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Global Issues Project

Objective: To have students analyze a global issue by describing the details, comparing perspectives,
determining realistic solutions, and supporting their thoughts about the issue.
Part I: Choose an issue: Each individual will choose a current global issue from the following list OR must
prearrange their issue with the teacher. Some examples are below:
Biodiversity/Ecosystem Losses (Extinction)
Pollution (Air, Water, Land etc.)
Endangered Languages
Gender Discrimination
Hunger /Famine child labor
Health in poor countries
Global infectious diseases
The refugee's crisis

Part II: Report: Prepare a report on the particular issue being studied to hand or e-mail to the teacher. (2-3
pages typed, double spaced, 11-pt font Calibri or12-pt font Times New Roman. Be sure to include the

The research paper has 5 subtopics that must be addressed in a paragraph to create a 5 paragraph essay:
1. An overview of the problem/issue –
What is the problem? Where does it exist? When did it begin? What people or groups are directly
involved? Specific names, dates, locations are needed.
2. Different perspectives (views) about the problem –
What are the causes of the problem? Does everyone see it as a problem? Historical sources must be
used to examine the facts and opinions about the problem.
3. Possible existing solutions –
How have experts / others associated with the issue suggested fixing the problem? What makes the
suggestions different? Based on the background of this issue, what do you predict will happen in the future?
4. Barriers to existing solutions –
What human, environmental, and or geographical barriers stand in the way of fixing the problem?
5. Ways to address the barriers –
Given what you have learned, what do you think would be the best solution to the problem?
Part III: Presentation: Students will have a choice as to how the report will be presented. The presentation
will be based on the contents of the paper. The presentations will be to the class, and must be within 6 minutes.
Ideas on how to present material:
1. Slide show/digital presentation
2. Write a play script/present it
3. Give an oral presentation with handouts or posters
4. Create a game to teach the essentials of the issue.
5. Conduct/record an interview with someone that works/ is affected by the issue
6. Make a video on the issue

Documentation of Sources:A number of suggested sources are listed that provide starting points for
information, activities, ideas and challenges regarding the global issues topics.

* Wikipedia and blogs are not considered reliable resources.

Plagiarism (copy and paste): Not citing the sources you used or directly copying and pasting information
will result in a zero and reporting you to the front office. It is a serious offense to pretend others’ ideas are your

Due Date: 12/11/2023

Global Issues Project: Rubric

Name:__________________________ Global Issue:_____________________

Directions: Your essay will be graded based on this rubric. Consequently, use this rubric as a guide when writing your
essay and check it again before you submit your essay.
Traits 4 3 2 1

Focus & There is one clear, There is one clear, well There is one topic. Main The topic and
Details well focused topic. focused topic. Main ideas are somewhat clear. main ideas are
Main ideas are ideas are clear but are not clear.
clear and are well not well supported by
supported by detailed information.
detailed and
Organization The introduction is The introduction states The introduction states There is no
inviting, states the the main topic and the main topic. A clear
main topic, and provides an overview of conclusion is included. introduction,
provides an the paper. A conclusion structure, or
overview of the is included. conclusion.
paper. Information
is relevant and
presented in a
logical order. The
conclusion is
Content The content is The content is generally The content is sometimes The content is
accurate and accurate and reasonably inaccurate or incomplete. inaccurate or
comprehensive. complete. Readers may Readers may learn some overly general.
Readers are likely develop a few insights isolated facts, but they Listeners are
to gain new about the topic. are unlikely to gain new unlikely to
insights about the insights about the topic. learn anything
topic. or may be
Sources Sources are Sources are well Sources support some Sources are not
exceptionally well integrated and support claims made in the essay, used or they are
integrated and they the essay’s claims. but might not be not integrated
support claims integrated well within the well.
argued in the essay essay’s argument.
very effectively.

Presentation Presentation is very Presentation is informative Presentation lacks Presentation is
informative and easy and easy to follow. information and/or hard to very hard to
to follow. Audio/visuals are relevant follow. Audio/visuals are follow because of
Audio/visuals are and well prepared. good, but more practice was missing
very relevant and needed. information.
well prepared. Audio /visuals
lack relevancy to
the issue.

Notes (Paper):

Notes (Presentation): 10

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