, 2010 – September 30,
2011), their Health Care sector Part won its greatest request for the Bangladesh market to
date, which was worth EUR 5 million.

So, I was given the permission from the Managing Director of Unitron Health care to do my
intern in their Sales department. As I worked there I was able to understand Sequential
Process of Sales Business and service Business of Unitron Healthcare limited and was able to
gather an overall knowledge about the Medical Audiology Equipment Sector of Unitron
Healthcare Limited.

Location & Contact Address of Unitron Healthcare Limited

Location:Laila Tower (Unitron Contact Number:

Healthcare) 8 Gulshan Avenue,
P +880-2-9893536, M +8801711520011-Fax,
Gulshan-01, Dhaka-1212



Unitron Healthcare Limited has almost 60 employees. They divided into 03 major
departments – Sales, Service and Commercial (Unitron Healthcare Limited Internal
Document 2017).

Md. Hafizur Rahman Khan, Director

Head of Commercial/BA Head of Sales Head of Service

Manager Manager Manager

01 Person 01 Person 03 Persons

Deputy Manager Deputy Manager Deputy Manager

04 Persons 05 Persons 07 Persons

Executive Managers Executive Managers Executive Managers

02 Persons 04 Persons 13 Persons


Office Assistant Technician

05 Persons 06 Persons
Product and Services

Unitron Healthcare Limited offers comprehensive healthcare from a single source,

combining the latest laboratory diagnostics with imaging systems and specialized
information technology. Currently, Unitron Healthcare enjoys 52% market share in
Bangladesh with the following medical products and services:

1. Angiography Systems
2. Lithotripsy Systems
3. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Systems
4. Mammography Systems
5. Mobile C-Arm Systems
6. Computed Tomography (CT) Systems
7. Color Doppler Machine
8. Gray Scale Digital Ultrasound Systems
9. Linear Accelerator & Simulator Systems
10. Nuclear Medicine (Gamma Camera & PET) Systems
11. X-Ray (Radiology & Fluoroscopy) Systems
12. Mobile X-Ray Systems
13. Simulator
14. Echocardiography
15. OT Table
16. Ultra Sonogram
17. Anesthesia Machine
18. Patient Monitoring
19. Gas Pipeline
20. OPG
21. Dental X-Ray
22. Servo Ventilator
23. Dental Chair
24. OT Light (Unitron Bangladesh Intranet 2012)
Major Customers and Clients

Unitron Bangladesh Limited supplies verities of machines to both government and

private hospitals. Some of their top customers are listed below:

Government: 1. CMSD, Dhaka (consist of 180 clinic/hospital end user)

2. BSMMU, Dhaka
3. NICVD, Dhaka
4. Combined Military Hospital (CMH), Dhaka
5. NITOR, Dhaka
6. ICMH, Dhaka
7. AEC (Consist of 10 NMC)
8. Cancer Hospital, Dhaka
9. Zia Heart Foundation, Dinajpur

Private: 1. Apollo Hospitals, Dhaka

2. Ibn-Sina Trust, Dhaka (Consist of 6 clinic/hospitals)
3. Lab Aid, Dhaka (consist of 2 hospitals)
4. Popular, Dhaka (consist of 5 Diagnostic Centers)
5. Square Hospital, Dhaka
6. BIRDEM, Dhaka
7. Metropolitan, Dhaka
8. United Hospital, Dhaka
9. Chevron, Chittagong

Major Competitors and Rivals

In the market of medical IT and Solutions, Healthcare has a great number of


1) Magnetic Resonance (MRI) – General Electronics, Philips, Hitachi.

2) Computer Tomography (CT) – Philips, Hitachi, Toshiba, Neusoft.
3) X-Ray – General Electronics, Philips, Hitachi, Toshiba, Samsung.
4) Gamma Camera – Mediso.
5) Lithoscope – Storz, Dornier.
Ultra Sound (US) – Hitachi, Samsung, Mind-ray.

Unitron Market Leader

General Electric (GE) Market Challenger

Philips Market Follower

Hitachi Market Nicer

Table: Market Competitors*

Organizational Culture, Work Environment and Departments


Md. Hafizur Rahman is the managing director of the Unitron Healthcare Limited. He has
been in the organizations since 1990. He is a graduate from BUET in Electrical Engineering
and Electronics. He is charged with the overall responsibility of the Division. His
responsibilities include – supervising the overall department, communicating the outside
parties, dealing with other departments etc.

Head of Commercial:

Md. GM Menon is the head of Commercial of the Unitron Healthcare Limited.. He has been
in the organization since 1998. He is mainly responsible with the commercial support of the
organization. He is a graduate in Accounting from the University of Dhaka. His
responsibilities include – supervising all activities of the commercial department, helping the
business head in making important decisions, performing important meetings with the other

Head of Sales:

Nihad Sultana is the Head of Sales. She has been in the organization since 1995. She is alos a
graduate in EEE from BUET. Her responsibilities include--- supervising the overall sales
activities, checking the tender preparation, supervising the submission the tender etc.

Head of Service:

Eng. Golam Mostafa is the Head of the Service Department. He has been in the organization
since 1996. He is also a graduate in EEE from BUET. His responsibilities include supervising
the engineers, the import of equipment and spare tools etc.

I was assigned under Nihad Sultana my supervisor and most of the work was given by her.
During these three months I have learned so many things from all the colleagues including
both senior and junior. They maintained a really friendly relationship with all the other
interns. They treat the interns as their family. If there’s any occasion like Pahela Falgun,
Pahela Baishakh, Women’s Day and so on they always arrange special events and give
presents to the employees, including all the interns. They possess a strong teamwork skill and
of their works are so well coordinated and well balanced.

Supporting Divisions are:

 Human Resources Division

 Finance & Accounts Division
 IT Service Division
 Corporate Communication & Business Development Division

SWOT Analysis of Unitron Healthcare


1) Strong brand image

2) Reliability for having the corporate office in Dhaka
3) Strong Portfolio having product in each category
4) Technological headway
5) Strong Service Department
6) After sales service for lifetime
7) Strong network everywhere throughout the world
8) Foreign trained personnel to operate the sophisticated machines
9) Separate service departments that competitors don’t have
10) Diversified customers – both Public & Private
11) Worldwide training and development centers
12) Customer training program


1) Products are exceptionally costly

2) Service cost is higher than others’
3) Lack of sales force and promotional strategy

Opportunity i
1) Growing market
2) Improvement of clients' information about the offices of value frameworks
3) Being enrolled as provider in more public and private clinics, and get associated
with coordinate promoting with Government facilities


Entrance of low priced producers and suppliers of Medical Audiology Equipment like
China and India can lower the market demand of Unitron Healthcare in Bangladesh.

Market Strategy of Unitron Healthcare

Marketing Strategy
Healthcare is one of the most successful companies in the country. With the majority of
the market share in the field of medical product and service, Healthcare is generating a
big amount of revenue. Some of the major strategies followed by Unitron Healthcare to
have a lead in the market of medical technology are stated below -

1) Customer Relationship Management (CRM) –The most imperative promoting

methodology that made healthcare services an enormous achievement is their
CRM procedure. The organization tries to keep up an extremely sound association
with their clients and customers, (particularly the specialists, authorities,
radiologists, cardiologists). What's more, to do as such, they give amazing client
mind, such as answering client inquiries in time, making fundamental courses of
action to make required repairing, adjustment as indicated by the guarantee terms
and conditions, introducing of hardware and giving specialized preparing to work
them appropriately and so on.
2) Synchronizing Workflows –Healthcare is uniquely positioned to synchronize
work processes and enhance joint effort crosswise over offices, doctor's facilities,
centers and other medicinal services suppliers. By coordinating their locale
innovation portfolio, Healthcare looks to enhance their general proficiency
constantly. Additionally, to help the healthcare suppliers like specialists, masters,
and other chief personnel to settle on better choices speedier, they hone the
smooth stream of basic data. The reconciliation
i of data causes them to enhance
work processes and enhance understanding fulfillment by lessening medicinal
3) B2B & B2C Policy – Healthcare practices both Business to Business (B2B) and
Business to Customer (B2C) policy to increase their market range and sell medical
products and solutions. B2B includes direct marketing with the private and public
hospitals, clinics, diagnostic centers, laboratories, Government facilities etc.; on
the other hand, B2C includes direct marketing with the doctors, specialists,
physicians, clinic owners, procurement heads and other personnel.

4) Focused Segmentation: Only the senior chief medical personnel, doctors,

physicians, clinic owners, radiologists, cardiologists and others are targeted
5) Strong Information Channel: Healthcare uses of Strong information channel
for getting fast and effective information. They also even buy information if
6) Turnkey Project Basis Work: Some equipment is so sophisticated and critical to
maintain and handle that Unitron Healthineers has to provide training to the
customer for operating those. Moreover, they also have to design and establish the
room (planning buildings breadth, walls depth, floor, carpet, and ventilation) for
setting up the machines. So, for these items Unitron Healthineers complete the
work as "Turnkey Project".
7) Single & Consistent Brand Culture to achieve synergy: To achieve synergy for
each and every product Unitron uses single brand name all over the world.

Promotional Strategy

1. Relationship Building: Helthcare Directly communicate with customers and

motivate them by giving mobile phone sets, home appliances, tours, etc.
2. Arrangement of Conference & Seminar: arranging conference and seminar
on health and medical issues in posh hotels with capacity of 300/400 people
and also in overseas.
3. Gifts: Provide luncheon, dinner souvenir to the doctors, physicians, and clinic
owners occasionally
4. Training: Healthcare arranges training for the customers (operators of the
machines) in Germany and motivate them to buy Unitron' product other than
competitor's one.
5. Participate and sponsor fair like MEDEXPO:MEDEXPO is the
International Medical Exposition which is first ever International Medical
Audiology Equipmentand Services Exposition in Bangladesh at Dhaka
Sheraton Hotel for last two years to showcase a wide range of medical and
health care products and services now or, offer by organizations from
Bangladesh as well as outside world.
6. CDs, Magazines, Brochures & Leaflet: Regularly Unitron publishes and
distributes lot of CDs, Magazines, Brochures & Leaflet containing products
features, uses and operating tips.

Different Aspects of My Job Performance

Utilizing the SAP: SAP Is a part of ERP (Enterprise resource planning) which is a high
extend software that is used worldwide by different renowned companies as a part of
technological Advance. The full arbitration of SAP is System Application Program. This is
fundamentally utilized as a part of the considerable number of parts of coordinated business
and to see a combined report among various business and nations. In Bangladesh little
gathering of organization utilize this software. In this software organization can keep every
one of their reports identified with the business which is extremely protected, every one of
the representatives can get to this software, however before utilizing this software everyone
must have their own access card. By this access card they can refresh every day exercises and
furthermore they can check all the data. I used to use my senior colleagues access card to do
the work I was assigned to. This software can't read words and that is the reason each data
has an alternate numbers so programming can read effectively.

Creating Letter of Credit (LC): After all approval I used to open an LC by filling up an LC
Form. They open LC for service business by HSBC bank. Here they need to put the name of
importer on the top of the left side and exporter on the top of right side. Every LC require a
validity. They applied for 3 months valid LC. Then I input their account number, Amounts
of LC both in Number and word format, is the partial shipment allowed or number they
require “At sight LC” means that after the shipment will done exporter get the payment.

Here I input port of Landing “ Hazrat Shajalal International Air port” & port of
loading “Any German Airport”.

Invoices: An invoice is a commercial document that itemizes a transaction between a buyer
and a seller. If goods or services were purchased on credit, the invoice usually specifies the
terms of the deal, and provide information on the available methods of payment. An invoice
is also known as a bill or sales invoice.

Microsoft Excel: I used to make new database and also checking some tasks on
Microsoft excel for keeping the records regularly and correctly. I also created Market
Survey Opportunity in Excel. It has improved my proficiency in Microsoft excel a lot.
Evaluation sheet: I also made evaluation sheet for new equipment’s and outward

Quotation Summary Sheet

Outward Remittance Sheet

Tender submission: I also gained the experience of working with some Hospitals
Purchase managers like BIRDEM Hospital for Tender submission and tender opening
which will help me in future i
Communication skills: I used to communicate with other departments’ managers as
well which has helped me tremendously to increase my communication skills in a
corporate environment.

Managing foreign employee: I have also helped my line manager in organizing

Level of Service (LOS) where the SHL employee from different departments went to
India to attend a meeting and my line manager was assigned to organize and
communicate with every department. Therefore I was lucky for getting the
opportunity to organize such an important session where I was appreciated by lot of
managers of SHL.

Dame-X and PATAC: When Germany export machines lots of entities are involved
for instance the issues of Tax and for that PATAC is created. Damex is created for the
purpose of checking that if the company with whom we are doing business is eligible
for it.

Handling surveyors: I have worked on a survey which Unitron Healthcare Limited is

carrying out to assess the market possibilities in the peripheral areas. This survey will
be crucial for the business prospects of this company for the next ten years. Nine
surveyors have been appointed by Unitron to collect data from the remote places of
Bangladesh. They have been involved in the planning process of this whole endeavor
since the recruitment of these nine personnel. Here I collected news, their survey
papers, attendance and make sure they are coming for meet with their supervisor. But
because of short time period I could not get the opportunity to see the entire work.

Creating application: I used to write application about meeting arrangement, get

together, invitations, reply from customers and also gate pass, which means if
company want to carry out something (big box, carton etc.) from the organization,
they need to show gate pass to reception.

Photocopying, Scanning and Printing: I used to do photocopying, scanning and

printing important documents on regular basis. I learned all sorts of function about
photocopy machine. i
Paper shredding: I always shred their unnecessary documents, which I even seen
before. Though they have office staff, but I would prefer to do that by myself during
my free time.

Other relevant activities:

Seminar: I used to do booking their service agreement process by seminars. They
arranged seminar beginning of the year.
Travelling: They have a warehouse for keeping their products and I used to go their
warehouse with a manager. I know the good out from the warehouse and the receiving
process of the goods.

During the Thesis program in Unitron Healthcare Limited, I have

learned the following lessons and developed the following skills:
1. Confidence about working capability: Being a corporate person my confidence
about the work or task has developed, what was given to me I was consistent and
reliable to execute those. And because of that my confidence for doing any task has
gotten very high.

2. Increased understanding level about corporate culture: As a part of corporate

world now I can easily understand what I should do, what I should not to do in a
corporate culture. This means I am now able to understand the environment very well.

3. Target Oriented:Every year my senior or supervisor officials are setting the

individual and group target. And I have become very much target oriented from the
Thesis program.

4. Interpersonal Skills Improved: After joining in a corporate world my interpersonal

skills got better. Like, the way to handle vendor, communicate with customers,
negotiation with bank and vendors etc.

5. Democratic style of leadership: As a student of NSU, it is my aim to be a leader in

any position. While I have participated in the corporate world I have figured out how
to tune in to what others needs to state. i
6. Building expertise in ERP: After joining in Unitron Healthcare Limited I had the
chance to figure out how to function in ERP devices Called SAP. Which isn't just
utilized by our nation yet in addition everywhere throughout the world and it has
7. Coordinating with different departments: Even though I was assigned in Sales
Department but I used to work in remaining departments as well. That is how I
learned to coordinate with the tasks and officials from different departments.
8. Professional network development: I learned how to develop professional network.
Developing Interpersonal communication skills is an effective way to establish
business relations and this will help me to start my professional career.

Difficulties I Faced During My Thesis

As an intern of Sales department I have to do above task in daily basis. Even though Unitron
Healthcare Limited is a reputed multinational company and every work is well structured I
faced some difficulties while doing my daily task. This difficulties are sometimes bearable
and sometime unbearable. The constraints are given below:

 One of the major problem is very limites seats are available for Thesis students.

 Sometimes many tasks were given to me at same time.

 Sometimes the work given to me has to be completed within a very short amount of
timetime frame. It becomes very difficult to do all the task at once.

 Sometimes the SAP remained down due to technical problem or to reorg in their
company level. So all the tasks get delayed.

 Sometimes the signatories are not available in the office. So becauseof that my task
gets stuck for getting the approval late.

 In the beginning I hesitate to talk with others especially with my senior colleagues
and person from other departments.

Company difficulties
 Due to Export & Import, Customs procedure and Duty assessment has become a
major problem to comply because day by day customs procedure are becoming more

 Sometimes the vendor do not understand the company’s process, so it creates

problem to get the task done from them.

 Sometimes the requisition approval is being late due to unavailability of the

supportings. So my task remained stuck.

 Sometimes foreign vendor/suppliers does not understand the payment process in

Bangladesh so it hampars the task. In most of the Europian Countries direct payment
is approved by their GOVT. but in our countries its not approved.

 Sometimes the customers do not understand the import process. They just want their
product in short time. But they do not understand the PSI process or customs

 There is a huge work pressure in F&A payable department. So some times the
payment is delayed, other wise we SHL has a payment procedure of, if the bill is
submitted within 6th to 20th day every month after getting approval of all signatories
the cheque will disburse at 4th to 5th day and if the bill is submitted within 5 th to 20th
every month after getting approval of all signatories the cheque will disburse at 12 th
to 5th.

 Its very difficult to get an idea about the utility service and to forecast what will be
the next year cost. Because its flactuating very quickly by the GOVT.

 Some time we face VAT, TAX related problem with the vendor. When they got the
cheque they ask us why the cheque amount is less then the invoice amount. Then
everytime we have to make them understand about the GOVT imposed VAT And
TAX for the service they were given.

 Suppliers who offer good price are not interested to become vendor.
 Lack of market knowledge.
Differences between My Expectations and Experience
 The things I have learned from the educational institutions and the rules are not
exactly same compare to the Thesis activities in Unitron Healthcare Limited as
sometimes it seems totally different from the rule
 I cannot put my educational knowledge exactly same to my Thesis program but I have
to change those sometimes as needed
 As a leader and multinational company I thought that this company will not give me
any opportunity to do something for the company and would behave really
professionally but the things are totally different here
 I should not always focus on profit from customers but in fact sometimes I need to
take loses for holding customers
 To bring the potential out from me SHL spent time, money and also resources and
risk which is out of my expectations
 I thought that I would just do simple task as I got reviews from my other friends who
are done with Thesis but in my Thesis I got to learn so many things
 I always got the smiley faces whenever I asked for help and I was encouraged to do
asking more to learn more from which is different from my expectations and
 In the last I must say that it is out of my expectations that two of my senior
colleagues gave their full time and effort to help me learning the jobs as professional

Missing knowledge and skills

Based on my three months Thesis experience in Unitron, I would like to mention that, if the
University arranges workshop on Microsoft Excel that will be very easier for student to cope
up with the office tasks.

In addition to this, more industry visits and field works should be organized for the students
to make them more aware and familiar with the real life organizational environment which
will help us tremendously.
How Thesis Has Influenced Me

 When I joined Unitron Healthcare as an intern gave me the opportunity to work in a

professional environment. As an intern I am there to gain real work experiences.
Thesis has helped me by teaching more about the career path I need to pursue. Doing
Thesis in Unitron Healthcare is a way to test drive possible jobs and explore different
career options
 In doing Thesis in SHL I had the opportunity to attend meetings and events in a
regular basis. I also I had the opportunity to help organizing important seminars and
events. I had the opportunity to interact with SHL professionals and gained new
connections and learned how to communicate in a professional environment. My
Thesis in SHL has introduced to me to a lot of useful resources and has given me the
opportunity to meet a variety of professionals in my field. The networking I got has
helped me acquire references and find new job opportunities
 The experiences I have got from intern in SHL I can utilize them in my resume or CV
in future which will make them more attractive from others
 I have learnt the precise time management from my Thesis and all thanks goes to my
instructors in SHL who helped me to achieve this skill as it is said perfect time
management is the pillar of success in professional development
 Thesis in SHL helped me to understand my Strengths and weaknesses in job world
as I faced the challenges and overcame those with my capabilities

Things I Want to Change if I Repeat Thesis

 In the beginning I will not the tasks of everyone and then list a table of task with the
person’s name so that I can maintain a schedule to know about more tasks and how
they are done.

 Keep a notepad so that I can note everything even when I go to cafeteria for lunch or
refreshment. During lunch sometimes my senior colleagues discuss personal
experiences and that time I can note those for future purposes
 If someone teaches me some tasks my first question will be why I need to do this
because it is important to know what are the purpose fr doing those task

 It is very common in any organization that if I ask for someone contact number or
mail address people will write it in a small paper or will give their visiting card and its
possible that I might lose it for many reasons. So if I redo my Thesis I will record the
contact number or mail address in a notebook and also in excel sheet

 If I redo my Thesis in a new company the first thing I would like to do is collect a list
of organizational structure so that I am aware of who is responsible for what

 In my Thesis in SHL sometime I have too many tasks to perform at a same time and
submit them to respected people. But sometimes I forgot to do so. So if I redo Thesis I
would make notes of tasks, submission time and person’s name to whom to submit.

Recommendations or Suggestions Addressing the Difficulties Faced

Unitron Healthcare Limited has a great potential in the world as a leading global brand. To
achieve the desired position in the market, improvement in many divisions is essential. As the
necessity and awareness of medical healthcare is increasing day by day, more hospitals,
clinics and diagnostic centers are growing rapidly. These results in Unitron Medical share in
the market, which means the duties and responsibilities of Unitron Medical Solutions to the
customers and society, are also increasing. Though the prices of Unitron’ medical
equipment’s are higher than others, still it has the highest market share of medical
equipment’s and energy plants. So all the concern departments like corporate as well as sales
and commercial departments should be more prompt and efficient to compete with the
challenging opportunities of the future forward.

As far I am working within these sort of obstacles, but I think if they take some initiavies,
they can overcome these problems. I have some suggestions to overcome these problems
which are given below,

 They can arrange at least one seat for each Thesis student.

 SAP down time or the reorg should be pre notified, so that the tasks are done

 There should be more level 1 bank signatories, so that if any one is unavailable
another one will approve it.

 The process should be shorter and more faster so that theres no time constraints.

 They should have a product wise time frame to import, so that the pressure from the
customer may dissiminate.

 They can arragne a quarterly meeting with our regular vendor regarding the GOVT
imposed VAT And TAX.

The Executive management also should be enthusiastic in to the development of

administration and operational system as per demand of the age.

Internal Documents and Reports:

1) Unitron Healthcare Internal Document (2012 And 2017), List of all the Unitron
Manufacturers, Sales Department, Healthcare Sector, Unitron Bangladesh Limited
[Accessed 14 June 2012]

2) Unitron Healthcare Internal Document (2012 And 2017), Organogram of SBL

Healthcare Sector,Sales Department, Healthcare Sector, Unitron Bangladesh Limited
[Accessed 15 July 2012]
3) Unitron Bangladesh Policy.

Web References:

1) Unitron Healthcare Limited., Mission & Vision, Retrieved from:



35i39j0l4.5230j0j8&sourceid=chrome&ie=UTF-8> [October 2017]

2) Unitron Healthcare Limited, History of Unitron Healthcare Limited, Retrieved

from: <> [October 2017]


Week in Review: 1


Unitron Healthineers formerly known as Unitron Health care limited. The company started as
small family business in Berlin. The company was co-founded by Ernst Werner von Unitron.
The name Unitron medical solutions was adopted in 2001 and in 2008 the changes to Unitron
Healthcare was made. After that Unitron Healthcare was renamed as Unitron Healthineers in
May 2016.

Unitron began its journey in Bangladesh from 1956 and started all its association from then
Unitron Bangladesh is a 100% subsidiary company of Unitron AG, Germany. Unitron
Bangladesh Ltd. has developed as a main creator, trend-setter and implementer of driving
edge innovation empowered arrangements working in the center business portions of
Industry, Energy, Healthcare and Infrastructure and Cities .Unitron conveys to Bangladesh
best in class innovation that enhances clients through a mix of various top of the line
advancements for finish arrangements. In May 2016 Unitron Healthcare was separated from
Unitron Bangladesh Limited. It has formed as separate legal entity and named Unitron

The office is placed in one of the most prominent areas in Bangladesh. The operations are
done in full capacity which is required by the clients. From the very first day I was assigned
in the sales division. I was assigned under a senior sales officer who warmly welcomed and
helped me to feel at ease. There were total 10 members in the sales division.


 Learned to how to communicate with business clients

 How to get acquainted with corporate life
 How to transfer the prices of extended warranty of machines in excel


I was assigned under the manager of business administration to transfer the prices of
extended warranty of machines by using excel. I also learned to use the office equipment to
deliver important documents and I also delivered important papers to different departments.


All the employees are very diligent toward their work. I really liked their working
environment. All of them were really considerate and friendly toward me.

Remarkable Occurrence

Even though it was only my 3 rd day of work I was asked to join in one of their important
events their annual dinner party. They discussed about company’s important issues like
setting their goals for future and their current situation and after that a wonderful dinner.

Week in Review: 2

 Assigning vendors using SAP software

 Calculating Customer Listed Price (CLP)
 Tender Forwarding
 Opening LC for Importing Parts


This week I was asked to assign the vendors using the SAP software. It is a very sophisticated
software and I was quite nervous to use it. I also had to calculate the Customer Listed Price
for the machines and parts. I also came to know about the terms CMC (comprehensive
Maintenance contract and CAMC (Comprehensive Annual Maintenance Contract). These
terms are used in issuing LC for importing machines and parts. I also helped my fellow intern
in opening LC. I helped a senior employee in forwarding tender.


Even though they have immense work pressure but still they calmly handle the customers
regarding any problem. They also taught me things even though they huge workload. They
were really considerate toward me.

Remarkable Occurrence

After being there for 2 weeks the most incredible thing that I found was both Unitron
Bangladesh and Unitron Healthcare treat each other as family member and get equal
importance in spite of their vivid responsibilities

Week in Review: 3

 Learned how to open tender

 How Tender is issued
 How to assign Vendors in LIV paper
 How to put figures in invoice

This week I was asked to check the local conveyance summary by one of our senior
colleague. I was told to correct all the figures in the sheet if there were any mistakes there. I
was also asked to select the supplier for parts of different diagnostic equipment by evaluating
their price and quality and made a summary sheet in the MS Excel. I also put output to
invoice and printed them and then scanned them to designated person. I also helped a
colleague in sorting out survey papers. My other colleague taught me how to open tender and
how they are issued.


Since this was the last week of the month everyone was so busy doing their respective works.
They hired some people from another company to do their Audit.

Remarkable Occurrence:

Even though on Saturday there’s no commercial operation however, I had to help one of the
colleague to complete his work.

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Week in Review: 4

 How to prepare offer letters

 Learned what is Logistics Invoice Verification and also how to prepare them
 Made a list of invitation cards for women’s day program


This week I was assigned to note down the information from survey paper which Unitron
healthcare had been doing for a while. I was asked by my supervisor to write down the
information such as Hospital and clinics name and which Medical Audiology Equipmentare
required by them. I also got Unitron healthcare supplies Medical Audiology Equipmentin
remote areas like Bogra, Rajshahi and so on. I also helped one of my senior colleague in
preparing offer letter. Another senior colleague of mine taught me the procedure and how
Logistic invoice verification actually is done.


Even though 8th March was women’s day and we had function specially prepared for the
female colleagues still they were working very diligently and attested meeting and continued
their other works.

Remarkable Occurrence

We had a function hosted by the HR head on 8th March for Women’s Day and I was also
invited to attend the function. It was an amazing experience I got to know the other female
colleagues of Unitron Bangladesh. I also received gifts from the Head of HR. The most
delightful thing was I received flowers and gifts from the M.D. of Healthcare Hafizur
Rahman Khan sir. It made me feel really special even though I am an intern but they
showered me with so much love and care.

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Week in Review: 5

 Learned few important terms regarding Tender

 Filing up survey papers for medical equipment
 Learned how to put invoice value in excel sheet
 Learned how to assign vendors using SAP software


This week I was assigned to prepare bill for the suppliers. Then one of my senior colleague
asked me to print some important documents regarding LIV and asked me to deliver those to
Head of the finance. Head of Commercial asked me to go to the bank to deliver cheque and
also passports and some important documents to clarify. One of the employee taught me
about the important term PATAC which is tender related and its related to tax and tariffs. I
also made the list of upcoming tenders in excel and also created invoice and shifted prices in
excel. I also put the name, project name and other important inputs in excel for the year of


Whenever customers face any problem regarding the machines our specialists always solve
their problems without any complaints. They had to go various places to install and give
demo how the machine works in remote places like Bogra, Khulna and so on.

Remarkable Occurrence:

Compliance Manager of Unitron Healthineers India came to Bangladesh to discuss some

important issues. I and my other fellow intern participated in the meeting that held this week.
It was an honor for me to join in such an important discussion.

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Week in Review: 6


 Learned how to put Airfreight no. in Airport invoice

 Learned how to do PATAC
 Putting purchase order number and date in suppliers purchase bill


Through this week I was assigned to create authorization letter for L/C. I also wrote a yellow
voucher where the suppliers transactions are wrote and delivered it to the finance department.
I was given the task of filling up good releasing form. I was also assigned to write Damex-e
for a CT scanner. It’s a tool which checks if the client company is eligible for doing business
and they are not engaged in any kind of illegal activities like money laundering or terrorism
and so on. I also put purchase order number and date in excel file and also in suppliers
purchase bill. One of my senior colleague taught me how to put Air freight number in Air
invoice. I also calculated the local conveyance bill.


This week our work pressure was substantially less so I had some treasured moments with
my senior colleagues and supervisor.

Remarkable Occurrence:

Even though our operations do not manoeuver on Saturdays however this week I and my
senior colleague had to go to BIRDEM hospital for machine installation.

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Week in Review: 7

 How to do endorsement for vendors

 Learned to create offer part of the tender
 How to assemble the data sheet for medical equipment


This week I was assigned to calculate the mobile bills in excel for the employees. I also filled
up the release form for the air bills and created the offer letter. One of my senior colleague
taught me how to make the offer part of the tender. My supervisor asked to me to make
endorsement for the vendors. I also sorted out the information of the foreign suppliers like the
purchase order no. date, required products, project names and so on. I signed some important
tender paper as well.


Prior to Thesis I thought corporate life would be really difficult but as time passes by I found
myself enjoying my workplace quite a lot.

Remarkable Occurrence:

This week one of the senior colleague from commercial department left. So we held a
farewell party for him.

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Week in Review: 8


 How to check and correct machine no. and model

 How to match the LIV no.
 Learned about the machine that was recently sold


This week I was assigned to create excel file (Market Survey Opportunity) where I have to
put the names, location, contact person and so on of hospitals and clinics where Medical
Audiology Equipment are required by my supervisor. I sorted out the purchase order, air bills
and photocopies of passport and training report. I was given a list of numbers which I have to
match with the LIV number. I also learned about the Medical Audiology Equipmentwhich
was recently sold to the supplier. I was also asked by my senior colleague to scan the renewal
documents and also taught me how the renewal procedure is done.


Although this week was quite hectic for the employees but they were quite helpful toward the
new inters who joined this week. Everyone was very considerate toward them.

Remarkable Occurrence:

This week I went to CMSD with my senior Colleague to attend a meeting.

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Week In review: 9

 Learned how to calculate L/C sheet

 Putting Data for L/C calculation
 Creating Application Checklist


This week I was asked to create application checklist for manufacture and import of medical
services. I created calculation sheet for L/C in excel and also put data for it. I also helped in
sorting out Compliance paper for the Medical Audiology Equipmentand parts of those. I
continued the work I was given by my supervisor that is creating Market survey opportunity
which I started the previous week. I recorded the foreign vendors purchase order no, date and
the Medical Audiology Equipmentthey purchased in Excel. One of my senior colleague asked
me to enter the value of the purchased machines in excel and calculate them.


This week everyone in the sales department busy because of the new tenders. So I was given
less task this week.

Remarkable Occurrence:

All employees including me received a gift voucher from Aarong as Pahela Baishakh gift. It
was a great surprise for me.

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Week in Review: 10

 Learned how to create application checklist

 Learned how to do LOA
 Learned how to sort compliance paper for registration


This week I was assigned to sort compliance paper for registration for government tender.
One of my senior colleague taught me how to do LOA which has to be done before Tender
submission. This week I also put Data for L/C calculation. One if my senior colleague from
service department gave me the task of scanning of contract to archive those paper. Since this
was my last week I had less work than usual.


Prior to Thesis I always thought that corporate life would be difficult and castigatory but
doing inter here for past three months has completely changed my perception. The whole
environment was very friendly, considerate and responsive.

Remarkable Occurrence:

This week I also had the opportunity to attend an important meeting with my supervisor.

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