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LANC1070: Reading & Vocabulary Component Pacing Schedule for fall 2020

Week 1 Unit 1: Globalization

13- 17 1. Students watch video on this unit from Moodle for background information& generating interest
And do the quiz based on the video
Sep 2. Students read the text on Globalization and answer Task 5 (skimming) Task 8 (Moodle Quizzes)

Week 2 Unit 2: Motivation

20- 25 1. Students watch video on this unit from Moodle for background information& generating interest
And complete the exercise based on the video
Sep 2. Students read the text on Motivation and answer vocab Task 5 (Moodle Quiz)

Week 3 Unit 2: Motivation

27- 1 1. Students read the text on Motivation and answer reading comprehension Tasks 3 & 7 (Moodle

Week 4 Unit 3: HMRC

4 -8 1. Students watch video on this unit from Moodle for background information& generating interest
And do the quiz based on the video
Oct 2. Students read the text on HMRC and answer vocab Task 4 Task 8 (Moodle Quiz)

Week 5 Unit 3: HMRC

11- 15 1. Students read the text on Motivation and answer reading comprehension Tasks 3 & 5 (Moodle

Week 6 Unit 4: Driverless Cars- Monopoly

18 -22 1. Students watch video on this unit from Moodle for background information& generating interest
And do the quiz based on the video
Oct 2. Students read the text on Driverless cars and answer reading Task 7 & vocab Task 11 (Moodle

Week 7 Practice Reading Test 1

25 -30 Practice Reading Test 2

Oct Practice Vocab Test 1 Saturday 31 Oct Midterm Reading and Vocab

WEEK 8 Unit 5: Job Seekers, pp.56 -57

1–5 1. Students watch videos on this unit from Moodle for background information& generating interest
2. Students read the text on Job Seekers and answer reading Task 3 & vocab task 6 (Moodle Quizzes)

WEEK 9 Unit 5: Job Seekers, pp.56 -57

8 – 12 1. Students read the text on Job Seekers and answer reading comprehension Task 4. (Moodle Quiz)


WEEK 10 Unit 6: Developing skills for career pp.61-62

15 - 19 1. Students watch video clips from Moodle under course documents tab for background information&
generating interest
Nov 2. Students read the text on ‘Developing Key Skills for a Lifetime of Opportunity’ and answer reading
Task 2 & vocabulary Task 4 (Moodle Quiz)

WEEK 11 Unit 7: Impact of Social Media pp.63-69

22 - 26 1. Students watch video clips from Moodle under course documents tab for background information&
generating interest.
Nov 2. Students answer vocabulary Tasks 5 & 9 ( Moodle Quizzes)

WEEK 12 Unit 7: Impact of Social Media pp.67-69

29 - 3 1. Students read the text on Social Media and answer reading comprehension Tasks 3 &6 (Moodle

WEEK 13 Unit 8: Fourth Industrial Revolution pp.70-75

6 – 10 Dec 1. Students watch video clips from Moodle under course documents tab for background information&
generating interest.
2. Students answer vocabulary Task1 from their book (Moodle quiz)
3. Students read the text on Social Media and answer reading Tasks 4 &5 (Moodle Quizzes). Also
available on Kahoot

1. Practice Reading Test 3 (Moodle Quiz)

WEEK 14 2. Practice Vocab Test
13 to 17


Week 15 1. Practice Reading Test 4( Moodle Quiz)

20 – 24 2. Practice Vocab Test 2
3. Practice Vocab Test 3

Week 16 Final Reading & Vocab Exam on Thursday 31st Dec 8:00 to 10:00 am



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