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Finishing construction work


Based on March 2022, Curriculum Version 1

Module Title: - Apply Quartz paint

Module code: EIS FCW3 09 0322
Nominal duration: - 60 hours
September, 2023

Prepared by: Addis Ababa Tegbareid Poly Technic College Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

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Level 3 Apply Quartz paint

Table of Contents
Acknowledgment ...............................................................................................3
Acronym ............................................................................................................4

Introduction to the Module ..................................................................................5

Learning Objective of the Module ......................................................................5

Module Instruction .............................................................................................6

Unit One: Plan and Prepare for Construction Works ........................................7
1.1. Obtaining, conforming work instructions ............................................... 8
1.2. Following Safety plans and policies ................................................... 10
1.3. Calculating material quantity ............................................................... 25
1.4. Identifying and Prepare materials........................................................ 29
1.5. Applying environmental protection ...................................................... 34
1.6. Preparing work surfaces ..................................................................... 36
1.7. Applying work surface cleaning ........................................................... 37
1.8. Applying Painting wall primer .............................................................. 38
Self-Check Unit One.......................................................................................40
Unit Two : Mix quartz painting materials ......................................................42
2.1. Protecting surround of surfaces not to be paint ...................................... 43
2.2. Specifying quartz materials for finishing ................................................ 44
2.3. Application instructions ............................................................................ 45
2.4. Preparing paint in large container............................................................ 46
2.5. Mixing manually and mechanically .......................................................... 49
2.6. Preparing correct amounts quartz paint material ..................................... 54
Self-Check Unite Two ....................................................................................57
Unit Three : Apply and rendering quartz paint ..............................................59
3.1. Selecting tools combination to different quartz paint ............................... 60
3.2. Applying rendering coat of quartz paint .................................................. 65
3.3. Selecting Coating method ...................................................................... 69
3.4. Curing finished paint surface ................................................................. 71
3.5. Applying the different color type of quartz paints ..................................... 72

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3.6. Applying paint at room temperature ........................................................ 77
OPERATION SHEET 1 .................................................................................80
LAP Test 1 Practical Demonstration ............................................................81
UNIT FOUR: Clean-Up Work Area ..............................................................82
4.1 Maintaining , store painting tools and equipment ............................... 83
4.2 Cleaning tools after and before work.................................................. 85
4.3 Sealing or handle unused materials ................................................... 87
4.4 Clearing working area ......................................................................... 89
Self-Check Unit Four .......................................................................................92
References ........................................................................................................94

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Addis Ababa Tegbareid Polytechnic College wish to extend thanks and
appreciation to the many representatives of TVT instructors and respective
industry experts who donated their time and expertise to the development of this
Teaching, Training and Learning Materials (TTLM).

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LAP Learning Activity Performance

OHS Occupational Health and Safety

PPE Personal Protective Equipment

RCC Reinforced Cement Concrete

TTLM Teaching, Training, Learning Materials

TVT Technical and Vocational Training

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Level 3 Apply Quartz paint

1 Introduction to the Module

In Applying Quartz paint Works project helps to know the Plan and prepare work, mix quartz
painting materials, Apply and rendering quartz paint and Clean-up to Applying Quartz coating
project they expect project completion time and to know the in finishing construction filed. This
unit covers skills, knowledge and attitudes required to prepare, mix and apply different color
types of quartz paint.

This module covers the units:

 Plan and prepare work

 mix quartz painting materials
 Apply and rendering quartz paint
 Clean up

Learning Objective of the Module

 Plan and prepare work instructions

 mix quartz paint materials
 Apply and render quartz paint
 Clean up working area

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Module Instruction

For effective use this modules trainees are expected to follow the following module instruction:

1. Read the information written in each unit

2. Accomplish the Self-checks at the end of each unit
3. Perform Operation Sheets which were provided at the end of units
4. Do the “LAP test” giver at the end of each unit and
5. Read the identified reference book for Examples and exercise

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Unit One: Plan and Prepare for Construction Works
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

 Obtaining, conforming work instructions

 Following Safety plans and policies

 Selecting tools and equipment

 Calculating material quantity

 Identifying and Prepare materials

 Applying environmental protection

 Preparing work surfaces

 Applying work surface cleaning

 Applying Painting wall primer

 Cleaning old loose paint and other material

 Preparing materials and substrate surfaces.

 Checking ventilation and precautions fire protection

This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this unit, you will be able to:

 Obtaining, conforming work instructions

 Following Safety plans and policies

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 Selecting tools and equipment

 Calculating material quantity

 Identifying and Prepare materials

 Applying environmental protection

 Preparing work surfaces

 Applying work surface cleaning

 Applying Painting wall primer

 Cleaning old loose paint and other material

 Preparing materials and substrate surfaces.

 Checking ventilation and precautions fire protection

1.1.Obtaining, conforming work instructions

1.1.1. Work Instruction

Work Instructions ` documents that clearly and precisely describe the correct way to perform
certain tasks that may cause inconvenience or damage if not done in the established manner. That
is, describe, dictate or stipulate the steps that must be followed to correctly perform any specific
activity or work. A document describing specific activities and tasks within the organization. It
contains the greatest amount of detail.

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As a component of a process, “defines how one or more activities in a procedure should be
executed in detail, using technology or other resources.
Here are some examples of documented work instructions which may be found on a typical
construction site:

 Working Drawings issued for construction such as Plans, elevations, sections etc.
 Specifications/Contract specifications
 Construction method statements
 Quality requirements
 Operational details
 Maintenance manuals

1.1.2. Plans and specifications

Plans and specifications are the written documents used to communicate the design and technical
details of a construction project to the builder and the trades people involved. Plans are the
drawings created by a specialist like an architect, designer or Engineer sometimes in consultation
with the client. There are many types of plans including site plans, electrical plans, elevations
and floor plans.

The following are examples of the type of information you might find in a specification:

 paint color
 floor and wall tile type, size and color
 electrical fittings
 fixtures such as basins and toilets
 Fittings such as taps and mixers.

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1.1.3. Clarify and confirming understanding

Clarifying means literally ‘to make clear’ and when you clarify information, you’re attempting to
obtain the complete meaning of that information.

You can clarify your understanding of what you’re meant to do on a construction task by using
some or all of the following techniques:

 asking for more information

 asking the speaker to repeat what they said
 reading plans, specifications and instructions, and making notes
 researching in trade publications or on the internet
 asking a more experienced workmate checking documentation like legislation, standards,
policies and procedures and manufacturers’ specification
1.2. Following Safety plans and policies

1.2.1 Safety requirements

Health and Safety safe work practices and procedures, and creating an understanding of what is
required for a healthy work environment, are absolutely essential. As students begin to work with
tools and equipment, safety and practice procedures must be introduced and reinforced
throughout. Correct safety practices must be established as soon as students begin their studies in
technology education and must be maintained throughout the curriculum. All those who work in
the construction industry have their part to play looking after their own health and safety and in
improving the industry’s health and safety record.
Personal safety, working cloth and shoes. Various forms of accidents occur at various stages of
construction and in various operations.
In order to avoid these accidents, we have to follow the following safety precautions.
 Keep order and neatness at the working place

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 Ware tight clothes during work
 Ware safety boots
 Ware helmet
 Do not step under lifted loads
 Use only proper and safe tools
 Report safety deficiencies immediately
 Obey safety signs and signals
 Do not drink alcohol at work
 Never step under lifted loads
 Use safety measures
 Do not balance on the top tie beam without safety measures

1.2.2 Safety plans

A safety plan is a document that supports and guides someone when they are experiencing
thoughts of suicide, to help them avoid a state of intense suicidal crisis. Anyone in a trusting
relationship with the person at risk can help draft the plan; they do not need to be a professional.
When developing the plan, the person experiencing thoughts of suicide identifies:
Their personal warning signs,
 Coping strategies that have worked for them in the past, and/or strategies they
 think may work in the future, People who are sources of support in their lives
(friends, family, professionals,
 crisis supports), How means of suicide can be removed from their environment, and
 Their personal reasons for living, or what has helped them stay alive.

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Safety plan

A safety plan is an assets-based approach designed to focus on a person’s strengths. Their unique
abilities are identified and emphasized so they can draw on them when their suicidal thoughts
become intense. The goal is to draw upon their strengths during subsequent recovery and healing
processes. Personal resources are another integral safety plan component.

The safety plan is organized in stages.

1.2.3 Safety policies

is committed to following the Occupational Safety and Health Act (“Act”), the goal of providing
and maintaining a healthy and safe working environment, with a vision of continuous
improvement. This goal is only achievable by fostering an enthusiastic commitment to health,
safety and the environment within personnel, contractors and visitors. In particular: Management
will strive to take all reasonable steps to reduce workplace hazards to as low as reasonably
Supervisors and managers are held accountable for the health and safety of all associates under
their supervision.
This includes responsibility for applicable training and instruction, appropriate follow-up on
reported health and safety concerns, and implementation of recommended corrective action. This
accountability is integrated into the performance appraisal system.
Supervisors, workers and visitors are expected to perform their duties and responsibilities in a
safe and healthful manner, and are accountable for the health and safety of themselves and others
Only through the dedication and efforts of all individuals can Whitestone REIT succeed in
providing a healthy, safe working environment.

Duties Safety Officer

1. Ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to prevent accidents.

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2. Be familiar with Occupational Health & Safety act, the company policy and any other
Act pertaining to health or safety.
3. Ensure all policies and Act is followed by all levels of associates.
4. Ensure safety meetings are held and minutes are recorded, posted and filed
accordingly to Occupational Health & Safety regulations.
5. Ensure all accidents are reported and investigated.
6. Ensure SDS (Safety Document Sheets) is provided for all hazardous materials
delivered to the workplace and is readily available for associates to review.
7. Ensure associates are instructed in the procedures and requirements of Occupational
Health & Safety.
8. Review all accidents and near misses to determine root and basic causes, with
suggestion / implementation of changes to prevent re-occurrence.
General Safety Rules
1) All accidents, injuries or near misses, regardless of their nature, shall be promptly
reported to the safety officer.
2) Clothing shall be appropriate to the duties being performed.
3) Running is not permitted except in extreme emergencies.
4) Visitors and customers are to be escorted by staff while on company property.
5) Hand tools are to be used for their intended purpose only.
6) Horseplay, fighting or tomfoolery is strictly prohibited on Whitestone REIT premises.
7) All spills will be immediately cleaned up and reported.
8) Drawers and filing cabinets will be kept closed when not in use.
9) Filing cabinet drawers are to be filled from the bottom up or the cabinet is to be securely
fastened /anchored.
First Aid
An employer must ensure that the first responders at a work site have successfully completed a
first aid training course and hold a valid certificate in first aid. An employer must keep record at

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the site of workers who are first responders and 9 post these names where they are accessible by
all associates. Every Region must have a first aid kit on site; each kit must contain the following:
a) Antiseptic cleansing novelettes, individually packaged
b) Sterile adhesive dressings, individually packaged
c) Sterile gauze pads, individually packaged
d) Sterile compress dressings, with ties individually packaged e) Pair of scissors
f) Pair of tweezers
g) Adhesive tape
h) Crepe tension bandage – 75mm wide i)
i) 1 Resuscitation barrier device with a one-way valve
j) Disposable surgical gloves
k) First aid instruction manual (condensed)
l) Inventory of kit contents
m) Waterproof waste bag
Accident Investigation Policy All accidents that result in injury or property damage or that could
have resulted in serious injury or property damage (near miss) must be thoroughly investigated.
The investigation must determine the cause of the incident so that appropriate action can be
taken to prevent recurrence. The Safety Officer shall be responsible for conducting the
investigation. The Safety Officer and appropriate supervisor shall determine what steps are to be
taken to prevent recurrence. Any disputes arising from the investigation will be investigated and
arbitrated by Human Resources

Personal Safety Using

Personal protection and safety equipment as required by the organization; Types of PPE
(personal protective equipment)
Helmet: - It is used to Protects the carrier from down falling items. It should be a must for
everybody who works or moves on a building site.

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Fig.1.1 Helmet

Ear protection: - It is used to protect the carrier from damages of the ears. Continuously
working in a very noisy environment harms the eardrums forever. Once the eardrums are
damaged there is no way of restoring the sense of hearing again.

Fig. 1.2 Ear Protection

Safety boots: - Safety boots are equipped with three safety measures. It must have:

❖ Toes protection hood a steel hood to protect the toes from down falling heavy thing
❖ A steel layer inside the soles protects the carrier from stepping into a tuned up nail.
❖ Benzene and oil resistant soles

Fig.1.3 Safety boots

Safety goggles - It is used to Protects the carrier from down falling items. It should be a must for
everybody who works or moves on a building site.

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Fig.1.4 Safety goggles
Knee pads:- It used to protect the knees during long time kneeling

Fig.1.5:- Knee pads

Gloves: - It used to protect the hands from the aggressive attack of the cement, very important.

Fig.1.6 :- Gloves

Gloves over All: - Protects the inner clothes of the worker from dust and other spoiling

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Fig.1.8. Gloves over All

Rubber Boots: - Protects the workers’ feet from cold, chemicals and mud in the working area.

Safety belt: - Secure the laborers working in a place where the construction is done at high level
using safety belt on net.

Fig.1.9 Safety belt

1.2.3 Signage/barricade requirements

Barricading / Barricade:– anything acting to obstruct passage such as barrier tape, cones,
railing, temporary fencing/ cover, or other barrier intended to limit access to a potentially
hazardous area.
Soft Barricade: – demarcation or barricade consisting of caution or danger tape which may be
attached to delineator cones.
Hard Barricade – self-supporting fence, or a self-supporting series of continuous plastic,
concrete, or other solid barriers, erected or placed to restrict the entry of persons to an area.
Barrier Mesh: – any flexible, high visibility mesh used for the purpose of cordoning off an area
where a hazard has been identified. It does not offer the physical impact protection of
Caution Zone: – an area where a hazard exists and certain health, safety and environment
precautions must be met, but personnel aware of the hazard may enter the barricaded area with
Danger Zone:– an area where there is a definite risk of injury or harm; danger barricading is
used to establish a no-go zone where access to the area is prohibited without appropriate

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Restricted access areas: – locations where potential or actual safety hazards exist and no person
may enter without explicit authorization. This includes demolition areas, abandoned buildings, or
areas that have been identified as being potentially unsafe.
Sign: – an inscribed board, plaque, or other delineated space on which a combination of legend
or symbolic shape is used to convey a message.

Use of barricade
The barricade should encompass the entire potentially affected area of the hazard and take into
account factors such as;
 Possible deflection of a falling object.
 Slag or sparks created from hot work activities.
 Distance from the hazard.
 Creating an additional hazard, for example, access and egress.
Barricades should be erected to protect people from inadvertent exposure to the hazard on all
sides, and accompanied by an appropriate sign placed on all access points. Soft barricading that
is used to provide a means of restricted access around a penetration or an unprotected edge
should be located at least two meter froms the outside of the edge.

Safety sign requirements

Safety signs should be erected to warn people of specific hazards and to communicate
precautionary measures and emergency actions. Safety signs should be erected in accordance
with the Work Health and Safety Regulation 2011 and relevant Australian Standards, in relation
to the following:

 Confined spaces
 Specific personal protective equipment (PPE) requirements
 Hazardous chemicals
 Asbestos

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 Lead
 Fire protection equipment
 Hazardous areas
 Emergency and first aid information
 Emergency eyewash and shower
 Traffic management and pedestrian control.
 Refer to Appendix C for the types of safety signs commonly used

1.2.Selecting tools and equipment

The importance of using the right tool for the job. Each tool is precisely designed for a specific
purpose, so choosing the correct tool will also decrease the amount of effort required to get a job
done right without causing damage to either the equipment or the surface being worked.
1.3.1 Materials, tools and equipment
Measuring Hand tools and instruments are precise devices but needed to be handled with extra
care, e.g. Spirit level should be checked every day before use.
Spirit level:-It is used to control the horizontal and vertical alignment of wall surface and edges.
The length is at least 40, 80 to 120cm long. It is made of metal, synthetic material or wood. It has
two measuring bubbles: one is located at mid length is used to check horizontal positions. While
the second one, at the end, is used to check vertical position. This tool requires always to be
handled with care and needs to be checked from time to time weather it is still working accurate
or not.

1.12 Spirit level

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Measuring tape
Tape is used to measure dimensions of building parts and distances in site. It is manufactured
from steel, plastic or fibre in lengths of 1m, 2m, 3m, 5m, 30m, etc. and 50m. In using tapes for
measurements, the two points should be aligned perfectly. In addition, when long horizontal
measurements are needed, care should be taken to avoid sag on the tape meters.

Fig. 1.13. Measuring tap

Folding meter/rule-2/
For measuring length in wall construction, it is convenient to use rigid scales. Such a measuring
scale/ folding rule/ is made of 20cm separate wooden pieces joined together by pins. The scale
has subdivisions in cm and mm.

Fig 1.14 folding meter

Mortar barrel/ drum

This is used by mason, plasterer, tiller, etc, and serves to prepare small amount of mortar right at
the working place. It is also used as temporary mortar storage, supplied from mixing station, and
to control water ratio of the mix when it gets dry. Always, keep it workable and clean.

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Selecting the Right Paint Tools

For a consistent, long-lasting finish, you need to apply paint and coatings with high-quality
application equipment. Better-quality brushes, rollers, and applicators tend to apply a thicker,
more uniform, longer-lasting coat of paint than paint applied with cheap equipment. Top quality
equipment also speeds up and simplifies your work. The tools you require will depend on the
type of project you are doing and the type of paint you are applying. Still, some simple
guidelines hold true for any quality paint job.

Types of brushes

There are two general categories of paintbrush: those made of natural-hair bristles and those
made with synthetic materials, such as nylon or polyester. If you are working with alkyd or oil-
based paints and coatings, you can use either natural bristle brushes or synthetic bristle brushes.
However, high-quality natural bristle brushes work best when applying enamels or any top coat.
When applying any type of latex coating, use only brushes with synthetic bristles. No matter how
much water they are exposed to, they hold their shape and maintain proper stiffness. Top quality
polyester brushes are well worth the initial cost. When properly cleaned and stored, they will
continue to apply paint smoothly and uniformly for years to come.

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Which Brushes do you need

Whether you are doing interior or exterior painting, make sure that you match the size and shape
of your brushes to the job at hand. Use large brushes to cover large surfaces and small brushes to
cover small areas. To do most jobs properly, take the time to match the brush to the job.

Match the right brush to the job to get the best paint application possible.

For large exterior surfaces, use a 4″-wide (100mm) flat brush with a thickness of 3/4″ to 1″
(25mm to 3mm).

To cut in at the corners of exterior and interior walls, use a 2″-wide (50mm) brush with tapered

For exterior and interior woodwork and molding, use brushes between 1″ (30mm) and 2 1/2″
(60mm) wide. For precise painting of exterior and interior window frames and trim, use angled
sash brushes between 1″ (30mm) and 2 1/2″ (60mm) wide.

Advertisement For interior walls and ceilings, use brushes between 3″ (75mm) and 4″ (100mm)

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Selecting a Quality Brush
how can you identify a high-quality paintbrush?

they should:

• have split ends, to create a finer, more even finish;

• have a definite flex at their tips, to enable them to spring back into shape;
• be shorter on the outside and longer in the center, to provide more control over where the paint
is applied;
• measure at least half as long as the width of the brush. (For example, the bristles on a 2″ wide
(50mm) brush should be 3″ (75mm) or more in length).

In addition, tug on the bristles before you purchase a brush. If more than one or two bristles can
be pulled out, the brush is probably poorly constructed. Finally, make sure the brush feels
comfortable in your hand. If a brush is well made and well cared for, it will last for years, so
make sure you can use it comfortably.

Selecting Paint Rollers

Rollers are faster and easier to use than paintbrushes, especially when painting walls, ceilings,
and other large, flat areas. They are also excellent for use on tough exterior surfaces like stucco
and concrete. However, rollers are difficult to work with in small or narrow spaces, so you’ll
probably need to buy several different sizes of rollers, and one or more paint brushes.

As with brushes, when you are applying latex paints, make sure you use roller covers made with
a synthetic “nap,” or fiber surface. When applying alkyd or oil-based paints, you can use either
synthetic or natural fiber covers.

An important consideration when selecting a roller cover is the length of the nap. In general, you
should paint smooth surfaces with short-nap rollers and rough surfaces with long-nap rollers.

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When applying gloss or semi-gloss paints, short-nap covers tend to generate less foam during
paint application. Recommended nap lengths for some common surfaces are as follows:

• Wallboard, smooth plaster, wood, or metal: a short nap of 1/8″ to 1/4″ or 5mm
• light-textured stucco, poured concrete, and rough wood: a medium nap of 3/8″ to 3/4″ (15mm
to 20mm)
• heavy-textured stucco, concrete block, and brick: a long nap of 3/4″ to 1″ (25mm to 30mm)

As with brushes, it is wise to purchase better-quality roller covers, even though they may cost
more initially. High-quality roller covers apply paint more easily and are less likely to leave nap
fibers on the painted surface.

While price is a good indicator of quality, you can also test the quality of a roller cover by
squeezing it. A high-quality cover will quickly return to its original shape. Also be sure the roller
cover has no obvious seams, since these tend to leave streaks when you apply the paint. Standard
roller widths are 7 1/2″ and 9″ (190mm and 240mm). The 9″ (240mm) size is suitable for most
interior wall and ceiling jobs. Mini-rollers, about 3″ (75mm) wide, are convenient for painting
trim and narrow areas.

Paint Pads
Paint pads can help you apply paint in hard-to-reach places, including those where neither
brushes nor rollers will fit. While they are not recommended for applying paint to entire walls
(since lap marks may result), paint pads are especially helpful when cutting in corners and
painting areas where walls and ceilings meet.

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fig 5

 Brush
 Sponge
 Quartz paint
 Paper
 Electric Paint Stirrers
 Scrapers
 Duster Brushes
 Paint Spray Gun
 Mechanical Sanders

1.3. Calculating material quantity

The material quantity requirement for painting work will be based on the given data. So when
you want to calculate or know the amount based on the given drawing you can simply
understand it.

Area of painting =length *width

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Exercise based on the given below calculate material quantity. Please ask your teacher for
any help. (Units should be changed to meters)

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1.4.Identifying and Prepare materials
In addition to top-quality application equipment, you may need some of the painting tools and
painting materials listed below in order to successfully complete your painting project. If you are
like many homeowners, you already own some of these items. Depending on the nature of your
painting project, you may consider investing in some of the items below.
 Step ladders and extension ladders – to help you reach elevated areas

fig 5
 Paint scraper – to remove loose or peeling paint from wood, plaster, and other surfaces

fig 6
 Triangular-load scraper – to remove paint in small or tight areas

fig 7
 Steel wool – to remove corrosion from metal surfaces

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fig 8
 Bristle brush – to clear loose material from masonry

fig 9
 Wire brush – to remove efflorescence and loose material from masonry, or to remove
loose, flaking paint

fig 10
 Putty knife – to scrape away loose paint, or to apply filler

fig 11
 Broad putty knife – to fill in and smooth patching compounds in plaster and wallboard

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fig 12
 Glazing compound – to replace cracked, broken, or missing panes of glass

fig 13
 Spackling paste – to fill nail holes and small imperfections in walls

fig 14
 Long-handled brush – to clean large exterior surfaces

fig 15
 Scrub brush – to remove mildew and dirt

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fig 16
 Sandpaper (various grits) – to smooth and feather previously painted surfaces, or to
roughen glossy surfaces so paint will adhere better

fig 17
 Sanding block – to hold sandpaper and help you sand surfaces to an even finish

fig 18
 Caulking gun – to apply caulk to cracks in walls, gaps, and seams in woodwork, and the
junction of different surfaces (e.g., wood siding and stone)

fig 19
 Tubes of caulk – same as above (note that all-acrylic and siliconized acrylic caulks are
paintable; silicone caulk is not)

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fig 20
 Masking tape – to protect window panes and trim from paint

fig 21
 Paint guide – to protect carpets and walls when painting baseboards and other trim

fig 22
 Brush comb – to clean paint brushes

fig 23
 Paint pail – to mix paint and carry it to the worksite

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fig 24
 Drop cloths – to protect furniture, floors, and shrubbery from paint

1.5.Applying environmental protection

Environmental protection can be defined as the prevention of unwanted changes to ecosystems
and their constituent parts. This includes the protection of ecosystems and their constituent parts
from changes associated with human activities; and the prevention of unwanted natural changes
to ecosystems and their constituent parts.

One issue associated with this definition is whether ‘ecosystems and their constituent parts’
include humans and communities, or whether environmental protection is only concerned with
the protection of natural capital. From an ecological perspective, humans are regarded as an
integral part of the ecosystem. Separating humanity from the natural environment can therefore
be seen as artificial. While this is true, the phrase environmental protection is not used to refer to
measures that are designed to regulate or mediate direct interaction between people. For
example, laws prohibiting assault are not regarded as environmental protection measures.
Environmental protection is concerned with the relationship between people and the natural
environment rather than the relationships between people and communities.

Another issue is whether environmental protection relates to preservation, conservation, or both.

Preservation refers to the protection of an ecosystem or natural environment from change, while

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conservation is generally associated with the sustainable use of natural resources. The objective
of conservation is to ensure the maintenance of a stock of renewable resources that is being
exploited for human purposes rather than the protection of the natural environment from any
anthropogenic modifications.

The exploitation of natural resources for human purposes is not environmental protection as it is
not associated with the prevention of unwanted changes. The change associated with exploitation
is deliberate and wanted, at least by those doing the exploitation. However, measures that are put
in place to prevent overexploitation of natural resources do constitute environmental protection.
They are designed to prevent exploitation beyond a point that is deemed desirable or sustainable.
For example, catch quotas in fisheries and air pollution limits are environmental protection
measures because, while they accept some environmental degradation, they aim to limit it.

A critical aspect of environmental protection is that it is driven by the values that humans
attribute to different aspects of the environment. These values need not be instrumental, but the
motivating factor for environmental protection is always the prevention of changes to the
environment that humans do not want. This is why measures associated with the prevention of
unwanted natural changes to ecosystems – like the prevention of coastal erosion or systematic
burning in reserves to reduce the risk of wildfires – can be included as environmental protection.
Such measures do not aim to protect ecosystems from human activities but rather from natural
forces that are deemed to threaten human interests.

Environmental remediation is distinct from environmental protection as its primary objective is

to restore an ecosystem or natural environment to a previous state; that is, like exploitation, it is
associated with deliberately induced change, as opposed to the prevention of change.

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1.6.Preparing work surfaces
External wall within exposed face of facing is self finishing& requires no tether treatment
the form of plastering using a mixture of cement & sand a pied to the face of a building to give
extra protection a point the penetration of moisture of to provide a desired texture

Surface mounted construction unit

Surface mounted constriction is the following
- Partition wall
- Form work
- Release agent
- Steel units &etc.

Partition wall:- A partition may be defined as a wall or division, provided for the purpose of
dividing one ne room or portion to room form another. Partition may be built form brick,
HCB block, Glass, Timber &etc.

Partition wall are designed as noon loud bearing wall

The requirements of ideal partitions are that

It should be light

It should be sound proof & light proof

It should be easy construct in construction, cheap in cost &light weight

The cracked & deteriorated areas chipped out the sucked concrete the edges should be cut out as
straight as possible & right angled to the surface with caners reminded with in the hole the edges
are slightly under cent to provide keys at the edge Less then 25mm to prevent them from
breaking under load All the loose material should be cleaned of the surface should be preferably

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be watched out before actual patching work is started care should be taken to remove excess
water form cavity

1.7.Applying work surface cleaning

How to Clean and Maintain Solid Surface Worktops

Regular cleaning is essential for maintaining the look of your worktop and ensuring they stay
hygienic and food-safe. To protect your countertops from damage, we recommend using a
chopping board to avoid scratches from appearing and a heat pad when placing hot pans or heat-
generating appliances on your worktops.

How to Clean Solid Surface Worktops

Everyday spills and dirt can be easily cleaned away with a damp sponge and wiped dry with a
soft cloth to prevent spotting. For basic household stains, simply repeat these steps using a mild
detergent and a non-abrasive microfiber cloth. Stubborn stains require slightly more effort to
remove. Using an abrasive cleaner and a wet sponge, lightly scrub the affected area in small
circular motions and then wipe dry with a soft cloth. For gloss surfaces, we advise using a non-
abrasive cleaner.

How to Remove Minor Scratches

Dark décors, especially those with a gloss finish may show signs of use such as scratches more
readily than lighter décors. To remove minor scratches, lightly scrub the affected area with a wet
sponge and an abrasive cleaner. Rinse with clean water and wipe dry with a soft, dry cloth.

After cleaning your surface, you can enhance the visual colour clarity and hide minor scuffs by
applying a solid surface cleaner, wiping away the excess and buffing dry with a soft cloth.

For more information about our solid surface worktops, please visit our Solid Surface Worktops
Nutshell Guide. Have you upgraded your kitchen with these opulent surfaces? Send us pictures
on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram for a chance to be featured.

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1.8.Applying Painting wall primer
What is primer paint, and how should you use it?
Okay, full disclosure - if you're using Lick paint, the likelihood is you just won't need to use
primer paint. Essentially, we’ve carefully developed our paint to be ‘self-priming’ - meaning
there is no need to buy separate primer paint when decorating your walls, ceilings or other
surfaces. Though do note in some cases - like when painting metal or super dark surfaces, or
basically when there's doubt about the surface you're painting - it’s better to still use primer. Just
check the back of the paint tin for more information!

What is primer paint?

A good place to start - what exactly is primer paint and what does it do?
Primer paint is a substance applied to surfaces before painting to give the paint something to lock
onto. Other than offering a more solid base than a bare wall, it’s been developed to hide surface
stains so that the colour is all that shines through. Painting from dark to light? Primer is
also very effective at toning down dark colours.
Yes, priming adds an extra step to the painting process and does take a bit more time. The good
news is that with some paints (such as ours - humble brag) you can skip this step.

When to use primer paint

DIY-painters, if you’re feeling tempted to skip the primer, here are some scenarios where
priming is more of a must:
When you’re dealing with porous walls and ceilings. The more porous a surface is, the more
likely it is to draw paint into its pores. This leads to an uneven finish; exactly what we don’twant.
Don’t skip the primer on surfaces such as bare wood and newly installed drywall, which are
known highly porous.

Primer paint can also beneficial if you’re working with a glossy surface. These tend to be more
difficult for paint to lock onto, but a light sandpapering and a coat of primer paint should do the
trick to help the paint stick.

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Painting a radiator? Primer paint is crucial to ensuring that any rusty radiator parts are well-
protected. It also offers a solid base for the rest of the paint to stick onto. Read our top tips
on how to paint a radiator.
Painting from dark to light? Treat the dark surface with two coats of white primer paint to tone it
down. Dealing with surface stains? Primer paint can cover these right up, making it easier for
your beautiful paint job to shine through. You still need to clean your walls before painting
though (no getting out of that one).
(Tip: If you’re painting your walls the same colour as the previous coat, there’s less of a need to
prime. At Lick, we’ve worked hard on our paint so you can get the most flawless
finish without the need for a primer. However, we still recommend a coat of primer when
painting on porous surfaces or if you’re going from very dark to light, or on certain surfaces like
wood or metal.)
How to use primer paint
Applying primer paint isn’t a tough task. Here’s the breakdown:

 Prep your space by protecting your space. Move furniture out of the way (or out of the room if
possible) and cover it with dust sheets. Cover flooring with a canvas sheet.
 Inspect your wall for any holes and cracks. Fill these in and sand down once dry.
 Deal with peeling plaster or flaky paint with a piece of fine sandpaper.
 Sponge down your walls with a soap and warm water mixture. Any grease or grime will lead to
the primer paint not sticking as well as it should. Rinse off the soap.
 Cover any bits you’re not planning to prime with masking tape.
 Time to apply the primer paint. Stir the pot and pour your primer into a paint tray.
 The application process is pretty much the same as painting. First, make sure your walls are dry
from your mammoth cleaning session earlier. Next, roll or brush your primer on in the same way
you would for the colour coat. We’d recommend using a paintbrush for the edges and a roller for
the larger centre.
 Leave your primer paint to dry before reaching for the coloured coat

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Self-Check Unit One

Direction I: Multiple choice

Instruction I: Choose the best answer for the following question

1. which one of the following hierarchy of the control hazards?

A. Elimination B. Substitution C. Engineering D. all the above answers

2. The first aid box which as minimum contents------

A. plasters, bandages and ointments B. plasters and maize line C. traditional first aid D.

3. Which one of the following statements a site plan requirements?

A. facilitates and services B. services and substations C. facilitates D. services

4. Which one of the following statements environmental protection

A. Safety precautions have to be followed B. Economical aspects has to be taken into

account C. Environmental protection has to be considered D. all the above answers.

5. Basic classification of material is made on the basis of forms, which are______

A. Gases, B. Liquids, C. Semi Liquids D. all the above answer

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Direction II: Matching

Instruction II: Match Column A with B to the appropriate answers


1. Work instruction A. Safety signage at construction site

2. Personal protective equipment B. Tool provided to help someone to do a job


3. Prevents injuries and fatalities C. Prevent the effect of construction on its


4. Environmental protection D. Helmet

Direction III: Give short answers

Instruction III: Give short answers to the following questions

1. List some appropriate safety measures you may take when you perform construction works.

2. Discuss the requirements to select tools and equipment

3. List out he importance of applying environmental protection requirements for construction

4. Discuss the different types of signage used in construction site

5. What is personal protective equipment and uses

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Unit Two : Mix quartz painting materials
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

 Protecting surround of surfaces not to be paint

 Specifying quartz materials for finishing
 Stirring different color quartz paint
 Preparing paint in large container
 Mixing manually and mechanically.
 Preparing correct amounts quartz paint material

This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this unit, you will be able to:

 Surrounding surfaces not to be painted are protected by drop sheets, masking or removal
of objects
 Materials for specified quartz paint finish are mixed to designed proportion and
consistency in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications
 The different color types of quartz paints are thoroughly stirred using separate stirring
 Prepare the paint in large container where possible and mix very well with triangular
 Mix properly using manually and mechanically.
 Correct amounts of quartz paint material are prepared to specified ratio with specified
drying time in accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and specifications

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2.1. Protecting surround of surfaces not to be paint

Ready-to-use active silicate paint for mineral substrates in interior areas, especially for firm lime
and lime-cement plasters including renovation plasters. Extremely solidification-active and non-
vapor retarding. Absolutely mineral profile, non-film forming. Valuable room climate properties,
ideal for listed buildings. Available in lightfast mineral colors.

1. Product Properties

BEECK Quartz Paint is a solvent-free one-pack silicate system and contains silicifiable
potassium water glass as a binder. Silicification, the chemical reaction between substrate and
potassium water glass, produces uniform inseparable bonding with the mineral substrate. The
mineral pigmentation is also optimally incorporated. BEECK Quartz Paint is intended for
historical interiors with high humidity and solid, uninsulated external walls. Condensation in
only rarely or weakly heated rooms (for example, churches) is absorbed by the highly diffusible
BEECK Quartz Paint and the absorbent mineral substrate and does not run off causing soot and
dirt plumes to form on the walls. The sorbency of the mineral unity of coating and substrate
buffers extreme moisture fluctuations and helps to achieve a balanced room climate.

1.1. Composition
 Binder: pure mineral potassium water glass
 Mineral pigments: lightfast, highly alkali-resistant, of natural origin
 Silicification-active extenders
 Organic content < 5% (VOB/C DIN 18363 2.4.1.)
 Solvent free

1.2. Technical properties

1.2.1. Overview

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 Use on interior surfaces
 BEECK ASF® Active Silicate Formulation
 Extremely water vapour permeable, ideal building physics properties
 Capillary-active and sorbable
 Does not tend to form condensation and dripping water
 Free from thermo plasticity
 Solidifications-active
 Attractive lusted lime effect
 Color palette suitable for listed buildings
 Nonflammable
 Free from solvents, biocides and preservatives
 Natural alkalinity helps to prevent bacteria and mould

2.2. Specifying quartz materials for finishing

Granulated Mural Paint For Interior And Exterior Walls Based On Siloxane Resin


Quartz Coat is high-adhesion texture paint with good hiding power and fine quartz grains based
on copolymeracrylate/Sloane resin dispersion. Breathable, impact-resistant and easy to apply.
For interior and exterior use. Quartz Coat is suitable for use on new facades or renovation of old
facades with substrates such as cement, bricks, limestones, old acrylic paints, old silicate paints,
silicate plaster layers, mineral plaster layers, well-adhering silicate and matt dispersion paints,
synthetic resin plasters and facade insulation systems. The specially developed silicone resin
binder combination creates a waterproof, water vapor permeable coating with very good dirt-
repellent properties. Ideal for use on a medium that requires a high water vapor permeability.


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The specially developed silicone dispersion creates a waterproof, water vapor permeable coating
with the following excellent properties:

 Fine-grained structure
 Self-cleaning properties and dirt-repellent
 CO2-permeable
 Good adhesion on mineral and non-mineral surfaces
 Carbonation-resistant
 Water vapor permeable
 Rainproof
 Good outdoor durability
 Very good UV-resistance
 Good pearl effect
 Environmentally friendly
 Solvent-free, water-soluble

The surface must always be clean and dry. If faults, such as cracks, are present on the surface to
be treated, which could give rise to water infiltration; these must first be remedied by suitable
means. Dust and other impurities can be removed with a high-pressure cleaner. Treat stubborn
growth of fungi, algae or mosses beforehand with Rc Kilgreen (see technical data sheet),
followed by thorough cleaning. Wait for complete drying before applying the paint system. Treat
any salt efflorecescence from masonry first with RC SULFASTOP ZB or RC NITRABLOCK
(see technical data sheets).

2.3. Application instructions

For old acrylic or silicate paints we recommend diluting the first layer of RC quartz coat with
10% water. highly porous surfaces and smooth plaster should first be impregnated with a layer of
rc siloxcoat fond. Apply in two coats by brush or roller with a maximum dilution of 5% water.

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Normal drying time between two coats is 4 hours at 20°C and a maximum relative humidity of
65%. The minimum film forming temperature of RC Quartz Coat is 10°C. Stir well before use

2.4. Preparing paint in large container

The best method is to remove the wallpaper, repair and prepare the walls and then apply paint,
according to the National Guild of Professional Paperhangers. If, however, there are multiple
layers of wallpaper or if taking it down may destroy the walls, leaving it up is an option. In that
case, the painter needs to seal the wallpaper to the wall in any torn places, spackle over seams
and irregularities and apply an oil-based primer prior to painting. Painting over wallpaper makes
future wallpaper removal more difficult.

Over the years we have realised how this often underestimated aspect is becoming increasingly
important, not only from a regulatory point of view (it is indeed a legal obligation to store
flammable liquids properly) but also from an environmental point of view, and for this reason
we have introduced a standard safety tank, the forced air exchange system and the high internal
The ongoing evolution of our automatic liquid paint systems has promoted the development of
the integrated storage containers. The result was the construction of specific technical rooms,
adjacent to the in-line liquid paint booths. The goal is to facilitate the mixing and dilution of
the paints in order to feed the spray guns continuously, thanks to the integration of the standard
pluses in our storage containers and the addition of further accessories with highly customisable
specific features upon request.
The distinctive feature of Eurotherm’s storage containers and paint preparation rooms is
that they are entirely made-to-measure and engineered on a modular basis, in order to meet
any dimensional and accessory customisation requirements, a philosophy that identifies all our
Premium features as standard supply:
 High thermal and acoustic insulation: doors, walls and roof are made of sandwich
panels insulated with high-density mineral wool.

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 Accidental spillage containment: there is always a watertight safety containment tank
(retention tank) below the raised floor level, which, in the case of paint storage containers, is
large enough to hold one third of the stored liquids, in accordance with European standards.
 Air recirculation: the correct exchange of inside air is always ensured by two or more
air vents.
 Internal shelving: we produce specific shelves suitable for supporting heavy loads that
allow for the homogeneous recirculation of air and avoid dangerous paint stagnation on the
shelves. The shelves can be configured as desired to achieve the desired organisation.
Fully customised storage containers and technical paint preparation rooms
All Eurotherm storage containers and paint preparation rooms are manufactured taking the
following parameters into account:

 The available space. Based on the required dimensions, Eurotherm technicians study the
exact dimensions of the module, which is made entirely to measure.
 The required storage capacity. The layout of the shelves and their size depend on the
type and quantity of material the customer expects to store inside, such as paint cans, barrels,
cubitainers or others.
 The final destination. It is particularly important to know whether the container is to be
placed inside or outside the factory, so that a weatherproof solution can be envisaged in the
The construction is generally assembled in one piece and factory-tested. All that is needed is
a forklift to unload and position the module at the designated location and connect it to the power
supply if necessary.
Technical rooms for paint preparation and washing of paint guns
This type of room emerges from the need to have an environment that is suitable for mixing the
different chemical products that are extremely volatile. This gave rise to a new type of room
which, using the same construction and safety criteria borrowed from storage containers, raises
their standards, as well as ergonomics, to ensure a comfortable and safe environment for the
personnel working inside of it.

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The technical preparation rooms are generally located near the spray booths. In these rooms,
in addition to storing the paint, the operator usually washes the guns and mixes the chemicals to
prepare the paint for actual use.
Beside the construction features borrowed from storage containers, the technical paint
preparation rooms are additionally equipped with some standard features:
 Stainless steel worktop;
 Stainless steel sink;
 Suction wall to completely cover the worktop;
 Fume extractor fan with high flow rate to ensure forced air exchange and avoid
dangerous concentrations of solvents in the air;
 Pedestrian grid floor;
 Containment tank under the grid;
 Lighting lamps;
 Doors and walls with large mirrors to promote lighting and operator safety inside;
 Access ramp to facilitate internal accessibility;
 Customised shelving for storing material.

Accessories for customising containers and preparation rooms

Many accessories are available to customise Eurotherm storage containers and paint preparation
rooms to the maximum extent:

 High-density mineral wool insulated walls, available in various thicknesses and fire
resistance classes;
 Watertight safety tank;
 Air-conditioning system to maintain the desired temperature inside;
 Electric antifreeze heating system;
 Sliding or hinged doors;
 Lights for interior lighting;
 Extractor fan for forced air exchange;

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 Steel shelves to organise the interior space;
 Automatic fire extinguishing system;
 Outdoor version with watertight roof and gutter to ensure proper rainwater runoff.
2.5. Mixing manually and mechanically
1. Colour
 White and Off-White and ready-mixed in the 200 mixed colors of the BEECK Mineral
Paint Colour Chart.
 Colour groups: I – IV
 Tintable with BEECK Full Colour Silicate Paints.

Use Substrate requirements

 The substrate must be clean, dry, firm and stable and must be free from efflorescent and
separating substances.
 Can be used on porous, absorbent to water-repellent mineral surfaces.
 Check drying and strength of new plaster.
 Carefully make good chipped surfaces and misses with the same type of material and the
same texture.
 Use plaster to repair cracked substrates. Areas with hairline cracks, made good plaster
and minor structural defects: precoat the whole surface with BEECK Quartz Filler. Try
out on a test area.
 Ensure uniform substrates and careful application on high visual quality surfaces and in
glancing light.

Brief information on the standard system

 Apply two coats of BEECK Quartz Paint.
 For the primer and topcoat, add BEECK Fixative to BEECK Quartz Paint to optimally
adjust it to the substrate and use.

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 On critical or gypsum-based substrates apply a primer coat of BEECK Quartz Filler,
BEECK Bonding Coat Fine /Coarse or BEECK Maxil Primer Fine /Coarse, depending on
the requirements. Then apply two topcoats with BEECK Quartz Paint, white or tinted.
 Note and follow listed building conservation specifications for all work in historically
valuable buildings.

Substrate and preparatory treatment

 Lime plaster (PI/CSII), lime-cement plaster (PII), cement plaster (PIII), renovation
Grind off sinter skin on solid new plaster or etch with BEECK Etching Fluid according to the
factory specifications. Do not etch thin coat plasters and composite systems. Prepare highly
absorbent lime plaster by applying with BEECK Fixative, thinned with 2 parts water. To prepare
crumbling or sanding plasters, which are nonetheless firm: repeatedly flow coat with 1 part
BEECK Fixative and 5 parts water until they are saturated. Made good plaster and plaster with
hairline cracks: precoat the whole surface with BEECK Quartz Filler. Try out on a test area.
Replace plasters with moisture damage with renovation plaster. Try out first on a test area of air-
lime plasters.
 Gypsum plaster, plaster stucco:
Grind off any sinter skin. Apply primer coat with BEECK Maxil Primer Fine/Coarse.
 Gypsum boards:
Ensure proper installation and required surface quality and evenness tolerances under the given
on site and glancing light conditions (VOB/C and quality level 3 or 4, according to good practice
guide No. 2 issued by the German gypsum industry association (Bundesverband der
Gipsindustrie e.V.)). Apply primer coat to whole surface with BEECK Maxil Primer Fine /
 Brick, calcium silicate masonry, natural stone:
Clean substrate, make good crumbling joints and bricks. Check for absorbency, moisture damage
and efflorescence (e.g. salt edges). Prepare absorbent substrates with BEECK Fixative, thinned
with 2 parts water.

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 Concrete:
Thoroughly clean with water and formwork release oil remover and rinse off with clean water.
Test the wettability of the cleaned substrate by spraying on water. Primer coat of BEECK Maxil
Primer Fine /Coarse directly with BEECK Quartz Paint.
 Fabric, nonwoven wall coverings, woodchip wallpaper:
Only for alkali-proof, water- wet table fabric and paper. Not for metal foils, plastics or vinyl
wallpapers. Ensure homogeneous bonding over whole surface, without overlapping.

 Silicate or lime wash coatings:

Brush down and if chalking, consolidate with BEECK Fixative, thinned with 2 parts water.
Completely wash off water soluble distempers, aniline and tempera paints. Clean matt, adherent
emulsion coatings, apply a primer coat of BEECK Maxil Primer Fine/Coarse. Completely strip
or grind off oil paint, lacquer and latex coatings.

 Unsuitable substrates are efflorescent, organic and non alkali-resistant substrates, e.g.
wood-based materials (MDF, OSB), clay or loam and plastics. Areas with hygroscopic or
rising damp.
 Defective substrates require a differentiated approach. Apply renovation plaster to damp,
salt contaminated areas, basement walls and base areas.

Application instructions
General information

Check substrate suitability as required (see 2.1 and 2.3). Pay particular attention to the
absorbency, strength and texture of the respective substrate. Try out on a test area before using
on high quality and critical surfaces. Ensure that the product is used by qualified persons only.

 Carefully cover surfaces which are not to be treated – especially glass, ceramics, window
sills, expansion joints, lacquer and anodic coatings – and protect them from splashes.
 Provide personal protective equipment.

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 Only use containers from the same production batch to coat self-contained areas.
 Especially when using tinted coatings, ensure sufficient qualified workers and a smooth,
uninterrupted coating process.
 Before use, thoroughly stir BEECK Quartz Paint with a powered mixing paddle.
 Add BEECK Fixative to optimise.
 Do not use on hot surfaces.
 Minimum application temperature: +8°C
 Drying time: at least 12 hours per pass.

2.5.2. Application

With brush, roller or using an airless spraying method. Apply on self-contained areas with an
absolutely thin coating, no overlapping and uniformly in one continuous pass with a cross coat.

 Application with roller or brush: -

 Preferably using BEECK Mineral Paint Brush, in no particular direction and seamless, as
“brushed surface“ with lime wash-like look and feel suitable for listed buildings.
 Avoid roller edge marks, ridges and joins.
 Use short piled rollers with uniform coating finish.
 Cut-in edges smoothly and seamlessly, wet-on-wet, together with the main area.
 Coats
1. Primer coat: Depending on the substrate, mix product with around 5% – 10%
BEECK Fixative.
2. Topcoat: After at least 12 hours, unthinned or made optimally coatable with no more
than 5% BEECK Fixative.
 Spraying method (airless):
 Nozzle: 0.79mm/0.031 inch
 Always sieve the product before use.
 Apply uniformly and as a thin coat, and then, if necessary, use a brush to lay-off.

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2.5. Auxiliary products
 BEECK Etching Fluid for removing sinter layers from new plaster: To this end, thin
BEECK Etching Fluid with 5 parts water, apply with a brush and after a few minutes wash
off with water. Do not etch thin coat plaster, composite systems and gypsum.
 BEECK Quartz Filler P, fibre-reinforced, powdery slurry additive for primer and
intermediate coat. Mix a 12.5 L bucket of BEECK Quartz Paint with 4kg BEECK Quartz
Filler P and thin with 2 to 4kg BEECK Fixative. Apply smoothly and seamlessly using a
BEECK Mineral Paint Brush. Apply topcoat of BEECK Quartz Paint.
 BEECK Quartz Filler, fibre reinforced, slurry priming coating for covering hairline cracks,
making good render and minor structural defects. Apply over whole surface with the brush.
 BEECK Maxil Primer Fine or Coarse (0.4mm), opaque white silicate-based primer on
gypsum-based, weak silicification and organic substrates.

2. Application Rate and Container Sizes

The application rate, i.e. the quantity required for smooth, normally absorbent substrates is
approx. 0.12 L BEECK Quartz Paint per m² and pass. Try out on a test area on site to determine
substrate-related application rate differences. Container sizes: 5 L / 12.5 L

3. Cleaning
Thoroughly clean equipment, tools and soiled clothing with water immediately after use

4. Storage
Stored cool and frost-free, BEECK Quartz Paint can be kept for at least 12 months.

5. Safety Instructions
 Comply with the EC Safety Data Sheet. The product is alkaline. Avoid contact with skin
and eyes. Wear safety glasses or goggles/face protection. In case of contact with eyes,
rinse immediately with plenty of water and seek medical advice. Carefully cover the area
surrounding the surfaces to be coated, wash off splashes immediately with water. Keep

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out of the reach of children. Do not breathe vapour, spray and dust. Dispose of in
accordance with the legal regulations.
 Waste code (EWC code): 080112

6. Declaration
This technical information is offered as advice based on our knowledge and practical experience.
All information is provided without guarantee. It does not release the user from their
responsibility to check the product suitability and application for the specific substrate on which
it is to be used. Subject to change without notice as part of our product development. Additives
for tinting, thinning, etc. are not permitted. Check the colours before use. This information sheet
automatically becomes invalid when a new edition is issued. The information in the current
version of the EU Safety Data Sheets is binding for classification according to the Hazardous
Substances Regulations, disposal, etc

2.6. Preparing correct amounts quartz paint material

 White and Off-White and ready-mixed in the 200 mixed colors of the BEECK Mineral
Paint Colour Chart.
 Colour groups: I – IV
 Tintable with BEECK Full Colour Silicate Paints.

Substrate and preparatory treatment

 Lime plaster (PI/CSII), lime-cement plaster (PII), cement plaster (PIII), renovation
Grind off sinter skin on solid new plaster or etch with BEECK Etching Fluid according to the
factory specifications. Do not etch thin coat plasters and composite systems. Prepare highly
absorbent lime plaster by applying with BEECK Fixative, thinned with 2 parts water. To prepare
crumbling or sanding plasters, which are nonetheless firm: repeatedly flow coat with 1 part
BEECK Fixative and 5 parts water until they are saturated. Made good plaster and plaster with

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hairline cracks: precoat the whole surface with BEECK Quartz Filler. Try out on a test area.
Replace plasters with moisture damage with renovation plaster. Try out first on a test area of air-
lime plasters.

 Gypsum plaster, plaster stucco:

Grind off any sinter skin. Apply primer coat with BEECK Maxil Primer Fine/Coarse.
 Gypsum boards:
Ensure proper installation and required surface quality and evenness tolerances under the given
on site and glancing light conditions (VOB/C and quality level 3 or 4, according to good practice
guide No. 2 issued by the German gypsum industry association (Bundesverband der
Gipsindustrie e.V.)). Apply primer coat to whole surface with BEECK Maxil Primer Fine /
 Brick, calcium silicate masonry, natural stone:
Clean substrate, make good crumbling joints and bricks. Check for absorbency, moisture damage
and efflorescence (e.g. salt edges). Prepare absorbent substrates with BEECK Fixative, thinned
with 2 parts water.
 Concrete:
Thoroughly clean with water and formwork release oil remover and rinse off with clean water.
Test the wettability of the cleaned substrate by spraying on water. Primer coat of BEECK Maxil
Primer Fine /Coarse directly with BEECK Quartz Paint.
 Fabric, nonwoven wall coverings, woodchip wallpaper:
Only for alkali-proof, water- wet table fabric and paper. Not for metal foils, plastics or vinyl
wallpapers. Ensure homogeneous bonding over whole surface, without overlapping.

 Silicate or lime wash coatings:

Brush down and if chalking, consolidate with BEECK Fixative, thinned with 2 parts water.
Completely wash off water soluble distempers, aniline and tempera paints. Clean matt, adherent
emulsion coatings, apply a primer coat of BEECK Maxil Primer Fine/Coarse. Completely strip
or grind off oil paint, lacquer and latex coatings.

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 Unsuitable substrates are efflorescent, organic and non alkali-resistant substrates, e.g.
wood-based materials (MDF, OSB), clay or loam and plastics. Areas with hygroscopic or
rising damp.
 Defective substrates require a differentiated approach. Apply renovation plaster to damp,
salt contaminated areas, basement walls and base areas.

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Self-Check Unite Two
Direction I: Matching
Instruction I: Match Column A with B to the appropriate answers
1. Defective substrates A. Apply renovation plaster to damp
2. Unsuitable substrates B. non alkali-resistant substrates
3. Silicate or lime wash coatings C. Brush down and if chalking
4. Concrete D. Primer coat of BEECK Maxi Primer Fine
Direction II: Give short answers
Instruction II: Give short answers to the following questions
1. List some appropriate Substrate and preparatory treatment.
2. Discuss the requirements to select tools and equipment
3. List out he importance of Auxiliary products.
4. Discuss the different types of signage used in construction site
5. What is personal protective equipment and uses
Direction III: Multiple choice
Instruction III: Choose the best answer for the following question
1. Prior to the application of each coat a stripe coat shall be applied by-------------------

A. Trawling tools C. Pvc hammers B. Mason hammer D. Brushes

2. Which one of the following statements industrial coating systems?

A. Cutting process for surface preparation

B. To process surface preparation after applying works

C. To chalking all mortar methods for applying works.

D. To apply cutting processes only

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3. Wall covering or a bituminous can be

A. Removed before painting B. Removed after painting

C. Removed before and after painting C. Removed before painting only

4. There are -----------------------of the most commonly used industrial coating.

A. Sixe. B. five. C. Four. D. Three.

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Unit Three : Apply and rendering quartz paint
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

 Selecting tools combination to different quartz paint

 Applying rendering coat of quartz paint
 Selecting Coating method
 Curing finished paint surface
 Applying the different color type of quartz paints
 Applying paint at room temperature

This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this unit, you will be able to:

 Apply different quartz paint tool combination is selected for specified surface profile,
size of area, type of paint, finish specified, level of opacity, texture and shine in
accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications.
 Apply rendering coat of quartz paint horizontally ,vertically and circular finish
 Apply one coat of wall primer on the surface and add 10% of paint which has the same
color with the quartz and mix with mega primer to get the same color background.
 Finished paint surface is cured using curing method & tested using testing procedures in
accordance with manufacturers’ recommendations and job specifications
 Apply the different color type of quartz paints as external finish and as internal
decorative finish.
 Apply the paint at room temperature and when the wall is out of reach of direct sun

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3.1. Selecting tools combination to different quartz paint
Professional painting tools list
Carrying professional painting tools and knowing how to use them is what sets you apart from a
DIY painter. From preparation to painting, here’s every house painting tool you need:
Tape measure: You need measuring tape to calculate the exact area you’re painting before
starting the project. With accurate measurements, you’ll buy the right amount of paint and stay
within budget.
Filler: Wall filler repairs holes and cracks in your walls. Some fillers come in a tube with a
nozzle for easy application, but you can also apply it with a putty knife.
Putty knife: A putty knife widens cracks and digs out trenches so you can make enough space
for a filler. It can also easily scrape off excess filler to even out your repaired surface.
Painter’s tape: Painters tape covers areas that you don’t want to paint, like baseboards and trim.
This kind of tape won’t damage your walls when you remove it.
Hand masker: A hand masker holds your painter’s tape and helps you apply the tape more
easily and in straighter lines.
Painter’s multi-tool: This is like a Swiss Army knife for painters, and the best painting tool for
prep work. Most multi-tools come with a paint can opener, flat screw bit, nail puller, nut
wrenches, scrapers, chisels, and crack openers.
Stir stick: It’s not just for mixing colors. Oils in the paint can separate from the paint while
they’re in the can. Mix it all together to make sure your paint comes out in an even tone.
Brushes: Make sure you choose the right bristle type for your paint finish. Synthetic hair brushes
are a good bet for any type of paint. Apply oil-based paints with natural hair bristles (also known
as China bristles) to get a smoother finish.
Roller frame: This is what holds your paint roller—it’s also known as a roller cage. Larger
rollers are better for walls, ceilings, and other big surfaces. Use a 4-inch roller for cabinets and
Roller cover: The roller cover is the fuzzy cylinder that picks up and applies your paint. Roller
covers come in a few nap sizes (thicknesses) which should vary depending on what texture

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you’re painting. Thicker naps pick up more paint—so the rougher your surface, the thicker your
nap should be.
Primer: Primer is a base coating you put on walls to prepare them for painting. It covers stains
and imperfections, gives you a uniform surface to paint on, and helps bring out the true paint
Paint sprayer: A sprayer helps you cover wider surfaces with less effort than a roller or a brush.
These are great for painting over bumps or cracks in a wall—areas that rollers would struggle
House painting equipment list
Professional painting tools come in all shapes and sizes. Here’s the equipment you need to do
quality work for house painting:
Ladder: A basic stepladder will help you paint hard-to-reach places, whether you’re painting
a two-storey exterior or a tall foyer inside a house.
Angle brushes: These brushes create clean lines, which makes them essential for painting
inside window frames and cutting doors and windows.
Foam brush: This is a one-time-use brush that’s great for small touch-ups. Foam brushes
come in packages of several brushes, so don’t worry about rinsing them—you can throw
them out when you’re done.
Rollers: 4-inch and 9-inch rollers are good enough for most house painting jobs. For exterior
house painting, attach an extension pole to your roller to reach high surfaces.
Paint tray: This is where you pour paint and dip your rollers. Plastic roller trays are more
affordable and easier to clean—some are easier to peel paint off of when the paint dries. Or
you could buy a more durable metal paint tray and use disposable plastic liners.
Paint sprayer: A sprayer is more ideal for exterior painting and large painting projects, as it
can get messy in home interiors.
Paint scraper: A scraper is a metallic, handheld tool that removes old wallpaper and paint
from walls. Since they’re durable and flexible, they’re also great for applying and spreading

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Drop cloth: A drop cloth is a fabric sheet that protects floors from paint drips and spills.
Residential painting contractors usually use canvas drop cloths since they’re durable and
washable. Use plastic sheeting to protect furniture that you can’t remove from the room.
Commercial painting supplies list
Painting commercial spaces can be tough and time consuming—so it’s important you invest in
equipment that makes the job easier. Pick up these painting supplies so you can provide great
commercial painting services:
Ladders and scaffolding: For a commercial painting project with hard-to-reach surfaces, use a
ladder that’s easy to move or install scaffolding (depending on how high you need to paint).
Check the load-bearing capacity of your scaffolding and make sure it sits on a solid and level
Pressure washer: Pressure washers remove dust, dirt, chipping paint, grease, and oil from walls.
Washing commercial building exteriors properly helps your paint adhere to the walls.
Drop cloths: If you’re painting large spaces like open-concept offices, you’ll need large canvas
drop cloths or plastic sheeting to protect the floor from paint drips. This is especially important if
you’re using sprayers to paint your walls.
Paint sprayers: Commercial paint sprayers dispense paint as an aerosol spray, without needing a
brush or roller. These help you paint larger surfaces in less time. Compressed air sprayers are the
simplest to use, but you can get a more professional-looking finish with an airless sprayer.
Wide rollers: For bigger walls, use a wide, 18-inch roller to cover double the area in the same
amount of time as a standard 9-inch roller. Make sure your roller covers are the same size as
your roller cages.
Large bucket: It’s wise to use a 5-gallon bucket to combine multiple paint cans of the same
color. This keeps all your paint in one convenient place—but make sure you mix them properly
before painting to keep your coating a consistent color.
Extension pole: Extension poles attach to your paint rollers so you can reach higher surfaces, in
and outside your client’s building.

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Caulk and compound: Choose silicone or polyurethane caulking to seal holes and cracks in
commercial buildings. These are built to last longer and make more durable repairs. Drywall
compound is great for larger holes but takes longer to dry.
Sandpaper: After repairs, sand the wall’s rough patches with a fine-grit sandpaper—around
180–240-grit. You might need to sand the entire drywall surface if you’re painting right after a
new construction.
Industrial primer: Look for a heavy-duty industrial primer for commercial painting jobs. Latex
primer keeps drywall looking smooth and even. For other surfaces, oil-based primers usually
work fine.
Exterior house painting tools for walls
Exterior painting requires its own set of tools to clean walls, protect houses from weather
damage, and ensure worker safety. You’ll need these tools to paint exterior walls:
Ladder: Always bring a ladder to exterior painting jobs so you can paint higher areas safely.
Pressure washer: Pressure washers are for heavy-duty cleaning—they remove things like dirt,
stains, and grime buildup, from exterior siding. Use a cleaner with trisodium phosphate (TSP) to
get a quality clean.
Scraper or wire brush: Depending on the exterior siding material, scrapers or wire brushes will
help you scrape away loose paint that your pressure washer doesn’t wash off.
Exterior silicone caulk and gun: This type of caulk is temperature-resistant and built to handle
all weather conditions. Apply exterior silicone caulk to gaps and cracks along exterior window
and door trims.
Drop cloth: Lay down a drop cloth wherever you can to protect decks, lawns, sidewalks,
driveway, flowerbeds, and bushes.
Plastic sheeting: Plastic sheets are best for covering outdoor lighting fixtures, doors, and
Exterior primer or sealer: Use primer to help your paint adhere better to exterior surfaces in all
weather conditions. Primer works great for concrete, vinyl, and wood siding. Use a sealer or a
masonry primer for brick, concrete, stone, and stucco.

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Exterior paint: Always use paint labeled “exterior paint.” Acrylic and latex paint are safe bets
for vinyl and fiber-cement siding. Use oil-based or acrylic paints for wood, and masonry paint
for brick, stone, and similar surfaces.
Paint sprayer: Use a paint sprayer to apply your exterior paint in less time than rollers or
brushes. A paint sprayer can help you paint over rough surfaces easily and evenly.
Roller and extension pole: Choose a roller with a thicker nap size (1 to 1 ½ inches) for rougher
surfaces, and save trips to the ladder by using a roller pole to reach higher places.
Brushes: Flat brushes are best for exterior siding. Use angle brushes to cut doors and windows,
and a small brush to paint casing, trim, woodwork, and any smaller details.
Fence painting tools list
Fences might seem simpler to paint than home exteriors, but they come with their own
challenges—wood chipping, decay, and different repair techniques that require special tools.
Bring this painting equipment with you for your next fence painting job:
 Paint scraper: Scrapers remove old paint that’s chipping or flaking on wood fences. You
can also use them to smooth out imperfections like knots, but be careful not to scrape too
hard and damage the wood.
 Paint remover and cloth: Paint remover dissolves old paint and lets you wipe away parts
that can’t be scraped off. Use a soft cloth, like a microfiber cloth, to gently clean the
 Wood filler: Applying wood filler is the best way to repair dents and divots in wood
fences. First, mix your filler in its container with a putty knife, since wood filler can
separate after sitting for too long.
 Putty knife: A putty knife will help you mix your wood filler and apply it to cracks, dents,
and holes in your fence.
 Fence cleaner: Apply a fence cleaning solution with a brush or a rag, or use a spray
cleaner. Then, spray down the fence with a pressure washer or hose and let it dry
completely before painting.

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 Fence primer: Prime your fence before painting, just like you would for a wall. Choose an
alkyd-based primer for red species of wood, and acrylic latex or oil-based primer for all
other types.
 Fence stain: You can use stain colors to completely change the look of a fence, and even
make one type of wood look like another. While oil-based stains last longer, water-based
stains protect wood better from harsh weather and decay.
 Fence paint: If you’re painting instead of staining, choose paint based on the finish that
your client wants (e.g., glossy, semi-gloss, flat, or eggshell).
 Brush: Use a small angle brush to paint the spaces between pickets and other tight areas.
You can paint the rest of the fence with a larger brush if you’re not already using a roller or
 Roller: You can paint over your pickets with a roller for a faster job, but make sure you use
a brush afterwards to go over smaller areas that need precision.
 Sprayer: Sprayers are efficient for fence painting, but it can be hard to get an even coat.
Make sure you cover the area surrounding your fence—and use a drop cloth to cover
flowerbeds and bushes.

3.2. Applying rendering coat of quartz paint

Rendered Texture Coatings.

Haymes Rendertex is a comprehensive range of texture coatings that provide durable long lasting
protection. Easy to use with various application techniques, the Rendertex range consists of both
high-build profile, skim coat and shield protective coatings that are supported with specialist
preparation and build products. Rendertex products are suitable for a range of both interior and
exterior surfaces for use in residential, commercial and industrial application . Unlike traditional
cement renders, Rendertex products are flexible acrylic textures which provide excellent
protection for a number of substrates. Guarding against the elements, the range assists in
mitigating visible cracking, salt blooming and staining when applied in-line with Rendertex

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system specification. The flexible properties of Rendered Render shield also aid in bridging gaps
and imperfections caused by minor movement across building and substrates.

Rendering and plaster surfaces can be decorated in many ways, with regard to both colour and
texture, thanks to their good moulding properties. There used to be many individual styles thanks
to the different regional building traditions, but these are disappearing due to increasing use of
machines. The textured finish is generally independent of the type of mortar used. The following
possibilities exist for texturing:

 by using different types of aggregates (grain size, grain shape, colour) in the
 by the way in which the plaster/render is applied
 by throwing on, applying with a trowel, machine application, etc. The texture produced
is dependent on the skilled use of the tool or machine,
 by manual application: the “signature” of the craftsman can be seen in the surface, since
every craftsman uses a slightly different throwing technique,
 by treating the surface of the fresh plaster/render, e. g. by wiping, combing, scratching,
or revealing the aggregate by washing away the binder,
 by masonry works to the already hardened mortar on the wall,
 by using coloured pigments.

The different ways of working the surface of the finish coat or coloured rendering/ plaster are
known as plastering methods. The most important methods are listed below: Decorative mortar
techniques are: scratching, cutting, intarsia and sgraffito, which allow both positive and negative
reliefs to be produced. Sgraffito The name of this technique comes from the Italian and means
“to scratch”. Sgraffito is a picture made my scratching lines or areas into a multi-layered
coloured plaster. The plaster consists of a base coat, scratchwork and scratch coat. The picture is
formed in lime plaster made with sharp fluvial sand. The scratchwork is made up of individual
layers of coloured lime plaster, approximately 4 mm thick, applied wet-in-wet on top of each

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other. The plaster can be coloured with charcoal, with pigments which have been soaked
overnight, or with ground aggregates such as schist, basalt, marble etc. The moist finish coat can
be painted al fresco or with casein paints. Lines or areas are scratched with an angled cut from
the finish coat using angled knives, curls, scrapers or spikes. The angled cut prevents the edges
from weathering. The construction must be planned and worked in daily steps.

(smoothed fresco, also known as Pompeian wall painting) The smoothing of the fresh surface of
a fresco to achieve a glossy marbled finish was known in antiquity. After the application of a
machines prayed coat, a base coat and a compacted layer of fresh lime mortar as an intermediate
layer, and three layers of fresco, approximately 1 cm thick in total, are applied. The third layer is
a fine marble mortar made from pigmented lime putty, which is smoothed and waxed using a
heated stainless steel trowel after hardening. The quality of the smoothness of the surface, the
shine and the wipe resistance can be improved by using olive oil or soapy water. The
temperature, start and duration of the smoothing process are determined by experience.
Stuccolustro can be used as high-quality exterior rendering.

Plaster In this technique, the aggregates in the plaster are made visible by washing or scrubbing
out the not yet hardened binder slurry from the surface. The surface is scrubbed with a brush
until the grains protrude clearly. The grains should not be scrubbed out, however. The remaining
cement film is removed as the last step. Naturally coloured aggregates (e.g. split brick, coloured
glass and coloured gravel) and pigmented limecement mortars offer a range of decorative
possibilities. DIN 18550 part 2 demands the use of large grained aggregates. The base coat must
be to MG III standard. This ensures that it is particularly resistant to knocks and suitable for high
moisture environments. The coarse, heavy grain requires a high bonding force. Pure lime is not
sufficient; an additional hydraulic binder is necessary.

Paint as a building material

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Colours in all shades of the rainbow are used to decorate buildings. Paint does not, however,
simply add colour, but is also a structural component, providing protection against the weather,
moisture and water, and against atmospheric, chemical, biological, mechanical or other
influencing factors. In addition, paint has a decorative element. In German, the same word,
Farbe, is used for both colour and paint, demonstrating the strong relationship between the two
concepts. In this part of the book we present the basic principles necessary to evaluate the
characteristics of today‘s commonly-used coating systems for rendered facades and for common
building materials, and to select them for specific uses (depending on the surface to be coated).
Coatings – a definition The term “coating”, which includes the traditional terms paint, varnish
and lacquer, today also includes a large number of protective systems including filling
compounds and floor coatings. Coating materials as defined in paints and varnishes are liquid to
pasty, or powdered materials, which consist of binders, pigments or other colouring matters,
fillers, solvents and other ingredients. There is more than one way of classifying and describing
paints. Colloquially the function of the paint is often used as a descriptor: fire-retardant paint,
anticorrosive paint, wood paint or house paint. They are also classified as either primer or top
coat. The surface to be painted is also used as a necessary means of distinct classification; wood,
steel, mineral materials. The most obvious classification, as for plaster and rendering systems, is
by binder, e. g. alkyd varnishes for their alkyd binders or silicate paints for their potassium water
glass base, as these are responsible for the adhesion of the paint to the surface. Almost all
products sold under trade names can today be classified and evaluated based on binder type.
Physical properties of paints The adhesion of a coating material to a surface is not the only
important criterion by which it is selected, but also and primarily the physical properties of the
coating and their suitability in combination with the surface to be coated. It is this combination
that ensures the coating system has a long life and is physically effective. For this reason, the
European Standard for coating materials, prEN 1062, uses these physical properties as a means
of classification.

Paints are differentiated by the following properties:

 Water vapour diffusion current density – see Appendix, table of paint classes (p. 105)

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 Liquid water transmission – see Appen dix, table of paint classes (p. 105)
 Carbon dioxide permeability – see Appendix, table of paint classes (p. 105),
 Sheen – shiny, medium, matt,
 Thickness of layer (< 50 μm to > 400 μm),
 Grain size – fine, medium, coarse, very coarse,
 Crack bridging – no requirements to > 2500 μm.

To minimise moisture-related damage to facades, the absorption of water, e. g. from rain or

condensation, must be in equilibrium with the drying which follows. This water equilibrium can
be characterised for coatings using the parameters outlined below. Absorption of water The more
water a coating absorbs, the more water ends up in the surface beneath it. Plaster or rendering
becomes damp and peels on exposure to frost, or algae or mould grows. Timber becomes
mouldy, metal rusts. The absorption of water is given as the water absorption coefficient; the
amount of water absorbed in 24 hours is noted as weight absorbed per unit area and unit time: kg
/(m2 h0.5). A high water absorption is more than 0.5 kg, a low water absorption less than 0.1 kg.

Water vapour diffusion

Water that enters the structure should evaporate again as soon as possible, especially in
absorbent surfaces such as house paints or wood coatings. The ability for water to evaporate is
measured by the sd-value, the μ-value and the V-value. The sd-value describes the resistance to
the diffusion of water vapour. The lower the sd-value, the more permeable is the coating. The μ-
value or water vapour diffusion resistance coefficient is the unitless quotient of the sd-value (m)
and the thickness of the coating μ = sd /d (g/cm2). The water vapour diffusion cur

3.3. Selecting Coating method

The coating process consists of applying a coating material to a moving web of flexible
substrate. The benefit of coating is that it delivers to the substrate enhanced aesthetic and
physical properties derived from the coating material. Dip Coating. Cost effective process

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provides uniform high quality coating on different shaped/sized substrates including large
surface areas. ...
 Brushing coating
 Roll Coating
 Spraying coating
 Spin Coating
 Flow Coating

The factors to consider when selecting a protective coating for a given application include: the
type of substrate, the application technology, the conditions under which the coating must
perform, the cure time, the desired film thickness and the performance requirements (adhesion,
appearance, and mechanical
Dip coating refers to the immersing of a substrate into a tank containing coating material,
removing the piece from the tank, and allowing it to drain. The coated piece can then be dried by
force-drying or baking. It is a popular way of creating thin film coated materials along with the
spin coating procedure. The coating process consists of applying a coating material to a moving
web of flexible substrate. The carrier substrate may be paper, film, or aluminum foil and the
resulting material's additional properties will vary depending on the required application and on
the material's end-use. The coating manufacturer shall provide a Coating System Data Sheet
(CSDS) for each Coating system to be used, containing at least the following information for
each product:
o Surface pre-treatment requirements.
o Wet film thickness/dry film thickness (max, min. and specified).
o Maximum and minimum recoating intervals at 5 °C, 10 °C and 23 °C.
o Information on thinners to be used (quantities and type).
o Mixing, handling and application requirements/recommendations.

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o Hiding power of top coat for specified colors according to ISO 2814.
Contrast ratio shall not be less than 94% at the specified top coat

 Application equipment
The method of application shall be governed by the coating manufacturer's recommendation for
the particular coating being applied. Roller application of the first primer coat is not acceptable.
When paints are applied by Brush, the brush shall be of a style and quality acceptable to the
coating manufacturer. Surface Preparation and Protective Coating Brush application shall be
done so that a smooth coat, as uniform in thickness as possible is obtained.
 Application
Prior to the application of each coat, a stripe coat shall be applied by brush to all welds, corners,
behind angles, sharp edges of beams etc. and areas not fully reachable by spray in order to obtain
the specified coverage and thickness.
Edges of existing coating shall be feathered towards the substrate prior to over coating. Each coat
shall be applied uniformly over the entire surface. Skips, runs, sags and drips shall be avoided.
Each coat shall be free from pinholes, blisters and holidays. Contamination of painted surfaces
between coats shall be avoided. Any contamination shall be removed. All repair of coating shall
be conducted in accordance with the original surface preparation and coating application

3.4. Curing finished paint surface

Have you ever spent time painting a piece of furniture, painting your walls, cabinets, or anything
at all; then somehow mucked up your paint job because it hadn’t dried or cured properly?
Beyond frustrating right?
Before I went on holidays last year (love saying “last year” even though it was only a few weeks
ago… weird, I know) I repaired a table with edge-banding and gave it a flawless sprayed black
finish. Because I was in a rush with my packing, holiday preparation yada (do people still say

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yada ), I rushed to get this table staged, photographed, and posted to this blog. Take a look what
happened. If you look closely, you’ll see exactly where the plate left its mark!

Paint doesn't cure, or reach maximum hardness, until days after the paint is dry.

Oil-based paints - about 7 days.

Latex paints - about 30 days.

How long does it take paint to dry and cure?

Water Based/Latex Paint ~ Dry Time 1-2 hours – Cure Time 21-30 days.

Oil Based Paint ~ Dry Time 6-8 hours – Cure Time 3-7 days.

Chalk Brand Paints ~ Dry Time 30-60 minutes – Cure time 30 days.

Homemade Chalky Paint ~ Dry Time 30-60 minutes – Cure Time 21-30 days.

3.5. Applying the different color type of quartz paints

 Colour
 White and Off-White and ready-mixed in the 200 mixed colors of the BEECK Mineral
Paint Colour Chart.
 Colour groups: I – IV
 Tintable with BEECK Full Colour Silicate Paints.
 Use
Substrate requirements
 The substrate must be clean, dry, firm and stable and must be free from efflorescent and
separating substances.
 Can be used on porous, absorbent to water-repellent mineral surfaces.

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 Check drying and strength of new plaster.
 Carefully make good chipped surfaces and misses with the same type of material and the
same texture.
 Use plaster to repair cracked substrates. Areas with hairline cracks, made good plaster
and minor structural defects: precoat the whole surface with BEECK Quartz Filler. Try
out on a test area.
 Ensure uniform substrates and careful application on high visual quality surfaces and in
glancing light.

Brief information on the standard system

 Apply two coats of BEECK Quartz Paint.
 For the primer and topcoat, add BEECK Fixative to BEECK Quartz Paint to optimally
adjust it to the substrate and use.
 On critical or gypsum-based substrates apply a primer coat of BEECK Quartz Filler,
BEECK Bonding Coat Fine /Coarse or BEECK Maxil Primer Fine /Coarse, depending on
the requirements. Then apply two topcoats with BEECK Quartz Paint, white or tinted.
 Note and follow listed building conservation specifications for all work in historically
valuable buildings.

Substrate and preparatory treatment

 Lime plaster (PI/CSII), lime-cement plaster (PII), cement plaster (PIII), renovation
Grind off sinter skin on solid new plaster or etch with BEECK Etching Fluid according to the
factory specifications. Do not etch thin coat plasters and composite systems. Prepare highly
absorbent lime plaster by applying with BEECK Fixative, thinned with 2 parts water. To prepare
crumbling or sanding plasters, which are nonetheless firm: repeatedly flow coat with 1 part
BEECK Fixative and 5 parts water until they are saturated. Made good plaster and plaster with

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hairline cracks: precoat the whole surface with BEECK Quartz Filler. Try out on a test area.
Replace plasters with moisture damage with renovation plaster. Try out first on a test area of air-
lime plasters.

 Gypsum plaster, plaster stucco:

Grind off any sinter skin. Apply primer coat with BEECK Maxil Primer Fine/Coarse.
 Gypsum boards:
Ensure proper installation and required surface quality and evenness tolerances under the given
on site and glancing light conditions (VOB/C and quality level 3 or 4, according to good practice
guide No. 2 issued by the German gypsum industry association (Bundesverband der
Gipsindustrie e.V.)). Apply primer coat to whole surface with BEECK Maxil Primer Fine /
 Brick, calcium silicate masonry, natural stone:
Clean substrate, make good crumbling joints and bricks. Check for absorbency, moisture damage
and efflorescence (e.g. salt edges). Prepare absorbent substrates with BEECK Fixative, thinned
with 2 parts water.
 Concrete:
Thoroughly clean with water and formwork release oil remover and rinse off with clean water.
Test the wettability of the cleaned substrate by spraying on water. Primer coat of BEECK Maxil
Primer Fine /Coarse directly with BEECK Quartz Paint.
 Fabric, nonwoven wall coverings, woodchip wallpaper:
Only for alkali-proof, water- wet table fabric and paper. Not for metal foils, plastics or vinyl
wallpapers. Ensure homogeneous bonding over whole surface, without overlapping.

 Silicate or lime wash coatings:

Brush down and if chalking, consolidate with BEECK Fixative, thinned with 2 parts water.
Completely wash off water soluble distempers, aniline and tempera paints. Clean matt, adherent
emulsion coatings, apply a primer coat of BEECK Maxil Primer Fine/Coarse. Completely strip
or grind off oil paint, lacquer and latex coatings.

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 Unsuitable substrates are efflorescent, organic and non alkali-resistant substrates, e.g.
wood-based materials (MDF, OSB), clay or loam and plastics. Areas with hygroscopic or
rising damp.
 Defective substrates require a differentiated approach. Apply renovation plaster to damp,
salt contaminated areas, basement walls and base areas.

Application instructions

Check substrate suitability as required (see 2.1 and 2.3). Pay particular attention to the
absorbency, strength and texture of the respective substrate. Try out on a test area before using
on high quality and critical surfaces. Ensure that the product is used by qualified persons only.

 Carefully cover surfaces which are not to be treated – especially glass, ceramics, window
sills, expansion joints, lacquer and anodic coatings – and protect them from splashes.
 Provide personal protective equipment.
 Only use containers from the same production batch to coat self-contained areas.
 Especially when using tinted coatings, ensure sufficient qualified workers and a smooth,
uninterrupted coating process.
 Before use, thoroughly stir BEECK Quartz Paint with a powered mixing paddle.
 Add BEECK Fixative to optimise.
 Do not use on hot surfaces.
 Minimum application temperature: +8°C
 Drying time: at least 12 hours per pass.


With brush, roller or using an airless spraying method. Apply on self-contained areas with an
absolutely thin coating, no overlapping and uniformly in one continuous pass with a cross coat.

 Application with roller or brush: -

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 Preferably using BEECK Mineral Paint Brush, in no particular direction and seamless, as
“brushed surface“ with lime wash-like look and feel suitable for listed buildings.
 Avoid roller edge marks, ridges and joins.
 Use short piled rollers with uniform coating finish.
 Cut-in edges smoothly and seamlessly, wet-on-wet, together with the main area.
 Coats
1. Primer coat: Depending on the substrate, mix product with around 5% – 10%
BEECK Fixative.
2. Topcoat: After at least 12 hours, unthinned or made optimally coatable with no more
than 5% BEECK Fixative.
 Spraying method (airless):
 Nozzle: 0.79mm/0.031 inch
 Always sieve the product before use.
 Apply uniformly and as a thin coat, and then, if necessary, use a brush to lay-off.

Auxiliary products
 BEECK Etching Fluid for removing sinter layers from new plaster: To this end, thin
BEECK Etching Fluid with 5 parts water, apply with a brush and after a few minutes wash
off with water. Do not etch thin coat plaster, composite systems and gypsum.
 BEECK Quartz Filler P, fibre-reinforced, powdery slurry additive for primer and
intermediate coat. Mix a 12.5 L bucket of BEECK Quartz Paint with 4kg BEECK Quartz
Filler P and thin with 2 to 4kg BEECK Fixative. Apply smoothly and seamlessly using a
BEECK Mineral Paint Brush. Apply topcoat of BEECK Quartz Paint.
 BEECK Quartz Filler, fibre reinforced, slurry priming coating for covering hairline cracks,
making good render and minor structural defects. Apply over whole surface with the brush.
 BEECK Maxil Primer Fine or Coarse (0.4mm), opaque white silicate-based primer on
gypsum-based, weak silicification and organic substrates.

Application Rate and Container Sizes

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The application rate, i.e. the quantity required for smooth, normally absorbent substrates is
approx. 0.12 L BEECK Quartz Paint per m² and pass. Try out on a test area on site to determine
substrate-related application rate differences. Container sizes: 5 L / 12.5 L

Thoroughly clean equipment, tools and soiled clothing with water immediately after use

Stored cool and frost-free, BEECK Quartz Paint can be kept for at least 12 months.

3.6. Applying paint at room temperature

Ceresit CT 16 Quartz Contact facilitates the application of thin-layer plasters and renderings
inside and outside the buildings. It is recommended for priming the reinforced layers within
Ceresit Ceretherm ETICS (External Thermal Insulation Composite Systems) and traditional
plasters. CT 16 has a unique ability of joining technologies of neighbouring layers. Thanks to its
rough structure CT 16 bridges the reinforced layer with the plaster, strengthening the whole
system. CT 16 can be applied to the surfaces of chipboards, gypsum cardboards, gypsum
plasters, all types of concrete and strong paint coats. Priming the substrate with CT 16
considerably decreases its absorption, which prevents from too fast drying of the applied
products. The fine aggregates included in CT 16 make the primed surfaces rough and scratch
resistant. As the surface is expanded, it increases the adhesion of the plasters, putties and paints.
This product has strong coating properties and makes the substrate efficiently homogenous, thus
preventing from any formation of stains on the coloured acrylic, mineral, silicate-silicone,
silicone and elastomeric plasters.

HOW CT 16 WORKS Combination of polymers and specially adjusted fillers of the CT 16

Quartz Contact insures powerful adhesion between reinforced layer and plaster. Polymer of CT
16 is compatible with the polymer used in plasters with Double Dry technology. This creates

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strong connection between priming paint and the plaster. They can work together to reduce
absorbency of the plaster and allow vapour to migrate outside the system’s layers. Additionally,
the absorbance of the reinforced layer is lowered down – it prevents stains formation on the
plaster even more and ensures perfect look of the facade.

From one side small fillers fill in micro holes in reinforced layer, from the other side bigger
grains are the elements where layer of priming paint and reinforced layer interpenetrate each
other. Polymer penetrates thin layer of base coat what makes its stronger and more elastic. The
combination of polymer and fillers (soft marbles and very hard quartz) gives the layer an extra
mechanical durability. SUPPORTS DOUBLE DRY Comparison of effects with and without CT
16 Quartz Contact:

With CT 16 Water droplets do not penetrate the reinforced layer’s structure so much, but keep
the round shape and run down the facade.

With CT 16 The reinforced layer’s surface is well-protected against water uptake; it does not get
wet easily. In case of accumulation of small amounts of water, drops evaporate quickly.
SUBSTRATE PREPARATION The substrates to be coated with the paint Ceresit CT 16 Quartz
Contact should be smooth, even, dry and free from any substances that decrease adhesion:
grease, bitumen, dust, etc. Any dirt or weak coats should be removed. The existing adhesive or
lime paint coatings should be removed. It is recommended to use washing devices with the use
of CT 98 agent for removing impurities. Any defects or gaps in the plaster should be filled in
with Ceresit CT 29. The absorptive substrates, e.g. gypsum plasters, chipboards, non-
impregnated gypsum cardboards should be primed with the agent Ceresit CT 17 and then left for
drying for approx. 2 hrs.


The content of the packing should be stirred. Neither rusty containers nor tools should be used.
Do not dilute the paint! There is recommended to apply one even layer CT 16 Quartz Contact

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using roller or brush. Drying time is approx. 3 hours. Tools and fresh stains should be washed
with water.


The priming paint should be applied in the ambient temperature and that of the substrate from
+5°C to +25°C and the humidity below 80%. In case of contact with eyes, they should be rinsed
with water and the general practitioner should be consulted.

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OPERATION TITLE:- preparing industrial surface coating
Instruction: prepare industrial surface coating
PURPOSE:- To prepare industrial surface coating

Conditions Or Situations For The Operations:-

 Ensure the work shop hazard free
 Ensure the working area is bright / good visibility
 Make workstation comfortable
Required tools and equipment consumable materials;
Brush, bucket, sponge, brush nail, screw adhesive

Wear working cloth and shoes which properly fit with your body
Make working area hazard free

Step 1. Apply OHS rules (how can they apply
Step 2. Read and interpret working drawing
2. 1.To know Abbreviation & Symbols
2.2. To know Specifications
Step 3. Identify use of tools & materials
Step 4. Measuring & mixing materials

Quality Criteria:
Assured planning and preparing for the work are performed according to the given guide below:
 use standard material & specification

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 use the correct proportion system
 working the project based on dimension

LAP Test 1 Practical Demonstration

Name: _____________________________ Date: ________________

Time started: __________2:30_______ Time finished: _____5:40___________

Instructions I: Given necessary templates /guide, workshop, tools and materials you are
required to perform the following tasks within 3:10 hours.
Task1:- prepare industrial surface coating

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UNIT FOUR: Clean-Up Work Area
This unit is developed to provide you the necessary information regarding the following content
coverage and topics:

 Maintaining , store painting tools and equipment

 Cleaning tools after and before work

 Sealing or handle unused materials

 Clearing working area

This unit will also assist you to attain the learning outcomes stated in the cover page.
Specifically, upon completion of this unit, you will be able to:

 Painting tools and equipment are cleaned with correct solutions without damage ,
checked , maintained , stored safely & effectively to manufacturers’ specifications and
standard work practices

 Clean the plastic and metal trowels, floats and triangular spoon with wet brush and
sponge automatically after work before the paint dry on it

 Unused materials are sealed and stored/stacked in accordance with standard material
handling practices, techniques and company requirements

 Work area is cleared and materials disposed of or recycled in accordance with standard
work practices.

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Maintaining , store painting tools and equipment
The frequency and nature of maintenance should be determined through risk assessment, taking
full account of:

 the manufacturer's recommendations

 the intensity of use
 operating environment (eg the effect of temperature, corrosion, weathering)
 user knowledge and experience
 the risk to health and safety from any foreseeable failure or malfunction
Safety-critical parts of work equipment may need a higher and more frequent level of attention
than other aspects, which can be reflected within any maintenance programme. Breakdown
maintenance, undertaken only after faults or failures have occurred, will not be suitable where
significant risk will arise from the continued use of the work equipment.

The manufacturer's instructions should describe what maintenance is required to keep the
equipment safe and how this can be done safely. These instructions should always be followed,
unless there are justifiable reasons for not doing so (eg where more frequent maintenance is
necessary, due to intense use, adverse environmental conditions or when other experience shows
this need). Maintenance on a less frequent basis than the manufacturer's recommendation should
be subject to careful risk assessment and the reasons for doing so should be reviewed at
appropriate intervals. For example, where there is already an inspection regime, perhaps for
lightly used equipment, less frequent maintenance may be justified because of the condition
monitoring already provided by the inspection programme.

There is no requirement for you to keep a maintenance log, although it is recommended for high-
risk equipment. Maintenance logs can provide useful information for the future planning of
maintenance, as well as informing maintenance personnel of previous action taken. However, if
you have a maintenance log, you must keep it up to date

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Undertaking maintenance safely
Steps should be taken to manage any risks arising from maintenance activity. Manufacturer's
instructions should make recommendations on how to safely undertake maintenance of their
work equipment and, unless there are good reasons otherwise, these should always be followed.
Where possible, equipment should normally be shut down and any residual / stored energy safely
released (eg pneumatic pressure dumped, parts with gravitational / rotational energy stopped or
brought to a safe position). For high-risk equipment, positive means of disconnecting the
equipment from the energy source may be required (eg isolation), along with means to prevent
inadvertent reconnection (eg by locking off).

Store equipment and materials

Safe storage of materials and equipment is essential for many businesses, such as construction
job sites, laboratories, and other locations that handle chemicals, flammable gases and other
hazardous materials. Storage methods and procedures are regulated for many such items;
when in doubt it is always best to be cautious to prevent accidents. Locking storage cabinets
and restricting access to storage areas will prevent unauthorized handling of stored items and
minimize the possibility of theft.

General Plan

Create a plan for storing all equipment and materials at your site. Assign a specific location to
each item or type of item and label the space accordingly. Make certain that work areas and
walkways are kept clear of all stored items. Use tape or paint to identify such areas on the floor
of a large area, such as a manufacturing facility. In an office, laboratory or similar smaller
setting, use cabinets with doors that close securely. Always leave at least 1.5 feet between the
top of stored items and fire sprinklers, if present. Make sure that all stacks are solid and secure
them whenever possible.

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Flammable Materials

Materials that are highly flammable require special handling. Gases such as propane and
butane must be kept in pressure-safe containers with appropriate labels. Flammable gases are
to be kept in a separate, well-ventilated area. According to the Occupational Safety and Health
Association, flammable liquids such as gasoline and kerosene must be stored in approved
containers located away from other flammable materials. These can be stored only in a
specially constructed room that is able to contain a fire for one to two hours. Keep flammable
materials 50 feet away from sources of heat or flame.

Machinery and Equipment

Machinery such as forklifts such must be kept in a safe location where it is protected from
unauthorized access, weather and accidental damage. It must be kept away from driveways,
walkways and other areas where access is required. All equipment should be turned off when
not in use. If there is a chance of oil, hydraulic fluid or other liquids leaking from the vehicle
while it is stored, use a drip pan underneath it to catch any spills. Check the area frequently for
such leaks and clean them up immediately if any are found, as these represent significant fall
hazards for employees.

Cleaning tools after and before work

Cleaning, checking, maintaining and storing Tools and equipment.

 Only tools and equipment which are in good condition may be used.
 Tools shall only be used for the purpose for which they were designed.
 Employees shall make frequent inspections of tools and equipment, and immediately
remove from service any items found defective.
 When using hand tools, the employee shall place himself in such a position that he will
avoid injury if the tool slips.

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 Only soft faced hammers (brass, plastic, rubber, or similar materials) shall be used on
highly tempered steel tools such as cold chisels, star drills, etc. Proper eye protection
must be worn when performing such an operation.
 Files, rasps, and other tools having sharp tangs shall be equipped with approved handles.
 Tools which are not in use shall be placed where they will not present a tripping or
stumbling hazard.
 Pointed tools shall never be carried edge or point up in pockets.
 Tools shall not be thrown from one worker to another, or to another working location.
 Extensions shall not be used on wrenches to gain leverage unless the wrench is designed
to be used in such a fashion.
 When cutting wire or any other material under tension, the material being cut shall be
secured to prevent the ends from snapping free.
 All power tools must be properly grounded before their use.
 Gloves shall not be worn when operating lathes, drill presses, power saws, or similar
equipment. Loose clothing must not be worn and long sleeves should be rolled up prior to
 Hooks, brushes, vacuums, or special tools shall be used to remove dust or chips.
Compressed air shall not be used.
All machinery must be turned off when unattended.
Maintenance, repairs, adjustments, and measurements must not be made while saws, lathes,
grinders, and similar equipment are in operation. Compressed air shall never be used to dust off
clothing, or be directed toward another person. Saw blades, gears, sprockets, chains, shafts,
pulleys, belts, and similar apparatus shall not be operated without the proper guarding. Safety
glasses, goggles, or face shields shall be worn when operating power tools Checking and
maintenance Before every use, look for signs of damage to blasting equipment and power tools.
Before use, check compressed air lines; check that any compressed air cutout works properly. At
least once a week, check the condition and operation of blasting equipment. At least once a
quarter, maintain the equipment according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Keep this

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information in your testing logbook. Use care when handling hawks and trowels as the edges can
become sharp with use. Keep the surfaces of application tools clean during use and when the
work is done. Ensure that application tools are dry before storing them. Never use a trowel for
chipping or chopping.

Sealing or handle unused materials

Materials handling and storage

Storing of materials:- Un-using materials are sealing and storing/stacking and techniques.
Proper way of storing material should be considered in schoolwork shops and training area and
this has to be adopted in the real work of Introduction construction sites. It is use full to keep
materials in a proper manner, to preserve materials long lasting, to secure chemical character of
the material, for easy access and handling etc. In general proper way of storing material saves
time and money. Accordingly methods of storing for some materials and hand tools are
described and illustrated below. Storing materials and tools depend up on the type, size, and
product character, etc.
Storing of Binding Material /Cement and Lime/ In general cement and lime should be stored in a
way that it does not come in contact with moisture. As soon as it gets moisture, setting starts,
which render it, unfit for future use. In order to avoid this cement and lime should:
Be stored in storage sheds with raised damp proof floors. Be stored about 60cms away from
external walls. Be stacked up to reasonable height for ease of handling and for avoiding cooling
(not more than 10 bags be stocked over one another)
Not be stored in rainy season and long periods of storing should be avoided. Be stored in
silosorbins, if stored in bulk form.
Be used on first in first out basis. Storing of Binding Material /Cement and Lime/ In general
cement and lime should be stored in a way that it does not come in contact with moisture. As
soon as it gets moisture, setting starts, which render it, unfit for future use. In order to avoid this
cement and lime should: Be stored in storage sheds with raised damp proof floors. Be stored
about 60cms away from external walls. Be stacked up to reasonable height for ease of handling

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and for avoiding cooling (not more than 10 bags be stocked over one another) Not be stored in
rainy season and long periods of storing should be avoided. Be stored in silosorbins, if stored in
bulk form. Be used on first in first out basis. Handling and Storage Bagged Plaster Goods
Basecoat, finish and veneer plasters and other bagged products are commonly loaded on sturdy
wooden pallets Bagged Plaster Goods for fork-lift truck handling. With fully loaded pallets, the
lift forks should be spaced within eight inches of the pallet edge. This practice distributes weight
of the plaster more evenly and reduces chances for the pallet to break and drop the load. Store
plasters products inside in a dry location away from heavy-traffic areas. Stack plaster bags on
planks or pallets away from damp floors or walls. Long-term outdoor storage is not
recommended. In an emergency, bagged plaster products may be temporarily stored outdoors.
All gypsum plasters are susceptible to variable moisture conditions and aging that can produce
variations in setting time and performance problems. Building plasters have approximately a six-
month shelf life when stored as recommended. Stocks should be rotated to ensure a supply of
fresh material and prevent damage to plaster through aging and contact with moisture.
Lath and plaster products should be ordered for delivery to the job just before application. Rather
than ship all plaster to the job at one time, fresh plaster should be delivered as needed. Materials
stored on the job for longer periods are subject to damage, abuse and possible performance
problems. Handling and Storage— Expanded metal lath, steel framing, corner beads, casing
beads, metal trim, clips, fasteners and others.

 Plastering Steel and Accessories

Expanded metal lath, steel framing, corner beads, casing beads, metal trim, clips, fasteners and
other Plastering Steel and Accessories accessories should be stored indoors, on planks or
platforms away from damp floors and walls. These items, having either a galvanized or painted
finish, are suitable for use in a finished wall or ceiling system. The protective coatings are not
designed to prevent rusting due to extreme or prolonged exposure to the weather. Corrosion on
metal corner beads, trim and fasteners may bleed through finishing materials. Store plastering
steel and accessories in low traffic areas to keep them from becoming bent or damaged. All
materials should remain in their wrappings or containers until used. Handling and Storage Joint

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Reinforcement Products Powdered joint compounds and reinforcement tapes are subject to
water damage and should be stored indoors, in moderate temperatures, off the floor in a dry
location and away from heavy-traffic areas. Since powdered joint compounds are susceptible to
moisture conditions and subject to aging (six-month shelf life) they must be procured from fresh
stock and not stored for extended periods. Imperial® Type P tape (pressure sensitive), exposed to
high temperatures (130 °F or more), may lose some adhesive bond. All materials should remain
in their unopened packaging until used and should be regularly rotated.

 Clearing working area

Clearing Work area and disposing materials Disposing & recycling waste materials Disposal
methods adopted depend on the nature of the material. To obtain this information, a
comprehensive sampling and analysis program is required so that the correct route for disposal
can be determined. For an old tip, sampling should also ascertain the odour levels, presence of
methane, groundwater levels and leach ate quality.

 Solid inert wastes

Solid inert waste found on plastering work site usually consists of building rubble, but may also
include as demolition material timber, cement, and sand, lime, plastic and lath metals. Such
wastes should be reused, recycled, or disposed of to a landfill site licensed to take such wastes
Contaminated Material and wastes To ensure that all contaminated material uncovered on a
construction site are excavated and disposed of in an environmentally responsible manner.
Suggested measures Assay material uncovered on-site prior to disposal. Excavate material in a
manner which avoids off-site environmental problems. Seal remaining contaminated material or
wastes, where only part of the tip has been excavated, to ensure that there is no off-site effect
now or in the future. Transport odorous wastes in covered vehicles. Dispose of contaminated
material in a land fill licensed to take the type of contaminated material or wastes uncovered.

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 Recyclability
Recyclability measures a material’s capacity to be used as a resource in the creation of new
products. Steel is the most commonly recycled building material, in large part because it can be
easily separated from construction debris by magnets. Many building materials that cannot be
reused in their entirety can be broken down into recyclable components. Often, it is the difficulty
of separating rubble from demolition that pre- vents more materials from being recycled. Waste
Disposal Collect, store, and remove combustible waste products at the end of each workday or at
the end of each work shift. Use only noncombustible containers to dispose of waste and rubbish
and equip them with fitted or self-closing covers. Promptly remove and dispose of spills of
flammable or combustible liquids. Place scrap lumber in containers and do not allow it to
accumulate in work areas. Remove or bend over protruding nails unless the scrap lumber is
placed directly in containers for removal. When choosing between waste minimization options,
the following hierarchy for waste management is preferred: waste avoidance and/or reduction

 Reuse
Recycling Diverting the waste stream in these ways means that waste treatment and waste
disposal options can be reduced. Construction sites should pursue this hierarchy and seek out
waste reduction opportunities. To identify opportunities it is necessary to consider all aspects of
the project and the wastes it generates. Waste can be minimized by using improved technology,
recycled or reused on-site, or by making purchasing decisions that favor recycled products.
Wherever possible, include performance measures and targets for reduction, reuse and recycling
options in the environmental management plan Waste minimization opportunities include:
obtaining construction materials, paints, lubricants and other liquids in reusable packaging or
containers using noise barriers made from recycled materials Using overburden to construct
temporary noise barriers. using contaminated water out of sediment dams for dust suppression
and irrigating adjacent vegetated land sending waste concrete from demolition activities to a
concrete recycler instead of landfill segregating and recycling solid wastes generated by
construction activities, offices and mess-rooms collecting lubricating oil from the construction
vehicle fleet and sending it to a recycle Working in the building industry can be dangerous, but

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here are some general rules to follow in order to work safely: Always wear the appropriate
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) as instructed; this could be as simple as wearing gloves to
carry off-the-saw (OS) timber.

 Always keep your working area tidy

 Always report any hazard you see
 Never carry on, or lark about on a site or in a workshop
 Always take care of, clean and maintain the tools you use
 Don’t talk to others, be distracted by or distract others while you are working

At the end of a work session always leave the workshop or site the way you would hope to find
it. If you leave stuff lying about someone could trip over it and injure themselves!

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Self-Check Unit Four
Direction I: Multiple Choice

Instruction 1- Choose the best answer from the given alternatives

1, what is the advantage of reusing and recycling construction products

A/ Avoids waste B/Reduces waste

C/ Saves primary resources D/ All of the above are correct

2, -------is contribute to more sustainable development by eliminating or reducing waste

A/ Recycling B/ Technology

C/ Learning D/ All of the above

3, what is the dis advantage if someone left Keeping Floors Clean?

A/ It will be attractive B/ It will be good for working

C/ It will be caused of people falling D/ All of the above

4,. Which of the following are false during maintaining tooling?

A. Tools not endanger the operator or other people in the space.

B. The tools itself not needs to be as safe as possible

C. Tools should be well maintained and not have safety features removed or defeated

D. Tools need to have enough space to be operated safely

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Direction II: Give short answers

Instruction II- Give short answers to the following questions

1. What are the characteristics of a good report

2. What are the most common applications of reused or recycled products

3. List the uses of work completion checklists

4. Discuss the most common construction operations

5. List out works that are associated with completing construction works

Direction III: True or False

Instruction III - Say True or False to the following questions.

1. Successful quality initiatives typically have some sort of work checklist incorporated into a
standardized product or service process.

2. Storing dirty tools without cleaning them can cause them to deteriorate.

3. By using more recycled and reused materials on construction project, we cannot reduce overall

4. A well-written report “tells a story”.

5. The only tool that needs daily cleaning is the concrete mixer.

You can ask you teacher for All the copy of the correct answers !!!

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De Vizcaya-Ruiz, A., Gutiérrez-Castillo, M. E., Uribe-Ramirez, M., Cebrián, M. E., Mugica-
Alvarez, V., Sepúlveda, J., et al. (2006). Characterization and in vitro biological effects of
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Chemical Research in Toxicology, 24(6), 950–959.

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