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红⾊ - 好词⽤法

橘⾊ - 句式
蓝⾊ - ⽣词

001. Central gov't fully supports HKSAR in countering

latest COVID-19 resurgence
• counter反对;反驳;抵
制;抵消 002. The central government firmly supports the HKSAR
government in taking resolute measures to contain the
• contain the spread of
the novel coronavirus spread of the novel coronavirus

• daily necessities 003. The office has conveyed on many occasions the
• resurgence
central government's concern over the epidemic situation
in Hong Kong as well as its solicitude for the Hong
• stringent严格的 Kong compatriots to HKSAR Chief Executive Carrie Lam
and relevant HKSAR government officials, adding that the
• tally 合计 mainland fully supports Hong Kong's fight against the fifth
wave of the pandemic, said the spokesperson.
• inoculation接种

• prevail through 贯穿 004. A series of stringent COVID-19 containment

measures have been put in place in the HKSAR after the
city reported a record daily high of 1,161 confirmed
COVID-19 cases on Wednesday.

005. The city has reported some 4,000 infections over the
past two weeks, taking the total tally of infections close to
17,000 as of Wednesday afternoon, according to data
from the Center for Health Protection.

006.mass inoculation program ⼤规模接种计划

007. With input from Xinhua 新华社报道

008. Humanity prevails through sport

• embody 体现出

• has woven close ties

with 与…息息相关(关
woven = weave编织

• with that a nity has

come a determination
to support important
activities dedicated to
ocean exploration and

• o 开头
o -chance极罕⻅的机会
o -center偏离中⼼的
o -brand⾮品牌的
o -balance不平衡的
o the record⾮官⽅的;
009.delineate 细讲;钩画;描述
o the cu 即兴的 they’re just a little difficult to delineate
010. be off the charts ⾼得离谱;创历史新⾼;超出
be off the charts great 出奇的好
011. ⾦钱⾄上的世界 live in a money-oriented world

012. ⻥⼦酱 caviar

013. initiator 发起⼈;催化剂

014. GMT 格林威治标准时间 Greenwich Mean Time

015. Ukrainian forces take aim at Russian supply lines as
battles rage in multiple cities.

016. SWIFT 环球银⾏⾦融电信协会

Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications
• An industry owned co-operative supplying secure
messaging services and interface software to financial

• 017 宣布封锁贸易 announce moves to block trade

• 018 go to plan 按计划进⾏

Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine did not go to plan in its
first week.
• 019. meet stiff resistance ⾯临顽强抵抗
• 020. suffer heavy casualties 伤亡惨重
• 021. get plugs 植发
• 022. How's it going with sth? …的进展如何了?
• 023. Who will do the first shot?谁第⼀个来
• 024. 甩某⼈ dump sb. 倾倒、丢弃;倾销;垃圾堆
• I’m just gonna go take a dump.我需要去拉屎。
• 025. 是……背景下应运⽽⽣的产物
emerge amid/amidst/against the backdrop of…….
• 026. 是…..(加⼤改⾰开放⼒度)的⼀个具体体现
exemplify/showcase/indicate/testify to China’s efforts/
commitment to deepen reform and opening up
越来越流⾏ • 027. 中国在国际舞台上越来越令⼈瞩⽬
gain popularity has gained prominence on the world stage
加速 • 028. 已经具备了“⾛出去”的魅⼒
gain momentum is well-positioned/well-placed/well-equipped/full-fledged
to go global
• 029. 不同⽂化间的交流
inter-cultural exchanges
• 030. ⽂化交流是个互相学习、互相借鉴的过程
cultural exchange mean/call for mutual learning
• 031. 中国⽂化既要找根本⼟、坚守传统,⼜要紧跟时代
1/must be both traditional and modern
2/Chinese culture must be rooted in its original soil of
Chinese tradition on the one hand and advance with the
times/keep abreast of the times on the other.
• 032. 我们将以真诚的愿望、负责的精神,与法国有关部
1/We’ll join our hands with …in a sincere and responsible
2/We’ll partner with … with sincerity and responsibility
3/We’ll be sincere and responsible in cooperation with…
• 033. ⼀提起…,在我的脑海⾥就会浮现…
the very mention of … brings to my mind …
• 034. 不只是⼝头说说⽽已,⽽是从⼼⾥认同⽂化的多样

1/this has always been theirs practice rather than on their
2/it’s not just a lip service; but rather, it is sincere in
embracing cultural diversity
延伸:lip service空⼝的应酬话;⼝惠
Unhappily, he had done no more than pay lip service to their view.
• 035. Xi urges all-out rescue work after south China's
passenger plane crash
• Li asked authorities to publish information in a
factual, timely and accurate manner
• rescue operations are underway

• 036. In the face of centennial changes and the once-

in-a-century pandemic, Wang said it is necessary for
China and the Islamic world to forge closer ties,
speak with one voice and safeguard their
common interests.
• 037. China is ready to join hands with friends of the
Islamic world to make due contributions to global
economic recovery and growth.
• 038. The Chinese foreign minister proposed that to
further China-Pakistan ties, efforts should be made to
give firm support to each other, and accelerate
common development and revitalization.
• 039. Sheikh Mohamed stressed that his visit to Egypt
came as a continuation of the historical and
distinguished relations between the two countries.
• 040. All-out rescue operations are underway and no
survivors have been found.
• 041. It remains grounded in China.
• Rescue work continues amid difficulties
• Difficulties emerge in rescue work
• 042. Hate crimes against people of Asian descent rose
• augur /ˈɔːɡə(r)/ by 77 percent in 2020, which is a disproportionate
v. 预⾔;是……的 uptick compared to hate crimes in general, which
预兆;占⼘ rose 32 percent.
n. 预⾔家 • uptick ⼩幅上涨
【记】 1/But an uptick in output does not augur prosperity.
augur=august(⼋ 但是,产量上扬并不预示着经济繁荣。
⽉)联想:⼋⽉天⽓ 2/Even with an uptick, the results were still slightly behind
analysts estimates.
难以预测→预⾔ 3/City officials say that's caused an uptick in arson,
家,占⼘ vandalism, and alleged police brutality.
例句 市政官员表示,这导致了纵⽕、破坏和所谓的警察暴⾏的
1/ 上升。
Conflicts among the 4/one Goodwill store in Maryland reported a 367 percent
various groups do uptick in donations.
not augur well for ⻢⾥兰州的⼀家慈善商店捐献物的数量上涨了367%。
the future of the
5/Bond-buying is represented as a tsunami of cash. An
peace talks.
uptick in inflation becomes a euro-gulping great white
各派之间的冲突对 shark.
和平谈判不是⼀个 债券购买被视为⼀场现⾦海啸。通货膨胀的⼩幅上涨变成
好兆头。 了⼀只吞⻝欧元的⼤⽩鲨。
Mounting sales • 043. What can be expected from Biden's upcoming
augur a profitable trip to Europe?
year. • U.S. President Joe Biden will visit Europe later this
不断增加的销售量 week to attend NATO, G7 and European Council
预示着好年景。 summits. He is also scheduled to have a separate
meeting with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda in
Warsaw afterwards.
• thus far = so far 放句尾/句⾸
• dispatch
v. 派遣;发送;迅速处理,迅速办妥;杀死,处决
n. 派遣,发送;公⽂,急件;报道,电讯;杀死,除掉
dispatch order: 发运单
Dispatch advice: 发货通知
economic dispatch: 经济调度;经济分配
dispatch center: 调度中⼼;运输中⼼;勤务中⼼
load dispatch: 负载等;负载配电
with dispatch: 迅速地、尽快地
dispatch from: 从…发送
We accept your offer and will dispatch the goods at once.
Goods are dispatched within 24 hours of your order
reaching us.
订单到达我⽅ 24 ⼩时内发货。

044. 裁员潮
mass layoffs / massive job cuts

045. That’s why a recent judgment from its high court

has raised eyebrows.
xxxiuy·046. in full swing 在热烈进⾏中;处于兴盛阶段;如⽕如荼进⾏中;
• Economic activities return to full swing in Shenzhen
• the big fair was in full swing.⼤型集市正如⽕如荼地进⾏
047. Washington's Middle East policy failed to promote sustainable peace
048. asymptomatic cases ⽆症状病例
049. A new kind of prosperity awaits
050. overturn 推翻
America’s Supreme Court is preparing to overturn the constitutional right to
an abortion.
051. to outlaw abortion 宣布......不合法
052. 中国政府 The authorities in Beijing
053. delay
• the conference has been delayed until 15th and 16th
• Companies have not reported supplier delays this severe in decades.
• Delays in getting the results would increase
054. backbone ⻣⼲;⽀柱
• Agriculture used to be the economic backbone of this country.农业曾是这个
• Amazon’s clou computing division, which provides the backbone
of its prof ts, did well.
055. Lyft 来福⻋
is a privately held American transportation network company based in San
Francisco,CA. 竞争对⼿Uber
056. rebound
057. buyout / buy-out收购
058. It’s all going downhill
• step down逐渐减低;辞职
ˋ -
056.Although technical ability is not the only determinant of success, sheer
talent helped.⼗⾜的天赋也有益

057. highest-performing
058. sb 曾这样说
“……”, once opined sb.

⼼ 表达意⻅ 以为
059. 竞对设备制造商(友商)Apple - Huawei
rival device-maker

060. gadgets 可以表达为电⼦产品

061. The Indian economy is being retired
. 重塑
062. The opportunity is immense - and so are the stakes

063. Can India power the global economy

064. 超低 Ultra-low emission cars清洁能源⻋辆

065. be down to sth 由…引起(或造成)

066. center around/on/round/upon sb/sth | centre sth around/on/round/upon

sb/sth 把…当作中⼼;(使)成为中⼼

067. shopping arcade 商场;购物中⼼

068. 占⽐

make up **% of AAA, compared with **% during the same period in 2017

069. flesh sth out 充实(计划、论据等的内容)

070. be at work 起作⽤;在⼯作
1/ But that still doesn’t answer the question of what mechanism might be
at work. 不过,这仍然没有说明是什么原理在起作⽤。
2/ So academics have been looking at the structure of foreign-exchange
markets, to see if behavioral factors might be at work.
3/ In this respect, the following set of conditions is assumed to be at
work to make possible for firms to follow some kind of strategy.
BRICS countries need to cut with a sense of
responsibility and bring positive stabbing and constructive
strength to the world

072. Cellulose goes on to make up over 90% of the fiber’s weight.

073. 触底反弹
rebound; bottom out; bounce back

the consumer-price index is likely to bottom out at the end of the third quarter.

will indeed hit bottom and turn higher

074. 基本持平
basically on par with
is about equal

075. forge stronger connections with

076. BRICS’s greater geopolitical role lies in economic and financial

cooperation. ⾦砖五国更⼤的地缘政治影响⼒来⾃于经济和⾦融合作。

077. 今年,在疫情打击下的全球经济复苏⾯临着俄乌冲突持续、全球供应链

The recovery of the COVID-hit global economy has been weighed down by
more uncertainties this year, such as the ongoing conflict between Russia
and Ukraine, global supply chain shocks and rampant inflation in major
economies. Against such a backdrop, the BRICS Summit, which will be held
virtually on June 23, has drawn wide attention as the world waits to see what
solutions the BRICS will come up with in response to the current challenges.

078. the summer is at its peak

079. over 100,000 residents remaining in occupied Mariupol don’t have

access to drinking water.

080. wait in lines for 4-6 hours

081. 热得要命 sizzling / sweltering / scorching

082. In response to President Biden’s reviewing a Trump-era tariffs imposed
on imports from China

083. It’s that time of the year when you actually call to talk to your Dad

084. US-China trade truce is needed to lift the global economic gloom.


085. vegetate <v> spend time doing boring or worthless things

He spends all his free time at home vegetating in front of the TV

086. ⾃然空间

natural space / physical space / green space

087. 全⺠健身热悄然兴起
Public fitness programs are sweeping the country

088. ⽹络⽂化产业迅猛发展

the online cultural industry is growing in strength

089. 更好满⾜⼈们个性化多样化品质化国际化的⽂化需求

meet the demand for greater individuality and diversity, higher quality, and
closer connections with the wider world.

090. 天府之国 land of abundance

091. 中⼼/枢纽 center / hub

092. enjoy a boomlet ⼩景⽓;短暂的繁荣

093. As life is returning to normal, Americans’ unusually-high saving rate of

the past two years is coming back down to earth

094. the leveraged loan market is struggling

095. China will step up efforts to support private investment and push ahead with
multipurpose projects
boost development

096. workaday 普通的;平凡的;平淡⽆奇的

097. paired with伴随着

098. jack up prices突然⼤幅提⾼价格

099. one business leader is speaking up for engagement with—not decoupling
100. decarbonizing the world will require profound innovations.
Advances in climate finance allow for us to go further

101. turns out we’re good at two thins

102. it might just be upping your chances of

103. ephemeral

104. 同时 still
105. Margins for many refiners have rocketed, and bottlenecks in the sector are
propelling global petrol prices upwards

106. Find faves at every price point for the father figure in your life


108. take center stage 成为关注焦点(站在舞台中央)

109. drive better outcomes

110. fall off a cliff - decrease very quickly and suddenly

111. rank-and-file 普通的;⼤众的

112. 特斯拉股价暴跌 Tesla shares tumbled

113. whereabouts “⾏动,下落,去向”

whereabouts do you live来问对⽅⼤概住在哪个区域 不是具体位置
have heard little or no information on their whereabouts
114. from the get-go 从⼀开始

115. give it a shot 试⼀试

116. I'm reaching out regarding …
I’d like to enquirer about…
I’m writing to follow up on…
117. firearm firms have seen a spike in share prices

118. 增加 increase/bump/jump/bloat/swell/expand/ballon/snowball/

119. You do appear right on the cusp of something 你在职场上可真是


120. 不但停滞不前,甚⾄还倒退了
remains stagnant, or even regressive

121. the death toll continues to mount in the mass shooting

122. a pox on them 让他们⻅⻤去吧

123. buck up, mister振作起来

124. Rise in executions in 2021 as covid restrictions were eased, with
spikes seen in Iran and Saudi Arabia

125. Grab the moment! Let’s stay golden

126. 对此他⽆能为⼒ there was not much he could do about it

127. 外部原因 external cause

128. 暴跌4% plunged by 4%

129. 搁置 on hold
130. 我的所⻅所闻所感都来⾃我⾃⼰
Or heard or felt came not but from myself

131. Per aspera ad astra 穿过逆境,抵达繁星

132. inch 英⼨;缓慢移动

We are inching towards an agreement

133. carve out a niche 凭借⾃身努⼒获得/⾃⻝其⼒

134. have/take a shot (at something/at doing something)
135. Braving + n. 冒着
136. doom and gloom 暗淡
137. it comes down to 这取决于
138. 站稳脚跟 is gaining a foothold
139. 略有下降 has fallen only a smidge
140. 经历3⽉份的⼀段淡季之后,俄罗斯⼈似乎在咖啡馆、酒吧和餐馆
After a lull in March, Russians seem to be spending fairly freely on
cafes, bars and restaurants

141. the central bank lowered its key interest rate from 17% to 14%

142. 有所缓解 has eased slightly

143. ⽐特币在⼀周内贬值了30%
Bitcoin shed 30% of its value over a week

144. 错综复杂,令⼈惊叹
Awe-inspiring intricacy
145. 宗教和科学如同宿敌,争论不休
religion and science were bitter foes
foe ⼼ 敌⼈
146. 编程⾼⼿们 computer coder

147. 每种⽂化都有⾃⼰的神
every culture claims a God 声称;主张;要求

148. 全能的

149. 左右我们的命运
direct our fate

150. 为何我们都笃信存在这样的造物主?
why do we share the belief in a cosmic creator

151. 这是我们出于精神或⽂化的需要⽽创造出来的吗?

Did we dream it up to serve a need in our psyche or culture?

It's quiet a trip

What could they ever know about me?

154. 不遗余⼒地探究我们在宇宙中的地位
have struggled to understand out place in the universe

155. get a glimpse of God

156. 开创性的深刻⻅解
a ground-breaking insight

157. 运⽤数学⼯具深⼊研究⼤⾃然的运作规律
use math to dig deep into the workings of nature

158. 近来有志跻身这些名⼈⾏列的是这位Garrett Lisi

The latest mind hoping to join these illustrious ranks is Garrett Lisi

159. 这个宇宙能⽤数学⾮常好地描述
The universe can very successfully be described mathematically.

160. 你可以想象我们的世界在必然率的约束之中,利⽤推理和数学就能确定将会

You have to imagine how the world’s working in a certain circumstance and
then use reason and mathematics to develop a description of how that might be

161. 是超前于逻辑思考的
breaks the trail before reason enters

162. 获取博⼠学位后
after earning his Phd

163. escaped the confines of academia in search of adventure and a space in

which to think

164. 我不愿从事循规蹈的学究⼯作,我去了⽑伊岛,没事⼉时冲冲浪
Rather than go into a normal academic-track job, I just split off for Maui,
became a surf bum
165. 但我们为了理解⾃然⽽做出的种种尝试是那样的⽀离破碎

But all of our attempts to understand nature so far have been fragmentary

166. a theory of everything 万有理论

167. 在我们被复杂的数学搞得七荤⼋素之前
Before we plunge into this mind-bending math

168. DNA也将⼟崩瓦解
The DNA will come unraveled

169. 数字⾃动校准 digital self-calibration

170. habitat loss brought by climate change and by increased human activities
has posed a growing threat to the bird population. In response,

171. 在⼏分之⼀秒内就膨胀了10万倍

doubling in size 100,000 times in just a fraction of a second

172. LGFVs forced to offer retail investors high yields to fund infrastructure

• LGFV 地⽅政府融资平台 Local Government Financing Vehicles

173.round up 使集中;综括;围捕;round-up (尤指新闻)概要,摘要

• We’ll send you an email rounding up the latest Chinese economy news every
• Germany, Canada, the Netherlands and the U.S. rounded up the top ve
countries for medals won.

174. is able to reach its economic growth target of 5.5 per cent

175. due in part to / ,in part because

176. growing reluctance 越来越不愿意;反对

• A Web-based survey revealed a growing reluctance to live overseas
• Opinion polls recently have shown growing reluctance to join the EU

177. The scale of the challenge China faces in reaching its annual growth
target was underlined on Friday by data showing that the economy expanded
just 0.4 per cent year-on-year in the three months to June
178.◦ underline 突出;强调 = emphasize
Hitting 5.5 per cent growth for the year will only be possible if LGFVs
accelerate construction activity.

179. brokerage 经纪业务;经纪⼈佣⾦(回扣)

◦ a brokerage firm/house 经纪公司

180. in its effort to

sb. in its effort to 努⼒ / In its effort to为了

181. It is promising 8.6 per cent interest — much more than it would pay if
banks were willing to lend

◦ promise 使很可能 = it's expected to be

◦ It promises to be an exciting few days那可能是兴奋刺激的⼏天
◦ There were dark clouds overhead promising rain
182. other than doing

183. raising concerns that

184. highly leveraged 杠杆作⽤⼤的;⾼举债经营的

◦ ~ businesses ⾼度杠杆化的企业
185. 。。。and that’s all that matters

186. make time for 花时间;腾出时间+doing

187. This is the last gasp of a desperate economy trying to paper together its
188. in China’s economically weaker/strong regions

189. as Beijing makes it a policy priority ti support infrastructure projects and

boost an economy hit hard by president Xi Jinping’s “Zero-Covid” lockdowns

190. in the first half of this year

191. down 50 per cent / drop by

192. We won’t go for LGFV bonds rated below AA+

193. there is a clear preference towards + sth

194. it could not access 兑现;让…好好表现

195. ban local LGFVs from directly selling debt securities to individuals

196. The ban came after + 过去式

197. The practice has severely disrupted economic and financial order and
could easily lead to social instability

198. surreptitiously 偷偷地

~ transmitting

199. espionage 谍报活动

◦ 从事间谍活动 to engage in espionage
◦ the practice of spying or of using spies, typically by governments to
obtain political and military information: the camouflage and secrecy of

200. hammer out

ransitive verb [hammer sth out, hammer out sth]
① (with tool) 敲平 qiāopíng ‹dent›
② (play) [尤指在钢琴上] 敲打出 qiāodǎ chū ‹tune›
③ figurative (achieve) 反复讨论出 fǎnfù tǎolùn chū
▸ to hammer out a compromise/decision
• The details are being hammered out with American authorities

201. spark fears

202. lib·er·al·ize | ˈlib(ə)rəˌlīz | (British also liberalise)

verb [with object]
remove or loosen restrictions on (something, typically an economic or political
system): several agreements to liberalize trade were signed.

203. recommendation algorithm 推荐算法

204. The Chinese government is steering TikTok's coverage

◦ the area reached by a particular broadcasting station or advertising
medium: a network of eighty transmitters would give nationwide
◦ 新闻报道 the treatment of an issue by the media: the program won an
award for its news coverage.
◦ ▸ not to give or have much coverage of foreign news对国外新闻报道得
205. boot
① (footwear) 靴⼦ xuēzi
▸ a sports boot 运动靴
▸ the boot is on the other foot (British figurative) 情况正好相反
▸ to put the boot in (British informal) 猛踢 (figurative) 落井下⽯
▸ to lick sb's boots (figurative) 拍某⼈的⻢屁
▸ to be too big for one's boots 变得⾃以为是
② informal (dismissal) 解雇 jiěgù
▸ to get the boot (be dismissed from job) 被解雇 (be deserted) 被抛弃
▸ to give sb the boot (dismiss from job) 解雇某⼈ (end relationship with) 抛弃某

③ British Motor Vehicles ⾏李箱 xínglixiāng
B.transitive verb
① informal (kick) 猛踢 měng tī ‹person, ball›
② Computing 启动 qǐdòng ‹operating system, program›
C.intransitive verb
Computing 启动

◦ Sb call on Apple and Google to boot TikTok from their app store
◦ the menu is ready as soon as you boot up your computer: start up, fire
up, prepare, ready, make ready.
206. it's hard to know what people see on their personalized social feeds
social media feeds 推送新闻 社交媒体信息
207. with ties to sth

208. ByteDance is eager to get its international business on a surer footing

209. China's policing of online content is becoming stricter

210. be off the table

• not up for consideration or negotiation
◦ That option is now off the table.
• on the table :up for consideration or negotiation
◦ the subject is not on the table
211. He still owns a big stake in the company and reportedly retains a
majority of voting rights

212. facing mounting pressure

213. Crowds thronged the streets of Tokyo to mourn Abe Shinzo

214. beef up
(beef something up, beef up something) give more substance or strength to
something: cost-cutting measures are planned to beef up performance.
• Mr Abe had beefed up Japan’s defences to counter rising Chinese
215. in-person meeting
◦ An in-person meeting is when two or more people are physically present
for a discussion.
216. stock up on food and medicine

217. fret1 | BrE frɛt, AmE frɛt |
A.intransitive verb present participle fretting past tense, past participle fretted
① (be anxious) 苦恼 kǔnǎo
▸ to fret about or over sth; 担⼼某事
▸ to fret at sth; 为某事发愁
② (cry) «baby, child» 哭闹 kūnào
▸ to fret for sb/sth; 为得到某⼈/某物⽽哭闹
▸ the little boy was fretting for his mother 那个⼩男孩哭着要妈妈
(mainly British)(annoyance) 苦恼 kǔnǎo
▸ to be/get in a fret; 陷⼊苦恼中
▸ to be/get in a fret with sb; 担⼼某⼈

218. in a string of hits on + 话题 -> ⼀系列热点

• It was the latest in a string of hits on Russian facilities in occupied territory

219. whittle | BrE ˈwɪtl, AmE ˈ(h)wɪd(ə)l |
transitive verb
① (cut) 削 xiāo ‹piece of wood, stick›
② (create) 削成 xiāochéng ‹peg, walking stick›
whittle away
A. transitive verb [whittle sth away, whittle away sth]
① (reduce by whittling) 削短 xiāoduǎn ‹piece of wood, stick›
② figurative (diminish) 削减 ‹finances, savings›; 削弱 ‹confidence›
B. intransitive verb
① (keep whittling) 不断地削
▸ to whittle away at; 不停地削 ‹piece of wood, stick›
② figurative (keep reducing) 不断削减 ▸ to whittle away at sth;
持续减少 ‹savings›
持续削弱 ‹confidence›
whittle down
transitive verb [whittle sth down, whittle down sth]
① = whittle away A
② figurative (reduce in number) 减少 ‹applicants, number›
▸ to whittle the number of candidates down to three 将候选⼈数减少到三

220. Restoring public trust will be his priority.

221. Angola's president for 38 years until his ousting in 2017

◦ oust 把...赶下台

222. He also presented Mr Biden with a list of ideas for tackling inflation

223.be out to do sth

◦ to be aiming to do something or to get something
• be (all) out to (do something)
◦ To be working toward some goal or outcome.
• eg: We are out to set a new standard for wealth management.
224. His election raises hopes that Sri Lanka, which has been in economic
and political turmoil for months, will at last regain the political stability
required to solve its economic problems.
225. be up by 5%
grow/increase by
climb to a new record of

226. The price of second-hand cars, a big contributor to inflation a year ago,
continued to fall.

227. a rise of half a percentage point was "on the table"

228. spin-off | ˈspɪn ˌɔf | (also spinoff)
a byproduct or incidental result of a larger project: the commercial spin-off from
defense research.
• a product marketed by its association with a popular television program, movie,
personality, etc.: [as modifier] : spin-off merchandising.
• a subsidiary of a parent company that has been sold off, creating a new

229. Haleon
Haleon plc is a British multinational consumer healthcare company with
headquarters in Weybridge, Surrey. Haleon was established on 18 July 2022 as
a corporate spin-off from GSK(GlaxoSmithKline). It is the largest consumer
healthcare business in the world.

230. lift severe lockdown

231. America's other big banks—Citigroup, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan

Chase and Morgan Stanley— have also reported double-digit drops in
◦ double-digit 两位数的

232. renationalize 重新国有化

◦ back into state ownership or control. / regain state control
• ~ the networks

233. blame a large part on

234. 下降:plummet
• causing its share price to plummet

235. play hardball

◦ Act aggressively and ruthlessly
• Twitter continued to play hardball

236. ,the date of which is yet to be decided

237. Didi Global -> the ride-hailing giant

238. Fund fees drop in most markets as competition hots up

239. loth (also loath)

◦ reluctant / unwilling
• I was loath to leave.
240. ESG should be boiled down to one simple measure:

241. mistreat workers 不善待员⼯

242. stuff their boards with cronies 董事会充满裙带关系
243. It is an attempt to make capitalism work better and deal with
the grave threat posed by climate change.
◦ grave - 严重的serious / severe ‹consequences, mistake,
danger›;严肃的‹person, expression, look›
• a grave risk of fire 极⼤的⽕灾隐患

244. The ESG investing has ballooned in recent years.


245. have morphed into shorthand for hype and controversy.

◦ morph 渐变
◦ shorthand 简略表达
246. although ESG is often well-meaning / it is deeply flawed.

247. It is an unholy mess that needs to be ruthlessly


248. More people want to invest in a way that aligns with their
concerns about global warming and injustice.
249. gridlocked
◦ ① (traffic congestion) 交通⼤堵塞
◦ ② figurative (stalemate) 僵局
• ▸ Congress is in gridlock 国会因意⻅分歧⽽陷⼊僵局
◦ a situation, typically one involving opposing parties, in which
no progress can be made: an attempt to break the deadlock.
250. it lumps together a dizzying array of objectives
◦ lump 把...归并在⼀起
◦ dizzying - causing someone to feel unsteady, confused, or amazed: the
dizzying rate of change.

251. if you can stand the stigma, it is often very profitable for a business to
externalise costs
◦ stand the stigma 脸⽪够厚
◦ externalise costs 转嫁成本
252. flim-flam 废话
• As investors become wiser to such flim-flam 随着投资者越来越懂得识破此类
253. This, coupled with turmoil in financial markets, is slowing the influx of
money into sustainable funds

254. firms in declining industries may have to lay people off.

255. Britain's listed firms have an elaborate governance code—and dismal


256. water scarcity

257. carbon-belching industries 产⽣⼤量碳排放的⾏业
◦ belch 喷出‹smoke, flames› ~ out
258. Put simply, the e should stand not for environmental factors, but for
emissions alone.

259. cul·prit | ˈkəlprət | 犯错的⼈,罪犯;问题的根源

◦ a person who is responsible for a crime or other misdeed.
◦ the cause of a problem or defect: viruses could turn out to be the culprit.
• to assess which companies are large carbon culprits—and which are doing
most to reduce emissions.就越容易看出哪些企业是碳排放⼤户,哪些的减排
260. A growing number of altruistic consumers 越来越多⽆私的消费者
261. may choose to favour clean firms even if it costs them financially
262. we have long argued for much higher carbon prices that would harness
the market to save the planet.
◦ harness
◦ A.noun (for animal) 挽具 wǎnjù ; (for person) 保护带 bǎohùdài
◦ ▸ to work in harness (with sb)(与某⼈)合作
◦ ▸ to die in harness ⼯作时死去
◦ B.transitive verb 给...系保护带;利⽤
• level off
A. transitive verb [level sth off, level off sth]
(make horizontal) 使…保持⽔平 ; (make flat) 把…弄平 ‹pile, mound›
▸ level the surface off by rubbing it with sandpaper⽤砂纸将表⾯磨平
B. intransitive verb
① Aviation «aircraft, pilot» ⽔平⻜⾏
② (become horizontal) «curve» ⾛平 ; «slope, road» 变得平坦
③ (stabilize) 呈稳定状态
▸ the rate of inflation has levelled off at 8% 通货膨胀率稳定在了8%
• level out
A. transitive verb
[level sth out, level out sth] (make horizontal) 使…保持⽔平 ; (make flat) 把…
弄平 ‹pile, mound›
B. intransitive verb
→ level off B2
• level up
transitive verb [level up sth, level sth up]
(by raising lower object) 把…升⾼到平⻬ ; (by moving either object) 把…调整
▸ some of the pictures need leveling up 有些图⽚需要对⻬
• level with
transitive verb [level with sb]
informal 对…说实话
▸ level with me: what are my chances of success?
264. Boosting … growth will require …
265. More should be done to improve …
266. Although Shein’s sales growth slowed from triple digit to 35% year on
year in the quarter, it still bucked the trend
◦ triple digit 三位数
◦ buck the trend 逆势⽽上
267. Yet the industry faces plenty of obstacles
268. sluggish 缓慢的;萧条的;懒惰的
269. The first concerns Brexit. Leaving the European Union does yield some
opportunities to liberalise
◦ liberalise - loose restriction
270. pep up the economy (经济)振兴;使活跃;(⼈)兴奋
271. The heatwave now sweeping the northern hemisphere
272. hedge fund 对冲基⾦
273. LTCM美国⻓期资本管理公司 Long-term Capital Management
274. sell-off (证券)抛售
275. currency pegs 货币挂钩
276. spill back
277. many places face slower-burn and home-grown dangers
278. even if emerging-market crises pose less of a danger to the global
economy, they may pose more of a threat to the people living through them
279. galloping /ˈɡæləpɪŋ/ 迅速增加(蔓延)的
galloping inflation 急剧的通货膨胀
280. gestation 怀孕期;(思想)构思期
281. For years it has been losing competitiveness to Germany and the trend
has accelerated as the Germans have cut costs and pushed through big
282. in a matter of 左右;⼤约只不过在…之内
◦ in a matter of weeks/days/hours⼏周内;⼏天内;⼏⼩时内
◦ Inflation surged to almost 80% in a matter of months
283. arbitrary redistribution of wealth 财富的任意再分配
284. heaps the burden of inflation on… 通胀的重担都压在…
285. standstill 停滞 - halt
The security alert brought the airport to a standstill.
Traffic in the northbound lane is at a complete standstill.
286. come down to 归结为;归咎于
Much of the postmortem debate and legal fights following the financial crisis
come down to the question of investor sophistication. ⾦融危机过后的很⼤⼀

287. It stands to reason that 显然

It stands to reason that countries with larger populations might enjoy long-run
economic advantages.

288. in this regard 在这⽅⾯

In this regard, he said that the country has drawn on China's experience.

hoping Bulgaria continues to play a constructive role in this regard.


289. "We're in this time in the United States where we are really taking
another look at our own history, and reckoning with the things that we fail to
understand or chose not to see," she says. "And those things affect us very,
very deeply. So that's most vivid with respect to the African American
community. We are taking a hard look at the ways in which the ugly history of
slavery affects things that we are still living with, that black people in America
are still living with. And I'm convinced that it's more difficult to make progress
when we don't understand our history."

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