Chameleon - The Homebrewery

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hameleons are just as colorful as they are crafty, Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and
witty, and stealthy. Most tend to fend for Draconic.
themselves, while others are super helpful and
wish to do only good or are destructive and want
to commit nefarious evil. Their physical form Chameleon Speech
might be humanoid but they are more like a Chameleons have mastered Common but still
reptile than they are a human. While some may speak a bit differently than other humanoids.
call them an alien, odd, or weird looking, chameleons try to Most Chameleons talk like they have something
understand and befriend other races; especially others that to hide, whether they actually do or not and speak
might also stand out or be helpful to the task or mission at very literally or blunt.
hand. Making a chameleon your friend isn't a mistake and Chameleons are sometimes just as colorful as
might even prove useful in the right situations. they speak and most don't use the normal naming
conventions when naming or describing
something or someone.
Chameleon Traits A "Mug" might be a "Vessel for consuming
Your Chameleon character has the following racial traits. Fermented Grain" and the Gnome Rogue in your
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by party named "Carlos" might be "Shifty McFingers".
2, and your Wisdom score increases by 1. Chameleons tend to speak in the present tense
Age. Chameleons reach maturity around age 14 and rarely rather than any other tense if they can get away
live longer than 60 years. with it. Rather than saying "I'm finished eating."
one might say "This meal is over."
Alignment. Most chameleons are neutral, while some may
tend to the extremes of lawful good or chaotic evil. Most see
the world as a place where life and death are natural
processes and wish only to survive. Most Chameleons prefer Content Credits: Vololhamp Geddarm, /u/CaptDeathCap, and
to leave other creatures to their own devices, including other Quinn Feylonn
chameleons. Photo Credits: Firatsolhan
Size. Chameleons are about the same size as humans or
sometimes a bit smaller. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking and climbing speeds are 25 feet.
Additionally, you don't take a speed penalty while prone.
Hunter's Lore. You gain proficiency with the following
skills: Nature and Survival.
Natural Armor. You have tough, scaly skin. When you
aren't wearing armor, your AC is 10 + your Dexterity modifier.
You can use your natural armor to determine your AC if the
armor you wear would leave you with a lower AC. A shield's
benefits apply as normal while you use your natural armor.
Tongue-lash. A chameleon's tongue can be up to twice as
long as its body. So long as the use of your tongue is not
inhibited, your unarmed strikes, made with your tongue, are
considered to have the Reach property, and your tongue is
considered a natural weapon. The tongue can hit from a
distance up to 10 feet. Attacking with your tongue deals
bludgeoning damage equal to 1d4 + your Dexterity modifier.
Additionally, you can make minor interactions with your
tongue, such as activating buttons, casting touch spells or
retrieving small items that are not being carried, from a
distance of up to 10 feet.
Adaptive Camouflage. Your skin can change color to
match your environment, giving you a natural advantage
when trying to travel unseen. You can take the Hide action so
long as you are adjacent to any opaque object or solid
surface. In addition, whenever you are hidden and stand still,
creatures have disadvantage on all ability checks made to
detect you that rely on sight.
Griptail. Your tail is a prehensile appendage that you can
use to grab and hold small objects and to anchor yourself to
terrain. Objects that are being held with your tail can't be
used and you can't use your tail to cast spells.

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