Episode 9 (Artifacts) - 043434

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Philosophical statement
Education is not solely about academic achievement, but also about personal growth and
character development. I will strive to empower my students to become independent thinkers,
lifelong learners, and compassionate individuals who can positively contribute to society.
Classroom Rules and Procedures
1. Treat everyone in the classroom with kindness, respect, and empathy
2. Pay attention when someone is speaking, and avoid interrupting or talking over others
3. Come to class on time with all necessary materials, such as textbooks, notebooks, and
4. Avoid any behavior that may disrupt the learning environment, such as using cellphones, talking
excessively, or making unnecessary noise
5. Listen carefully to the teacher’s instructions and follow them promptly and accurately
6. Take responsibility for maintaining a clean and organized classroom

Teacher-Student Relationships
I prioritize building a positive and respectful teacher-student relationship. By prioritizing trust,
communication, individualized attention, positive classroom culture, and collaboration, I aim to
create a supportive and engaging learning environment for all students.
Schedules and timeframes
Always post a daily reminder on the board or pin the task on the bulletin display that would remind
the learners about the task they need to accomplish and follow the schedule set by the school per
subject and respect the given free time.
Classroom Structure, Design and Arrangements
I will prioritized a structured, well-designed, and organized learning environment that promotes
engagement, collaboration, and inclusivity.
Classroom Safety Rules and Procedures
1. Respect personal space and property
2. Keep the classroom clean and organized
3. Use equipment and materials responsibly
4. Walk, not run
5. Be aware of your surroundings
6. Listen and follow instructions
7. Respect classroom rules
8. Report bullying or unsafe behavior
Strategies for Rewards and Consequences
Students who consistently follow the rules and demonstrate positive behavior will receive verbal
praise, additional points, or small rewards.

Students who break the rules will receive warnings, loss of privileges, or be the classroom cleaner.
If the behavior continues, parents will be contacted, and further disciplinary action may be taken.

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