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Mufida Nadira Y Pureka

• Hello/Hi sir or mom.
• Excuse me!
• Good morning / Good afternoon / Good evening
• Excuse me, could you help me, please?
• May I ask you a minute sir / mom?
• Sorry for bothering you sir / mom !
• Sorry, I am not from around here.
• I am sorry to interrupt you, but…
• I am new here.
• I am sorry.
• Asking Direction

• Could you tell me where is the … ?

• Could you show me the way to …?
• Would you give me directions to go to …?
• May I ask you the way to …?
• Can you show me the … on the map?
• I’m looking for …. Would you give me direction to get it?
• Where is the …?
• Where can I find the …?
• How can / do I get to …?
• How can / do I find …?
• How far is the … from the …?
• Which is the best way to …?
• What’s the easiest way to get to the …?
• Giving Directions

Jika tidak tahu dimana lokasi yang ditanyakan, silahkan

gunakan ungkapan di bawah:
• I am sorry, I don’t know the road of …
• I couldn’t show you the way to ...
• I couldn’t help you to get … because I live here just now.
• Vocabularies of Giving Direction

Go ahead / go straight ahead (jalan lurus)
• go straight on main street = (jalan lurus ke jalan utama)
• go straight on west street = (jalan lurus ke barat)
• Keep walking ahead = (Terus berjalan ke depan)
• Take this road = (Ambil jalan ini)
• Follow the road until you get to ... = (Ikuti jalan sampai kamu tiba di ...)
• Take the first / second / third street on the left / right side (Ambil jalan pertama / kedua / ketiga di kiri /
kanan jalan)
• Near (Dekat)
• Behind (Di belakang)
• Beside (Di samping)
• Next (selanjutnya)
• Turn Right (Belok ke kanan)
• Turn Left (Belok ke kiri)
• In front of (Di depan)
• Between (Di antara 2 benda)
• Among (Di antara lebih dari 2 benda)
• Across (Di seberang)
• Go past (Melewati)
• Go down (turun)
• Opposite (Berlawanan)
• Crossroad (Perempatan)
• T-Junction (Pertigaan)
• On the corner of (Di pojok)
• 1. Go along this street. Walk
past the train station. It's on
your left opposite the car
• a. park
• B. airport
• c. cinema

• 2. Take the first street on your

right. Take the next street on
the left. It's on the right next
to the supermarket.
• a. park
• b. hospital
• c. bookstore
• Fill in the blank below correctly.
continue, end, excuse, get, left (2x), next, opposite, right, second,
straight on, thank, turn, welcome

• …….. me, how do I ……… to the cinema?

• Go……………….
• Turn…………. at the corner.
• Then take the ……….road on your ………….
• ……….. to the ………………… of the road.
• …………left there.
• The cinema is on your ……………., ………………… the castle.
• ……………… you very much.
• You’re………………………
1. Excuse me, how do I get to the cinema?
2. Go straight on.
3. Turn left at the corner.
4. Then take the second road on your right.
5. Continue to the end of the road.
6. Turn left there.
7. The cinema is on your left, opposite the castle.
8. Thank you very much.
9. You’re welcome.
Thank you

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