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Your Current
An Easy Way To Calculate This
= Last 3 months of expenses x 4
(Adjust for any anomalies)

Things To Consider:
- Are your expenses in alignment with your
- Are you currently living below/above/or at
your means?
2. Your FI*
3. Your Monthly
Freedom Gap
4. Your Current
Net Worth
5. Your Desired
Retirement Age
Now That You Have
Your 5 Numbers ...
You can use a
Compound Interest Calculator
to learn how much to invest
every month to become Work
Optional and FI/RE.

This one can be found at


How To Use A Compound
Interest Calculator

Your Current Total Assets

Invested. You can leave it blank.

How Much You Will Invest


How Many Years You Will Be


If your investments are in a

diverse low cost fund, you can
put 10% here

This is to see a range of interest

rates (you can leave it blank)

Press Calculate!

Does the below resonate?

Do You Ever feel Like...
You know that you want to invest but fear
has been holding you back from taking action.

You have a 401(k) at work but you have

no idea what's happening inside of it

You don't like the idea of working until you're

in your 60's, and you are ready to come up
with a game plan to be work optional ASAP.

You want to create generational wealth for your

kid(s), but you don't know the right things to do.

You grew up hearing that investing is gambling,

so you have all your money in a savings
account and don't know what to do with it.
then this was made for you!
The Wealth Club
The Wealth Club is FOR YOU
if You Want to...
Build passive income so that
you can be work optional &
have the freedom to do what
you really enjoy.

Create an investment portfolio

that will over time grow your
money to compound many
times its value.

Plan out your specific investing

strategy so you can have
confidence and clarity about
your future.
See What Some Of My
Students Have To Say!
I'm In!

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