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To: (PhD)

January, 2023
Addis Ababa
1. Project Description..................................................................................................................................1
2. Project Beneficiary/ Target group...........................................................................................................1
3. Project cost /Total project budget............................................................................................................1
4. Project duration.......................................................................................................................................2
5. Collaborative agency...............................................................................................................................2
6. Mission....................................................................................................................................................2
7. Background and Justification..................................................................................................................2
7.1. Improved Morale..................................................................................................................................3
8. Project Objectives....................................................................................................................................3
9. Immediate Objective...............................................................................................................................3
10. Out puts.................................................................................................................................................4
11. Project activates and work plan.............................................................................................................4
11.1. Main Activities-Activities that have already been carried out include:...........................................4
11.2. Activities that are still to be carried out include:.............................................................................4
12. Activities work plan..............................................................................................................................5
13. Organization and Management..............................................................................................................6
14. Monitoring and Evaluation....................................................................................................................6


1.2 PROJECT LOCATION –the project is located along the square of mexico
in front of federal police head office in Addis Ababa, Lideta sub –city and
special location in Addis Ababa Tgbareid poly technic college




1.4. CONTACT PERSON AND ADDRESS- Ato Toshome Fyisa (V/Dean of

Institution capacity building and trainer’s training coordinator).
- phone no= 0911…….
1. Project Description

AA Tegbareid Gym provides wellness strategies/programs to AA Tegbareid community and

other employees. A wellness strategy is a long-term effort, combining both health-promotion and
exercise-related activities designed to facilitate positive lifestyle changes in members of a AA
Tegbareid work force.

AA Tegbareid Gym will work with a college senior management to help it develop a mission
statement for its wellness program. The AA Tegbareid employees will undergo a health-risk
analysis, following which each employee will be given the opportunity to exercise which will
help him/her. this gym building has one story and the structure covers approximately 85-meter
square, also will have main gym room, shower room, rest room, and dressing room. the building
is design to give the gymnasium service and to enhance the culture of physical exercise in the

2. Project Beneficiary/ Target group

The direct beneficiary of this project is the 400 employee that uses through this institution per
month. And those are the teachers, supportive staff members and the students who are
participated in the football club members, meanwhile the indirect beneficiaries are some 40
employees in the college.

3. Project cost /total project budget

The project cost includes direct cost and indirect cost and also contractor profit and should be
consider the material, labor, equipment and other expenses. So according this assumption the
total cost of the project stands at four hundred thousand, this amount of costs will cover by
different parties, while the sources of funding are stated below:

1. Addis Ababa Tegbareid = 250,000Ethiopianbirr

2. Addis Ababa TVET agency = 50,000Ethiopian birr
3. German cooperative agency =100,000 Ethiopian birr

4. Total amount of cost = 400,000Ethiopian birr /four hundred thousand

4. Project duration
Challenging condition will face the project and prior expectation and planning is essential which
includes the mobilization of resource like materials, human, and equipment in the contractor
side, site clearance, earth work and excavation, structural work / masonry or concrete installation
construction, roof works and finishing construction. so, this task should take time according to
the material delivery amount and work item volume. then it may take a year construction time
duration. If the client or the college will give any necessary resource the duration will be
completed around eight months.

5. Collaborative agency
The collaborative groups have contribution in the process of gym building and those are Addis
Ababa Tgbareid poly technic college ,Addis Ababa TVET agency ,Addis Ababa construction
regulatory office ,teachers association, Germany NGO and college departments like construction
technology, GMF and machine department .
The primary stockholders are Addis Ababa Tgbared poly technic college to deliver fixed asset
like land and Addis Ababa TVET agency and, Germany NGO (bank) with the financing of
project cost.
The secondary collaborative members are Addis Ababa construction regulatory office ,teachers
association, and college departments like construction technology, GMF and machine
department are will give technical support, inspection, supervision and professional feedback
about construction process and service of the gym building.

6. Mission
AA Tegbareid Gym is a health service that helps AA Tegbareid community and other employees
attain one of the greatest gifts of all--that of good health. Personal gains, such as improved self-
esteem and self-motivation, combined with measurable benefits will create tremendous
advantages for both the employer and the employee

7. Background and Justification
AA Tegbareid Gym target employees that want to participate (use) the gym which in turn makes
them more productive and efficient employees. For this reason, it provides wellness
strategies/programs to AA Tegbareid community and other employees. This combines promotion
of health and exercise-related activities designed to facilitate positive lifestyle changes in
members of AA Tegbareid work force. The basic reason to build the gym rooms, to create
innovative and healthy society in the working environmental and productive employee in the
college and making it easier for your employees to find time to exercise will improve their health
and well-being, which can have significant financial benefits for your business, such as increased
productivity. Constant work stress and frustration can lower productivity, so giving for
employees a convenient means of blowing off stress also might improve your company’s bottom

7.1. Improved Morale

Healthy employees are happy employees. Regular exercise three times a week promotes the
release of mood-elevating endorphins. Exercise also helps you sleep better, giving you more
energy throughout the day. A positive and energetic work force collaborates better and is more
appealing to customers, which means investing in a corporate gym might improve both your
company’s productivity and the quality of customer service.
This proposal is related with Ethiopian health policy because the policy focused on preventive
action hence this project is an effective means of producing healthy employee/society in the
working environment. also, this project is new in colleges and it needs more attention.

8. Project Objectives
• Provide wellness strategies/programs to A.A Tegbareid polytechnic college community and
other employees based on mutual agreement.

• Create working relationships with different organization through cooperation in gym center.

9. Immediate Objective
• To give the solution by construct a building for gym the schools,

• To construct Conformable space, safe, economical, well serviced room,

• To create innovative and healthy society in the working environmental and finally build
competent and productive employee in the college,

• Offering services to AA Tegbareid community and other employees,

• Increasing dedication and hard work of the employees,

• Raising productivity,

• Lowering expenditure in health and related issues and

• To empower people to improve physical and mental well -being.

10. Out puts

The overall result of the project includes;
i. To build exclusive gym building,
ii. To give effective and affordable service after completion of construction process and
iii. Construct Conformable space, safe, economical, well serviced room.

11. Project activates and work plan

11.1. Main Activities-Activities that have already been carried out include:
• Need assessment , purchase of school land and the formulation of project phases,
• First phase of the project formulation and proposal writing,
• Construction of the foundation for three classrooms in stone masonry and
• Fundraising contacts is underway.

11.2. Activities that are still to be carried out include:

• Employment of the masons, iron benders, carpenters and building material
• Construction of the various components of classroom building,

• Project Supervisor, the gym adviser and Project Site Foreman Hold weekly
meetings to plan works to be done and also to evaluate works already done.
Extra-ordinary meetings shall be held when the need arises,
• The Addis Ababa construction regulatory and teacher’s association executive
committee and the Supervisor to carry out day to day follow ups of the project
• Monitoring, evaluation, report writing and financial justification.

12. Activities work plan

No objectives activities output strategy budget remark

1 To prepare the Site clearance Free and Using 20000
surface for comfortable labour and
foundation space for equipment’
foundation s
work (machinery)
2 To erect and carry Constructing Load bearing Labour 150000
the superstructure Foundation foundation based
load structure
3 To have efficient Erecting the Functional and Labour and 200000
and capable structural unit compliant to machinery
structure which can (building specification
give comfortable Structure i.e. structure
service beside Beam, Collen,
ability to resist Slab as floor
external pressures and roof etc.)
4 To finalize the Finishing Aesthetically Labour and 30000
structure work and works and machinery
care for the environmentally
building beside compliant to the
aesthetical value standard

13. Organization and Management

There will be a chain of management starting from the project manager from the contractor side
to the lower site foreman and there will be a consulting team which will follow up the activities
of every stage and the stakeholders of the project shall actively participate to come up with
quality results that keep the standard.

The contractor Responsibility: To undertake the whole construction works based on the
already specified contract and specification, Reporting work progress to consultant engineers,
performing every phase of the project on the right time and quality standard.
The consultant Responsibility: To ensure that the product delivered conforms to the highest
engineering standards, ensure the product delivered is to the client’s satisfaction, To ensure that
in the process of delivering the product, the environmental, safety and engineering standard meet
the requirement set by the relevant codes of practices, The main role of the consultant engineer
are mainly all site supervision of construction and administration of the Contract with respect to :
a) supervision, b) testing, c) examination of materials and workmanship, d) measure of work
carried out.

The Owner: They shall pay to contractor, if they accomplish their tasks based on the already
specified contractual agreement and receive their property as the consultant approve, mean well
they shall cooperate with the contractor and consultant.

14. Monitoring and Evaluation

M&E activities Frequency Aspect to be monitored & evaluated In charge of Approval
/Timing/ (Description) the activities.
Detailed quarterly work Beginning Quarterly work plan produced with Consulting Consultant
plan of every detailed activities, schedule, milestones, engineer
quarter deliverables, man power inputs for the
next quarter
Activate and regularly At opening Update output progress, activity Consulting Consultant

update activities of project performance issues and risks and issues. engineer
Project top management On a Reports and or minutes of project Consulting Consultant
and technical committee quarterly management meetings on project progress engineer and
meetings basis towards output; existing and /or contractor
(every two immerging issues and risks; approve work
weeks) plans and reports; guidance on
implementation; budget and analysis of
progress report Annual(at Progress report produced for Consulting Consultant
including deliverables the end of accomplishments; expenses for the phase engineer
(internal and outsourced each completed; update of project work plan; and
consultancy) month) lesson learned, recommendations and contractor
suggestions. progress report will also be used
to verify appropriate use of physical and
other resources.
Mid Term Evaluation Once at Midterm review conducted and reported Consulting Consultant
mid term that, reviews strategy and engineer and
accomplishments; expenses for the period contractor
completed; update of project work plan;
lessons learned, recommendation and
suggestions for re orientation of activities.
Progress towards output will also be
Financial recording and Throughout Regular financial reports produced on Consulting Consultant
reporting the project; monitoring and control of project engineer and
continuous expenditures; financial management & contractor
reporting project resource data tracking
inputted in and regularly accessed from,
the Atlas system
Terminal report End of the Terminal report produced on project External Consultant
project accomplishments especially as regards consultant,

output achievement; project expenses and Contractor
financial report; records and evidences of and Owner
all outputs; verifications of the
existence/location of physical assets and
their utilisation; lessons learned and
recommendations for future actions
Project evaluation End of the Project evaluation report produced on External Owner,
project accomplishments vis-à-vis targets set out consultant, Consultant
in the project document and identification Contractor and Addis
of areas of comparative advantage for and Owner Ababa
follow up Construction

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