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Literature review for Project

Abdullah Abdullah Tahir Wasiq Saleem

School of Mechanical and School of Mechanical and School of Mechanical and
Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering, Manufacturing Engineering,
National University of Sciences National University of Sciences National University of Sciences
and Technology and Technology and Technology
Scholars Ave, H-12, Islamabad, Scholars Ave, H-12, Islamabad, Scholars Ave, H-12, Islamabad,
Islamabad Capital Territory Islamabad Capital Territory Islamabad Capital Territory
azafarullah.ug22smme@student.n atahir.ug22smme@student.nust.ed msaleem.ug22smme@student.nust.
Work: Paper 1 Work: Paper 3 Work: Paper 2

Abstract— The assignment's objective is to familiarize students with that how to use Google Scholar to get
access to different research papers and how to study research papers effectively in less time. Another
objective is to give opportunity to the students to read the research papers which are related to their end
semester project, controlled temperature closed space or room, which will help the students in better
understanding of the project and make it easy to handle.

Keywords— Google Scholar, Research Papers, Controlled Temperature Room

A. Introduction
 Title: “Temperature Control System Using Mobile Application Interface”
 Publish Date: June 2022
 Authors: Mário Mestria, Ana Carolina Mariath Magalhães Corrêa e Castro
 Paper 1 was published in “European Journal of Formal Sciences and Engineering”.
B. What Problem was Studied in the Research Paper?
The primary problem studied is the need for effective and affordable temperature control systems in different
settings, including industries, laboratories, and transportation of medical products. The authors identify
scenarios where precise temperature control is crucial, such as in steel production, medical product
transportation, greenhouse operations, and industrial processes involving mechanical properties and chemical
C. Why was the Problem Studied?
Temperature control is a critical factor in ensuring the quality of products and processes in various fields. The
study aims to address the challenges and requirements for temperature control in different environments. The
authors emphasize the importance of technological advancements to improve the efficiency and innovation in
temperature control systems.
D. How was the Problem Studied?
The research focuses on developing a temperature control system using a mobile application, Arduino, and
Bluetooth communication. The Arduino board, programmed in C language, interfaces with a DHT11
temperature and humidity sensor, Arduino Uno, and an HC-05 Bluetooth module.
The physical project involves assembling the components and connecting them with jumpers and a
protoboard. The DHT11 sensor measures temperature and humidity, the Arduino Uno SMD serves as the
development board, and the HC-05 Bluetooth module facilitates wireless communication. The hardware
schematic and block diagram are illustrated in Figures 1 and 2. Additionally, a cooling system is integrated into
the project, controlled by a code in Arduino's IDE.
The Arduino code includes the DHT11 sensor's library, reads temperature and humidity data, and activates
the cooling system based on predefined conditions. A flowchart in Figure 4 depicts the code's logic.
For the user interface, MIT App Inventor is employed, creating a visually appealing app. The app includes
features such as a thermometer image reflecting temperature status, humidity display, and a cooler status
indicator. A flowchart in Figure 3 outlines the app's functionality.

Figure 1

Figure 2
Temperature boundaries are set in the app: above 30°C for hot temperatures, below 20°C for cold
temperatures, and between for room temperature. The code can be adapted for various applications, such as
greenhouse temperature control or medication storage. The research provides a comprehensive overview of the
hardware, software, and interface development for the proposed temperature control system.
Figure 3

Figure 4
E. Results
The results of the study include the successful implementation of the temperature control system. The mobile
application displays real-time temperature and humidity data collected by the DHT11 sensor. The system is
designed to activate a cooling system based on preset temperature ranges. The authors highlight the low-cost
nature of the project, making it an advantageous alternative for temperature control and monitoring supported by
technological advancements.
In summary, the research paper addresses the need for temperature control in various sectors and proposes an
innovative solution using a mobile application and wireless communication. The study demonstrates the
successful implementation of the system, emphasizing its affordability and potential applications in different
A. Introduction
 Title: “High Efficiency Thermoelectric Temperature Control System with Improved Proportional
Integral Differential Algorithm Using Energy Feedback Technique”
 Publish Date: May 2022
 Authors: Ning Wang, Zhou Xiao Liu, Can Ding, Jian-Nan Zhang, Guo-Rong Sui, Xiu-Min Gao
 Paper 2 was published in “IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics”.
B. What Problem was Studied in the Research Paper?
The research paper addresses the limitations of Thermoelectric Coolers (TECs). TECs have low commercial
applications due to the relatively low efficiency of energy conversion, typically ranging between 5% and 10%.
Thermoelectric Coolers (TECs) are devices that use electricity to create a cooling effect. They use the Peltier
effect to cool electronic devices by moving heat away. They're commonly used for precise temperature control
in sensors, lasers, and other electronics where maintaining a specific temperature is crucial for performance.
C. Why was the Problem Studied?
 The research aimed to improve Thermoelectric Coolers (TECs) using proportional integral
differential (PID) for better and broader use in cooling computer chips, recognizing their significant
 Designing the different algorithms to improve efficiency of TECs such as Intelligent Control
Algorithm of Dual Power Charge and Discharge, Anti windup Mechanism in State Control.
 To establish an efficient thermoelectric temperature control system that can recycle the reverse
Seebeck voltage by using a TEC.
D. How was the Problem Studied?
The research methodology involves designing a system that can recycle the reverse Seebeck voltage using a
TEC and implementing intelligent charging and discharging management of power supply. A new temperature
control algorithm with fast response and an efficient energy feedback mechanism for TEC is developed.
Theoretical aspects of the proposed scheme are detailed in Section II, the design and simulation of energy
feedback are presented in Section III, and the system module and control software are explained in Section IV of
research paper. They also added tables, graphs, and schematics diagrams in their research paper for better
understanding They also put their mathematical calculation for deeper understanding of algorithms.
Figure 4
E. Results
They were able to improve the efficiency of TECs. An improved temperature control algorithm that can
quickly and accurately control the surface temperature of the TEC was obtained. Compared with the control
time of 287 s by the conventional method, the proposed temperature control system had a control time of 30.5 s
with an accuracy of 0.1 °C, and an error of only ±0.35 °C while targeting a temperature of 10 °C at an ambient
temperature of 22 °C. Also, a wide range of temperature control from 1.437 to 60.187 °C was implemented
when the ambient temperature is 22 °C and the maximum input current is 3 A. The results confirm that electric
energy at a peak voltage of 1.2 V and current of 24 μA can be recovered. The proposed energy feedback system
can thus improve the efficiency of energy utilization of TEC from a peripheral circuit.
Figure 2
F. Introduction
 Title: “Improving the ambient temperature control performance in homes and buildings”
 Publish Date: 9 January 2021
 Authors: Fernando Fontes, Rómulo Antão, Alexandre Mota, Paulo Pedreiras.
 Paper 3 was published in “Journal Sensors”.
G. What Problem was studied in the Research Paper?
. The main problem that has been brought to the attention of the reader by the authors is the inefficiency of
the traditional temperature control systems that are being used inside homes and buildings. The main question
the authors are trying to find the answer to is how we can increase the efficiency of the system by taking
outside variables into account while at the same time keep the whole process simple and cost efficient.
H. Why was the Problem Studied?
The biggest motivation behind the research was to find the best possible system that would not only be able
to adjust to maintain a comfortable temperature but also at the same time be both cost and energy efficient. The
main reason the research was conducted was since traditional methods such as open loop or on-off controllers
failed to meet their requirements as these systems while cheap did not take many other variables such as solar
radiation, control signals and outside temperature into account all of whom play a major role in changing the
indoor temperature. Another hurdle they faced was the issue regarding complexity as the no of variable the
system would take into consideration increased so did the complexity as now much more complicated
mathematical equations would need to be used simultaneously the computing power would also need to be
increased which would result in increasing the cost. The authors therefore aimed to create and test an efficient
system that would consider outside parameters but would also remain simple and cheap.
I. How was the Problem Studied?
The authors basically conducted a series of experiments both on simulation using MATLAB and Simulink
and in a real-life scenario. They compared the performance of a traditional on-off controller that did not take
outside variable into consideration with that of a Pole placement (PP) controllers. 2 versions of the PP controller
were considered the first in which the RLS algorithm would only take the control signal and the indoor
temperature as inputs and the second one in which the inputs were extended to include external disturbances,
namely the incident solar radiation and the outside temperature, however due to COVID 19 the actual physical
experiment did not include the first version of the PP controller as the pandemic placed a lot of limitations on
the experiments.
J. Results
The entire experiment was first carried out in a simulation the results showed that the PP controllers greatly
outperformed the on-off controllers indicated by the fact that they had a much lower Mean Squared Error and
also proved to be much more efficient in terms of energy consumption. The control signal also showed much
less variance which meant that using PP controllers the heating systems would degrade much slower and have a
much longer lifetime. The second version of the PP controller proved to be much more efficient than the first
version thus showing us the importance of outside variables in the temperature control systems.
The experiment was once again repeated in a real-world scenario. In the real world while the 2nd version of
the PP controller did outperform the on-off controller it failed to meet expectations mainly since the radiators
used in the experiment did not possess a cooling system. The experiment showed that the PP controller showed
an improvement of 7% compared to the on-off controller however the experiment was carried out only for a few
days and varying conditions could lead to this no being changed. The authors also claim that the cost for
installing a PP controller in the building would also be low as the obtention of the additional variables can be
realized with low-cost hardware. Moreover, in many cases, buildings already have systems that acquire these
variables, and so, in such cases, the implementation cost would be negligible. Therefore, the authors propose
that in order to improve both temperature control and system efficiency we must replace our traditional on-off
controllers with the state of the art simple easy to use yet highly efficient PP controllers.
Feature Paper1 Paper 2 Paper 3
Focus Affordable and efficient temperature Enhancing Thermoelectric Coolers Finding the best possible system
control systems for industries and (TECs) efficiency, specifically in that would be able to maintain a
laboratories. cooling computer chips. comfortable temperature but at the
same time be both cost and energy
Publication European Journal of Formal Sciences IEEE Transactions on Industrial Journal Sensors.
and Engineering. Electronics.
Results Successful mobile app-based Improved TEC efficiency, quick Energy recovery, Cost effectiveness
temperature control. Emphasis on temperature control, energy recovery.
Wireless Bluetooth used for communication in Did not use wireless communication Did not use wireless communication
Communication the mobile app system
Affordability It uses DHT11 humidity sensor, It uses Raspberry Pi, a voltage It uses MATLAB and Simulink, for
Arduino Uno, and and Bluetooth regulator, monitoring chip, and solar real life scenario it uses Pole
module. panels. placement (PP) controllers.
Applications Versatile applications (industry, Primarily computer chip cooling, with Maintaining home temperatures
medication storage). broader cooling implications. with cost effectiveness.
Pages 15 10 20

[1] Mestria, M. (2022). Temperature Control System Using Mobile Application Interface. European Journal of Formal Sciences and
Engineering, 5(1), 1-15.
[2] Wang, N., Liu, Z. X., Ding, C., Zhang, J. N., Sui, G. R., Jia, H. Z., & Gao, X. M. (2021). High efficiency thermoelectric temperature
control system with improved proportional integral differential algorithm using energy feedback technique. IEEE Transactions on
Industrial Electronics, 69(5), 5225-5234.
[3] Fontes, F., Antão, R., Mota, A., & Pedreiras, P. (2021). Improving the ambient temperature control performance in smart homes and
buildings. Sensors, 21(2), 423.

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