NAAC AQAR Academic Year (2021-22)

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Number of Programmes offered during the year

Programme Code Programme Name Ref

CE B.E.-Civil Engineering 1

CS B.E.-Computer Science and Engineering 2

EC B.E.-Electronics and Communication Engineering 3

EE B.E.-Electrical and Electronics Engineering 4

ME B.E.-Mechanical Engineering 5

IT B.Tech.-Information Technology 6

BM B.E.-BioMedical Engineering 7

BT B.Tech.-Bio Technology 8

AD B.Tech.-Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 9

CY B.E.-Cyber Security 10

MZ B.E.-Mechatronics Engineering 11

RA B.E.-Robotics and Automation 12

MC M.E.-Computer Science and Engineering 13

VL M.E.-VLSI Design 14

PSE M.E.-Power Systems Engineering 15


MB Master of Business Administration 17

CA Masters of Computer Application 18

1.1.3 Details of Courses offered by the Institution that focus on Employability/ Entrepreneurship/ Skill Development during the year.

1.2.1 Details of Courses Introduced across all Programmes offered during the year
Activities/Content with a
direct bearing on Ref
Name of the Course Course Code Employability/ Link to the relevant document (Department)
Skill Development
Electrical and Electronic Sciences 19GES05 Skill Development EEE
Electric Circuits 19GES13 Skill Development EEE
Electric Circuits Laboratory 19GES14 Skill Development EEE
Renewable Energy Sources 19GES20 Skill Development EEE
Electrical Drives and Control 19GES21 Skill Development EEE
Electrical Drives and Control Laboratory 19GES22 Skill Development EEE
Electronic Devices and Circuits 19GES33 Skill Development EEE
Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory 19GES34 Skill Development EEE
Electromagnetic Fields 19EEC01 Skill Development EEE
Measuring Instruments 19EEC02 Skill Development EEE
Linear Integrated Circuits 19EEC03 Skill Development EEE
DC machines and Transformers 19EEC04 Skill Development EEE
AC Machines 19EEC05 Skill Development EEE
Control Systems 19EEC06 Skill Development EEE
Power Electronics 19EEC07 Employability EEE
Electrical Drives 19EEC08 Employability EEE
Micro-computing based system design 19EEC09 Employability EEE
Power System Analysis 19EEC10 Employability EEE
Operation and Control of Electrical Power Systems 19EEC11 Employability EEE
Transmission and Distribution 19EEC12 Employability EEE
Protection and switchgear 19EEC13 Employability EEE
High Voltage Engineering 19EEC14 Employability EEE
Network Analysis and Synthesis 19EEC15 Employability EEE
Smart Grid 19EEC16 Employability EEE
PLC and Automation 19EEC17 Employability EEE
Power System Transients 19EEC18 Employability EEE
Linear Integrated Circuits 19EEC19 Employability EEE
DC machines and Transformers Laboratory 19EEC20 Employability EEE
AC Machines Laboratory 19EEC21 Employability EEE
Control Systems Laboratory 19EEC22 Employability EEE
Power Electronics Laboratory 19EEC23 Employability EEE
Power System Simulation Laboratory 19EEC24 Employability EEE
Micro-computing based system design Laboratory 19EEC25 Employability EEE
Intellectual Property Rights 19EEE01 Employability EEE
Power System Stability 19EEE02 Employability EEE
Communication Engineering 19EEE03 Employability EEE
Special Electrical Machines 19EEE04 Employability EEE
Design of Electrical Apparatus 19EEE05 Employability EEE
Flexible AC Transmission Systems 19EEE06 Employability EEE
HVDC Transmission Systems 19EEE07 Employability EEE
Power Plant Engineering 19EEE08 Employability EEE
Total Quality Management 19EEE09 Employability EEE
VLSI Design 19EEE10 Employability EEE
Power Quality 19EEE11 Employability EEE
Emerging Intelligent Techniques 19EEE12 Employability EEE
Electric Energy Utilization and Conservation 19EEE13 Employability EEE
DC micro Grid 19EEE14 Employability EEE
Wind and Solar Energy Systems 19EEE15 Employability EEE
Robotics 19EEE16 Employability EEE
Fiber Optics 19EEE17 Employability EEE
Human Computer Interaction 19EEE18 Employability EEE
Electrical Hybrid Vehicles 19EEE19 Employability EEE
Project work - I 19EES01 Entrepreneurship EEE
Project Work II & Dissertation 19EES02 Entrepreneurship EEE
Comprehension 19EES03 Entrepreneurship EEE
Presentation Skill and Technical Seminar 19EEF04 Entrepreneurship EEE
Principles of Management and Engineering Ethics 16SHA08 Employability EEE
Power System Protection and Switchgear 16EED15 Employability EEE
Special Electrical Machines 16EEE11 Employability EEE
Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems 16EEE13 Employability EEE
Biomedical Engineering 16ECE04 Employability EEE
Project work Phase – I 16EEF01 Entrepreneurship EEE
Comprehension 16EEF03 Entrepreneurship EEE
Project work Phase - II 16EEF02 Entrepreneurship EEE
Electronics and Microprocessor 21GES30 Employability EEE
Electronics and Microprocessor Laboratory 21GES31 Employability EEE
Micro-computing based system design Laboratory 21EEC25 Employability EEE
Electronic Devices and Circuits 21GES33 Employability EEE
Electronic Devices and Circuits Laboratory 21GES34 Employability EEE
Electronic Devices 21GES11 Employability EEE
Electronic Simulation Laboratory 21GES12 Employability EEE
Electric Circuits 21GES13 Employability EEE
Electric Circuits Laboratory 21GES14 Employability EEE
Digital Principles and System Design 21GES24 Employability EEE
Digital Principles and System Design Laboratory 21GES25 Employability EEE
Measuring Instruments 21EEC02 Employability EEE
Network Analysis and Synthesis 21EEC15 Employability EEE
Electromagnetic Fields 21EEC01 Employability EEE
DC machines and Transformers 21EEC04 Employability EEE
DC machines and Transformers Laboratory 21EEC20 Employability EEE
AC Machines 21EEC05 Employability EEE
AC Machines Laboratory 21EEC21 Employability EEE
Control Systems 21EEC06 Employability EEE
Control Systems Laboratory 21EEC22 Employability EEE
Power Electronics 21EEC07 Employability EEE
Power Electronics Laboratory 21EEC23 Employability EEE
Linear Integrated Circuits 21EEC03 Employability EEE
Transmission and Distribution 21EEC12 Employability EEE
Power System Analysis 21EEC10 Employability EEE
Power System Simulation Laboratory 21EEC24 Employability EEE
Electrical Drives 21EEC08 Employability EEE
Operation and Control of Electrical Power Systems 21EEC11 Employability EEE
High Voltage Engineering 21EEC14 Employability EEE
Protection and switchgear 21EEC13 Employability EEE
Smart Grid 21EEC16 Employability EEE
Power System Stability 21EEE02 Employability EEE
HVDC Transmission Systems 21EEE07 Entrepreneurship EEE
Flexible AC Transmission Systems 21EEE06 Entrepreneurship EEE
Power Quality 21EEE11 Entrepreneurship EEE
Special Electrical Machines 21EEE04 Entrepreneurship EEE
Human Computer Interaction 21EEE18 Employability EEE
VLSI Design 21EEE10 Employability EEE
Communication Engineering 21EEE03 Entrepreneurship EEE
Total Quality Management 21EEE09 Entrepreneurship EEE
Power Plant Engineering 21EEE08 Entrepreneurship EEE
Project work - I 21EES01 Entrepreneurship EEE
Project Work II & Dissertation 21EES02 Entrepreneurship EEE
Comprehension 21EES03 Employability EEE
Presentation Skill and Technical Seminar 21EEF04 Employability EEE
Intellectual Property Rights 21EEE01 Employability EEE
Design of Electrical Apparatus 21EEE05 Employability EEE
Emerging Intelligent Techniques 21EEE12 Employability EEE
Electric Energy Utilization and Conservation 21EEE13 Employability EEE
DC Micro Grid 21EEE14 Employability EEE
Micro-computing based system design 21EEC09 Employability EEE
Wind and Solar Energy Systems 21EEE15 Employability EEE
Fiber Optics 21EEE17 Employability EEE
Human Computer Interaction 21EEE18 Employability EEE
Robotics and Automation 21EEE16 Employability EEE
Electric Vehicles 21EEE19 Employability EEE
Electrical Safety and Energy Management 21EEE20 Employability EEE
Internet of Things (IoT) 21EEE21 Employability EEE
UPS & SMPS 21EEE22 Employability EEE
Industry 4.0 21EEE23 Employability EEE
Battery Management Systems 21EEE24 Employability EEE
Illumination Engineering 21EEE25 Employability EEE
Artificial Intelligent and Data Science applied to
Electrical Engieneering 21EEE26 Employability EEE
Restructured Power System 21EEE27 Employability EEE
Power Semiconductor Devices 21EEE28 Employability EEE
Sensing Techniques and Sensors System 21EEE29 Employability EEE
Testing and Calibration System 21EEE30 Employability EEE
Programming for Problem Solving using C 21GES01 Entrepreneurship CSE
Programming for Problem Solving Techniques 21GES02 Entrepreneurship CSE
Programming in C Laboratory 21GES03 Entrepreneurship CSE
Programming in C and Python Laboratory 21GES04 Employability CSE
Python Programming 21GES08 Employability CSE
Programming in Python Laboratory 21GES09 Employability CSE
Data Structure using Python 21GES32 Employability CSE
Data Structures and Algorithms 19CSC01 Employability CSE
Data Structures Lab Using C++ Lab 19CSC02 Entrepreneurship CSE
Database Management Systems 19CSC03 Entrepreneurship CSE
Database Management Systems Lab 19CSC04 Entrepreneurship CSE
Computer Organization and Architecture 19CSC05 Skill Development CSE
Object Oriented Programming 19CSC06 Employability CSE
Computer Networks 19CSC07 Employability CSE
Computer Networks Lab 19CSC08 Employability CSE
Operating Systems` 19CSC09 Skill Development CSE
Operating Systems Lab 19CSC10 Skill Development CSE
Design and Analysis of Algorithms 19CSC11 Skill Development CSE
Software Engineering 19CSC12 Employability CSE
Service Oriented Architecture 19CSC13 Employability CSE
Mobile Communication 19CSC14 Employability CSE
Mobile Application Lab 19CSC15 Employability CSE
Data Analytics using R and Python 19CSC16 Employability CSE
Theory of Computation 19CSC17 Skill Development CSE
Cloud Computing 19CSC18 Employability CSE
Cloud Computing Lab 19CSC19 Employability CSE
Compiler Design 19CSC20 Skill Development CSE
Compiler Design Lab 19CSC21 Skill Development CSE
Artificial Intelligence for Industry 4.0 19CSC22 Employability CSE
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 19CSC23 Employability CSE
Case Tools Lab 19CSC24 Employability CSE
Internet of Things 19CSE01 Employability CSE
Internet of Things Lab 19CSE02 Employability CSE
Salesforce CRM and Platform 19CSE03 Employability CSE
Salesforce CRM and Platform Lab 19CSE04 Employability CSE
AWS Academy Cloud Developing 19CSE05 Employability CSE
AWS Academy Cloud Developing Lab 19CSE06 Employability CSE
Internet Programming 19CSE09 Employability CSE
Current Practices in Software Engineering 19CSE10 Employability CSE
Computer Graphics 19CSE11 Employability CSE
Distributed Programming 19CSE12 Skill Development CSE
Enterprise Project Development using FOSS 19CSE13 Skill Development CSE
Soft Computing Techniques 19CSE16 Skill Development CSE
Virtual Reality 19CSE17 Employability CSE
Storage infrastructure Management 19CSE18 Employability CSE
Total Quality Management 19CSE19 Employability CSE
Cloud infrastructure services 19CSE20 Employability CSE
Graphics and multimedia 19CSE21 Employability CSE
Graphics and multimedia laboratory 19CSE22 Employability CSE
Data warehousing and data mining 19CSE23 Employability CSE
Software quality assurance 19CSE24 Employability CSE
Network and routing protocols 19CSE25 Employability CSE
Scaling and connecting networks 19CSE26 Employability CSE
Software Defined Networks 19CSE28 Employability CSE
User Centric Design 19CSE31 Skill Development CSE
C# and .NET Core 19CSE33 Employability CSE
Agile Methodology 19CSE34 Skill Development CSE
Text Mining 19CSE35 Skill Development CSE
Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science 21MCA01 Employability MCA
Computer Organizations and Architecture 21MCB01 Employability MCA
Data Structures and Algorithms 21MCB02 Employability MCA
Relational Data Base Management Systems 21MCB03 Skill Development MCA
Problem Solving and Python Programming 21MCB04 Skill Development MCA
Operating Systems 21MCB05 Skill Development MCA
Data Structures and Algorithms Laboratory 21MCB06 Skill Development MCA
Relational Data Base Management Systems Laboratory 21MCB07 Skill Development MCA
Python Programming Laboratory 21MCB08 Skill Development MCA
Data Communication and Networks 21MCB09 Skill Development MCA
Software Engineering 21MCB10 Skill Development MCA
Internet and Java Programming 21MCB11 Skill Development MCA
Object Oriented Analysis and Design 21MCB12 Skill Development MCA
Big Data Analytics 21MCB13 Employability MCA
Internet Programming Laboratory 21MCB14 Employability MCA
Software Development Laboratory – Case Tools Lab 21MCB15 Employability MCA
Data Analytics Laboratory 21MCB16 Employability MCA
Software Project Management 21MCC01 Employability MCA
Web Technologies 21MCC02 Employability MCA
E Learning 21MCC03 Employability MCA
Software Quality and Testing 21MCC04 Employability MCA
Advances in Operating Systems 21MCC05 Employability MCA
Mobile Computing 21MCB17 Employability MCA
Network Programming 21MCB18 Employability MCA
Mobile App Development Laboratory 21MCB19 Employability MCA
Network Programming Laboratory 21MCB20 Employability MCA
Cyber Security 21MCC06 Employability MCA
C# and .Net Programming 21MCC07 Employability MCA
Wireless Networking 21MCC08 Employability MCA
Web Design 21MCC09 Employability MCA
Network Programming and Security 21MCC10 Employability MCA
Cloud Computing Technologies 21MCC11 Employability MCA
Bio Inspired Computing 21MCC12 Employability MCA
Information Retrieval Techniques 21MCC13 Employability MCA
Software Architecture 21MCC14 Employability MCA
Digital Forensics 21MCC15 Employability MCA
Data Mining and Data Warehousing 21MCC16 Skill Development MCA
Operations Research 21MCC17 Skill Development MCA
Professional Ethics in IT 21MCC18 Skill Development MCA
Marketing Management 21MCC19 Skill Development MCA
Organizational Behavior 21MCC20 Skill Development MCA
Software Testing and Quality Assurance 21MCC21 Skill Development MCA
Advances in Networking 21MCC22 Skill Development MCA
Soft Computing Techniques 21MCC23 Skill Development MCA
Deep Learning 21MCC24 Skill Development MCA
Big Data Processing 21MCC25 Employability MCA
Project work 21MCD01 Employability MCA
Programming for Problem Solving Technique 19GES02 Skill Development ECE
Programming in C Laboratory 19GES03 Skill Development ECE
Mechanical and Building Sciences 19GES06 Skill Development ECE
Electronic Devices 19GES11 Employability ECE
Electronic Simulation Laboratory 19GES12 Employability ECE
Programming in Python Laboratory 19GES09 Skill Development ECE
Concepts in Product Design 19GES19 Entrepreneurship ECE
Soft Skills Laboratory 19GES10 Skill Development ECE
Data Structures using Python 19GES32 Skill Development ECE
Electric Network Analysis and Machines 19ECC01 Skill Development ECE
Signals and Systems 19ECC02 Employability ECE
Analog Electronics 19ECC03 Employability ECE
Digital System Design 19ECC04 Employability ECE
Electromagnetic Fields 19ECC05 Employability ECE
Analog Communication Systems 19ECC06 Employability ECE
Microcontroller Based System Design 19ECC07 Employability ECE
Antenna Systems Engineering 19ECC08 Employability ECE
Digital Signal Processing 19ECC09 Employability ECE
Digital Communication Systems 19ECC10 Employability ECE
Microwave Engineering 19ECC11 Employability ECE
VLSI Circuit Design 19ECC12 Employability ECE
Computer Networks 19ECC13 Employability ECE
Control Engineering 19ECC14 Employability ECE
Embedded Systems & RTOS 19ECC15 Employability ECE
NEMS and MEMS Technology 19ECC16 Employability ECE
Digital Image Processing 19ECC17 Employability ECE
Analog Electronics Laboratory 19ECC18 Employability ECE
Digital System Design Laboratory 19ECC19 Employability ECE
Analog Communication Systems Laboratory 19ECC20 Employability ECE
Microcontroller Based System Design Laboratory 19ECC21 Employability ECE
Signal Processing Laboratory 19ECC22 Employability ECE
Digital Communication Systems Laboratory 19ECC23 Employability ECE
Microwave Engineering Laboratory 19ECC24 Employability ECE
VLSI Design Laboratory 19ECC25 Employability ECE
Embedded Systems Laboratory 19ECC26 Employability ECE
Digital Image Processing Laboratory 19ECC27 Employability ECE
Radar and Navigational Aids 19ECE01 Employability ECE
Electromagnetic Interference And Compatibility 19ECE02 Employability ECE
Sensors and Transducers 19ECE03 Employability ECE
High Speed Networks 19ECE04 Employability ECE
Wireless Sensor Networks 19ECE05 Employability ECE
Telecommunication Switching Networks 19ECE06 Employability ECE
Cognitive Radio Networks 19ECE07 Employability ECE
Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks 19ECE08 Employability ECE
Biomedical Engineering 19ECE09 Employability ECE
Bio Signal and Image Processing 19ECE10 Employability ECE
Bio Sensors & Bio MEMS 19ECE11 Employability ECE
Pattern Recognition and AI Techniques 19ECE12 Skill Development ECE
Soft Computing 19ECE13 Skill Development ECE
Wireless Communication 19ECE14 Employability ECE
Satellite Communication 19ECE15 Employability ECE
Optical Fiber Communication 19ECE16 Employability ECE
AI and Machine Learning 19ECE17 Skill Development ECE
Optoelectronic Devices 19ECE18 Employability ECE
Nanoelectronics 19ECE19 Skill Development ECE
ASIC Design 19ECE20 Employability ECE
Low Power VLSI Design 19ECE21 Employability ECE
Reconfigurable Computing using FPGAs 19ECE22 Employability ECE
System on Chip Design 19ECE23 Employability ECE
Computer Architecture and organization 19ECE24 Employability ECE
Internet of Things 19ECE25 Skill Development ECE
Automotive Electronics 19ECE26 Employability ECE
Electronic Instrumentations and Measurement 19ECE27 Skill Development
Techniques ECE
Project Work Phase - I 19ECP01 Entrepreneurship ECE
Project Work Phase -II 19ECP02 Entrepreneurship ECE
Presentation Skill and Technical Seminar 19ECP03 Skill Development ECE
Internship 19ECP04 Entrepreneurship ECE
High Speed Networks 16ECE02 Employability ECE
Wireless Communication 16ECE11 Employability ECE
Advanced Computer Architecture 16CSE09 Employability ECE
Measurement and Instrumentation 16EED01 Employability ECE
Total Quality Management 16MEE23 Entrepreneurship ECE
Project Work Phase - I 16ECF01 Entrepreneurship ECE
Project Work Phase -II 16ECF02 Entrepreneurship ECE
Comprehension 16ECF03 Skill Development ECE
Design Project 16ECF04 Entrepreneurship ECE
Business English 19HSS01 Skill Development BME
English Communicative Skills Laboratory 19HSS02 Skill Development BME
Life Skills and Workplace Psychology 19HSS03 Skill Development BME
Technical English For Engineers 19HSS04 Skill Development BME
Communicative English for Engineers 19HSS05 Skill Development BME
Engineering Physics 19BSS01 Skill Development BME
Physics and Chemistry Laboratory 19BSS02 Skill Development BME
Bio and Nanomaterials Sciences 19BSS03 Skill Development BME
Engineering Chemistry 19BSS11 Skill Development BME
Algebra and Calculus 19BSS21 Skill Development BME
Differential Equations and Vector Analysis 19BSS22 Skill Development BME
Transform and Partial Differential Equations 19BSS23 Skill Development BME
Probability and Random Processes 19BSS27 Skill Development BME
Programming for Problem Solving Technique 19GES02 Skill Development BME
Programming in C Laboratory 19GES03 Employability BME
Mechanical and Building Sciences 19GES06 Employability BME
Programming in Python Laboratory 19GES09 Employability BME
Soft Skills Laboratory 19GES10 Skill Development BME
Electronic Devices 19GES11 Entrepreneurship BME
Electronic Simulation 19GES12 Entrepreneurship BME
Concepts in Product Design 19GES19 Entrepreneurship BME
Renewable Energy Sources 19GES20 Entrepreneurship BME
Human Anatomy and Physiology 19BMC01 Employability BME
Biomedical Sensors & Instruments 19BMC02 Skill Development BME
Digital Electronics 19BMC03 Skill Development BME
Signals and Systems 19BMC04 Skill Development BME
Biomechanics & Rehabilitation Engineering 19BMC05 Employability BME
Bio Control System 19BMC06 Skill Development BME
Analog Electronics 19BMC07 Employability BME
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers In Medicine 19BMC08 Skill Development BME
Linear Integrated Circuits 19BMC09 Skill Development BME
Biochemistry 19BMC10 Employability BME
Hospital Management 19BMC11 Employability BME
Biomedical Instrumentation 19BMC12 Skill Development BME
Medical Signal Processing 19BMC13 Entrepreneurship BME
Embedded System 19BMC14 Skill Development BME
Therapeutic Equipments 19BMC15 Employability BME
Digital Image Processing 19BMC16 Skill Development BME
Medical Imaging Techniques 19BMC17 Skill Development BME
Electrical Safety and Quality Assurance 19BMC18 Entrepreneurship BME
Human Assist Devices 19BMC19 Skill Development BME
Bio Medical Sensors and Instruments Laboratory 19BMC20 Skill Development BME
Digital Electronics Laboratory 19BMC21 Skill Development BME
Analog Electronics Laboratory 19BMC22 Skill Development BME
Linear Integrated Circuits Laboratory 19BMC23 Skill Development BME
Medical Signal Processing Laboratory 19BMC24 Skill Development BME
Pathology and Microbiology Laboratory 19BMC25 Skill Development BME
Biomedical Instrumentation Laboratory 19BMC26 Skill Development BME
Pathology and Microbiology 19BMC27 Employability BME
Embedded System Laboratory 19BMC28 Skill Development BME
Computer Networks 19BMC29 Skill Development BME
Microprocessor and Microcontrollers Laboratory 19BMC30 Skill Development BME
Advanced Bio Analytical And Therapeutic Techniques 19BME01 Skill Development BME
Bio Signal Processing 19BME02 Employability BME
Biomaterials and Artificial Organs 19BME03 Skill Development BME
Biomedical Engineering 19BME04 Entrepreneurship BME
Biomaterials and Characterization 19BME05 Skill Development BME
Body Area Networks 19BME06 Employability BME
Brain Computer Interface and Applications 19BME07 Skill Development BME
Medical Optics 19BME08 Employability BME
Soft Computing 19BME09 Employability BME
Neural Engineering 19BME10 Employability BME
Physiological Modeling 19BME11 Employability BME
Hospital Waste Management 19BME12 Employability BME
Virtual Reality 19BME13 Entrepreneurship BME
Wearable Systems 19BME14 Skill Development BME
Medical Physics 19BME15 Skill Development BME
Project work phase-I 19BMS01 Entrepreneurship BME
Project work phase-II 19BMS02 Entrepreneurship BME
Hospital Training 19BMS04 Employability BME
Digital Principles and System Design 21GES24 Skill Development IT
Data Structures 21ITC01 Skill Development IT
Database Management Systems 21ITC03 Employability IT
Software Engineering 21ITC05 Employability IT
Computer Organization and Architecture 21ITC06 Skill Development IT
Data Structures Laboratory Using C++ 21ITC02 Employability IT
Database Management Systems Laboratory 21ITC04 Employability IT
Digital Principles and System Design Laboratory 21GES25 Skill Development IT
Computer Networks 21ITC23 Employability IT
Web Technology 21ITC24 Employability IT
Object Oriented Programming in JAVA 21ITC07 Employability IT
Operating Systems 21ITC09 Skill Development IT
Design and Analysis of Algorithms 21ITC11 Skill Development IT
Object Oriented Programming Laboratory Using JAVA 21ITC08 Employability
Operating Systems Laboratory 21ITC10 Employability IT
Web Technology Laboratory 21ITC25 Employability IT
Wireless Communication 19GES29 Skill Development IT
Computer Networks 19ITC24 Employability IT
Cloud Computing 19ITC20 Employability IT
Artificial Intelligence 19ITC17 Skill Development IT
AWS Academy Cloud Architecting 19ITE07 Skill Development IT
Cloud Computing Laboratory 19ITC21 Skill Development IT
Elective I – Salesforce CRM and Platform Laboratory 19ITE04 Skill Development
Mobile Communication 19ITC13 Skill Development IT
Internet of Things 19ITC15 Employability IT
Principles of Compiler Design 19ITC18 Skill Development IT
Elective III-Docker and Kubernetes 19ITE26 Skill Development IT
Angular JS 19ITE35 Employability IT
Angular JS Laboratory 19ITE36 Employability IT
Open Elective I-Industrial Robotics 19MEE07 Skill Development IT
Compiler Design Laboratory 19ITC19 Skill Development IT
Internet of Things Laboratory 19ITC16 Employability IT
AWS Academy Cloud Architecting Lab 19ITE08 Skill Development IT
Data Structures 19ITC01 Skill Development IT
Data Structures Laboratory 19ITC02 Skill Development IT
Database Management Systems 19ITC03 Employability IT
Database Management Systems Laboratory 19ITC04 Employability IT
Software Engineering 19ITC05 Employability IT
Computer Organization and Architecture 19ITC06 Skill Development IT
Object Oriented Programming 19ITC07 Employability IT
Object Oriented Programming Laboratory 19ITC08 Employability IT
Operating Systems 19ITC09 Skill Development IT
Operating Systems Laboratory 19ITC10 Skill Development IT
Design and Analysis of Algorithms 19ITC11 Skill Development IT
Blockchain Technology 19ITC12 Skill Development IT
Mobile Application Laboratory 19ITC14 Employability IT
Data warehousing and Data Mining 19ITC22 Skill Development IT
Information security 19ITC23 Employability IT
Computer Networks 19ITC24 Employability IT
C# and .Net Framework 19ITE01 Employability IT
Software Project Management 19ITE02 Employability IT
Salesforce CRM and Platform 19ITE03 Skill Development IT
AWS Academy Cloud Developing 19ITE05 Skill Development IT
AWS Academy Cloud Developing Lab 19ITE06 Skill Development IT
AWS Academy Cloud Foundation 19ITE09 Skill Development IT
AWS Academy Cloud Foundation Lab 19ITE10 Skill Development IT
Semantic Web 19ITE11 Skill Development IT
Network Programming and Management 19ITE12 Skill Development IT
Business Intelligence 19ITE13 Skill Development IT
Wireless Sensor Networks 19ITE14 Skill Development IT
Information Retrieval Techniques 19ITE15 Skill Development IT
Service Oriented Architecture 19ITE16 Skill Development IT
Agile Technology 19ITE17 Skill Development IT
Social Network Analysis 19ITE18 Skill Development IT
Game Programming 19ITE19 Skill Development IT
Natural Language Processing 19ITE20 Skill Development IT
Big data Analytics 19ITE21 Skill Development IT
Ad hoc and Sensor Networks 19ITE22 Skill Development IT
Management Information System 19ITE23 Entrepreneurship IT
Software Quality Assurance 19ITE24 Skill Development IT
Bioinformatics 19ITE25 Skill Development IT
Open Stack Essentials 19ITE27 Skill Development IT
User Centric Design 19ITE28 Skill Development IT
Software Testing 19ITE29 Employability IT
Ethical Hacking and Cyber Security 19ITE30 Employability IT
Soft computing 19ITE31 Skill Development IT
Real Time Systems 19ITE32 Skill Development IT
Machine Learning 19ITE33 Skill Development IT
High Speed Networks 19ITE34 Skill Development IT
Comprehension 16ITF03 Skill Development IT
Advanced Data Mining and Visualization 16ITE23 Skill Development IT
Industrial Robotics 16MEE14 Skill Development IT
Power Plant Engineering 16MEE20 Skill Development IT
Total Quality Management 16MED23 Entrepreneurship IT
Project work – Phase I 16ITF01 Entrepreneurship IT
Project work – Phase II 16ITF02 Entrepreneurship IT
Engineering Geology 19GES27 Employability Civil
Mechanics of Solids 19CEC01 Employability Civil
Mechanics of Fluids 19CEC06 Employability Civil
Surveying 19CEC07 Employability Civil
Surveying Laboratory 19CEC13 Employability Civil
Strength of Materials Laboratory 19CEC14 Employability Civil
Strength of Materials 19CEC02 Employability Civil
Remote Sensing and GIS 19GES35 Employability Civil
Highway Engineering 19CEC11 Entrepreneurship Civil
Geotechnical Engineering 19CEC08 Skill Development Civil
Water Supply Engineering 19CEC10 Entrepreneurship Civil
Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory 19CEC15 Skill Development Civil
Geotechnical Engineering Laboratory 19CEC16 Skill Development Civil
Survey Camp 19CEC18 Skill Development Civil
Renewable Energy Resources 19GES20 Entrepreneurship Civil
Structural Analysis 19CEC03 Employability Civil
Design of Reinforced Concrete Elements 19CEC09 Employability Civil
Concrete Technology 19CEE08 Entrepreneurship Civil
Prefabricated Structures 19CEE10 Skill Development Civil
Foundation Engineering 19CEE12 Skill Development Civil
Building Services 19CEE06 Entrepreneurship Civil
Industrial Waste Management 19CEE17 Entrepreneurship Civil
Water Resources Engineering 19CEE21 Entrepreneurship Civil
Concrete and Highway Engineering laboratory 19CEC17 Entrepreneurship Civil
Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge 19CEH03 Employability Civil
Design of Steel Structures 19CEC04 Skill Development Civil
Design of Reinforced Concrete Structures 19CEE02 Skill Development Civil
Railways ,Airports and Harbour Engineering 19CEE27 Entrepreneurship Civil
Waste Water Engineering 19CEE15 Entrepreneurship Civil
Electrical Wiring Estimating &Costing 19CEF14 Entrepreneurship Civil
Composite Materials 19MEE10 Entrepreneurship Civil
Total Quality Management 19EEE09 Entrepreneurship Civil
Principles of Management 19MEE02 Entrepreneurship Civil
Computer Aided Design and Drafting Laboratory 19CEC19 Skill Development Civil
Environmental Engineering laboratory 19CEC20 Skill Development Civil
Inplant Training 19CEG04 Skill Development Civil
Estimation and Quantity Surveying 16CED06 Employability Civil
Municipal Solid Waste Management 16CEE07 Entrepreneurship Civil
Health Monitoring of Structures 16CEE12 Skill Development Civil
Construction Planning and Management 16CEE03 Entrepreneurship Civil
Composite Materials 16MEE13 Entrepreneurship Civil
Power Plant Engineering 16MEE20 Entrepreneurship Civil
Smart Materials and Smart Structures 16CEE16 Skill Development Civil
Ground Improvement Techniques 16CEE14 Skill Development Civil
Industrial Waste Management 16CEE09 Entrepreneurship Civil
Air Pollution and Management 16CEE10 Entrepreneurship Civil
Project- Phase I 16CEF01 Entrepreneurship Civil
Project Phase II 16CEF02 Entrepreneurship Civil
Accounting for Decision Making 21MBF04 Employability MB
Managerial Skills for Effectiveness 21MBF09 Skill Development MB
Financial Management 21MBC02 Employability MB
Human Resource Management 21MBC03 Employability MB
International Business Management 21MBC09 Entrepreneurship MB
Business English 21HSS01 Entrepreneurship RA
Communicative English Practices Laboratory 21HSS02 Entrepreneurship RA
Life Skills and Workplace Psychology 21HSS03 Entrepreneurship RA
Technical English For Engineers 21HSS04 Entrepreneurship RA
Communicative English for Engineers 21HSS05 Entrepreneurship RA
Basics of Japanese Language 21HSS06 Entrepreneurship RA
Basics of French Language 21HSS07 Entrepreneurship RA
Engineering Physics 21BSS01 Entrepreneurship RA
Physics and Chemistry Laboratory 21BSS02 Entrepreneurship RA
Bio and Nanomaterials Science 21BSS03 Entrepreneurship RA
Materials Science 21BSS04 Skill Development RA
Physics for Mechanical Engineers 21BSS05 Skill Development RA
Engineering Chemistry 21BSS11 Skill Development RA
Environmental Science and Engineering 21BSS12 Skill Development RA
Applied Chemistry 21BSS15 Skill Development RA
Algebra and Calculus 21BSS21 Skill Development RA
Differential Equations and Vector Analysis 21BSS22 Skill Development RA
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations 21BSS23 Skill Development RA
Discrete Mathematics 21BSS24 Skill Development RA
Statistical and Queuing Model 21BSS25 Skill Development RA
Numerical Methods 21BSS26 Skill Development RA
Probability and Random Processes 21BSS27 Skill Development RA
Statistics and Numerical Methods 21BSS28 Skill Development RA
Programming for Problem Solving Using C 21GES01 Employability RA
Programming for Problem Solving Techniques 21GES02 Employability RA
Programming in C Laboratory 21GES03 Employability RA
Programming in C and Python Laboratory 21GES04 Employability RA
Electrical and Electronic Sciences 21GES05 Skill Development RA
Mechanical and Building Sciences 21GES06 Skill Development RA
Computer Aided Drafting Laboratory 21GES07 Skill Development RA
Python Programming 21GES08 Employability RA
Programming in Python Laboratory 21GES09 Employability RA
Soft Skills Laboratory 21GES10 Employability RA
Electronic Devices 21GES11 Skill Development RA
Electronic Simulation Laboratory 21GES12 Skill Development RA
Electric Circuits 21GES13 Skill Development RA
Electric Circuits Laboratory 21GES14 Skill Development RA
Manufacturing Processes 21GES15 Skill Development RA
Manufacturing Processes Laboratory 21GES16 Skill Development RA
Mechanical and Building Sciences Laboratory 21GES17 Skill Development RA
Fundamentals of Civil Engineering 21GES18 Skill Development RA
Concepts in Product Design 21GES19 Skill Development RA
Renewable Energy Sources 21GES20 Skill Development RA
Electrical Drives and Controls 21GES21 Skill Development RA
Electrical Drives and Controls Laboratory 21GES22 Skill Development RA
Analog and digital communication 21GES23 Skill Development RA
Digital Principles and System Design 21GES24 Skill Development RA
Digital Principles and System Design Laboratory 21GES25 Skill Development RA
Engineering Drawing 21GES26 Skill Development RA
Engineering Geology 21GES27 Skill Development RA
Engineering Mechanics 21GES28 Skill Development RA
Wireless Communication 21GES29 Skill Development RA
Electronics And Microprocessors 21GES30 Skill Development RA
Electronics And Microprocessors Lab 21GES31 Skill Development RA
Data Structure using Python 21GES32 Skill Development RA
Electronic Devices And Circuits 21GES33 Skill Development RA
Simulation Laboratory 21GES34 Skill Development RA
Applied hydraulics and pneumatics 21RAC01 Skill Development RA
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 21RAC02 Skill Development RA
Manufacturing Technology 21RAC03 Skill Development RA
Digital Electronics 21RAC04 Skill Development RA
Fluid mechanics and Machinery Laboratory 21RAC05 Skill Development RA
Manufacturing Technology Laboratory 21RAC06 Skill Development RA
Digital Electronics Laboratory 21RAC07 Skill Development RA
Control System Engineering 21RAC08 Skill Development RA
Strength of Materials 21RAC09 Skill Development RA
Metrology and Measurements 21RAC10 Skill Development RA
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing 21RAC11 Skill Development RA
Microprocessors and Applications 21RAC12 Skill Development RA
Strength of Materials Laboratory 21RAC13 Skill Development RA
Microcontroller Laboratory 21RAC14 Skill Development RA
Dynamics of Machines 21RAC15 Skill Development RA
Power Electronics 21RAC16 Skill Development RA
Design of Machine Elements 21RAC17 Skill Development RA
Principles of Robotics 21RAC18 Skill Development RA
Robotics and Machine Vision System 21RAC19 Skill Development RA
Dynamics of Machines Laboratory 21RAC20 Skill Development RA
Power Electronics Laboratory 21RAC21 Skill Development RA
Micro Controller and PLC 21RAC22 Skill Development RA
Sensors and Signal Processing 21RAC23 Skill Development RA
Automation System Design 21RAC24 Skill Development RA
Sensors and Signal Processing Laboratory 21RAC25 Skill Development RA
Modelling and Simulation Laboratory 21RAC26 Skill Development RA
Field and Service Robotics 21RAC27 Skill Development RA
Advanced Machining Processes 21RAE01 Skill Development RA
Total Quality Management 21RAE02 Employability RA
Principles of Management 21RAE02 Employability RA
Automotive Electronics 21RAE04 Skill Development RA
Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 21RAE05 Skill Development RA
System Software 21RAE06 Employability RA
Automobile Engineering 21RAE07 Skill Development RA
Intellectual Property Rights 21RAE08 Skill Development RA
Design of Pressure Vessel and Piping 21RAE09 Skill Development RA
Lean Manufacturing 21RAE10 Skill Development RA
Industrial Design and Applied Ergonomics 21RAE11 Skill Development RA
Process Planning and Cost Estimation 21RAE12 Skill Development RA
Operations Research 21RAE13 Skill Development RA
VLSI Design 21RAE14 Skill Development RA
Virtual instrumentation 21RAE15 Skill Development RA
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics 21RAE16 Skill Development RA
Special Machines and Controllers 21RAE17 Skill Development RA
Advanced Control Systems 21RAE18 Skill Development RA
Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development 21RAE19 Skill Development RA
Maintenance and Safety Engineering 21RAE20 Skill Development RA
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems 21RAE21 Skill Development RA
Industrial Robotics and Material Handling Systems 21RAE22 Skill Development RA
Totally Integrated Automation 21RAE23 Skill Development RA
Embedded System Design 21RAE24 Skill Development RA
Wireless Sensors Networks for Robotics 21RAE25 Skill Development RA
MEMS 21RAE26 Skill Development RA
Internet Tools and Java Programming 21RAE27 Employability RA
Inter Disciplinary Project 21RAS01 Employability RA
Mini Project 21RAS02 Employability RA
Industrial Training 21RAS03 Employability RA
Massive Open Online Courses 21RAS04 Skill Development RA
Project work 21RAS05 Employability RA
Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge 21RAS06 Employability RA
Constitution of India and professional Ethics 21RAS07 Skill Development RA
Business English 21HSS01 Entrepreneurship MZ
Communicative English Practices Laboratory 21HSS02 Entrepreneurship MZ
Life Skills and Workplace Psychology 21HSS03 Entrepreneurship MZ
Technical English For Engineers 21HSS04 Entrepreneurship MZ
Communicative English for Engineers 21HSS05 Entrepreneurship MZ
Basics of Japanese Language 21HSS06 Entrepreneurship MZ
Basics of French Language 21HSS07 Entrepreneurship MZ
Engineering Physics 21BSS01 Entrepreneurship MZ
Physics and Chemistry Laboratory 21BSS02 Entrepreneurship MZ
Bio and Nanomaterials Science 21BSS03 Entrepreneurship MZ
Materials Science 21BSS04 Skill Development MZ
Physics for Mechanical Engineers 21BSS05 Skill Development MZ
Engineering Chemistry 21BSS11 Skill Development MZ
Environmental Science and Engineering 21BSS12 Skill Development MZ
Applied Chemistry 21BSS15 Skill Development MZ
Algebra and Calculus 21BSS21 Skill Development MZ
Differential Equations and Vector Analysis 21BSS22 Skill Development MZ
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations 21BSS23 Skill Development MZ
Discrete Mathematics 21BSS24 Skill Development MZ
Statistical and Queuing Model 21BSS25 Skill Development MZ
Numerical Methods 21BSS26 Skill Development MZ
Probability and Random Processes 21BSS27 Skill Development MZ
Statistics and Numerical Methods 21BSS28 Skill Development MZ
Programming for Problem Solving Using C 21GES01 Employability MZ
Programming for Problem Solving Techniques 21GES02 Employability MZ
Programming in C Laboratory 21GES03 Employability MZ
Programming in C and Python Laboratory 21GES04 Employability MZ
Electrical and Electronic Sciences 21GES05 Skill Development MZ
Mechanical and Building Sciences 21GES06 Skill Development MZ
Computer Aided Drafting Laboratory 21GES07 Skill Development MZ
Python Programming 21GES08 Employability MZ
Programming in Python Laboratory 21GES09 Employability MZ
Soft Skills Laboratory 21GES10 Employability MZ
Electronic Devices 21GES11 Skill Development MZ
Electronic Simulation Laboratory 21GES12 Skill Development MZ
Electric Circuits 21GES13 Skill Development MZ
Electric Circuits Laboratory 21GES14 Skill Development MZ
Manufacturing Processes 21GES15 Skill Development MZ
Manufacturing Processes Laboratory 21GES16 Skill Development MZ
Mechanical and Building Sciences Laboratory 21GES17 Skill Development MZ
Fundamentals of Civil Engineering 21GES18 Skill Development MZ
Concepts in Product Design 21GES19 Skill Development MZ
Renewable Energy Sources 21GES20 Skill Development MZ
Electrical Drives and Controls 21GES21 Skill Development MZ
Electrical Drives and Controls Laboratory 21GES22 Skill Development MZ
Analog and digital communication 21GES23 Skill Development MZ
Digital Principles and System Design 21GES24 Skill Development MZ
Digital Principles and System Design Laboratory 21GES25 Skill Development MZ
Engineering Drawing 21GES26 Skill Development MZ
Engineering Geology 21GES27 Skill Development MZ
Engineering Mechanics 21GES28 Skill Development MZ
Wireless Communication 21GES29 Skill Development MZ
Electronics And Microprocessors 21GES30 Skill Development MZ
Electronics And Microprocessors Lab 21GES31 Skill Development MZ
Data Structure using Python 21GES32 Skill Development MZ
Electronic Devices And Circuits 21GES33 Skill Development MZ
Simulation Laboratory 21GES34 Skill Development MZ
Applied hydraulics and pneumatics 21MZC01 Skill Development MZ
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 21MZC02 Skill Development MZ
Manufacturing Technology 21MZC03 Skill Development MZ
Digital Electronics 21MZC04 Skill Development MZ
Fluid mechanics and Machinery Laboratory 21MZC05 Skill Development MZ
Manufacturing Technology Laboratory 21MZC06 Skill Development MZ
Digital Electronics Laboratory 21MZC07 Skill Development MZ
Control System Engineering 21MZC08 Skill Development MZ
Strength of Materials 21MZC09 Skill Development MZ
Metrology and Measurements 21MZC10 Skill Development MZ
Computer Aided Design and Manufacturing 21MZC11 Skill Development MZ
Microprocessors and Applications 21MZC12 Skill Development MZ
Strength of Materials Laboratory 21MZC13 Skill Development MZ
Microcontroller Laboratory 21MZC14 Skill Development MZ
Dynamics of Machines 21MZC15 Skill Development MZ
Power Electronics 21MZC16 Skill Development MZ
Design of Machine Elements 21MZC17 Skill Development MZ
Principles of Robotics 21MZC18 Skill Development MZ
Robotics and Machine Vision System 21MZC19 Skill Development MZ
Dynamics of Machines Laboratory 21MZC20 Skill Development MZ
Power Electronics Laboratory 21MZC21 Skill Development MZ
Micro Controller and PLC 21MZC22 Skill Development MZ
Sensors and Signal Processing 21MZC23 Skill Development MZ
Automation System Design 21MZC24 Skill Development MZ
Sensors and Signal Processing Laboratory 21MZC25 Skill Development MZ
Modelling and Simulation Laboratory 21MZC26 Skill Development MZ
Field and Service Robotics 21MZC27 Skill Development MZ
Advanced Machining Processes 21MZE01 Skill Development MZ
Total Quality Management 21MZE02 Employability MZ
Principles of Management 21MZE03 Employability MZ
Automotive Electronics 21MZE04 Skill Development MZ
Advanced Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 21MZE05 Skill Development MZ
System Software 21MZE06 Employability MZ
Automobile Engineering 21MZE07 Skill Development MZ
Intellectual Property Rights 21MZE08 Skill Development MZ
Design of Pressure Vessel and Piping 21MZE09 Skill Development MZ
Lean Manufacturing 21MZE10 Skill Development MZ
Industrial Design and Applied Ergonomics 21MZE11 Skill Development MZ
Process Planning and Cost Estimation 21MZE12 Skill Development MZ
Operations Research 21MZE13 Skill Development MZ
VLSI Design 21MZE14 Skill Development MZ
Virtual instrumentation 21MZE15 Skill Development MZ
Artificial Intelligence for Robotics 21MZE16 Skill Development MZ
Special Machines and Controllers 21MZE17 Skill Development MZ
Advanced Control Systems 21MZE18 Skill Development MZ
Foundation Skills in Integrated Product Development 21MZE19 Skill Development MZ
Maintenance and Safety Engineering 21MZE20 Skill Development MZ
Neural Networks and Fuzzy Systems 21MZE21 Skill Development MZ
Industrial Robotics and Material Handling Systems 21MZE22 Skill Development MZ
Totally Integrated Automation 21MZE23 Skill Development MZ
Embedded System Design 21MZE24 Skill Development MZ
Wireless Sensors Networks for Robotics 21MZE25 Skill Development MZ
MEMS 21MZE26 Skill Development MZ
Internet Tools and Java Programming 21MZE27 Employability MZ
Inter Disciplinary Project 21MZS01 Employability MZ
Mini Project 21MZS02 Employability MZ
Industrial Training 21MZS03 Employability MZ
Massive Open Online Courses 21MZS04 Skill Development MZ
Project work 21MZS05 Employability MZ
Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge 21MZS06 Employability MZ
Constitution of India and professional Ethics 21MZS07 Skill Development MZ
Advanced Numerical Methods 21PSA01 Skill Development ME PSE
Applied Mathematics 21PSA02 Skill Development ME PSE
Applied Probability and Statistics 21PSA03 Skill Development ME PSE
Linear and Non-Linear Systems Theory 21PSB01 Skill Development ME PSE
Electrical Transients in Power Systems 21PSB02 Employability ME PSE
Advanced Power System Analysis 21PSB03 Employability ME PSE
Advanced Power System Operation and Control 21PSB04 Employability ME PSE
Advanced Power System Operation and Control 21PSB05 Employability ME PSE
Advanced Power System Dynamics 21PSB06 Employability ME PSE
Substation Equipment & Design 21PSB07 Employability ME PSE
Advanced Power System Protection 21PSB08 Employability ME PSE
Restructured Power System 21PSB09 Employability ME PSE
Restructured Power System Laboratory 21PSB10 Employability ME PSE
Solar and Energy Storage Systems 21PSB11 Employability ME PSE
Power System Security 21PSB12 Employability ME PSE
Industrial Power System Analysis and Design 21PSB13 Employability ME PSE
Power System Planning and Reliability 21PSB14 Employability ME PSE
Flexible AC Transmission Systems 21PSC01 Employability ME PSE
Microcontroller Based System Design 21PSC02 Employability ME PSE
Design and Analysis of Inverters 21PSC03 Employability ME PSE
Power Quality 21PSC04 Employability ME PSE
Advanced Digital Signal Processing 21PSC05 Employability ME PSE
Energy Management and Auditing 21PSC06 Employability ME PSE
High Voltage Direct Current Transmission 21PSC07 Employability ME PSE
Application of MEMS Technology 21PSC08 Employability ME PSE
Distributed Generation and Micro Grid 21PSC09 Employability ME PSE
Wind Energy Conversion Systems 21PSC10 Employability ME PSE
Power Plant Instrumentation and Control 21PSC11 Employability ME PSE
Smart Grid 21PSC12 Employability ME PSE
Power Electronics for Renewable Energy Systems 21PSC13 Employability ME PSE
Real time operating systems 21PSC14 Employability ME PSE
Soft Computing Techniques 21PSC15 Employability ME PSE
Project Work-Phase I 21PSD01 Entrepreneurship ME PSE
Project Work-Phase II 21PSD02 Entrepreneurship ME PSE
Business English 21HSS01 Skill Development Mech
Communicative English Practices Laboratory 21HSS02 Skill Development Mech
Life Skills and Workplace Psychology 21HSS03 Skill Development Mech
Technical English For Engineers 21HSS04 Skill Development Mech
Communicative English for Engineers 21HSS05 Skill Development Mech
Basics of Japanese Language 21HSS06 Skill Development Mech
Basics of French Language 21HSS07 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Physics 21BSS01 Skill Development Mech
Physics and Chemistry Laboratory 21BSS02 Skill Development Mech
Bio and Nanomaterials Science 21BSS03 Skill Development Mech
Materials Science 21BSS04 Skill Development Mech
Physics for Mechanical Engineers 21BSS05 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Chemistry 21BSS11 Skill Development Mech
Environmental Science and Engineering 21BSS12 Skill Development Mech
Applied Chemistry 21BSS15 Skill Development Mech
Algebra and Calculus 21BSS21 Skill Development Mech
Differential Equations and Vector Analysis 21BSS22 Skill Development Mech
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations 21BSS23 Skill Development Mech
Discrete Mathematics 21BSS24 Skill Development Mech
Statistical and Queuing Model 21BSS25 Skill Development Mech
Numerical Methods 21BSS26 Skill Development Mech
Probability and Random Processes 21BSS27 Skill Development Mech
Statistics and Numerical Methods 21BSS28 Skill Development Mech
Programming for Problem Solving Using C 21GES01 Skill Development Mech
Programming for Problem Solving Techniques 21GES02 Skill Development Mech
Programming in C Laboratory 21GES03 Skill Development Mech
Programming in C and Python Laboratory 21GES04 Skill Development Mech
Electrical and Electronic Sciences 21GES05 Skill Development Mech
Mechanical and Building Sciences 21GES06 Skill Development Mech
Computer Aided Drafting Laboratory 21GES07 Skill Development Mech
Python Programming 21GES08 Skill Development Mech
Programming in Python Laboratory 21GES09 Skill Development Mech
Soft Skills Laboratory 21GES10 Skill Development Mech
Electronic Devices 21GES11 Skill Development Mech
Electronic Simulation Laboratory 21GES12 Skill Development Mech
Electric Circuits 21GES13 Skill Development Mech
Electric Circuits Laboratory 21GES14 Skill Development Mech
Manufacturing Processes 21GES15 Skill Development Mech
Manufacturing Processes Laboratory 21GES16 Skill Development Mech
Mechanical and Building Sciences Laboratory 21GES17 Skill Development Mech
Fundamentals of Civil Engineering 21GES18 Skill Development Mech
Concepts in Product Design 21GES19 Skill Development Mech
Renewable Energy Sources 21GES20 Skill Development Mech
Electrical Drives and Controls 21GES21 Skill Development Mech
Electrical Drives and Controls Laboratory 21GES22 Skill Development Mech
Analog and digital communication 21GES23 Skill Development Mech
Digital Principles and System Design 21GES24 Skill Development Mech
Digital Principles and System Design Laboratory 21GES25 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Drawing 21GES26 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Geology 21GES27 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Mechanics 21GES28 Skill Development Mech
Wireless Communication 21GES29 Skill Development Mech
Electronics And Microprocessors 21GES30 Skill Development Mech
Electronics And Microprocessors Lab 21GES31 Skill Development Mech
Data Structure using Python 21GES32 Skill Development Mech
Electronic Devices And Circuits 21GES33 Skill Development Mech
Simulation Laboratory 21GES34 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Thermodynamics 21MEC01 Skill Development Mech
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery 21MEC02 Skill Development Mech
Manufacturing Technology 21MEC03 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Materials and Metallurgy 21MEC04 Skill Development Mech
Strength of Materials 21MEC05 Skill Development Mech
Thermal Engineering 21MEC06 Skill Development Mech
Applied Hydraulics and Pneumatics 21MEC07 Skill Development Mech
Mechanics of Machines 21MEC08 Skill Development Mech
Design of Machine Elements 21MEC09 Skill Development Mech
Computer Aided Design and Analysis 21MEC10 Skill Development Mech
Industrial Automation & Robotics 21MEC11 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Metrology and Quality Control 21MEC12 Skill Development Mech
Heat and Mass Transfer 21MEC13 Skill Development Mech
Additive Manufacturing Techniques 21MEC14 Skill Development Mech
Design of Transmission Systems 21MEC15 Skill Development Mech
Industrial Engineering 21MEC16 Skill Development Mech
Fluid Mechanics and Machinery Laboratory 21MEC17 Skill Development Mech
Manufacturing Technology Laboratory 21MEC18 Skill Development Mech
Strength of Materials Laboratory 21MEC19 Skill Development Mech
Thermal Engineering Laboratory 21MEC20 Skill Development Mech
Measurements Laboratory 21MEC21 Skill Development Mech
Computer Aided Design and AnalysisLaboratory 21MEC22 Skill Development Mech
Heat and Mass Transfer Laboratory 21MEC23 Skill Development Mech
Dynamics of Machines Laboratory 21MEC24 Skill Development Mech
Advanced Manufacturing Processes 21MEE01 Skill Development Mech
Prinicples of Management 21MEE02 Skill Development Mech
Mechtronics 21MEE03 Skill Development Mech
Automotive Electronics 21MEE04 Skill Development Mech
Design of Pressure Vessel and Piping 21MEE05 Skill Development Mech
Vibration and Noise Control 21MEE06 Skill Development Mech
Refrigernation and Air Conditioning 21MEE07 Skill Development Mech
Composite Material 21MEE08 Skill Development Mech
Computational Fluid Dynamics 21MEE09 Skill Development Mech
Energy Conversion in Industry 21MEE10 Skill Development Mech
Gas Dynamics and Jet Propulsion 21MEE11 Skill Development Mech
Design of Fixtures and Pressure Tools 21MEE12 Employability Mech
Laen Manufacturing 21MEE13 Skill Development Mech
Advanced Metrology 21MEE14 Skill Development Mech
Power Planr Engineering 21MEE15 Skill Development Mech
Artifical Intelligence 21MEE16 Employability Mech
MEMS 21MEE17 Skill Development Mech
Welding Technology 21MEE18 Skill Development Mech
Total Quality Management 21MEE19 Skill Development Mech
Manufacturing Automation 21MEE20 Skill Development Mech
Engineering Economics and Finacial Management 21MEE21 Skill Development Mech
Industrial Safety 21MEE22 Employability Mech
OPerations Research 21MEE23 Skill Development Mech
Automobile Engineering 21MEE24 Entrepreneurship Mech
Digital Manufacturing 21MEE25 Employability Mech
Composite Material 21MEE26 Skill Development Mech
Inter Disciplinary Project 21MES01 Employability Mech
Mini- Project 21MES02 Entrepreneurship Mech
Industrail Training 21MES03 Employability Mech
Massive Open Online Courses 21MES04 Skill Development Mech
Project work 21MES05 Entrepreneurship Mech
Consuitution of India and Professional Ethics 21MES06 Skill Development Mech
Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge 21MES07 Skill Development Mech
Business English 21HSS01 Entrepreneurship Biotech
Algebra & Calculus 21BSS21 Skill Development Biotech
Engineering Physics 21BSS01 Skill Development Biotech
Engineering Chemistry 21BSS11 Skill Development Biotech
Programming for Problem Solving Techniques 21GES02 Employability Biotech
Electrical and Electronic Sciences 21GES05 Skill Development Biotech
Computer Aided Drafting Laboratory 21GES07 Employability Biotech
Programming in C and Python Laboratory 21GES04 Employability Biotech
Communicative English Practice laboratory 21HSS02 Employability Biotech
Life Skills and workplace psychology 21HSS03 Entrepreneurship Biotech
Differential Equations and Vector Analysis 21BSS22 Skill Development Biotech
Bio and Nano Material Sciences 21BSS03 Skill Development Biotech
Environmental Science and Engineering 21BSS12 Skill Development Biotech
Concepts in Product Design 21GES19 Skill Development Biotech
Mechanical and Building Sciences 21GES06 Skill Development Biotech
Physics and Chemistry Laboratory 21BSS02 Employability Biotech
Mechanical and Building Sciences Laboratory 21GES17 Employability Biotech
Transform and Partial Differential Equations 19BSS23 Skill Development Biotech
Biochemistry 19BTD01 Skill Development Biotech
Microbiology 19BTD02 Skill Development Biotech
Cell Biology 19BTD03 Skill Development Biotech
Basic Industrial Biotechnology 19BT004 Skill Development Biotech
Engineering Mechanics 19GES28 Skill Development Biotech
Biochemistry laboratory 19BTD18 Employability Biotech
Microbiology laboratory 19BTD19 Employability Biotech
Bioprocess Engineering 19BTD09 Skill Development Biotech
Genetic Engineering 19BTD011 Skill Development Biotech
Mass transfer operations 19BTD012 Skill Development Biotech
Industrial waste management 19CEE17 Skill Development Biotech
Fundamental of nanoscience 19BTE07 Skill Development Biotech
Professional Ethics and human values 19HS308 Employability Biotech
Biological Spectroscopy 19BTE15 Skill Development Biotech
Indian constitution 19BTM02 Skill Development Biotech
Genetic Engineering laboratory 19BTD22 Employability Biotech
Bioprocess Engineering laboratory 19BTD23 Employability Biotech
Health and pharmaceutical Biotechnology 19BTC12 Skill Development Biotech
Bioinformatics 19BTC13 Skill Development Biotech
Chemical Reaction engineering 19BTC14 Skill Development Biotech
Plant Biotechnology 19BTE08 Skill Development Biotech
Food Technology 19BTE01 Skill Development Biotech
Biomedical Engineering 19ECE09 Skill Development Biotech
Chemical Reaction Engineering Laboratory 19BTD24 Employability Biotech
Bioinformatics Laboratory 19BTD25 Employability Biotech
Essence of Indian Traditional Knowledge 19BTM03 Skill Development Biotech
Data Structures and Files 19ADC01 Skill Development AI&DS
Data Structures Lab Using C++ 19ADC02 Skill Development AI&DS
Processor Architecture 19ADC03 Employability AI&DS
Processor Architecture Lab 19ADC04 Employability AI&DS
Introduction to Data Science 19ADC05 Employability AI&DS
Object Oriented Programming 19ADC06 Employability AI&DS
Operating System 19ADC07 Skill Development AI&DS
Operating System Lab 19ADC08 Skill Development AI&DS
Design and Analysis of Algorithms 19ADC09 Employability AI&DS
Database Design and Management 19ADC10 Skill Development AI&DS
Database Design and Management Laboratory 19ADC11 Skill Development AI&DS
Artificial Intelligence I 19ADC12 Skill Development AI&DS
Artificial Intelligence I Laboratory 19ADC13 Skill Development AI&DS
Data Analytics 19ADC14 Skill Development AI&DS
Data Analytics Laboratory 19ADC15 Skill Development AI&DS
Cognitive Systems 19ADC16 Employability AI&DS
Optimization Techniques 19ADC17 Employability AI&DS
Data Exploration and Visualization 19ADC18 Employability AI&DS
Machine Learning 19ADC19 Skill Development AI&DS
Machine Learning Laboratory 19ADC20 Skill Development AI&DS
Business Analytics 19ADC21 Employability AI&DS
Internet Programming and Web Technologies 19ADC22 Skill Development AI&DS
Internet Programming and Web Technologies 19ADC23 Skill Development AI&DS
Artificial Intelligence II 19ADC24 Skill Development AI&DS
Artificial Intelligence - II Laboratory 19ADC25 Skill Development AI&DS
Data and Information Security 19ADC26 Employability AI&DS
Deep Learning 19ADC27 Skill Development AI&DS
Deep Learning Laboratory 19ADC28 Skill Development AI&DS
AI and Robotics 19ADC29 Employability AI&DS
Computer Vision 19ADC30 Employability AI&DS
Mini Project on Data Sciences Pipeline 19ADC31 Employability AI&DS
Software Development Processes 19ADE01 Employability AI&DS
Microprocessors and Microcontrollers 19ADE02 Employability AI&DS
Engineering Predictive Analytics 19ADE03 Employability AI&DS
Agile Methodologies 19ADE04 Employability AI&DS
Parallel Computing 19ADE05 Employability AI&DS
Software Architecture 19ADE06 Employability AI&DS
Internet of Things 19ADE07 Employability AI&DS
Health care Analytics 19ADE08 Human Values AI&DS
Distributed Systems 19ADE09 Employability AI&DS
Mobile Applications Development 19ADE10 Employability AI&DS
Software Testing and Quality Assurance 19ADE11 Employability AI&DS
Cloud Computing 19ADE12 Employability AI&DS
Embedded Systems and Programming 19ADE13 Employability AI&DS
Operations and Supply Chain Management 19ADE14 Entrepreneurship AI&DS
Speech Processing and Analytics 19ADE15 Employability AI&DS
Social Network Analytics 19ADE16 Employability AI&DS
Cyber Security 19ADE17 Employability AI&DS
Web Services and API Design 19ADE18 Skill Development AI&DS
Nonlinear Optimization 19ADE19 Employability AI&DS
Ethics of AI 19ADE20 Entrepreneurship AI&DS
Engineering Economics 19ADE21 Entrepreneurship AI&DS
Python for Data Science 19ADE22 Employability AI&DS
Python Laboratory 19ADE23 Employability AI&DS
Data Warehousing and Mining 19ADE24 Employability AI&DS
Cognitive Science and Analytics 19ADE25 Employability AI&DS
Big Data Analytics 19ADE26 Employability AI&DS
Big Data Analytics Laboratory 19ADE27 Employability AI&DS
Block Chain and Cryptography 19ADE28 Employability AI&DS
Principles of Management 19ADE29 Entrepreneurship AI&DS
IOT System And Analytics 19ADE30 Employability AI&DS
IOT System And Analytics Laboratory 19ADE31 Employability AI&DS
Bio-inspired Optimization Techniques 19ADE32 Employability AI&DS
Information Extraction and Retrieval 19ADE35 Employability AI&DS
Data Security and Privacy 19ADE36 Employability AI&DS
Adhoc and Sensor Networks 19ADE37 Employability AI&DS
Digital Image Processing 19ADE38 Employability AI&DS
Project work-Phase I 19ADP01 Employability AI&DS
Project work-Phase II 19ADP02 Employability AI&DS
Comprehension 19ADP03 Skill Development AI&DS
Technical Seminar 19ADP04 Skill Development AI&DS
Entrepreneurship Development 19ADP05 Entrepreneurship AI&DS
Professional Practices 19ADP06 Skill Development AI&DS
NPTEL- Introduction to Industry 4.0 and Industrial 19ADP07 Skill Development AI&DS
Internet of Things
NPTEL- Introduction to Machine Learning 19ADP08 Skill Development AI&DS
NPTEL- The Joy of Computing using Python 19ADP09 Skill Development AI&DS
NPTEL-Data Analytics with Python 19ADP10 Skill Development AI&DS
Indian Constitution 19ADP11 Human Values AI&DS
Value Education 19ADP12 Human Values AI&DS
Disaster Management 19ADP13 Skill Development AI&DS
Pedagogy Studies 19ADP14 Skill Development AI&DS
Stress Management by Yoga 19ADP15 Skill Development AI&DS
Business English 21HSS01 Skill Development CY
Algebra and Calculus 21BSS21 Skill Development CY
Engineering Physics 21BSS01 Skill Development CY
Engineering Chemistry 21BSS11 Skill Development CY
Programming for Problem Solving Using C 21GES01 Employability CY
Mechanical and Building Sciences 21GES06 Skill Development CY
Physics and Chemistry Laboratory 21BSS02 Skill Development CY
Programming in C Laboratory 21GES03 Employability CY
Life Skills and Workplace Psychology 21HSS03 Skill Development CY
Advanced Calculus and Complex Analysis 21BSS22 Skill Development CY
Bio and Nanomaterials Science 21BSS03 Skill Development CY
Environmental Science and Engineering 21BSS12 Skill Development CY
Concepts in Product Design 21GES19 Employability CY
Python Programming 21GES08 Employability CY
Soft Skills Laboratory 21GES10 Skill Development CY
Programming in Python Laboratory 21GES09 Employability CY
Communicative English Practices Laboratory 21HSS02 Skill Development CY
Transforms and Partial Differential Equations 19BSS23 Skill Development CY
Analog and Digital Communication 19GES23 Skill Development CY
Digital Principles and System Design 19GES24 Skill Development CY
Data Structures 19CYC01 Employability CY
Java Programming 19CYC03 Employability CY
Computer Networks 19CYC05 Employability CY
Digital Principles and System Design Laboratory 19GES25 Skill Development CY
Data Structures Laboratory 19CYC02 Employability CY
Java Programming Laboratory 19CYC04 Employability CY
Wireless Communication 19GES29 Skill Development CY
Database Management Systems 19CYC07 Employability CY
Cryptography and Network Security 19CYC09 Employability CY
Operating Systems 19CYC11 Employability CY
Information Security 19CYC13 Employability CY
Introduction to Cyber Laws 19CYC15 Employability CY
Database Management Systems Laboratory 19CYC08 Employability CY
Cryptography and Network security Laboratory 19CYC10 Employability CY
Operating Systems Laboratory 19CYC12 Employability CY
1.1.2 Details of Programmes where Syllabus revision was carried out during the year
1.2.2 Details of Programmes offered through Choice Based Credit System (CBCS)/Elective Course System
If revision has been
Status of Year of carried out in the
Programme Year of Implemetation Implemetation Year of Syllabus during the Link to the Relevant
Code Programme Name Introductio of CBCS / of CBCS / Revision, if year, percentage of Document
n (Date) Elective Course Elective Course any content added or
System (Yes/No) System replaced
CE Civil Engineering 2001 Yes 2016 2021 42

Computer Science and

CS Engineering 2000 Yes 2016 2021 43
Electronics and
EC Communication 2000 Yes 2016 2021 30
Electrical and Electronics
EE Engineering 2000 Yes 2016 2021 17

ME Mechanical Engineering 2004 Yes 2016 2021 30

IT Information Technology 2001 Yes 2016 2021 30

BM BioMedical Engineering 2018 Yes 2018 2021 30

MD Medical Electronics 2018 Yes 2018 2021 NA

BT Bio Technology 2018 Yes 2018 2021 16

CH Chemical Engineering 2018 Yes 2018 2021 NA

Computer Science and

MC Engineering 2000 Yes 2016 2021

VL VLSI Design 2007 Yes 2016 2021

Power Systems
PSE Engineering 2000 Yes 2016 2021

CAD CAD/CAM 2000 Yes 2016 2021 25

Master of Business
MB Administration 2005 Yes 2016 2021 30

Artificial Intelligence and

AD Data Science 2020 Yes 2020 2021 30

CY Cyber Security 2020 Yes 2020 2021 25

MZ Mechatronics Engineering 2020 Yes 2020 2021 30

RA Robotics and Automation 2020 Yes 2020 2021 30

Masters of Computer
MC Application 2020 Yes 2020 2021 30
1.3.2 Details of value-added courses for imparting transferable and life skills offered during the year.
1.3.3 Number of students enrolled in the courses under 1.3.2
2021-22 (Even Sem)

Number of 1.3.3 Number of

Name of the Value-added courses Course Code, No. of times Duration of students students who Ref
offered during course completed the
(with 30 or more contact hours) offered if any enrolled during (Department)
the year (in hours) course during
the year
the year

Machine Learning using Python VASD210201 1 30 36 30 CSE

Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202 1 30 40 30 AI&DS
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD210203 1 40 35 35 CSE
Ethical Hacking VASD210204 1 35 28 28 CSE (CY)
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205 1 30 25 30 MBA
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206 1 30 25 25 ECE
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207 1 30 30 30 Biotech
Autonomous Robots VASD210208 1 30 13 13 RA
LoRa (Smart Cities) VASD210209 1 40 ECE
Optoelectronic Materials and Devices VASD210210 1 30
Design Thinking in Product Life Cycle VASD210211 1 30
Developments in Alumnium and Polyproducts in Manufacturing VASD210212 1 30
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD210213 1 30 30 30 CSE
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214 1 30 25 19 BME
Battery Management System for E Vehicle VASD210215 1 30 27 27 EEE
Composite materials using BioMedical Applications VASD210216 1 30 25 25 MZ
Arduino Programming VASD210217 1 30 20 20 ECE
Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218 1 40 60 60 IT
Hands-on in Data Science VASD210219 1 30 30 30 CSE
Bio implant materials: Requirements, Types and Properties VASD210220 1 30 24 24 BME
Environment waste products used in concrete VASD210221 1 40 28 28 Civil
Zero Carbon Concrete in Global Warming VASD210222 1 30
Robotics Programming VASD210223 1 30
MEMS forWireless and Mobile Applications VASD210224 1 40
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225 1 30 20 20 ECE
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD210226 1 30 CSE
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227 1 30 16 16 ECE
Open Source Tools for Electronics Engineering VASD210228 1 40 30 30 ECE
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229 1 30 25 25 ECE
Emerging Technolgies in Automotive Engineering VASD210230 1 40 25 25 MECH
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231 1 30 25 25 ECE
Global Trends in Green Energy VASD210232 1 30
Bio-mechanics in Dental Implants VASD210233 1 40 25 25 MECH
Artificial Intelligence inimprovement of Power Quality VASD210234 1 30 20
Intelligent Controller for Electric Drives VASD210235 1 30 26 26 EEE
Energy Conservation VASD210236 1 30 20
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237 1 30 61 61 IT
Emerging Trends in Smart Grid and Energy Storage Technologies VASD210238 1 30 20
Plastics & Polymer Engineering VASD210239 1 30
Smart Electrochemical Machine VASD210240 1 30
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241 1 30 20 20 Mech
Characterization of Nanomaterials VASD210242 1 30 25
New Trends for Improving Motor and Drive System Performance VASD210243 1 30 20 20 EEE
Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with Concrete VASD210244 1 30 30 23 Civil
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245 1 40 25 25 ECE
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246 1 30 25 25 ECE
Amazon Web Services VASD210247 1 30 27 CSE
Personal Branding and Net Working VASD210248 1 30 25 30 MBA
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249 1 30 23 23 ECE
Solid State Welding Techniques VASD210250 1 30 26
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD210251 1 30 38 38 MCA
Total 52 (Courses) Err:522 Err:522 Err:522 Err:522

2022-23 (Odd Sem)

1.3.3 Number of
Number of
Name of the Value-added courses Course Code, No. of times Duration of students students who Ref
(with 30 or more contact hours) offered if any offered during course enrolled during completed the (Department)
the year (in hours) course during
the year
the year

Machine Learning With Python VASD220101 1 30 110 102 CSE

Deep Learning VASD220102 1 30 55 53 AI&DS
The Blockchain system VASD220103 1 30 96 96 CSE
1.Blockchain in Cyber Secuity and Foundation on AI in Cyber
Security VASD220104 1 30 88 88 CSE(CY)
2.Foundation on AI in Cyber Security
E - HRM VASD220105 1 30 25 30 MBA
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106 1 30 25 25 ECE
Biological Waste Management VASD220107 1
Value Added Course on 3 D Printing VASD220108 1 30 28 28 MECH
VASD220109 1 ECE
Solar Cell and its Application VASD220110 1
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111 1 30 25 25 MZ
VASD on Ardiuno to Product VASD220112 1
Data Analysis with Python VASD220113 1 30 30 30 CSE
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114 1 30 72 70 BME
Electric Vehicle Battery Management system with IoT Interbase VASD220115 1 30 27 27 EEE
Composite Materials VASD220116 1
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117 1 30 ECE
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118 1 30 65 65 IT
Data science challenges and applications VASD220119 1
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120 1 30 48 48 BME
Construction Waste Management VASD220121 1 30 81 81 Civil
From grey to green: Net-zero transition opportunities for India VASD220122 1
Basics of Green Energy Technology VASD220123 1
Value Added Course on Micro / Nano Electro Mechanical System VASD220124 1
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125 1 30 61 61 ECE
Open Sourse Software Development Method VASD220126 1 CSE
VLSI Applications VASD220127 1 30 22 22 ECE
Electronic Curcuit Design Using Open Sourse Software VASD220128 1 30 58 58 ECE
Deep Learning using MATLAB Toolbox VASD220129 1 30 55 55 ECE
Value Added Course on Non Dustructive Testind (NTD) VASD220130 1
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131 1 30 62 62 ECE
Renewable Power and Electricity Systems VASD220132 1
Dental Implants VASD220133 1
Energy Planning for Smart Cities VASD220134 1
Green Energy Technologies VASD220135 1
Rural and Agricultural Energy Audit VASD220136 1
Web Page Development VASD220137 1 30 66 61 IT
Integration of Renewable energy and Smart Grids for Smart Cities VASD220138 1
Time Management in Construction VASD220139 1
Value Added Course on Introduction to Additive Manufacturing VASD220140 1
Valu added Course on Ardiuno Programming VASD220141 1 30 20 20 Mech
Nano and Biomaterials VASD220142 1
Advancd Power Electronics Controler for Electric Motor VASD220143 1 30 20 20 EEE
Light-emitting concrete and air-purifying bricks VASD220144 1 30 23 23 Civil
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145 1 30 55 55 ECE
Designing Embedded Systems with Arduino VASD220146 1
IoT Applications VASD220147 1 30 60 60 AI&DS
Emerging trends in digital marketing VASD220148 1 30 30 25 MBA
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149 1 30 54 54 ECE
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150 1 30 30 30 MECH
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD210252 1 30 35 35 MCA
Biological waste management VASD220153 1 30 60 60 Biotech
Total 52 (Courses) 52 930 1486 1469
1.3.4 Details of students undertaking Field Work/Projects/ Internships / Student Projects Reference data

List of students undertaking Field Projects /

Programme Field Projects / Internships Link to the Relevant Internships
Programme Name Code Document /Student Dept
/Student Projects Student
Civil Engineering CE Somala Yaswanth Kalyan Student Projects 1
Civil Engineering CE Vella Narasimha Naidu Student Projects 2
Civil Engineering CE Kesamreddy Bhagavan Reddy Student Projects 3
Civil Engineering CE Manjula Sai Sri Harsha Student Projects 4
Civil Engineering CE Karthikeyan Ps Student Projects 5
Civil Engineering CE Ravikumar P Student Projects 6
Civil Engineering CE Praveen Raj S Student Projects 7
Civil Engineering CE Sri Sankar Akash G Student Projects 8
Civil Engineering CE Vetrivel S Student Projects 9
Civil Engineering CE Sri Aathava G Student Projects 10
Civil Engineering CE Kirubhakaran M Student Projects 11
Civil Engineering CE Gowsalya M Student Projects 12
Civil Engineering CE Gowshalya P Student Projects 13
Civil Engineering CE Ramathi J Student Projects 14
Civil Engineering CE Bhavithra R Student Projects 15
Civil Engineering CE Cheran K Student Projects 16
Civil Engineering CE Varoon M Student Projects 17
Civil Engineering CE Jayaprakash P Student Projects 18
Civil Engineering CE Navin G Student Projects 19
Civil Engineering CE Anitha M Student Projects 20
Civil Engineering CE Dineshkumar G Student Projects 21
Civil Engineering CE Vijayakumar V Student Projects 22
Civil Engineering CE Arulsri Sp Student Projects 23
Civil Engineering CE Maheshkumar A Student Projects 24
Civil Engineering CE Bharath G Student Projects 25
Civil Engineering CE Keruthiga V Student Projects 26
Civil Engineering CE Arunkumar V S Student Projects 27
Civil Engineering CE Senthil Kumar P Student Projects 28
Civil Engineering CE Suganth R S Student Projects 29
Civil Engineering CE Nithishkumar R Student Projects 30
Civil Engineering CE Vijay V Student Projects 31
Civil Engineering CE S.Suresh Internships 1
Civil Engineering CE A.Harish Internships 2
Civil Engineering CE S.Mayakkannan Internships 3
Civil Engineering CE K.Vasanthakumar Internships 4
Civil Engineering CE K.Sanjay Internships 5
Civil Engineering CE G.Aadhavan Internships 6
Civil Engineering CE R.Abimani Internships 7
Civil Engineering CE S.Arulkumar Internships 8
Civil Engineering CE M.Saran Internships 9
Civil Engineering CE M.Sankaranarayanan Internships 10
Civil Engineering CE P.Krishnakanth Internships 11
Civil Engineering CE V.Dinesh Internships 12
Civil Engineering CE R.Sridhar Internships 13
Civil Engineering CE N.Tamilan Internships 14
Computer Science and Engineering CS Atla Sruti Internships 1
Computer Science and Engineering CS C Dinesh Internships 2
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kommerla Mahima Internships 3
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kovuru Venkatasai Sumanth Internships 4
Computer Science and Engineering CS Obulipurusothaman K Internships 5
Computer Science and Engineering CS Samuktha M Internships 6
Computer Science and Engineering CS Shankavi M Internships 7
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vandhavasi Yuvaraju Internships 8
Computer Science and Engineering CS Chaganti Nandini Internships 9
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dinatakurthy Avinashswamy Internships 10
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gummireddigari Kadireddi Vijayadurga Internships 11
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gurram Mamatha Internships 12
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kommi Anusha Internships 13
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kotakonda Mallikarjuna Internships 14
Computer Science and Engineering CS Nara Kondaiah Internships 15
Computer Science and Engineering CS Payavulla Jayanth Internships 16
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ravuri Rakesh Internships 17
Computer Science and Engineering CS Reddy Yogeswari Internships 18
Computer Science and Engineering CS Umar Farook K Internships 19
Computer Science and Engineering CS Hemalatha M Internships 20
Computer Science and Engineering CS Monisha N Internships 21
Computer Science and Engineering CS Nithishkrishna V Internships 22
Computer Science and Engineering CS Rashik N Internships 23
Computer Science and Engineering CS Shobitha.M Internships 24
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sriprakash.P Internships 25
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sudan M D Internships 26
Computer Science and Engineering CS Suman Raj R Internships 27
Computer Science and Engineering CS Venkatesan J Internships 28
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vignesh S Internships 29
Computer Science and Engineering CS Yokeshwar V Internships 30
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bharathi V Internships 31
Computer Science and Engineering CS Boopathi S Internships 32
Computer Science and Engineering CS Chava Harsha Vardhan Internships 33
Computer Science and Engineering CS Daggupati Gopi Internships 34
Computer Science and Engineering CS Deepika G Internships 35
Computer Science and Engineering CS Denisraja M Internships 36
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dhinesh M V Internships 37
Computer Science and Engineering CS Divya Sharon R Internships 38
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gajula Prem Saidhar Internships 39
Computer Science and Engineering CS Geethanjali C Internships 40
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gnanavel V Internships 41
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gokulapriya R Internships 42
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gollapudi Ganesh Chowdary Internships 43
Computer Science and Engineering CS Hithayath B Internships 44
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kamma Bhanu Chandra Internships 45
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kamma Lavanya Internships 46
Computer Science and Engineering CS Nakkala Chandra Sekhar Reddy Internships 47
Computer Science and Engineering CS Patte Venkatesh Internships 48
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jayasuriya R Internships 49
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jesintha T Internships 50
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jothisha S Internships 51
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kavi Suriya T M Internships 52
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kokila A Internships 53
Computer Science and Engineering CS Preethi M (27.11.2000) Internships 54
Computer Science and Engineering CS Prem Kumar B Internships 55
Computer Science and Engineering CS Priya G Internships 56
Computer Science and Engineering CS Rahul S Internships 57
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ramkumar S Internships 58
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ravikumar S Internships 59
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sriramakash P Internships 60
Computer Science and Engineering CS Subashini N Internships 61
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sudhan M Internships 62
Computer Science and Engineering CS Surya K Internships 63
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vasanthram S R Internships 64
Computer Science and Engineering CS Venkateswara K Internships 65
Computer Science and Engineering CS Aravindhan C Internships 66
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bhanu Chandra Kamma Internships 67
Computer Science and Engineering CS Boopathi S Internships 68
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gnanavel V Internships 69
Computer Science and Engineering CS Naveen Kumar S Internships 70
Computer Science and Engineering CS Surya K Internships 71
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vella Tejaswi Internships 72
Computer Science and Engineering CS Akash R Internships 73
Computer Science and Engineering CS Anantha Paranthaman T Internships 74
Computer Science and Engineering CS Aravinthan Internships 75
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ashwin S Internships 76
Computer Science and Engineering CS Deenan.K Internships 77
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dhanush M Internships 78
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dharneesh V Internships 79
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dinesh Kumar C Internships 80
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ganesh P Internships 81
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gayathri.C Internships 82
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gokul N Internships 83
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gokul V Internships 84
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gokulraj S Internships 85
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gopika S Internships 86
Computer Science and Engineering CS Goutham M Internships 87
Computer Science and Engineering CS Hariharasudhan D Internships 88
Computer Science and Engineering CS Hemalatha M Internships 89
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ilayasuriya A Internships 90
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jaishree J Internships 91
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jayanth G Internships 92
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jayasurya A Internships 93
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kavin Shankar S Internships 94
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kavipriya S Internships 95
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kavya K S Internships 96
Computer Science and Engineering CS Keerthana P Internships 97
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kesavarthini V Internships 98
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kirija S Internships 99
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kishore Kumar R Internships 100
Computer Science and Engineering CS Krishnaveni A Internships 101
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mahisurya A Internships 102
Computer Science and Engineering CS Manikandan K Internships 103
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mathankumar J Internships 104
Computer Science and Engineering CS Meghavarshini R Internships 105
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mohana Priya V Internships 106
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mohanraj V Internships 107
Computer Science and Engineering CS Monisha N Internships 108
Computer Science and Engineering CS Muthupandi R Internships 109
Computer Science and Engineering CS Naresh M Internships 110
Computer Science and Engineering CS NAVEENKUMAR A Internships 111
Computer Science and Engineering CS NAVEENKUMAR V Internships 112
Computer Science and Engineering CS NAVEEN S Internships 113
Computer Science and Engineering CS PRADEEPIKA N Internships 114
Computer Science and Engineering CS PRAMOTH C Internships 115
Computer Science and Engineering CS PRAVEEN S Internships 116
Computer Science and Engineering CS PRAVINKUMAR D Internships 117
Computer Science and Engineering CS PREETHI S Internships 118
Computer Science and Engineering CS PRIYA S Internships 119
Computer Science and Engineering CS RASHIK N Internships 120
Computer Science and Engineering CS SANDHIYA M Internships 121
Computer Science and Engineering CS SANDYA SREE. R Internships 122
Computer Science and Engineering CS SANJAI S Internships 123
Computer Science and Engineering CS SELVAPRIYA.P Internships 124
Computer Science and Engineering CS SHARMILA.T Internships 125
Computer Science and Engineering CS SHREE KANTH.M Internships 126
Computer Science and Engineering CS SREEVARSHNI S Internships 127
Computer Science and Engineering CS SRIKANTH M Internships 128
Computer Science and Engineering CS SUDAN M D Internships 129
Computer Science and Engineering CS SUDHARSAN S Internships 130
Computer Science and Engineering CS THENMOZHI M Internships 131
Computer Science and Engineering CS UWASHANKARI N Internships 132
Computer Science and Engineering CS VAHINI D Internships 133
Computer Science and Engineering CS VASANTHAN G Internships 134
Computer Science and Engineering CS VENKATESAN J Internships 135
Computer Science and Engineering CS VENKATESAN M Internships 136
Computer Science and Engineering CS BHARATHI V Internships 137
Computer Science and Engineering CS GOBIKRISHNAN R Internships 138
Computer Science and Engineering CS GOKULA KANNAN M Internships 139
Computer Science and Engineering CS MANIKANDAN J Internships 140
Computer Science and Engineering CS MUKESH KANNA R Internships 141
Computer Science and Engineering CS MURALITHARAN G Internships 142
Computer Science and Engineering CS SUREKA M Internships 143
Computer Science and Engineering CS JAMUNA S Internships 144
Computer Science and Engineering CS Atla Sruti Internships 145
Computer Science and Engineering CS C Dinesh Internships 146
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kommerla Mahima Internships 147
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kovuru Venkatasai Sumanth Internships 148
Computer Science and Engineering CS Obulipurusothaman K Internships 149
Computer Science and Engineering CS Samuktha M Internships 150
Computer Science and Engineering CS Shankavi M Internships 151
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vandhavasi Yuvaraju Internships 152
Computer Science and Engineering CS Chaganti Nandini Internships 153
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dinatakurthy Avinashswamy Internships 154
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gummireddigari Kadireddi Vijayadurga Internships 155
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gurram Mamatha Internships 156
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kommi Anusha Internships 157
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kotakonda Mallikarjuna Internships 158
Computer Science and Engineering CS Nara Kondaiah Internships 159
Computer Science and Engineering CS Payavulla Jayanth Internships 160
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ravuri Rakesh Internships 161
Computer Science and Engineering CS Reddy Yogeswari Internships 162
Computer Science and Engineering CS Umar Farook K Internships 163
Computer Science and Engineering CS Hemalatha M Internships 164
Computer Science and Engineering CS Monisha N Internships 165
Computer Science and Engineering CS Nithishkrishna V Internships 166
Computer Science and Engineering CS Rashik N Internships 167
Computer Science and Engineering CS Shobitha.M Internships 168
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sriprakash.P Internships 169
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sudan M D Internships 170
Computer Science and Engineering CS Suman Raj R Internships 171
Computer Science and Engineering CS Venkatesan J Internships 172
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vignesh S Internships 173
Computer Science and Engineering CS Yokeshwar V Internships 174
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bharathi V Internships 175
Computer Science and Engineering CS Boopathi S Internships 176
Computer Science and Engineering CS Chava Harsha Vardhan Internships 177
Computer Science and Engineering CS Daggupati Gopi Internships 178
Computer Science and Engineering CS Deepika G Internships 179
Computer Science and Engineering CS Denisraja M Internships 180
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dhinesh M V Internships 181
Computer Science and Engineering CS Divya Sharon R Internships 182
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gajula Prem Saidhar Internships 183
Computer Science and Engineering CS Geethanjali C Internships 184
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gnanavel V Internships 185
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gokulapriya R Internships 186
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gollapudi Ganesh Chowdary Internships 187
Computer Science and Engineering CS Hithayath B Internships 188
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kamma Bhanu Chandra Internships 189
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kamma Lavanya Internships 190
Computer Science and Engineering CS Nakkala Chandra Sekhar Reddy Internships 191
Computer Science and Engineering CS Patte Venkatesh Internships 192
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jayasuriya R Internships 193
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jesintha T Internships 194
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jothisha S Internships 195
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kavi Suriya T M Internships 196
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kokila A Internships 197
Computer Science and Engineering CS Preethi M (27.11.2000) Internships 198
Computer Science and Engineering CS Prem Kumar B Internships 199
Computer Science and Engineering CS Priya G Internships 200
Computer Science and Engineering CS Rahul S Internships 201
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ramkumar S Internships 202
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ravikumar S Internships 203
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sriramakash P Internships 204
Computer Science and Engineering CS Subashini N Internships 205
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sudhan M Internships 206
Computer Science and Engineering CS Surya K Internships 207
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vasanthram S R Internships 208
Computer Science and Engineering CS Venkateswara K Internships 209
Computer Science and Engineering CS Aravindhan C Internships 210
Computer Science and Engineering CS Abdul Rahman M Student Projects 1
Computer Science and Engineering CS Denis Raja M Student Projects 2
Computer Science and Engineering CS Hithayath B Student Projects 3
Computer Science and Engineering CS Arun Kumar Student Projects 4
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mannepalli Yasaswini Student Projects 5
Computer Science and Engineering CS Divya Praba R Student Projects 6
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vella Tejaswi Student Projects 7
Computer Science and Engineering CS Koyi Mahesh Student Projects 8
Computer Science and Engineering CS Chava Harshavardhan Student Projects 9
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gollapudi Ganesh Chowdary Student Projects 10
Computer Science and Engineering CS Daggupati Gopi Student Projects 11
Computer Science and Engineering CS Patte Venkatesh Student Projects 12
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gajula Prem Saidhar Student Projects 13
Computer Science and Engineering CS Divya Sharon R Student Projects 14
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gokulapriya R Student Projects 15
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vijayasanthi R Student Projects 16
Computer Science and Engineering CS Deetchananjali J Student Projects 17
Computer Science and Engineering CS Deepika G Student Projects 18
Computer Science and Engineering CS Akilan Gg Student Projects 19
Computer Science and Engineering CS Abishek Sk Student Projects 20
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bharathi C Student Projects 21
Computer Science and Engineering CS Deepak K Student Projects 22
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bandlapalli Bogeswar Reddy Student Projects 23
Computer Science and Engineering CS Akkili Ashok Kumar Reddy Student Projects 24
Computer Science and Engineering CS Molaka Pranod Student Projects 25
Computer Science and Engineering CS Thalachiri Raveendra Student Projects 26
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gnanavel V Student Projects 27
Computer Science and Engineering CS Boopathi S Student Projects 28
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dharanidharan D Student Projects 29
Computer Science and Engineering CS Dinesh M V Student Projects 30
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kamma Bhanu Chandra Student Projects 31
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kamma Lavanya Student Projects 32
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ramulagari Harinadha Reddy Student Projects 33
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sharmila P Student Projects 34
Computer Science and Engineering CS Geethanjali C Student Projects 35
Computer Science and Engineering CS Balaji K Student Projects 36
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gobinath M Student Projects 37
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gowtham M Student Projects 38
Computer Science and Engineering CS Guru Moorthy G Student Projects 39
Computer Science and Engineering CS Munagala Praveen Kumar Reddy Student Projects 40
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kamireddy Manojkumar Student Projects 41
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bijjam Venu Gopal Reddy Student Projects 42
Computer Science and Engineering CS Munagala Raja Mohan Reddy Student Projects 43
Computer Science and Engineering CS Gampala Rushitha Student Projects 44
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bharathi V Student Projects 45
Computer Science and Engineering CS Deepika M Student Projects 46
Computer Science and Engineering CS Chereddy Hari Priya Student Projects 47
Computer Science and Engineering CS Pasupuleti Vinay Kumar Student Projects 48
Computer Science and Engineering CS Tatireddy Satish Reddy Student Projects 49
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mutthna Maruti Prasad Student Projects 50
Computer Science and Engineering CS Cheemala Babul Reddy Student Projects 51
Computer Science and Engineering CS Karnati Sathish Kumar Reddy Student Projects 52
Computer Science and Engineering CS Nakkala Chandra Sekhar Reddy Student Projects 53
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kunchapu Maheswari Student Projects 54
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bayyagari Anusha Student Projects 55
Computer Science and Engineering CS Lagasani Naresh Student Projects 56
Computer Science and Engineering CS Pitti Uday Kumar Reddy Student Projects 57
Computer Science and Engineering CS Suragani Rupesh Student Projects 58
Computer Science and Engineering CS Bijjam Venkata Krishna Student Projects 59
Computer Science and Engineering CS Aravindhan C Student Projects 60
Computer Science and Engineering CS Boobalan P Student Projects 61
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mohanrasu M Student Projects 62
Computer Science and Engineering CS Janani R Student Projects 63
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jayasuriya R Student Projects 64
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jesintha T Student Projects 65
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kokila A Student Projects 66
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jothisha S Student Projects 67
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kavi Suriya T M Student Projects 68
Computer Science and Engineering CS Naveena S Student Projects 69
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ramkumar S Student Projects 70
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kowsalya K Student Projects 71
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mynaavathi S Student Projects 72
Computer Science and Engineering CS Preethi M (27.11.2000) Student Projects 73
Computer Science and Engineering CS Subashini N Student Projects 74
Computer Science and Engineering CS Deepika D Student Projects 75
Computer Science and Engineering CS Madhumitha Y Student Projects 76
Computer Science and Engineering CS Soundarya S Student Projects 77
Computer Science and Engineering CS Madhumithra S Student Projects 78
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sriniya C Student Projects 79
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vaishnavi A Student Projects 80
Computer Science and Engineering CS Keerthika D Student Projects 81
Computer Science and Engineering CS Manoj Kumar S Student Projects 82
Computer Science and Engineering CS Prasanth K (12.04.2001) Student Projects 83
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sankar K Student Projects 84
Computer Science and Engineering CS Surya K Student Projects 85
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mohamed Asaraf M Student Projects 86
Computer Science and Engineering CS Saravanan V Student Projects 87
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sathish Kumar D Student Projects 88
Computer Science and Engineering CS Seetharaman C Student Projects 89
Computer Science and Engineering CS Mohanraj P Student Projects 90
Computer Science and Engineering CS Shakthi S P Student Projects 91
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sivakumar S Student Projects 92
Computer Science and Engineering CS Priyatharsini S Student Projects 93
Computer Science and Engineering CS Naveen K Student Projects 94
Computer Science and Engineering CS Kannan M Student Projects 95
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sudhan M Student Projects 96
Computer Science and Engineering CS Rahul S Student Projects 97
Computer Science and Engineering CS Naveen Kumar S Student Projects 98
Computer Science and Engineering CS Prasanth K (12.03.2001) Student Projects 99
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vignesh S Student Projects 100
Computer Science and Engineering CS Yogaprakash M K Student Projects 101
Computer Science and Engineering CS Parthasarathi S Student Projects 102
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sriramakash P Student Projects 103
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sangeeth B Student Projects 104
Computer Science and Engineering CS Lokesh S Student Projects 105
Computer Science and Engineering CS Prem Kumar B Student Projects 106
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vasanthram S R Student Projects 107
Computer Science and Engineering CS Naveen Kumar N Student Projects 108
Computer Science and Engineering CS Naveenkumar K Student Projects 109
Computer Science and Engineering CS Venkateswara K Student Projects 110
Computer Science and Engineering CS Preethi M (08.02.2001) Student Projects 111
Computer Science and Engineering CS Priya G Student Projects 112
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sadhanantham H Student Projects 113
Computer Science and Engineering CS Ravikumar S Student Projects 114
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sriram M D Student Projects 115
Computer Science and Engineering CS Vimalraj V Student Projects 116
Computer Science and Engineering CS Siva Surya S Student Projects 117
Computer Science and Engineering CS Tamilselvan S Student Projects 118
Computer Science and Engineering CS Jagadeesh R Student Projects 119
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sakthivel M Student Projects 120
Computer Science and Engineering CS Sathi Kumar M Student Projects
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Pranavan C Internship 1
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Bhuvan L Internship 2
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Boobalan S Internship 3
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Chokkanathan N Internship 4
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Devisri T Internship 5
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dhanabal G Internship 6
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dinakaran A Internship 7
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gajendiran G Internship 8
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gokul V Internship 9
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gopikrishnan G Internship 10
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gowsigan G D Internship 11
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gowtham S Internship 12
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Jeeva V Internship 13
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Jeevithan M Internship 14
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kalaiyarasan K Internship 15
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Karthick M Internship 16
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Karthick V Internship 17
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kiruba J Internship 18
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Lisanth V Internship 19
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Loganathan S Internship 20
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Logesh P Internship 21
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Logeshwaran A Internship 22
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Logeshwaran M Internship 23
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Arularasu K Internship 24
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Arvindh P N Internship 25
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dhinesh T Internship 26
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dineshkumar J Internship 27
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gnanavel G Internship 28
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gokul Kannan V Internship 29
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Hariharan P Internship 30
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Jayakumar R Internship 31
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Jeevanantham M Internship 32
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kalaiamuthan T Internship 33
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Manoj M Internship 34
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mohan Babu S Internship 35
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mohanraj R Internship 36
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Muneeshwaran V Internship 37
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Narmathapriya V Internship 38
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Naveenkumar A Internship 39
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Naveen Kumar P Internship 40
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Niranjankumar K Internship 41
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prakash Mani A Internship 42
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prasanna Kumar S Internship 43
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Praveen G Internship 44
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rajadurai S Internship 45
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rajarajan P Internship 46
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ranjithkumar V Internship 47
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rutharabharathi B Internship 48
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rogul S Internship 49
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Saravanan S Internship 50
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sanjay L Internship 51
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Soundhar M Internship 52
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Soundar A Internship 53
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sivasakthi C Internship 54
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sharnitha S Internship 55
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sivaperumal S Internship 56
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Surya N Internship 57
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vasanth K Internship 58
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vengadesh M Internship 59
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Venkatesh S P Internship 60
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vignesh G Internship 61
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vinothkumar P Internship 62
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vishnu Prasath K Internship 63
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mahendiran P Internship 64
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Manikandan M Internship 65
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mohesah S Internship 66
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Moulidhar G Internship 67
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Muthamilarasan B Internship 68
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Pradeep Kumar P Internship 69
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prathapkumar V Internship 70
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rama P Internship 71
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sanjay P Internship 72
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Snthoshkumar M Internship 73
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Thilagam S Internship 74
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vaishnavi T Internship 75
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vedhasree S Internship 76
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kavin M Internship 77
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kishore M Internship 78
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Boobesh M Internship 79
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Balamurugan B Internship 80
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Anandhakumar M Internship 81
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Srikanth V Internship 82
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Srivarshan S S Internship 83
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sowmiya K Internship 84
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vasan S Internship 85
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Pranesh L Internship 86
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Padmanathan C Internship 87
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Harish R Internship 88
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Hariharan R Internship 89
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gowtham B M Internship 90
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Devagi A Internship 91
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Desingh Raja T Internship 92
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Chandru P Internship 93
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kabilan R Internship 94
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Manimaran S Internship 95
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Asifa Jasmine N Internship 96
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sharmila S Internship 97
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vigash K Internship 98
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Viswa R Internship 99
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sathiyapriyan S Internship 100
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Safoora Parveenaa B A Internship 101
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Madhanraj M Internship 102
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gowsiya J Internship 103
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kiruthika R Internship 104
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kishore M Internship 105
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Lokesh C Internship 106
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dhesinguraja C Internship 107
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gowrisankar T Internship 108
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Alwinvinoj P Internship 109
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Abhinav S Internship 110
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Abishek S Internship 111
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nadhakumar B Internship 112
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nandhakishore C Internship 113
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Jagatheesh T Internship 114
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Harikrishnan S Internship 115
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gurubalan C Internship 116
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Renagi Venkata Sai Krishna Internship 117
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nithiyasri G Internship 118
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Monisha M Internship 119
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mohammed Aabas S Internship 120
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gokul Raj G Internship 121
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Divya Sudha R Internship 122
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Elavarasi M Internship 123
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gokul G Internship 124
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dhatchana Moorthy K Internship 125
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Karthickraj T Internship 126
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Keerthana M P Internship 127
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gopi R Internship 128
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gowtham M Internship 129
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gunasekaran V Internship 130
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Monish Kumar D Internship 131
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Abinaya J Internship 132
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Agila R Internship 133
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Akash D Internship 134
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Anand A Internship 135
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Archana M Internship 136
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Arthi S Internship 137
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Arul Pandiyan E Internship 138
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Aruna V Internship 139
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ayyanar S Internship 140
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Boopalan V Internship 141
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Chandru S Internship 142
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Deenathayal S Internship 143
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Deepan M Internship 144
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Deepavarthini A Internship 145
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dhatchanamoorthy K Internship 146
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dheepthi M Internship 147
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Divya Priya M Internship 148
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gnanaprakash J Internship 149
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gobinath R Internship 150
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gokul Raja A Internship 151
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gokula Priya V Internship 152
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gokulakrishnan R Internship 153
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Gowthaman K P Internship 154
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Jeevitha S Internship 155
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Johnmerlis A Internship 156
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Jothika L Internship 157
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Karthickraj T Internship 158
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kathiravan K Internship 159
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mahendhiran S Internship 160
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Malathika B Internship 161
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Meganathan K Internship 162
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mounesh S Internship 163
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Muthamilselvan P Internship 164
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Naveen S R Internship 165
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Brindha L Internship 166
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Chandramoulesvar M Internship 167
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dhanajayan S Internship 168
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dharanish M Internship 169
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dineshkumar S Internship 170
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kavinraj R Internship 171
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kowsalya D Internship 172
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Manikandan P Internship 173
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mukilan M Internship 174
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Navin S Internship 175
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nithiarun M Internship 176
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prasanth S Internship 177
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Praveen R Internship 178
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prithivi Raj P Internship 179
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Pugazhenthi D Internship 180
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rahul M Internship 181
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rakeshwaran G Internship 182
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ramji M Internship 183
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Manojkumar S Internship 184
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Naveen Kumar R Internship 185
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nelaarasan M Internship 186
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nirmal Kumar S Internship 187
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Palani Bharathi P Internship 188
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prasanna S Internship 189
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Pratheesh S Internship 190
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Priya A Internship 191
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ragu Ramchandran M Internship 192
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ragu S Internship 193
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Raj Kumar R Internship 194
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ranjith G Internship 195
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ranjith Kumar T Internship 196
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Raveena K Internship 197
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sabarish M Internship 198
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sangeethavanni P U Internship 199
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sathesh S Internship 200
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sathish Kumar M Internship 201
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Selvaganapathi G Internship 202
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Seralathan D Internship 203
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Shabarieshwaran S Internship 204
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Shrikeerthi J Internship 205
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Soundhararajan R Internship 206
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Srihari K Internship 207
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sudhakar K Internship 208
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sudharsan K Internship 209
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Suganeshwaran T Internship 210
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Susmitha K Internship 211
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Tamizharasan B Internship 212
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vignesh P Internship 213
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vijay K Internship 214
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vinidhkumar D Internship 215
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Yukesh Balaji C K Internship 216
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Venkatesh P Internship 217
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Akilan B Internship 218
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dinesh B Internship 219
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ramkumar S Internship 220
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ranjith R Internship 221
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sanjay G Internship 222
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Saran E Internship 223
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sharumathi D Internship 224
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Surya V Internship 225
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Susindhar R R Internship 226
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Tamilselvan M Internship 227
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Thangamani V Internship 228
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vallarasu M Internship 229
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vasanth E Internship 230
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Velmurugan K Internship 231
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vignesh V Internship 232
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vithyapathi P Internship 233
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Yogaprakash R C Internship 234
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Yuvapriya N Internship 235
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Manojkumar M Internship 236
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sri Hari Internship 237
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Tamilarasan S Internship 238
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Srinivasan S Internship 239
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Naveen A Internship 240
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE J.Abinaya Student Projects 1
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE M.Dheepthi Student Projects 2
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE M.Divya Priya Student Projects 3
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE L.Brindha Student Projects 4
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE M.Archana Student Projects 5
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE A.Deepavarthini Student Projects 6
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE S.Jeevitha Student Projects 7
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kowsalya D Student Projects 8
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE D.Akash Student Projects 9
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE E.Arul Pandiyan Student Projects 10
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE M.Deepan Student Projects 11
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE K.Dhatchanamoorthy Student Projects 12
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE T.Karthickraj Student Projects 13
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE K.Meganathan Student Projects 14
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE S.Mahendhiran Student Projects 15
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ramji M Student Projects 16
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Manoj Kumar.S Student Projects 17
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE V.Aruna Student Projects 18
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE L.Jothika Student Projects 19
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE B.Malathika Student Projects 20
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE S.Chandru Student Projects 21
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE S.Deenathayal Student Projects 22
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Pugazhenthi D Student Projects 23
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Chandramoulesvar M Student Projects 24
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dhanajayan S Student Projects 25
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dharanish M Student Projects 26
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE A.Anand Student Projects 27
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE V.Boopalan Student Projects 28
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE R.Gobinath Student Projects 29
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE J.Gnanaprakash Student Projects 30
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE A.Gokul Raja Student Projects 31
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE R.Gokulakrishnan Student Projects 32
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE K.P.Gowthaman Student Projects 33
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE R.Harish Student Projects 34
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dineshkumar S Student Projects 35
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE A.Johnmerlis Student Projects 36
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE S.R. Naveen Student Projects 37
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Mukilan M Student Projects 38
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE P. Muthamilselvan Student Projects 39
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Navin S Student Projects 40
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prasanth S Student Projects 41
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Praveen R Student Projects 42
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE R.Agila Student Projects 43
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE S.Arthi Student Projects 44
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE V.Gokula Priya Student Projects 45
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Kavinraj R Student Projects 46
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Manikandan P Student Projects 47
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nithiarun M Student Projects 48
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prithivi Raj P Student Projects 49
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rahul M Student Projects 50
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Rakeshwaran G Student Projects 51
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE S.Ayyanar Student Projects 52
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE K.Kathiravan Student Projects 53
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE S.Mounesh Student Projects 54
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Naveen Kumar R Student Projects 55
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nelaarasan M Student Projects 56
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Palani Bharathi M Student Projects 57
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Suganeshwaran T Student Projects 58
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Dinesh B Student Projects 59
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sanjay G Student Projects 60
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Prasanna S Student Projects 61
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Soundhararajan.R Student Projects 62
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Yukenthiran S Student Projects 63
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Raj Kumar R Student Projects 64
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Tamilselvan M Student Projects 65
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vallarasu M Student Projects 66
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ranjith G Student Projects 67
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sathish Kumar M Student Projects 68
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Akilan B Student Projects 69
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sangeethavanni P U Student Projects 70
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Shrikeerthi J Student Projects 71
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Susmitha K Student Projects 72
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Priya A Student Projects 73
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Raveena K Student Projects 74
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sharumathi D Student Projects 75
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Yuvapriya N Student Projects 76
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sudharsan K Student Projects 77
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Yogeshwaran A Student Projects 78
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vasanth E Student Projects 79
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sabarish M Student Projects 80
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sathesh S Student Projects 81
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Selvaganapathi G Student Projects 82
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Shabarieshwaran S Student Projects 83
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Srihari K Student Projects 84
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Susindhar R R Student Projects 85
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Sudhakar K Student Projects 86
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ranjith R Student Projects 87
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Surya V Student Projects 88
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vijay.K Student Projects 89
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Yukesh Balaji C K Student Projects 90
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Thangamani V Student Projects 91
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vignesh P Student Projects 92
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vinidhkumar D Student Projects 93
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Velmurugan K Student Projects 94
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vignesh V Student Projects 95
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Nirmal Kumar S Student Projects 96
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ragu S Student Projects 97
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Seralathan D Student Projects 98
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ramkumar S Student Projects 99
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Saran E Student Projects 100
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Vithyapathi P Student Projects 101
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Pratheesh S Student Projects 102
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ranjith Kumar T Student Projects 103
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Ragu Ramchandran M Student Projects 104
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Tamizharasan B Student Projects 105
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Venkatesh P Student Projects 106
Electrical and Electronics Engineering EE Yogaprakash R C Student Projects 107
BioMedical Engineering BM S. Gokulraj Internship 1
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Senthamil Velan Internship 2
BioMedical Engineering BM B.Surendar Internship 3
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Kirubakaran Internship 4
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Udhayarasu Internship 5
BioMedical Engineering BM C.Muthukumar Internship 6
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Santhosh Kumar Internship 7
BioMedical Engineering BM K.Lakshmana Raja Internship 8
BioMedical Engineering BM B.Karthikeyan Internship 9
BioMedical Engineering BM B.Dilipkumar Internship 10
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Preneshvar Internship 11
BioMedical Engineering BM A.Harish Internship 12
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Midhun Internship 13
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Rajesh Internship 14
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Meganathan Internship 15
BioMedical Engineering BM C.Hamsavarthan Internship 16
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Subash Internship 17
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Manoj Internship 18
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Satheeshkumar Internship 19
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Kavin Internship 20
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Elakkiya Selvan Internship 21
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Jeeva Internship 22
BioMedical Engineering BM A.Mano Internship 23
BioMedical Engineering BM P.J.Ullash Internship 24
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Renuka Internship 25
BioMedical Engineering BM K.Selvabharathi Internship 26
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Abishek Internship 27
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Gowri Internship 28
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Arthi Internship 29
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Vishvashini Internship 30
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Surya Internship 31
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Aravinth Internship 32
BioMedical Engineering BM D.Gokila Internship 33
BioMedical Engineering BM A.Mano Internship 34
BioMedical Engineering BM V.Sathya Internship 35
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Rajesh Internship 36
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Lavanya Internship 37
BioMedical Engineering BM K.P.Lakshmana Raja Internship 38
BioMedical Engineering BM C.Muthukumar Internship 39
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Santhoshkumar Internship 40
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Dineshkumar Internship 41
BioMedical Engineering BM N.Pasupathi Internship 42
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Senthamil Velan Internship 43
BioMedical Engineering BM B.Surendar Internship 44
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Kirubakaran Internship 45
BioMedical Engineering BM C.Hamsavarthan Internship 46
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Gokulraj Internship 47
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Elakkiyaselvan Internship 48
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Jeeva Internship 49
BioMedical Engineering BM K.Lekhana Internship 50
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Vinothini Internship 51
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Prasanth Internship 52
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Gurunathan Internship 53
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Gowtham Internship 54
BioMedical Engineering BM A.Bharathi Internship 55
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Gayathri Internship 56
BioMedical Engineering BM R. Mohanapriya Internship 57
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Manoj Internship 58
BioMedical Engineering BM P.J.Ullash Internship 59
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Santhiya Internship 60
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Preethiravi Internship 61
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Vanitha Internship 62
BioMedical Engineering BM D.Varshini Internship 63
BioMedical Engineering BM I.Zeemana Internship 64
BioMedical Engineering BM K.Gayathri Internship 65
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Kavin Internship 66
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Mahalakshmi Internship 67
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Midhun Internship 68
BioMedical Engineering BM E.Abinaya Internship 69
BioMedical Engineering BM E.Sivasakthi Internship 70
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Kamali Internship 71
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Gokul Raj Internship 72
BioMedical Engineering BM N.Shneka Internship 73
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Ramya Internship 74
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Banu Internship 75
BioMedical Engineering BM K.Aarthi Internship 76
BioMedical Engineering BM K.Keerthika Internship 77
BioMedical Engineering BM J.Shobi Internship 78
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Vigneshwari Internship 79
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Sivashankari Internship 80
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Ramya Internship 81
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Lavanya Internship 82
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Surya Internship 83
BioMedical Engineering BM A.Abinaya Internship 84
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Karan Internship 85
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Suganya Internship 86
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Avanthika Internship 87
BioMedical Engineering BM D.Prema Internship 88
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Kavya Internship 89
BioMedical Engineering BM P.J.Ullash Internship 90
BioMedical Engineering BM E.Karthikeyan Internship 91
BioMedical Engineering BM C.Vignesh Internship 92
BioMedical Engineering BM C.Mukesh Internship 93
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Janani Internship 94
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Saraswathi Internship 95
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Sujithra Internship 96
BioMedical Engineering BM K.Sivadharshini Internship 97
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Sabeena Internship 98
BioMedical Engineering BM J.A.Jenisha Internship 99
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Elakkiya Internship 100
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Jayanthiswari Internship 101
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Abinesh Student Projects 1
BioMedical Engineering BM A.Abitha Student Projects 2
BioMedical Engineering BM T.Chandru Student Projects 3
BioMedical Engineering BM M.V.Devavarthan Student Projects 4
BioMedical Engineering BM C.Dhanush Student Projects 5
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Gowtham Student Projects 6
BioMedical Engineering BM R.Jeevanantham Student Projects 7
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Kishore Student Projects 8
BioMedical Engineering BM E.Kodeeswari Student Projects 9
BioMedical Engineering BM C.Kotheswaran Student Projects 10
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Meena Student Projects 11
BioMedical Engineering BM K.Panner Selvam Student Projects 12
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Praveenkumar Student Projects 13
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Priyadharshini Student Projects 14
BioMedical Engineering BM V.Reshma Student Projects 15
BioMedical Engineering BM V.Rithika Student Projects 16
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Sharmila Student Projects 17
BioMedical Engineering BM A.Sountherarajan Student Projects 18
BioMedical Engineering BM P.Subash Student Projects 19
BioMedical Engineering BM S.Sunitha Student Projects 20
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Vignesh Student Projects 21
BioMedical Engineering BM M.Yogeswari Student Projects 22
BioMedical Engineering BM G.Prem Kumar Student Projects 23
Mechanical Engineering ME S.R.Dharaneesh Internship 1
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Gobikrishnan Internship 2
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Hariprasath Internship 3
Mechanical Engineering ME P.K.Nishok Internship 4
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Buvaneshwari Internship 5
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Harish Kumar Internship 6
Mechanical Engineering ME I.Pavithra Internship 7
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Kishore Kumar Internship 8
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Gowtham Internship 9
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Kaviyakumaran Internship 10
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Kamalesh Internship 11
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Kishore Internship 12
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Aravindhan Internship 13
Mechanical Engineering ME N.Bharath Kumar Internship 14
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Maheswaran Internship 15
Mechanical Engineering ME B.Meganathan Internship 16
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Naveen Internship 17
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Vinithkumar Internship 18
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Prabhu Internship 19
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Praveen Internship 20
Mechanical Engineering ME T.Premchand Internship 21
Mechanical Engineering ME T.Riyas Internship 22
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Selvamani Internship 23
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Balaji Internship 24
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Harikrishna Internship 25
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Kathiravan Internship 26
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Nivedhitha Internship 27
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Perumal Internship 28
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Raj Kumar Internship 29
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Ranjith Internship 30
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Gowtham Internship 31
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Guhaneshwaran Internship 32
Mechanical Engineering ME Gunji Gurukiran Internship 33
Mechanical Engineering ME Srijan S V Internship 34
Mechanical Engineering ME Sandeepraj M Internship 35
Mechanical Engineering ME Sudharshan K Internship 36
Mechanical Engineering ME Sharan K Internship 37
Mechanical Engineering ME Sivaprakash C Internship 38
Mechanical Engineering ME Sudhir Kumar B Internship 39
Mechanical Engineering ME Sivasuriyan G Internship 40
Mechanical Engineering ME Santhosh Kumar G Internship 41
Mechanical Engineering ME Swastick C Internship 42
Mechanical Engineering ME Prasanth K Internship 43
Mechanical Engineering ME Lokeshwaran D Internship 44
Mechanical Engineering ME Nivinkumar S Internship 45
Mechanical Engineering ME Padmesh R Internship 46
Mechanical Engineering ME Parthasarathi V Internship 47
Mechanical Engineering ME Sasikumar M Internship 48
Mechanical Engineering ME Sureshgopi S Internship 49
Mechanical Engineering ME Vinith C Internship 50
Mechanical Engineering ME Manoj S Internship 51
Mechanical Engineering ME Praveen C Internship 52
Mechanical Engineering ME Logesh S Internship 53
Mechanical Engineering ME Vineeth V Internship 54
Mechanical Engineering ME Mohamad Sameer K Internship 55
Mechanical Engineering ME Praveen I Internship 56
Mechanical Engineering ME Noorulaalam T Internship 57
Mechanical Engineering ME Padmanaban P Internship 58
Mechanical Engineering ME Pradeep R Internship 59
Mechanical Engineering ME Selvabharath S Internship 60
Mechanical Engineering ME Vignesh P Internship 61
Mechanical Engineering ME Vikram M Internship 62
Mechanical Engineering ME Rajesh K Internship 63
Mechanical Engineering ME Dhinakar R Internship 64
Mechanical Engineering ME Gokulkannan S Internship 65
Mechanical Engineering ME Jadatheesh K Internship 66
Mechanical Engineering ME Kaviyanand P Internship 67
Mechanical Engineering ME Rajfiq Khan S B Internship 68
Mechanical Engineering ME Sanjai E Internship 69
Mechanical Engineering ME Kamalesh P Internship 70
Mechanical Engineering ME Natraj R Internship 71
Mechanical Engineering ME Tamilvannan V Internship 72
Mechanical Engineering ME Naveen Kumar K Internship 73
Mechanical Engineering ME Aravinth J Internship 74
Mechanical Engineering ME Ashin V Internship 75
Mechanical Engineering ME Bharath B Internship 76
Mechanical Engineering ME Dhaanvi R R Internship 77
Mechanical Engineering ME Gowtham M Internship 78
Mechanical Engineering ME Gunasekar G Internship 79
Mechanical Engineering ME Kalibomman M Internship 80
Mechanical Engineering ME Karthick S Internship 81
Mechanical Engineering ME Kilamans J Internship 82
Mechanical Engineering ME Madheswaran M Internship 83
Mechanical Engineering ME Manojkumar S Internship 84
Mechanical Engineering ME Vignesh K Internship 85
Mechanical Engineering ME Vimal Raj V P Internship 86
Mechanical Engineering ME Arun S Internship 87
Mechanical Engineering ME Gokul R Internship 88
Mechanical Engineering ME Gunaa S Internship 89
Mechanical Engineering ME Loganathan M Internship 90
Mechanical Engineering ME Naveen M Internship 91
Mechanical Engineering ME Ramanan S Internship 92
Mechanical Engineering ME Suresh Kumar R Internship 93
Mechanical Engineering ME Rohit V Internship 94
Mechanical Engineering ME Ramana G Internship 95
Mechanical Engineering ME Syed Wahid Arman Internship 96
Mechanical Engineering ME Sathiskumar P Internship 97
Mechanical Engineering ME Udhayanithi R K Internship 98
Mechanical Engineering ME Tamilselvan P Internship 99
Mechanical Engineering ME Shidharthan R Internship 100
Mechanical Engineering ME Pushparaj K Internship 101
Mechanical Engineering ME A.Ajay Kumar Student Projects 1
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Jegan Student Projects 2
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Jaikumaran Student Projects 3
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Madeshwaran Student Projects 4
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Aravinthan Student Projects 5
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Jeevagan Student Projects 6
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Kamesh Student Projects 7
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Kiruthik Prasath Student Projects 8
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Deepak Student Projects 9
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Dinesh Student Projects 10
Mechanical Engineering ME V.Gokul Student Projects 11
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Hariharan Student Projects 12
Mechanical Engineering ME T.Ashokkumar Student Projects 13
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Ganeshmoorthy Student Projects 14
Mechanical Engineering ME T.Kumaresan Student Projects 15
Mechanical Engineering ME C.Logesh Student Projects 16
Mechanical Engineering ME V.Dineshkumar Student Projects 17
Mechanical Engineering ME A.Gokulraj Student Projects 18
Mechanical Engineering ME B.Mathankumar Student Projects 19
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Gowtham Student Projects 20
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Deenathayalan Student Projects 21
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Gokulraj Student Projects 22
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Mahendiran Student Projects 23
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Mahendran Student Projects 24
Mechanical Engineering ME V.Aravinth Student Projects 25
Mechanical Engineering ME V.Dinesh Student Projects 26
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Manikandan Student Projects 27
Mechanical Engineering ME S.A.Menon Rajkumar Student Projects 28
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Akash Student Projects 29
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Gokul Raja Student Projects 30
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Gowtham Student Projects 31
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Jaya Surendhiran Student Projects 32
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Indraprakash Student Projects 33
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Jothiswaran Student Projects 34
Mechanical Engineering ME D.Hemanathan Student Projects 35
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Kalaiarasan Student Projects 36
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Karthickraja Student Projects 37
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Karthikeyan Student Projects 38
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Kavin Student Projects 39
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Kishorekumar Student Projects 40
Mechanical Engineering ME C.Harish Student Projects 41
Mechanical Engineering ME R N.Hemanathan Student Projects 42
Mechanical Engineering ME Komatla Chandu Student Projects 43
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Krishnakumar Student Projects 44
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Barathraaj Student Projects 45
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Kamalesh Student Projects 46
Mechanical Engineering ME T.Karthick Student Projects 47
Mechanical Engineering ME Mannavarapu Rupesh Student Projects 48
Mechanical Engineering ME A.Kavin Student Projects 49
Mechanical Engineering ME H.Mohamed Roshan Student Projects 50
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Praveen Kumar Student Projects 51
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Nithish Student Projects 52
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Shankar Student Projects 53
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Vigneshwaran Student Projects 54
Mechanical Engineering ME A.Thiyagarajan Student Projects 55
Mechanical Engineering ME D.Veeramani Student Projects 56
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Vigneswaran Student Projects 57
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Navaneethan Student Projects 58
Mechanical Engineering ME V.Narayanasamy Student Projects 59
Mechanical Engineering ME A.Surya Student Projects 60
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Tamil suriyan Student Projects 61
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Sudharsan Student Projects 62
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Thamaraikannan Student Projects 63
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Vinoth Student Projects 64
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Vishnugopal Student Projects 65
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Sathiyaraj Student Projects 66
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Monish Student Projects 67
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Rameshwaran Student Projects 68
Mechanical Engineering ME C.Santhoshkumar Student Projects 69
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Prakash raj Student Projects 70
Mechanical Engineering ME P.M.Prasath Student Projects 71
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Saran kumar Student Projects 72
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Saravana kumar Student Projects 73
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Sasikumar Student Projects 74
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Sridhar Student Projects 75
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Praveenkumar Student Projects 76
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Sampathkumar Student Projects 77
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Monika Student Projects 78
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Mourish Student Projects 79
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Nanda kumar Student Projects 80
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Sellakkannu Student Projects 81
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Rajasabari Student Projects 82
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Sathishkumar Student Projects 83
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Sathishwaren Student Projects 84
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Sivanesen Student Projects 85
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Mithun Student Projects 86
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Nithis Student Projects 87
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Rajesh Student Projects 88
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Vignesh Student Projects 89
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Yokesh Student Projects 90
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Sanjai Student Projects 91
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Thirumalaivasan Student Projects 92
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Ranjith Student Projects 93
Mechanical Engineering ME D.Sridhar Student Projects 94
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Roshan Kumar Student Projects 95
Mechanical Engineering ME T.Prasanna Student Projects 96
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Sudhan Student Projects 97
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Ragul Student Projects 98
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Raja Student Projects 99
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Vijayan Student Projects 100
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Bharathkumar Student Projects 101
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Boopathi Student Projects 102
Mechanical Engineering ME S.P.Kavinkumar Student Projects 103
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Manohar Student Projects 104
Mechanical Engineering ME L.A.Naveen Student Projects 105
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Dinesh Student Projects 106
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Govindharaj Student Projects 107
Mechanical Engineering ME V.Jayasankar Student Projects 108
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Kalamegam Student Projects 109
Mechanical Engineering ME D.Deepan Student Projects 110
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Gokulraj Student Projects 111
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Kaviarasu Student Projects 112
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Poonkumaran Student Projects 113
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Dinakarr Student Projects 114
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Kishore Kumar Student Projects 115
Mechanical Engineering ME D.Nandha Kumar Student Projects 116
Mechanical Engineering ME G.Naveen Kumar Student Projects 117
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Somu Student Projects 118
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Maheswar Student Projects 119
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Srigokul Student Projects 120
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Vasanthprabu Student Projects 121
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Vishnu Student Projects 122
Mechanical Engineering ME M. Praveen Student Projects 123
Mechanical Engineering ME S. Praveen Kumar Student Projects 124
Mechanical Engineering ME C. Veeramani Student Projects 125
Mechanical Engineering ME E. Vembarasan Student Projects 126
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Dhineshsharma Student Projects 127
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Santhosh Student Projects 128
Mechanical Engineering ME R.A.Sridhar Student Projects 129
Mechanical Engineering ME M.S.Ulaganathan Student Projects 130
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Dinesh Student Projects 131
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Monish Babu Student Projects 132
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Sathish Student Projects 133
Mechanical Engineering ME K.Kameshkumar Student Projects 134
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Venkatesh Student Projects 135
Mechanical Engineering ME T.Rajkumar Student Projects 136
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Vasanth Student Projects 137
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Vetrivel Student Projects 138
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Dhuvaragan Student Projects 139
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Gowtham Student Projects 140
Mechanical Engineering ME M.Jeeva Student Projects 141
Mechanical Engineering ME K .Vignesh Student Projects 142
Mechanical Engineering ME P.Dineshkumar Student Projects 143
Mechanical Engineering ME E.Karthick Student Projects 144
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Praveen Student Projects 145
Mechanical Engineering ME R.Nataraj Student Projects 146
Mechanical Engineering ME S.A.Hariharan Student Projects 147
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Nisanth Student Projects 148
Mechanical Engineering ME S.Subash suresh patil Student Projects 149
Mechanical Engineering ME J.Suriyamoorthi Student Projects 150
Medical Electronics MD P.Dhina Internship 1
Medical Electronics MD M.Kathiresan Internship 2
Medical Electronics MD A.Nelson Alex Internship 3
Medical Electronics MD V.Surjith Internship 4
Medical Electronics MD A.Ajay Kumar Internship 5
Medical Electronics MD A.Poovarasan Internship 6
Medical Electronics MD K.M.Aswin Internship 7
Medical Electronics MD P.Nalangilli Internship 8
Medical Electronics MD R.Ragul Internship 9
Medical Electronics MD P.Sakthivel Internship 10
Medical Electronics MD A.Bharath Internship 11
Medical Electronics MD A.Jamuna Internship 12
Medical Electronics MD M.Prakash Internship 13
Medical Electronics MD P.Shalini Internship 14
Medical Electronics MD K.Parameshwari Internship 15
Medical Electronics MD P.Dhina Internship 16
Medical Electronics MD S.Madhumitha Internship 17
Medical Electronics MD H.Saranya Internship 18
Medical Electronics MD A.Sindhu Internship 19
Medical Electronics MD E.Theerthammal Internship 20
Medical Electronics MD A.Poovarasan Internship 21
Medical Electronics MD E.Bothivishnuprakash Internship 22
Medical Electronics MD L.Thirishiya Internship 23
Medical Electronics MD R.Janarthanan Internship 24
Medical Electronics MD M.Megala Internship 25
Medical Electronics MD S.Deepika Internship 26
Medical Electronics MD K.Iyyandurai Internship 27
Medical Electronics MD S.Dhivya Internship 28
Medical Electronics MD M.Kathiresan Internship 29
Medical Electronics MD M.Aarthi Student Projects 1
Medical Electronics MD P.Kanshiya Student Projects 2
Medical Electronics MD K.Karthika Student Projects 3
Medical Electronics MD R.Kumaresan Student Projects 4
Medical Electronics MD P.Nandhini Student Projects 5
Medical Electronics MD R.Ragini Student Projects 6
Medical Electronics MD P.Sowmiya Student Projects 7
Medical Electronics MD S.Suganthi Student Projects 8
Medical Electronics MD S.P.Tamilselvan Student Projects 9
Chemical Engineering CH
Computer Science and Engineering MC
VLSI Design VL
Power Systems Engineering PSE
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Abinaya K Internship 1
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Kavipriya V Internship 2
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Chandrasri K Internship 3
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Dhivyashree P Internship 4
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Pradheep S Internship 5
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Vishnu Priyan A Internship 6
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Prathap M Internship 7
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Dhulipalla Guna Shekar Internship 8
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Palukuru Lokesh Reddy Internship 9
Artificial Intelligence and Data Science AD Dubbanna Gari Sai Ramesh Internship 10
Cyber Security CY Dharunraj A Internship 1
Cyber Security CY Boopathi K Internship 2
Cyber Security CY Jeeva Bhaviya R Internship 3
Cyber Security CY Karthick S Internship 4
Cyber Security CY Keerthana A Internship 5
Cyber Security CY Krishna S Internship 6
Cyber Security CY Mohana Sabari M Internship 7
Cyber Security CY Mohanambal V Internship 8
Cyber Security CY Nagapadmavathi N Internship 9
Cyber Security CY Pavithra M Internship 10
Cyber Security CY Ponnaganti Malleswari Internship 11
Cyber Security CY Raghul G Internship 12
Cyber Security CY Ranjith N Internship 13
Cyber Security CY Sakthivel J Internship 14
Cyber Security CY Sowmiya K Internship 15
Cyber Security CY Vaishnavi P Internship 16
Cyber Security CY Venkatesh S Internship 17
Cyber Security CY Vivetha S Internship 18
Cyber Security CY Balaezhilan B Internship 19
Cyber Security CY Bharath V Internship 20
Cyber Security CY Deepak M Internship 21
Cyber Security CY Devi K Internship 22
Cyber Security CY Dhanush S Internship 23
Cyber Security CY Dharshni R S Internship 24
Cyber Security CY Gowtham Siddarth N Internship 25
Cyber Security CY Jananisri K Internship 26
Cyber Security CY Jayaprakash M Internship 27
Cyber Security CY Kaviya S Internship 28
Cyber Security CY Lin Ml Internship 29
Cyber Security CY Manikandan C Internship 30
Cyber Security CY Manoj V Internship 31
Cyber Security CY Parthasarathy K Internship 32
Cyber Security CY Ragunath N Internship 33
Cyber Security CY Rathish R Internship 34
Cyber Security CY Sahasra S Internship 35
Cyber Security CY Sakthivel S Internship 36
Cyber Security CY Sathrapathimaaraj M Internship 37
Cyber Security CY Selciya M Internship 38
Cyber Security CY Siva M Internship 39
Cyber Security CY Sriram R Internship 40
Cyber Security CY Subhashini N Internship 41
Cyber Security CY Sudhakaran S Internship 42
Cyber Security CY Viben V Internship 43
Cyber Security CY Vignesh N Internship 44
Cyber Security CY Karthick S Projects 1
Cyber Security CY Venkatesh S Projects 2
Cyber Security CY Raghul G Projects 3
Cyber Security CY Dharunraj A Projects 4
Cyber Security CY Sakthivel S Projects 5
Mechatronics Engineering MZ P.Gopinath Internship 1
Mechatronics Engineering MZ K.Elavarasu Internship 2
Mechatronics Engineering MZ K.Logesh Internship 3
Mechatronics Engineering MZ P.Kavya Internship 4
Mechatronics Engineering MZ C.Ramesh Internship 5
Mechatronics Engineering MZ A.Kathirvelan Internship 6
Mechatronics Engineering MZ P.Kavya Internship 7
Mechatronics Engineering MZ C.Harini Internship 8
Mechatronics Engineering MZ R.Visalatchi Internship 9
Mechatronics Engineering MZ V.Soundaraya Internship 10
Masters of Computer Application MC M Abinash Internship 1
Masters of Computer Application MC B Arulselvan Internship 2
Masters of Computer Application MC S Deepika Internship 3
Masters of Computer Application MC V Devisri Internship 4
Masters of Computer Application MC M Dinesh Internship 5
Masters of Computer Application MC D Gopi Internship 6
Masters of Computer Application MC S Indhumathi Internship 7
Masters of Computer Application MC M Kashduri Internship 8
Masters of Computer Application MC S.Martin Doss Internship 9
Masters of Computer Application MC T Nathiya Internship 10
Masters of Computer Application MC N Pugazhenthi Internship 11
Masters of Computer Application MC V Sri Aravinth Internship 12
Masters of Computer Application MC S Ajithkumar Internship 13
Masters of Computer Application MC K Arunpriya Internship 14
Masters of Computer Application MC K Aswin Ganesh Internship 15
Masters of Computer Application MC M Balaji Internship 16
Masters of Computer Application MC M Dhivyabharathi Internship 17
Masters of Computer Application MC C Gokulapriya Internship 18
Masters of Computer Application MC K Karthick Internship 19
Masters of Computer Application MC R Kirubha Internship 20
Masters of Computer Application MC Mohamed Sharuk Arsath P M Internship 21
Masters of Computer Application MC S Nethravathi Internship 22
Masters of Computer Application MC Chikkondu Venkata Ramana Internship 23
Masters of Computer Application MC L Elamathi Internship 24
Masters of Computer Application MC P Kannan Internship 25
Masters of Computer Application MC B Saranraj Internship 26
Masters of Computer Application MC K Suryakumar Internship 27
Masters of Computer Application MC P Velavan Internship 28
Masters of Computer Application MC T Vinothkumar Internship 29
Masters of Computer Application MC S Preethi Internship 30
Masters of Computer Application MC A Vigneshkumar Internship 31
Masters of Computer Application MC Abinash M Students Project 1
Masters of Computer Application MC S Ajithkumar Students Project 2
Masters of Computer Application MC B Arulselvan Students Project 3
Masters of Computer Application MC K Arunpriya Students Project 4
Masters of Computer Application MC K Aswin Ganesh Students Project 5
Masters of Computer Application MC M Balaji Students Project 6
Masters of Computer Application MC Chikkondu Venkata Ramana Students Project 7
Masters of Computer Application MC S Deepika Students Project 8
Masters of Computer Application MC V Devisri Students Project 9
Masters of Computer Application MC M Dhivyabharathi Students Project 10
Masters of Computer Application MC M Dinesh Students Project 11
Masters of Computer Application MC L Elamathi Students Project 12
Masters of Computer Application MC C Gokulapriya Students Project 13
Masters of Computer Application MC M Kashduri Students Project 14
Masters of Computer Application MC G Deepa Students Project 15
Masters of Computer Application MC D Gopi Students Project 16
Masters of Computer Application MC S Indhumathi Students Project 17
Masters of Computer Application MC P Kannan Students Project 18
Masters of Computer Application MC K Karthick Students Project 19
Masters of Computer Application MC R Kirubha Students Project 20
Masters of Computer Application MC S Preethi Students Project 21
Masters of Computer Application MC P M Mohamed Sharuk Arsath Students Project 22
Masters of Computer Application MC T Nathiya Students Project 23
Masters of Computer Application MC S Nethravathi Students Project 24
Masters of Computer Application MC R Prasanth Students Project 25
Masters of Computer Application MC N Pugazhenthi Students Project 26
Masters of Computer Application MC M Ramachandran Students Project 27
Masters of Computer Application MC B Saranraj Students Project 28
Masters of Computer Application MC S Sasi Kumar Students Project 29
Masters of Computer Application MC R Senthamizhan Students Project 30
Masters of Computer Application MC V Sri Aravinth Students Project 31
Masters of Computer Application MC J Sugandhan Students Project 32
Masters of Computer Application MC S Martin Doss Students Project 33
Masters of Computer Application MC K Suryakumar Students Project 34
Masters of Computer Application MC V Vanith Kumar Students Project 35
Masters of Computer Application MC P Velavan Students Project 36
Masters of Computer Application MC T Vinoth Kumar Students Project 37
Masters of Computer Application MC A Vigneshkumar Students Project 38
Information Technology IT S Hari Prasath Students Project 1
Information Technology IT T Muralitharan Students Project 2
Information Technology IT V Prasanth Students Project 3
Information Technology IT S Jeevanandhan Students Project 4
Information Technology IT S Kirubhakaran Students Project 5
Information Technology IT R Naveenkumar Students Project 6
Information Technology IT S Ramkumar Students Project 7
Information Technology IT M Boopalan Students Project 8
Information Technology IT K Dinakar Students Project 9
Information Technology IT N Harish Students Project 10
Information Technology IT R Jayapradhap Students Project 11
Information Technology IT S Arunadevi Students Project 12
Information Technology IT G Gangalakshmi Students Project 13
Information Technology IT N K Gavya Students Project 14
Information Technology IT S Ranjini Students Project 15
Information Technology IT M Deepak Students Project 16
Information Technology IT R Praveen Students Project 17
Information Technology IT S Sanjai Kumar Students Project 18
Information Technology IT R Sasikumar Students Project 19
Information Technology IT K S Harrish Students Project 20
Information Technology IT R Navaneethan Students Project 21
Information Technology IT M Srikanth Students Project 22
Information Technology IT K K Harikrishna Students Project 23
Information Technology IT G Aarthi Students Project 24
Information Technology IT S Dharshini Students Project 25
Information Technology IT M Indhu Shalini Students Project 26
Information Technology IT R Subhashini Students Project 27
Information Technology IT R Madhan Chakaravarthy Students Project 28
Information Technology IT T Sudharshan Students Project 29
Information Technology IT N Visweshkannan Students Project 30
Information Technology IT S S Yasvanth Students Project 31
Information Technology IT S Kruthikhaa Students Project 32
Information Technology IT N Mahalakshmi Students Project 33
Information Technology IT A Vanisree Students Project 34
Information Technology IT P Vikneshwary Students Project 35
Information Technology IT S Devadharshini Students Project 36
Information Technology IT V Kokila Students Project 37
Information Technology IT A Anbalagan Students Project 38
Information Technology IT A Avinash Students Project 39
Information Technology IT S Hariharan Students Project 40
Information Technology IT P Arthi Students Project 41
Information Technology IT S Kamatchi Students Project 42
Information Technology IT K Roshini Students Project 43
Information Technology IT S Sumalatha Students Project 44
Information Technology IT B Indhumathi Students Project 45
Information Technology IT S Karthiga Students Project 46
Information Technology IT K Kowsalya Students Project 47
Information Technology IT S Samrin Banu Students Project 48
Information Technology IT M Balamurugan Students Project 49
Information Technology IT P Divagar Students Project 50
Information Technology IT S Gowtham Students Project 51
Information Technology IT G Suresh Students Project 52
Information Technology IT M Bhuvaneshwaran Students Project 53
Information Technology IT B Deepak Students Project 54
Information Technology IT K A Gowtham Students Project 55
Information Technology IT A Ragul Students Project 56
Information Technology IT M Kabilan Students Project 57
Information Technology IT R Karthi Students Project 58
Information Technology IT K Kathiravan Students Project 59
Information Technology IT S Poornachandran Students Project 60
Information Technology IT S Dharshini Internship 1
Information Technology IT K Ramana Internship 2
Information Technology IT R Gowthaman Internship 3
Information Technology IT G Aarthi Internship 4
Information Technology IT K Kowsalya Internship 5
Information Technology IT T Muralitharan Internship 6
Information Technology IT S Karthiga Internship 7
Information Technology IT S Sumalatha Internship 8
Information Technology IT K Roshini Internship 9
Information Technology IT P Arthi Internship 10
Information Technology IT S Jeevanandhan Internship 11
Information Technology IT K Gavya Internship 12
Information Technology IT M Kabilan Internship 13
Information Technology IT V Prasanth Internship 14
Information Technology IT T Muralitharan Internship 15
Information Technology IT S Karthiga Internship 16
Information Technology IT S Kamatchi Internship 17
Information Technology IT V Niranjan Internship 18
Information Technology IT M Navin Kumar Internship 19
Information Technology IT M Navina Internship 20
Information Technology IT T Harshini Internship 21
Information Technology IT S Hariprasath Internship 22
Information Technology IT K Hyder Ali Internship 23
Information Technology IT R Nirosha Internship 24
Information Technology IT T Parimala Internship 25
Information Technology IT V Prateek Internship 26
Information Technology IT G Mithra Internship 27
Information Technology IT C R Navaneet Internship 28
Information Technology IT Pradhap Durai Internship 29
Information Technology IT B Sabarinathan Internship 30
Information Technology IT K Dharanikumar Internship 31
Master of Business Administration MB Arulkumar.K Internship 1
Master of Business Administration MB Arun.S.V Internship 2
Master of Business Administration MB Arunbharath.M Internship 3
Master of Business Administration MB Balaji.R Internship 4
Master of Business Administration MB Baskar.E Internship 5
Master of Business Administration MB Deepatharani.R Internship 6
Master of Business Administration MB Dinesh.S Internship 7
Master of Business Administration MB Indhuja.S Internship 8
Master of Business Administration MB Indirajith.R Internship 9
Master of Business Administration MB Karthick.S Internship 10
Master of Business Administration MB Keerthana.R Internship 11
Master of Business Administration MB Mani.A Internship 12
Master of Business Administration MB Mercy.A Internship 13
Master of Business Administration MB Nandhini.M Internship 14
Master of Business Administration MB Poornaprasath.A Internship 15
Master of Business Administration MB Poovarasan.M Internship 16
Master of Business Administration MB Raghuraman.C Internship 17
Master of Business Administration MB Ratchaka.K Internship 18
Master of Business Administration MB Rizwana Bagam.S.Y Internship 19
Master of Business Administration MB Sandeepkumar.S Internship 20
Master of Business Administration MB Sarathkumar.M Internship 21
Master of Business Administration MB Sasikumar.R Internship 22
Master of Business Administration MB Shalini.P Internship 23
Master of Business Administration MB Srinithi.M Internship 24
Master of Business Administration MB Sujitha.B Internship 25
Master of Business Administration MB Sumanraj.J Internship 26
Master of Business Administration MB Suresh.P Internship 27
Master of Business Administration MB Velavan.M Internship 28
Master of Business Administration MB Yuvaraj.S Internship 29
Master of Business Administration MB Arulkumar.K ProjectWork 1
Master of Business Administration MB Arun.S.V ProjectWork 2
Master of Business Administration MB Arunbharath.M ProjectWork 3
Master of Business Administration MB Balaji.R ProjectWork 4
Master of Business Administration MB Baskar.E ProjectWork 5
Master of Business Administration MB Deepatharani.R ProjectWork 6
Master of Business Administration MB Dinesh.S ProjectWork 7
Master of Business Administration MB Indhuja.S ProjectWork 8
Master of Business Administration MB Indirajith.R ProjectWork 9
Master of Business Administration MB Karthick.S ProjectWork 10
Master of Business Administration MB Keerthana.R ProjectWork 11
Master of Business Administration MB Mani.A ProjectWork 12
Master of Business Administration MB Mercy.A ProjectWork 13
Master of Business Administration MB Nandhini.M ProjectWork 14
Master of Business Administration MB Poornaprasath.A ProjectWork 15
Master of Business Administration MB Poovarasan.M ProjectWork 16
Master of Business Administration MB Raghuraman.C ProjectWork 17
Master of Business Administration MB Ratchaka.K ProjectWork 18
Master of Business Administration MB Rizwana Bagam.S.Y ProjectWork 19
Master of Business Administration MB Sandeepkumar.S ProjectWork 20
Master of Business Administration MB Sarathkumar.M ProjectWork 21
Master of Business Administration MB Sasikumar.R ProjectWork 22
Master of Business Administration MB Shalini.P ProjectWork 23
Master of Business Administration MB Srinithi.M ProjectWork 24
Master of Business Administration MB Sujitha.B ProjectWork 25
Master of Business Administration MB Sumanraj.J ProjectWork 26
Master of Business Administration MB Suresh.P ProjectWork 27
Master of Business Administration MB Velavan.M ProjectWork 28
Master of Business Administration MB Yuvaraj.S ProjectWork 29
Biotechnology BT Nitheshkumar V Internship 1
Biotechnology BT Sakthivel M Internship 2
Biotechnology BT Ragunaath G Internship 3
Biotechnology BT Tharani R Internship 4
Biotechnology BT Princydyana F Internship 5
Biotechnology BT Iswath Roushan M Internship 6
Biotechnology BT Nandhithashree V Internship 7
Biotechnology BT Sruthi C Internship 8
Biotechnology BT Jeevapraveen M Internship 9
Biotechnology BT Athilingam S Internship 10
Biotechnology BT Nandhithashree V Internship 11
Biotechnology BT Sandhiya G Internship 12
Biotechnology BT Jashmine S Internship 13
Biotechnology BT Priyadharshini P S Internship 14
Biotechnology BT Princy Dyana F Internship 15
Biotechnology BT Iswath Roushan M Internship 16
Biotechnology BT Sruthi C Internship 17
Biotechnology BT Saravana Bhavan Internship 18
Biotechnology BT Meharaj S Internship 19
Biotechnology BT Ashwin Prasath K Internship 20
Biotechnology BT Aathilingam S Internship 21
Biotechnology BT Gokul K Internship 22
Biotechnology BT Priyadharshini P S Internship 23
Biotechnology BT Janani A Internship 24
Biotechnology BT Sri Nivetha A S Internship 25
Biotechnology BT Swetha S Internship 26
Biotechnology BT Punithan S Internship 27
Biotechnology BT Saravana R Internship 28
Biotechnology BT Vignesh G Internship 29
Biotechnology BT Sandhiya G Internship 30
Biotechnology BT Jeevapraveen M Internship 31
Biotechnology BT Padmavathi N Internship 32
Biotechnology BT Jashmine S Internship 33
Biotechnology BT Harini M Internship 34
Biotechnology BT Dharaniya A Internship 35
Biotechnology BT Kansiya N Internship 36
Biotechnology BT Santhiya A Internship 37
Biotechnology BT Kokilavani R Internship 38
Biotechnology BT Sushmitha R Internship 39
Biotechnology BT Amirdakadesan A M Internship 40
Biotechnology BT Dhanush C Internship 41
Biotechnology BT Meganathan N Internship 42
Biotechnology BT Manoj C Internship 43
Biotechnology BT Jeevananthan K Internship 44
Biotechnology BT Dharshini S Internship 45
Biotechnology BT Swetha K Internship 46
Biotechnology BT Dhanushya R Internship 47
Biotechnology BT Sujitha K Internship 48
Biotechnology BT Gayathri P Internship 49
Biotechnology BT Sangavi M Internship 50
Biotechnology BT Ashwin Prasath K S Internship 51
Biotechnology BT Indhuja A Internship 52
Biotechnology BT Sankaran S Internship 53
Biotechnology BT Dhanushya R Internship 54
Biotechnology BT Hari Raghavendar S Internship 55
Biotechnology BT Tharun J Internship 56
Biotechnology BT Arun Kunar P Internship 57
Biotechnology BT Sangavi M Internship 58
Biotechnology BT Sathya T Internship 59
Biotechnology BT Sujitha K Internship 60
Biotechnology BT Amirdakadesan A M Internship 61
Biotechnology BT Mugunthan S Internship 62
Biotechnology BT Arun A Internship 63
Biotechnology BT Sasikala A Internship 64
Biotechnology BT Gayathri P Internship 65
Biotechnology BT Swetha K Internship 66
Biotechnology BT Dharshini S Internship 67
Biotechnology BT Vishnupriyan A Internship 68
Biotechnology BT Kokilavani R Internship 69
Biotechnology BT Dhanush C Internship 70
Biotechnology BT Sanjai J Internship 71
Biotechnology BT Boomiga P Internship 72
Biotechnology BT Parivendhan M Internship 73
Biotechnology BT Sushmitha R Internship 74
Biotechnology BT Abirami P Internship 75
Biotechnology BT Gopika S Internship 76
Biotechnology BT Jeevananthan K Internship 77
Biotechnology BT Manoj C Internship 78
Biotechnology BT Ashok J Internship 79
Biotechnology BT Pooja V Internship 80
Biotechnology BT Kansiya N Internship 81
Biotechnology BT Priyadharshini M Internship 82
Biotechnology BT Dharaniya A Internship 83
Biotechnology BT Reshmi M Internship 84
Biotechnology BT Harini M Internship 85
Biotechnology BT Meganathan N Internship 86
Biotechnology BT Deepak R Internship 87
Biotechnology BT Nivetha M Internship 88
Biotechnology BT Vinith Kumar V Internship 89
Biotechnology BT Naveen Kumar K Internship 90
Biotechnology BT Sowntharya V Internship 91
Biotechnology BT Anushiya S Students Project 1
Biotechnology BT Arun P Students Project 2
Biotechnology BT Arunprasath S Students Project 3
Biotechnology BT Bhrathi S Students Project 4
Biotechnology BT Dhanapriya S Students Project 5
Biotechnology BT Harini Nivethaa S Students Project 6
Biotechnology BT Indira Priyadharshini S Students Project 7
Biotechnology BT Kowshalya K Students Project 8
Biotechnology BT Madhavan N Students Project 9
Biotechnology BT Nandhini P Students Project 10
Biotechnology BT Saravana Bhavan S Students Project 11
Biotechnology BT Srimathi K Students Project 12
Biotechnology BT Praveen Kumar G Students Project 13
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Bandi Venkateswarlu Internship 1
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Chemala Vinod Kumar Internship 2
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Mulluguri Gopi Internship 3
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Paladugu Ramu Internship 4
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Yarram Surya Ashok Internship 5
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Krishnamoorthy M Internship 6
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Mohan Raj C Internship 7
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Aluri Bharadwaj Internship 8
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Bogasamudram Tejavardhan Reddy Internship 9
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Guraka Rakesh Reddy Internship 10
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kalavakuri Kishore Internship 11
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kamma Teja Internship 12
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Komiri Pradeep Internship 13
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Konduru Mahesh Internship 14
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Mydukuru Ganesh Internship 15
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Pachari Vinay Kumar Internship 16
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Paidi Sathish Internship 17
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Pinnika Balaji Internship 18
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sanaboina Hemanth Kumar Internship 19
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Shaik Basid Internship 20
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Shaik Masthan Internship 21
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Tella Siva Kumar Reddy Internship 22
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Telladarla Prudvi Sankar Internship 23
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Uppaluru Satish Kumar Reddy Internship 24
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Alavalapati Vasudevareddy Internship 25
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gadidimi Dhanunjaya Internship 26
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gajjala Chaitanya Kumar Reddy Internship 27
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Payyavula Manikanta Internship 28
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Peram Madhava Reddy Internship 29
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Shaik Riyaz Internship 30
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Thalisetty Venkatesh Internship 31
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sowmiya E Internship 32
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Monisha R Internship 33
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sureka S Internship 34
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Tamilarashi Internship 35
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Theerga Aishwarya J Internship 36
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Umerabanu S Internship 37
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Varshadevi P Internship 38
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Vigneshm Internship 39
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Vikram V Internship 40
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Vinoth S Internship 41
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kowshika S Internship 42
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Shrinidhi S Internship 43
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Tharun R.S Internship 44
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Maitheeskumar.D Internship 45
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sanjay T Internship 46
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sridhar D Internship 47
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Perumalla Jithendra Kumar Reddy Internship 48
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Pygala Chaithanya Charan Internship 49
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gopisetty Venkata Seshu Babu Internship 50
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Pandeti Lakshmi Ajay Internship 51
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Pachari Rakesh Internship 52
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gokul S Internship 53
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Manikandan B Internship 54
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Padmesh D Internship 55
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Prathoshini T Internship 56
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Priyadharshini M Internship 57
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Puakazhenthi B Internship 58
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Ragul Raj M Internship 59
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Rajkumar K Internship 60
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Rithika S Internship 61
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Riyasdeen A Internship 62
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Rogesh R Internship 63
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sajith S Internship 64
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sanjay R Internship 65
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Saran Raj V Internship 66
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Saravanakumar P Internship 67
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Shannthoshi M Internship 68
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Shekmusraf M Internship 69
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sowndarya P Internship 70
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sri Shoba V Internship 71
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Srikurugokul R.C Internship 72
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Swetha V Internship 73
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Abinaya R Students Project 1
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Abirami R Students Project 2
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Affrin Begam A Students Project 3
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Afrin S Students Project 4
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Akilan K Students Project 5
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Akshaya G Students Project 6
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Alavalapati Vasudevareddy Students Project 7
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Anto Jenila A Students Project 8
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Anuja S Students Project 9
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Anusa G Students Project 10
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Arulmurugan M Students Project 11
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Arunkumar C Students Project 12
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Bavatharani R Students Project 13
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Bhavanasi Lakshmi Sravani Students Project 14
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Bijivemula Pavan Students Project 15
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Biradavolu Nitheesh Students Project 16
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Boggavarapu Venkata Sai Manichand Students Project 17
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Challa Vamsi Krishna Students Project 18
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Chandru R Students Project 19
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Chandru R Students Project 20
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Chereddy Srikanth Reddy Students Project 21
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Devaprasanth S Students Project 22
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Devineni Bhavadeesh Students Project 23
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gadidimi Dhanunjaya Students Project 24
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gajjala Chaitanya Kumar Reddy Students Project 25
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Ganta Chaithanya Krishna Students Project 26
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gopisetty Venkata Seshu Babu Students Project 27
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kambala Venkata Manikanta Students Project 28
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kannam Vasmi Krishna Students Project 29
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kanupuru Praveen Students Project 30
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Karnam Pranay Chandu Students Project 31
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kaushik Venketesh Khambham Students Project 32
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kolthuri Rishi Revanth Reddy Students Project 33
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Konduru Vamsikrishna Students Project 34
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Koneru Balaji Students Project 35
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Muli Mohan Reddy Students Project 36
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Muthuluru Rohith Students Project 37
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Palle Sambasiva Reddy Students Project 38
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Pandeti Lakshmi Ajay Students Project 39
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Paturi Venkata Siva Kumar Reddy Students Project 40
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Payyavula Manikanta Students Project 41
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Peram Madhava Reddy Students Project 42
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Perumalla Jithendra Kumar Reddy Students Project 43
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Pygala Chaithanya Charan Students Project 44
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Ravaluru Sunil Students Project 45
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sanaipalli Maheshwara Reddy Students Project 46
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Shaik Riyaz Students Project 47
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Thalisetty Venkatesh Students Project 48
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Thella Madhan Mohan Reddy Students Project 49
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Thulluru Sagar Students Project 50
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Turaka Venkatamahendra Students Project 51
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Vundela Naveen Kumar Reddy Students Project 52
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Vundela Ravindra Reddy Students Project 53
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Giri Ramana K Students Project 54
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Giridhar N S Students Project 55
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gokul Saravanan S Students Project 56
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gowtham K Students Project 57
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gowtham S Students Project 58
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gowtham S Students Project 59
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gowthaman A Students Project 60
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gunasheelan G Students Project 61
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gurumoorthy T Students Project 62
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Hari Darshan M G Students Project 63
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Hari Priya S Students Project 64
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Haripriya K Students Project 65
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Harisudha S Students Project 66
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Hemalatha S Students Project 67
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Janani K K Students Project 68
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Karthick N R Students Project 69
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Karthikeyan M Students Project 70
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Karthiksaran R Students Project 71
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Kavin M Students Project 72
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Keerthana S Students Project 73
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Krishnamoorthi S Students Project 74
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Logeshwara K Students Project 75
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Logeshwaran G Students Project 76
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Madhuvadhani S Students Project 77
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Mahalakshmi P Students Project 78
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Manojkumar R Students Project 79
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Menaka M Students Project 80
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Monisha S Students Project 81
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Monisha T Students Project 82
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Mounika R Students Project 83
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Muthukumar A Students Project 84
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Muthulakshmi S Students Project 85
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Naveen Kumar G Students Project 86
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Naveen Kumar M Students Project 87
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Naveen Kumar P Students Project 88
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Nisha V Students Project 89
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Nivetha E Students Project 90
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Parthasarathi K Students Project 91
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Prasanth N Students Project 92
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Praveen P Students Project 93
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Priya S Students Project 94
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Priyadharshini S Students Project 95
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Priyanka K Students Project 96
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Rohith S W Students Project 97
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Rubhapriyadharshini S Students Project 98
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sajith K Students Project 99
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sakthi S Students Project 100
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sanjai K Students Project 101
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Santhosh P Students Project 102
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sathiyapriya D Students Project 103
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Selvaraj K Students Project 104
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sharmila D Students Project 105
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sharmila R Students Project 106
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Shruthy R Students Project 107
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sireesha A Students Project 108
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Bhuvaneswari K Students Project 109
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sivananthan M Students Project 110
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sneka R Students Project 111
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sowmiya E Students Project 112
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sri Pirabavathi K Students Project 113
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Srinath M V Students Project 114
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Subash Chandra Bose S Students Project 115
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Subiksha M Students Project 116
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sugavardhan A Students Project 117
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sumitha S Students Project 118
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Suresh S Students Project 119
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Suriyarasan D Students Project 120
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Suryaprakash M Students Project 121
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Tamizharasan M Students Project 122
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Thara T Students Project 123
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Valarmathi P Students Project 124
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Vignesh G Students Project 125
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Vijayrathna S Students Project 126
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Vimalraj G Students Project 127
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Yuvaraj K Students Project 128
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Gokul R Students Project 129
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Monisha R Students Project 130
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Narmadha M Students Project 131
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Sureka S Students Project 132
Electronics and Communication Engineerin EC Suresh M Students Project 133
(An Autonomous Institution)
(Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NAAC & NBA, Affiliated to Anna University)
Rasipuram - 637 408, Namakkal Dt, Tamil Nadu.

List of New Courses

Year of
Programme Implementatio
Code Programme Name Course Code Name of the Course
CE Civil Engineering 21GES02 Programming for Problem Solving Techniques 2021-22
CE Civil Engineering 21GES04 Programming in C and Python Laboratory 2021-22
CE Civil Engineering 21GES18 Fundamentals of Civil Engineering 2021-22
CE Civil Engineering 21GES35 Construction Techniques and Practices 2021-22
CE Civil Engineering 21GES36 Green Building Concepts 2021-22
CE Civil Engineering 21GES20 Renewable energy resources 2021-22
CE Civil Engineering 21EEE19 Electrical wiring estimating and costing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSF32 Software Project Management 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSF33 Principles of Programming Languages 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSF34 Distributed Operating Systems 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSF35 Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE39 Fog Computing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE40 Machine Learning using R 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE41 Human Computer Interaction 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE42 J2EE Technologies 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE43 Web user interface Design 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE44 Speech and Language processing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE45 Data warehousing and Mining 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE46 Advanced Java Programming 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE47 Parallel and Distributed Computing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE48 Computer Vision 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE49 Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE50 R Programming 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE51 Software Testing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE52 Information Security 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE53 Data Visualization 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE54 C# and .Net 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE55 Soft Computing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE56 Speech Recognition 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE57 Python for Data Science 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE58 Bio-inspired Computing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE59 Virtual and Augmented Reality 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE60 Natural Language Processing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE61 Video Analytics 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE62 Web Frameworks 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE63 Quantum Computing 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE64 Network Programming and Management 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE65 Information Retrieval Systems 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE66 Fundamentals of Devops 2021-22
CS Computer Science and Engineering 21CSE67 Unix Internals 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE16 Robotics and Automation 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE19 Electric Vehicles 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE20 Electrical Safety and Energy Management 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE21 Internet of Things (IoT) 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE22 UPS & SMPS 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE23 Industry 4.0 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE24 Battery Management Systems 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE25 Illumination Engineering 2021-22
Artificial Intelligent and Data Science applied to
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE26 Electrical Engieneering 2021-22

EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE27 Restructured Power System 2021-22

EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE28 Power Semiconductor Devices 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE29 Sensing Techniques and Sensors System 2021-22
EE Electrical and Electronics Engineering 21EEE30 Testing and Calibration System 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21GES22 Electrical Drives and Control 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MEC08 Mechanics of Machines 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MEC10 Computer Aided Design and Analysis 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MEC12 Engineering Metrology and Quality Control 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MEE20 Manufacturing Automation 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MEE21 Engineering Econmics and Financial Mangement 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MEE23 Operations Research 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MEE25 Digital Manufacturing 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MES04 Massive Open Online Course 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MES03 Industrial Training 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MES02 Mini Project 2021-22
ME Mechanical Engineering 21MES05 Project work 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21HSS02 Communicative English Practices Laboratory 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21HSS03 Life Skills and Workplace Psychology 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BSS03 Bio and Nanomaterials Science 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BSS12 Environmental Science and Engineering 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BSS22 Advanced Calculus and Complex Analysis 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21GES09 Programming in Python Laboratory 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21GES11 Electronic Devices 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21GES12 Electronic Simulation Laboratory 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21GES19 Concepts in Product Design 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BSS23 Transforms & Partial Differential Equations 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BMC01 Human Anatomy & Physiology 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BMC02 Biomedical Sensors & Instruments 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BMC03 Fundamentals of Biochemistry 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21GES20 Renewable Energy Sources 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BMC20 Bio Medical Sensors and Instruments Laboratory 2021-22
BM BioMedical Engineering 21BMC21 Biochemistry and Human Physiology Laboratory 2021-22
MC Computer Science and Engineering 21CSB08 Image Processing and Analysis 2021-22
MC Computer Science and Engineering 21CSB09 Image Processing and Analysis Laboratory 2021-22
MC Computer Science and Engineering 21CSC10 Internet of things Lab 2021-22
MC Computer Science and Engineering 21CSC13 Multicore Architecture 2021-22
MC Computer Science and Engineering 21CSC14 Wireless Sensor Networks 2021-22
MC Computer Science and Engineering 21CSC15 Computer Vision 2021-22
PSE Power Systems Engineering 21PSC16 Power System Optimization 2021-22
PSE Power Systems Engineering 21PSC17 SCADA 2021-22
PSE Power Systems Engineering 21PSC18 Power System Voltage Stability 2021-22
PSE Power Systems Engineering 21PSC19 Real Time Operating Systems 2021-22
PSE Power Systems Engineering 21PSC20 Power Plant Instrumentation and Control 2021-22
CAD CAD/CAM 21CMP01 Computer Aided Design Laboratory 2021-22
CAD CAD/CAM 21CMP02 CNC Machines and Robotics Laboratory 2021-22
CAD CAD/CAM 21CMP03 Finite Element Analysis and Applications Laborator 2021-22
CAD CAD/CAM 21CMD03 Comprehension 2021-22
CAD CAD/CAM 21CMD04 Entrepreneurship Development 2021-22
MB Master of Business Administration 21MBE17 Digital Marketing 2021-22
MB Master of Business Administration 21MBE23 Organizational, Design, Change and Development 2021-22
MB Master of Business Administration 21MBC11 Event Management Laboratory 2021-22
MB Master of Business Administration 21MBE21 Strategic Human Resource Management 2021-22
CY Cyber Security 21GES19 Concepts in Product Design 2021-22
CY Cyber Security 21GES08 Python Programming 2021-22
CY Cyber Security 21GES09 Programming in Python Laboratory 2021-22
CY Cyber Security 21GES01 Programming for Problem Solving Using C 2021-22
MC Masters of Computer Application 21MCB05 Operating Systems 2021-22
MC Masters of Computer Application 21MCB13 Big Data Analytics 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21GES33 Electronic Devices And Circuits 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21GES34 Electronic Simulation Laboratory 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC07 Object Oriented Programming in JAVA 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC08 Object Oriented Programming in JAVA Laboratory 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC22 Information security and Management 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC24 Web Technology 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC25 Web Technology Laboratory 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC26 Data Science And Data Analytics 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC27 Data Analytics Lab 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC28 Web Development Using Angular And Bootstrap 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITC29 Advanced Web Development Lab 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITE37 Digital And Social Media Marketing 2021-22
IT Information Technology 21ITE38 Full Stack Development 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC06 Analog Communication Systems 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC07 Microcontroller based Embedded System 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC08 Analog Integrated Circuits 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC11 Antenna and RF Engineering 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC18 Microwave and Optical Engineering 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC20 Analog Electronics Laboratory 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC22 Integrated Circuits Laboratory 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC23 Microcontroller based Embedded System Laborator 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC27 Internet of Things Laboratory 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECC29 Microwave and Optical Engineering Laboratory 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE01 Opto and Nano electronics Devices 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE07 5G Network and use case 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE08 Next Generation Wireless Communication 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE09 High Speed and Mobile Ad-Hoc Networks 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE13 Millimeter Wave Communications 2021-22
Embedded System for Wireless & Mobile
EC Electronics and Communication Engineering 21ECE14 Communication 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE18 Medical Electronics 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE20 Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE25 Pattern Recognition 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 21ECE27 Machine Learning 2021-22
EC Electronics and Communication Engineerin 19ECP04 Internship 2021-22
AD Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 21ADC03 Digital System Design 2021-22
AD Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 21ADC04 Digital System Design Lab 2021-22
AD Artificial Intelligence and Data Science 21BSS24 Discrete Mathematics 2021-22
BT Biotechnology 21GES07 Computer aided and drafting laboratory 2021-22
BT Biotechnology 21GES04 Programming in C and Python laboratory 2021-22
BT Biotechnology 21GES02 Programniming in problem solving Technique 2021-22
BT Biotechnology 21GES17 Mechanical and building science laboratory 2021-22
BT Biotechnology 21GES17 Concepts in product design 2021-22
(An Autonomous Institution)
(Approved by AICTE, Accredited by NAAC & NBA, Affiliated to Anna University)
Rasipuram - 637 408, Namakkal Dt, Tamil Nadu.

Name of the Value-added courses Course Code,

(with 30 or more contact hours) offered if any
Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with
Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244
Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with
Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244

Recycling of waste materials (Plastic & Aluminium) with

Concrete VASD210244
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Environment Waste Products used in Concrete VASD210221
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
BlockChain Technology Industry Perspective VASD210203
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Basis of Python with Data Structures and Algorithms VASD210113
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Data Science Fundamentals and Practical Approaches VASD210119
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Advanced Cloud Computing VASD210147
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Machine Learning using Python VASD210201
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Blockchain using Ethereum VASD 210203
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands on Healthcare Applications using Python VASD 210213
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Hands-on in Data Science VASD 210219
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210226
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210227
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210228
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210229
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210230
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210231
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210232
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210233
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210234
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210235
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210236
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210237
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210238
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210239
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210240
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210241
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210242
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210243
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210244
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210245
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210246
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210247
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210248
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210249
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210250
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210251
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210252
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210253
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210254
Open Source Software Development Methods VASD 210255
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Amazon Web Services VASD 210247
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Welding of Light Weight Alloys VASD220150
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Emerging Technologies in Automotive Engineerig VASD210230
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
Modelling and Additive Manufacturing Practice VASD210241
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
3D Printing Technology For Smart Manufacturing VASD210141
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Bio-Mechanics in dental Implants VASD 210233
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Requirements, Properties and Types of Bioimplant Materials VASD 210220
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Neural Basis of Psychopathology VASD210214
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Hospital Infection Control VASD220120
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Explanatory Data Analysis VASD220114
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Corporate Skills for Executives VASD210205
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Personal Branding and Net workimg VASD210248
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Constraint Satisfaction and Artificial Intelligence VASD210202
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Ethical Hacking VASD210204
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Detailed Design Thinking on Industry VASD220111
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Applications of Robotics Technology in Industries VASD210108
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Industrial IoT Fundamentals on AWS VASD21051
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
Red Hat Linux System Administration VASD21052
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
IoT for Healthcare and Agriculture VASD220118
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Web Page Development VASD220137
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Advance JAVA Programming VASD210237
Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Introduction to Industrial Internet of Things and Industry 4.0 VASD210218

Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207

Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207
Drug Discovery and Development VASD210207

Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206

Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Nanotechnology for Industrial application VASD210206
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Sensor Applications Using Tinkercad VASD210225
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Introduction to VLSI Design Tools VASD210227
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Image Processing using Neural Nets VASD210229
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Basics of Antenna Design VASD210231
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wearable Device Sensors for Structural Health Monitoring VASD210245
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Wireless Networks end-to-end Simulation using Matlab VASD210246
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Industrial Applications in Fuzzy Logic VASD210249
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Mutisim for Electronic circuit Design VASD220131
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Smart Sensors and its Applications VASD220125
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Recent trends in Communication VASD220149
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
Embeded System Design using EDA Tools VASD220117
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
VLSI Design for Wearable Electronics VASD220145
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Bio-Nanoelectronic devices for biosensing VASD220106
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
Arduino Programming VASD 210217
A, Affiliated to Anna University)
l Dt, Tamil Nadu.

Name of the Student Enrolled Ref (Department)

Aadhavan G
Abimani R
Arulkumar S
Gomathi S
Gunal V
Iniyarasu E
Jaisree S
Krishnakanth P
Mayakannan S
Narendran K
Sanjay K
Sanjay R
Senjeevi A
Srisowmiya R
Vasanthakumar S
Ajith M
Gopi Krishna J
Gowtham A
Kaviyarasan V
Inbarasan S
Naveen S
Pravinkumar K
Sridhar R
Sathish S Civil
Senjeevi A Civil
Shankaranarayanan M Civil
Sivalingam A Civil
Srisowmiya R Civil
Suresh S Civil
Vasanthakumar K Civil
Vasanthakumar S Civil
Dhanishkumar N Civil
Gopikrishna J Civil
Gowtham A Civil
Hazeera Bee S Civil
Kamaleshwaran S Civil
Karthik S Civil
Kaviyarasan V Civil
Kommadi Venkata Manikanta Civil
Loganathan A Civil
Manikandan C Civil
Manimaran R Civil
Mounesh K Civil
Jaya Vikram S Civil
Naveen S Civil
Pravinkumar K Civil
Sivakumar R Civil
Sivaraj G Civil
Sridhar R Civil
Tamilan N Civil
Tejeshwar P G Civil
Chaganti Nandini CSE
Dintakurth Avinashswamy CSE
Reddy Yogeswari CSE
Abdul Rahman A CSE
Akhil S CSE
Arun V P CSE
Bharath B CSE
Gokul R CSE
Gowthaman V CSE
Gunaa S CSE
Logesh S CSE
Mani S CSE
Manikandan J CSE
Manoj S CSE
Mohan Kumar S CSE
Mohanraj S CSE
Manojkumar S CSE
Parthasarathi V CSE
Naveen M CSE
Ramanan S CSE
Ramesh D CSE
Rajesh S CSE
Santhosh V CSE
Sakthivel S CSE
Saravanan B CSE
Sasikumar M CSE
Srinivasan G CSE
Sujikanth S CSE
Sureshgopi S CSE
Surya A CSE
Vairamanivel M CSE
Vimal Raj V P CSE
Vignesh K CSE
Vigneshwaran E CSE
Vinith C CSE
Udhayaprakash C CSE
Vinoth S CSE
Nandhini M CSE
Nithyasri S CSE
Pranavan C CSE
Priya Dharshini N CSE
Preedeepa P CSE
Sivapranesh R CSE
Haris Jayaraj S CSE
Divyashree P CSE
Harani V R CSE
Shobika B CSE
Naresh M CSE
Gokul V CSE
Payauulla Jayanth CSE
Sunkara Seshu CSE
Umar Farook CSE
Kamma Penchalababu CSE
Gamidi Jagadeesh CSE
Maithreyan CSE
Nivethan G CSE
Jeeva K CSE
Puvin T CSE
Kameshwaran S CSE
Vignesh R CSE
Prakash Raji CSE
Santhosh Kumar CSE
Keerthivasan K CSE
Vishnu P CSE
Chennuru Pavan Kumar Reddy CSE
Ethamukkala Likhitha CSE
Gurram Mamatha CSE
Kotakonda Mallikarjuna CSE
Madala Pavan Kalyan CSE
Mannam Sowmya CSE
Ravuri Lokesh CSE
Ravuri Rakesh CSE
Priya S CSE
Sharmila.T CSE
Gokul.S CSE
Keerthana.M CSE
Kowshika.S CSE
Madhumitha.R CSE
Manogari.K CSE
Menaka.K CSE
Mounika.T CSE
Nandhini.M CSE
Priyadharshini.G CSE
Sangeetha.C CSE
Sangeetha.S CSE
Shasini.V CSE
Shobana.V CSE
Sineka.S CSE
Janani.T CSE
Logesh.K CSE
Sandeepraj.M CSE
Sankar.K CSE
Srijan.S.V CSE
Thirumalai.M CSE
Boobalan M CSE
Mohanapriya V CSE
Dhanush M CSE
Crosswinrafel S CSE
Anantha Paranthaman T CSE
Deenan K CSE
Janani S CSE
Kaviya K S CSE
Gopika S CSE
Manochitra N CSE
Keerthana R CSE
Kishorekumar S CSE
Sivakavi A K CSE
Muniyappan A CSE
Kirthika P V CSE
Madhumitha S CSE
Harshini T CSE
Parimala T CSE
Arun L CSE
Niranjana S CSE
Nirmal S CSE
Pradeep K CSE
Elangovan M CSE
Manju V CSE
Samuktha M CSE
Soundhariya S CSE
Logeshwari S CSE
Ashwin S CSE
Dinesh Kumar C CSE
Gayathri C CSE
Hemalatha M CSE
Jaishree J CSE
Keerthana P CSE
Kesavarthini V CSE
Kirija S CSE
Kiruthika P CSE
Krishnaveni A CSE
Meghavarshini R CSE
Monisha N CSE
Navaneedhan D CSE
Naveen Kumar A CSE
Naveen Kumar V CSE
Sanjay K CSE
Selvapriya P CSE
Ajay T CSE
Ajaykumar B CSE
Arivukarasan D CSE
Arunboopathi CSE
Dharani G CSE
Gokulraj R CSE
Hariprasanth S CSE
Kannan P CSE
Kishore S CSE
Meiyappan S CSE
Praksh Raji R CSE
Yokeshwaran C CSE
Akkili Sai Deekshthreddy CSE
Atla Penchala Krishna CSE
Chaganti Nandhini CSE
Ethamukkala Likhitha CSE
Gurram Mamatha CSE
Kanta Ramcharan CSE
Komma Heemashwar Reddy CSE
Kone Palli Indu Vani CSE
Mannam Sowmya CSE
Padarthi Saiteja CSE
Posam Anuhya CSE
Rebala Lalith CSE
Shaik Jasmine CSE
Somapalli Anusha CSE
Sriram Venkata Mahesh Raja CSE
Subburaj Balaji CSE
Yallala Balaji Reddy CSE
Balamurugan T CSE
Gowshika S CSE
Gowtham D CSE
Kesavan G CSE
Kiran Kumar S CSE
Manjunath J CSE
Naveenkumar V CSE
Pranes M CSE
Ranjith M CSE
Senthil Vadivel R CSE
Tamilarasan V CSE
Umar Farook K CSE
Venkatachalam P CSE
Yugapriya S CSE
Anand K CSE
Ashwin S CSE
Crosswin Rafael S CSE
Ganesh P CSE
Jayasri S CSE
Jayasurya A CSE
Jothiprakaash K S CSE
Kavipriya S CSE
Kowsalya A CSE
Mohanraj V CSE
Monisha N CSE
Naresh K CSE
Pradeep O K CSE
Arunkumar V CSE
Bavithran K CSE
Chandhru G CSE
Gowtham R CSE
Jawaharbabu R CSE
Jayasurya C CSE
Mohanaraman V S CSE
Naveen S CSE
Praveen P CSE
Praveen S (15.12.2001) CSE
Priya Dharshini S CSE
Snega T CSE
Sudeep P CSE
Sudharsan R CSE
Vidhyasagar J CSE
Vignesh P CSE
Yukenthiran V CSE
Dheva M CSE
Hemanth E C CSE
Bommepalle Harsha Vardhan Reddy CSE
Gnanashankaran N CSE
Kaduru Rohith CSE
Karodi Suresh Reddy CSE
Kotipalli Manoj Kumar CSE
Kovuru Venkatasai Sumanth CSE
Lakshmisetty Hemanth Sai CSE
Obulipurusothaman K CSE
Selvakumar R CSE
Vandhavasi Yuvaraju CSE
Soundharya S CSE
Soundhar S CSE
K.Kirithiswaran CSE
Chennuru Pavan Kumar Reddy CSE
Ethamukkala Likhitha CSE
Gurram Mamatha CSE
Kotakonda Mallikarjuna CSE
Madala Pavan Kalyan CSE
Mannam Sowmya CSE
Ravuri Lokesh CSE
Ravuri Rakesh CSE
Priya S CSE
Sharmila T CSE
Gokul S CSE
Keerthana M CSE
Kowshika S CSE
Madhumitha R CSE
Manogari K CSE
Menaka K CSE
Mounika T CSE
Nandhini M CSE
Priyadharshini G CSE
Sangeetha C CSE
Sangeetha S CSE
Shasini V CSE
Shobana V CSE
Sineka S CSE
Janani T CSE
Logesh K CSE
Sandeepraj M CSE
Sankar K CSE
Srijan S V CSE
Thirumalai M CSE
Boobalan M CSE
Mohanapriya V CSE
Dhanush M CSE
Crosswinrafel S CSE
Anantha Paranthaman T CSE
Deenan K CSE
Janani S CSE
Kaviya K S CSE
Gopika S CSE
Naresh K CSE
Naresh M CSE
Jeeva S CSE
Manochitra N CSE
Keerthana R CSE
Kishorekumar S CSE
Sivakavi A K CSE
Muniyappan A CSE
Kiruthika P V CSE
Madhumitha S CSE
Harshini T CSE
Parimala T CSE
Arun L CSE
Niranjana S CSE
Nirmal S CSE
Pradeep K CSE
Elangovan M CSE
Manju V CSE
Samuktha M CSE
Soundhariya S CSE
Logeshwari S CSE
Ashwin S CSE
Dinesh Kumar C CSE
Gayathri C CSE
Hemalatha M CSE
Jaishree J CSE
Jaya Surya A CSE
Karthi Keyan G CSE
Kavipriya S CSE
Keerthana P CSE
Kesavarthini V CSE
Kirija S CSE
Kiruthika P CSE
Kowsalya A CSE
Krishnaveni A CSE
Meghavarshini R CSE
Monisha N CSE
Navaneedhan D CSE
Naveen Kumar A CSE
Naveen Kumar V CSE
Sanjay K CSE
Selvapriya P CSE
Ajay T CSE
Ajaykumar B CSE
Dharani G CSE
Kannan P CSE
K.Tamilselvan Mech
S.Saravanan Mech
C.Praveen Mech
S.Naveen Mech
S.Sampath Mech
B.Ranjithkumar Mech
R.Naveenkumar Mech
T.Srilakshmanan Mech
S.Prakashwaran Mech
T.Praveenkumar Mech
V.Srikrishnan Mech
V.Tamilvanan Mech
N.Raghul Mech
K.Naveenkumar Mech
V.Arunsingh Mech
M.Mohammed Sameer Mech
S.Rajesh Mech
V.Parthasarathi Mech
D.Ramesh Mech
P.Maheshkumar Mech
V.Gowthaman Mech
K.V.Kaviamudhan Mech
K.Kalaivanan Mech
A.Abdulrahaman Mech
M.Loganathan Mech
B.M.Bala Mech
J.Aravinth Mech
S.Balaji Mech
P.Gokulnath Mech
V.Gowthaman Mech
G.Karthick Mech
P.Kaviyakumaran Mech
A.Abdul Rahman Mech
S.Harivignesh Mech
S.Mani Mech
M.Sandeepraj Mech
K.Sharan Mech
S.V.Srijan Mech
K.Sudharsan Mech
M.Thirumalai Mech
R.Logeshwaran Mech
A.K.Mohammed Sameer Mech
R.Muniyappan Mech
K.Pushparaj Mech
S.Selvabharath Mech
M.Sivananthan Mech
M.Vignesh Mech
P.Tamilselvan Mech
V.Vignesh Mech
R.Vishnukumar Mech
R.Kavin Mech
Kotakadi Vinod Kumar Mech
C.Loganathan Mech
J.Arun Mech
N.Lokesh Mech
T.Manimaran Mech
R.Mohanraj Mech
V.Naveenkumar Mech
R.Nirmalkumar Mech
T.Pachaiyappan Mech
T.Pragatheesh Mech
C.Harish Mech
R.N.Hemanathan Mech
M.Karthikeyan Mech
K.Monika Mech
S.Praveen Kumar Mech
M.Santhosh Mech
M.Sathiyaraj Mech
S.Balaji Mech
A.Surya Mech
M.S.Ulaganathan Mech
G.Karthik Mech
E.Sanjai Mech
G.Sathyamoorthi Mech
M.Sangeethkumar Mech
S.Sakthivel Mech
P.Mariyappan Mech
D.Elangovan Mech
S.Praveen Kumar Mech
M.S.Ulaganathan Mech
E.Vembarasan Mech
M.Dhineshsharma Mech
S.Santhru Mech
K.Sathishkumar Mech
S.Dhivya Mech
A.Manikandan Mech
M.Manikandan Mech
A.Kirubhakaran Mech
P.Karthikeyan Mech
A.Baala Mech
M.Sathish Kumar Mech
S.Vimalraj Mech
V.Naveenkumar Mech
N.Krishnakumar Mech
K.Karthick Mech
R.Elavarasan Mech
R.Arunkumar Mech
K.Prasanth Mech
E.Sanjai Mech
G.Sathyamoorthi Mech
M.Sangeethkumar Mech
S.Sakthivel Mech
P.Mariyappan Mech
D.Elangovan Mech
S.S.Mahidharshan Mech
A.Dinesh Mech
R.Arunkumar Mech
K.Devan Mech
S.R.Dharaneesh Mech
A.Dinesh Mech
R.Elavarasan Mech
S.Gobikrishnan Mech
P.Gowtham Mech
J.Hariprasath Mech
T.Janani Mech
V.Jeevanandham Mech
K.Karthick Mech
P.Karthikeyan Mech
S.Mahidharshan Mech
P.Mariyappan Mech
V.Naveenkumar Mech
P.K.Nishok Mech
K.Prakash Mech
P.Pranav Mech
S.B.Abisheck Mech
P.Anbarasan Mech
S.Arunkumar Mech
N.Bharathi Mech
M.Boopathi Mech
E.Gokulraj Mech
S.Hariharabalan Mech
A.Ahamed BME& MDE
A.Ajaykumar BME& MDE
M. Banu BME& MDE
A.Bharath BME& MDE
J.P.Chowbarnicka BME& MDE
R.Gayathri BME& MDE
P.Gokulraj BME& MDE
S.Kamali BME& MDE
B.Karthikeyan BME& MDE
P.Kirubakaran BME& MDE
S.Manoj BME& MDE
G.Ramya BME& MDE
K.Selvabharathi BME& MDE
N.Shneka BME& MDE
J.Shobi BME& MDE
G.Suganya BME& MDE
V.Surjith BME& MDE
E.Theerthammal BME& MDE
R.Udhayarasu BME& MDE
P.J.Ullash BME& MDE
M.Varsha BME& MDE
R.Vigneshwari BME& MDE
L.Thirishiya BME& MDE
S.Jasirahamed BME& MDE
G.Janani BME& MDE
S.Manikandan BME& MDE
L.Meganathan BME& MDE
S.Preneshvar BME& MDE
P.Santhosh Kumar BME& MDE
S.Satheeshkumar BME& MDE
P.Senthamil Velan BME& MDE
R.Sivashankari BME& MDE
B.Surendar BME& MDE
C.Vignesh BME& MDE
A.Abinaya BME& MDE
B.Dilipkumar BME& MDE
P.Dharani BME& MDE
M.Elakkiya BME& MDE
R.Janarthanan BME& MDE
M.Lavanya BME& MDE
M.Prasanth BME& MDE
M.Sabeena BME& MDE
K.Sivadharshini BME& MDE
Abdul Sathar S BME
Anbarasi S BME
Anitha R BME
Chandrasekar M BME
Deenadayalan K BME
Dhanalakshmi S BME
Dhanush M BME
Dharshana N M BME
Dhilipraj C BME
Divyasri S BME
Elakkiya E BME
Gobika S BME
Gokulakannan C R BME
Gopi K BME
Gunal A M K BME
Gururam G BME
Jagadeesh C BME
Jeevanandhan S BME
Kaviya S BME
Kaviya Tharshini S BME
Krishnakumar P BME
Madheswaran D BME
Mohan Prathap A BME
Nalini R BME
Nivetha M BME
Nivetha S BME
Ponsurya P BME
Priya D BME
Rahul S BME
Ramana P BME
Ramya M BME
Ramyasri V A BME
Sagar M BME
Santhosh R BME
Sathish R BME
Shanmugavel R BME
Singastin K BME
Sneha M BME
Srikannan S BME
Subishesa K BME
Surya Prakash J BME
Vasantha Kumar B BME
Vasika V BME
Vijay V BME
Vinothini R BME
Vinothini S BME
Vishnupriyan N BME
Vishwa R BME
Aarthi K BME& MDE
Abinaya A BME& MDE
Abishek S BME& MDE
Anitha P BME& MDE
Aravinth G BME& MDE
Arthi R BME& MDE
Aruna P BME& MDE
Avanthika R BME& MDE
Bharathi S BME& MDE
Dharani P BME& MDE
Dilipkumar B BME& MDE
Elakkiya M BME& MDE
Gayathri R BME& MDE
Gokulraj S BME& MDE
Gowri S BME& MDE
Gowtham R BME& MDE
Gurunathan M BME& MDE
Harish A BME& MDE
Karan S BME& MDE
Karthikeyan B BME& MDE
Kavinila M BME& MDE
Kavya M BME& MDE
Keerthika K BME& MDE
Lakshmanaraja K P BME& MDE
Lavanya M BME& MDE
Lekhana K BME& MDE
Mohanapriya R BME& MDE
Mukesh C BME& MDE
Muthukumar C BME& MDE
Nandhini M BME& MDE
Nesiga S BME& MDE
Prasanth M BME& MDE
Preethiravi R BME& MDE
Prema D BME& MDE
Rajesh S BME& MDE
Raveendhar S BME& MDE
Renuka S BME& MDE
Rohith R S BME& MDE
Sabeena M BME& MDE
Sabitha S BME& MDE
Sahishnutha M BME& MDE
Santhiya R BME& MDE
Saranya P BME& MDE
Saraswathi M BME& MDE
Shobi J BME& MDE
Sivadharshini K BME& MDE
Sridhar R BME& MDE
Suganya G BME& MDE
Surya G BME& MDE
Swethalakshmi S BME& MDE
Vanitha R BME& MDE
Varshini D BME& MDE
Vigneshwari R BME& MDE
Vinitha C BME& MDE
Vinothini M BME& MDE
Vishvashini G BME& MDE
Arulkumar.K MBA
Arun.S.V MBA
Arunbharth.M MBA
Balaji.R MBA
Baskar.E MBA
Deepatharni.R MBA
Dinesh.S MBA
Indhuja.S MBA
Indirajith.R MBA
Karthick.S MBA
Keerthana.R MBA
Mani.A MBA
Mercy.A MBA
Nandhini.M MBA
Poornaprasath.A MBA
Abidharsini.M MBA
Ajithkumar.D MBA
Arulkumar.S MBA
Balakrishnana.K MBA
Bapitha.K MBA
Barathi.T MBA
Bavithra.R MBA
Bhanupriya .C MBA
Chandru .R MBA
Deepan.S MBA
Dharani.M MBA
Dharanidharan.M MBA
Dharamaraj.L MBA
Dineshkumar.K MBA
Dineshkumar.M MBA
Poovarasan.M MBA
Raghuraman.C MBA
Ratchaka.K MBA
Rizwana Bagam.S.Y MBA
Sandeepkumar.S MBA
Sarathkumar.M MBA
Sasikumar.R MBA
Shalini.P MBA
Srinithi.M MBA
Sujitha.B MBA
Sumanraj.J MBA
Suresh.P MBA
Velavan.M MBA
Yuvaraj.S MBA
Gayathiri S MBA
Gayathri S MBA
Gobi M MBA
Gokulraj G MBA
Gopalakrishnan S MBA
Harikrishnan M MBA
Jenifer B MBA
Kamalesh R MBA
Kaviyarasan S MBA
Keerthana K MBA
Mahavishnu R MBA
Meganathan R MBA
Meisaran R MBA
Abinaya P AIDS
Alam Munikarthik AIDS
Dhulipalla Guna Shekar AIDS
Hari Prasaath J AIDS
Harini V R AIDS
Haris Jayaraj S AIDS
Indhujaa M AIDS
Karthiga R AIDS
Kavipriya V AIDS
Krishnam Siva Likith AIDS
Kuruva Sai Krishna AIDS
Mallireddy Pavitra AIDS
Nandhini G AIDS
Niranjana S AIDS
Nirmal S AIDS
Palukuru Lokesh Reddy AIDS
Pradeep K AIDS
Pradheep S AIDS
Prathap M AIDS
Prethiyenkara Devi R AIDS
Shobika B AIDS
Srinisa S K AIDS
Subeshamoorthi S AIDS
Surapaneni Vamsi Krishna AIDS
Tamilarasu A AIDS
Vishnu Priyan A MZ
Gopinath.P MZ
Jeeva. M MZ
Kabelan. Cj MZ
Kaviya.P MZ
Lokesh.K MZ
Manohar.S MZ
Mugunthan. S MZ
Nandhakumar. D MZ
Ramesh C MZ
Venkatesh.C MZ
Ajay M MZ
Ajithkumar M MZ
Aravindhan P MZ
Arulmurugan M MZ
Elayakannan S MZ
Gokulakannan K MZ
Gowtham S MZ
Kaaviyaraj S MZ
Karthi M MZ
Kathirvelan A MZ
Kavinesh K MZ
Navashraj D A MZ
Prakashraj I MZ
Ramkowshik E MZ
M.Sandeepraj RA
B.Sudhirkumar RA
S.V.Srijan RA
C.Sivaprakash RA
M.Thirumalai RA
V.Praveen RA
K.Sankar RA
T.Surendhiran RA
P.Sureshkumar RA
B.Sabarivasan RA
P.Vinodh RA
S.Thiyagarajan RA
P.Ramakrishnan RA
Abinash M MCA
Ajithkumar S MCA
Arulselvan B MCA
Arun Priya K MCA
Aswin Ganesh K MCA
Balaji M MCA
Chikkondu Venkata Ramana MCA
Deepa G MCA
Deepika S MCA
Devisri V MCA
Dhivyabharathi M MCA
Dinesh M MCA
Elamathi L MCA
Gokulapriya C MCA
Gopi D MCA
Indhumathi S MCA
Kannan P MCA
Karthick K MCA
Kashduri M MCA
Kirubha R MCA
Martin Doss S MCA
Mohamed Sharuk Arsath P M MCA
Nathiya T MCA
Nethravathi S MCA
Prasanth R MCA
Pugazhenthi N MCA
Ramachandran M MCA
Saranraj B MCA
Sasi Kumar S MCA
Senthamizhan R MCA
Sri Aravinth V MCA
Sugandhan J MCA
Suryakumar K MCA
Vanith Kumar V MCA
Velavan P MCA
Vinoth Kumar T MCA
Preethi S MCA
Vigneshkumar A MCA
Aakash J MCA
Aarthi V MCA
Abinaya S MCA
Andril M MCA
Aruna D MCA
Barath M MCA
Birundha V MCA
Dhileep C MCA
Dhinakaran R MCA
Durairaj R MCA
Elakkiya K MCA
Gijenthar A MCA
Gokul E MCA
Gowtham S(03.04.2001) MCA
Jayaprakash J MCA
Jayasurya R MCA
Jeevitha M S MCA
Kavinila V MCA
Ramkumar M MCA
Meena I MCA
Mukesh V MCA
Palanibharathi T MCA
Poorvasanthiya K S MCA
Prashanna S MCA
Prema R MCA
Priyanka S MCA
Ramya Deepa P MCA
Ravikumar M MCA
Saranraj K MCA
Saranya K MCA
Sethu Narayanan R MCA
Sridharraj C MCA
Surya M MCA
Vahini S MCA
Vimal C MCA
Ajay T IT
Ajaykumar B IT
Arivukarasan D IT
Arunnboopathi V IT
Aswin S IT
Deepan J IT
Dhanasri A IT
Dharani G IT
Dharshini C IT
Divya K.V IT
Divya V IT
Gayathri S IT
Gokulraj R IT
Hariprasath S IT
Harshini T IT
Hyder Ali K IT
Jeeva K IT
Kameshwaran S IT
Kannan P IT
Keerthana R IT
Keerthivasan K IT
Kishore S IT
Kishorekumar S IT
Krithika P V IT
Logeshwari S IT
Madhumitha S IT
Maithreyan R IT
Manochitra N IT
Mathiyarasu M IT
Meiyappan S IT
Mithra G IT
Muniyappan A IT
Navaneet C R IT
Naveen Kumar M IT
Navina M IT
Nirosha R IT
Nivethan G IT
Parimala T IT
Prakashraji R IT
Prateek V IT
Praveen Kumar P IT
Puvin T IT
Ragul J IT
Ramamoorthy K IT
Ruban A IT
Santhosh Kumar M IT
Saranya S IT
Sheela S IT
Sivakavi A K IT
Sowmiyan S IT
Sujith G IT
Sushmitha S IT
Venkatesh C IT
Vignesh R IT
Vishnu P IT
Yogachandran M IT
Yogeshwaran C IT
Yogeshwaran P IT
Gokul M IT
Gowtham S IT
Kavinraj G IT
Manaovignesh V IT
Sathyanand C IT
Selvam S IT
Shaikh Ashfaque Abu Ahmed Mohamed Rafi IT
Aartheesh D IT
Anbarasan G IT
Bharath S IT
Chithick A IT
Elaiyaselvi S IT
Ganika V IT
Giribharathan S IT
Gobika M IT
Gokul G IT
Gokul J IT
Gokul P IT
Gokul S IT
Indu P IT
Jagadish S IT
Janaprasath G IT
Jasmine M IT
Jothikumaran G IT
Karthikeyan G IT
Karthikeyan S IT
Kaviyadharshini M IT
Keerthana S IT
Lavanya K IT
Lavanya S IT
Manju C IT
Manoranjith M IT
Meenakshi E IT
Mounish B IT
Nadhiya A IT
Navadharshini J IT
Nivedha S IT
Phaviyasri S K IT
Ragul M IT
Ragul Prasath L IT
Ramachandiran M IT
Ramanathan S K IT
Ramesh Kumar G IT
Ramu M IT
Sai Saranya B IT
Sanjay S IT
Saran R IT
Shalini N IT
Sheryl Ac IT
Sibiraj D IT
Siddiq Basha F IT
Siva Sri R IT
Soundhar N IT
Srikanth P IT
Sriyaagul K IT
Sudharsan S IT
Varnamalika S IT
Varsha B S IT
Varuna Priya K V IT
Vasanthakumar V IT
Vignesh A M IT
Vignesh R IT
Vineeth S G IT
Vishnupriya P IT
Vishnupriyan C IT
Yogakrishnan S IT
Chandru K IT
Babyka K IT
Dheenadhayalan R IT
Dineshraj M IT
Pragadeeshwaran Y IT
Selvamani K IT
Vishwa D IT
Aabid Kaleem A IT
Abimanyu M IT
Abishek G IT
Akash M IT
Akshaya K IT
Boopathi M IT
Deepika R IT
Dhannush S IT
Dharanikumar K IT
Dhinakaran S IT
Dhivyadharshini S IT
Dhoushini S IT
Elanjuriyan S IT
Geethanjali R IT
Gopinath N IT
Gowthaman N IT
Gowthaman R IT
Haripriyadharshani V IT
Harish R IT
Jayeskumar M IT
Jeevanantham V IT
Kavin Kishore S IT
Kiruthickraj R IT
Kishore S IT
Krishnaprakash C S IT
Lokkishore S IT
Manikandan S IT
Marimuthu S IT
Meena Kumari G IT
Monica B IT
Navinkumar P IT
Niranjan V IT
Nithya K IT
Nivasan V IT
Nivethini D IT
Paulsan S IT
Pradhapdurai A K IT
Prathima S IT
Ragavi D IT
Ragul V IT
Ramana K IT
Ranjith Kumar K IT
Ranjithkumar R IT
Sabarinathan B IT
Saranya K IT
Satheesh Kumar B IT
Sridhar S IT
Sridharan N K IT
Srinivasan S IT
Surya A IT
Surya V IT
Vasanth M IT
Vignesh G IT
Vinithkumar V IT
Vinoth M IT
Virendrasehwag G IT
Yaserarabth S IT
Yuvaraj S IT
Devaganesvara C IT
Pasupathikumar S IT
Sivaranjini.R IT
Aarthi G
Anbalagan A
Arthi P
Arunadevi S
Avinash A
Balamurugan M
Bhuvaneshwaran M
Boopalan M
Deepak B
Deepak M
Devadharshini S
Dharshini S
Dinakar K
Divagar P
Gangalakshmi G
Gavya N K
Gowtham K A
Gowtham S
Hari Prasath S
Hari Haran S
Harish N
Harrish K S
Indhu Shalani M
Indumathi B
Jaya Pradhap R
Jeevanandan S
Kabilan M
Kamatchi S
Karthi R
Karthiga S
Kathiravan K
Kirubhakaran S
Kokila V
Kowsalya K
Kruthikhaa S
Madhanchakravarthy R
Mahalakshmi N
Muralitharan T
Navaneethan R
Naveenkumar R
Prasanth V
Praveen R
Ragul A
Ramkumar S
Ranjini S
Roshini K
Sanjai Kumar S
Sasikumar R
Srikanth M
Subhashini R
Sudharsan T
Sumalatha S
Suresh G
Vanisree A
Vikneshwary P
Viswesh Kannan N
Yasvanth S S
Harikrishna K.K
Poornachandran S
Samrin Banu
Thamzith B BT
Arunkumar G BT
Aathilingam S BT
Bharanitharan N.S BT
Deepashri P BT
Elakkiya K BT
Madhumitha K BT
Nitheeskumar V BT
Punithan S BT
Sakthivel M BT
Sandhiya G BT
Saravanan R BT
Sineka R BT
Tamilselvan S BT
Tharani R BT
Vaishnavi R BT
Amirthakadesan A.M BT
Arun A BT
Dhanush C BT
Dharshini S BT
Hariragavendhar S BT
Hari V.C BT
Harini M BT
Meganathan N BT
Nivetha M BT
Pooja V BT
Reshmi M BT
Sowntharya V BT
Sujitha K BT
Swetha K BT

Abinayashree J ECE
Bharaneesh S ECE
Deepa V ECE
Sabitha J ECE
Shannthoshi R ECE
Selva Haritha S ECE
Sri Shoba V ECE
Shrinithi S ECE
Perakam Girish ECE
Palukuru Vishnu Priya ECE
N.Gokul ECE
V.Arasu ECE
M.Balamurugan ECE
J.Gopika ECE
G.Kalaiarasi ECE
G.Surya ECE
Abishek ECE
S.Jayanthiswari ECE
S.Ramya ECE
IstamsettySivakrishna ECE
G.Naveen Babu ECE
G.Shanmathi ECE
M.Reshma Sridevi ECE
M.Sharumathi ECE
G.Elangovan ECE
J.Abinayashree ECE
R.Deepalakshmi ECE
N.Dineshkumar ECE
D.Durkesh ECE
M.Kesavamoorthi ECE
F.Jannathul Firthous ECE
V.Kaviya ECE
V.Vishwa ECE
V.Vignesh ECE
V.Veerapradhap ECE
R.V.Vimal ECE
G.Tamilarasan ECE
V.Venkatesan ECE
T.Tamilselvan ECE
M.Suriya ECE
B.Vignesh ECE
Tamizharsi S ECE
Srinidhi S ECE
Kowshika S ECE
Theera Aiswarya J ECE
Sri Shoba V ECE
Umerabanu S ECE
Selvabharathi K ECE
Shneka N ECE
Sathya V ECE
Ullash P J ECE
Kavin M ECE
Sathish Kumar S ECE
Janani G ECE
Kathikeyan B ECE
Praneshvar S ECE
Kamali S ECE
Zeeman I ECE
Theerthamal E ECE
Saranya H ECE
Rahul R ECE
Ramya G ECE
Rithika R ECE
Thirishiya L ECE
Varsha M ECE
Monika K ECE
Swetha V ECE
Shalani S ECE
Shannthoshi R ECE
Sowndarya P ECE
Thangamani C ECE
Pooja J ECE
Riyasdeen A ECE
Sabitha J ECE
Sanjay R ECE
Saravanakumar P ECE
Satheeshkumar R ECE
SelvaHaritha S ECE
Shekmusaraf M ECE
Sindhuja A ECE
Solaikumar P ECE
Tamiselvan R ECE
Tamizharasi S ECE
Tamizhazhagan S ECE
Vigneshwaran M ECE
Kesavan A ECE
Ramanikanth S ECE
Selvaraja P ECE
Surendrann TR ECE
Srigurugokul RC ECE
Saranraj V ECE
Balamurugan M ECE
Gopika J ECE
Kowshika S ECE
KrishnaMoorthy.M ECE
Manogari K ECE
Manoharan M ECE
Menaka k ECE
Mohamed Irfan M ECE
Mugunthan R ECE
Nandhini M ECE
Priyadharshini. G ECE
Reshma sridevi M ECE
Sineka S ECE
Sowmiya S ECE
Suruthi M ECE
Suvetha S ECE
Swathi M ECE
Tamilarasan G ECE
Varsha V ECE
Vimal R V ECE
Vishnupriya B E ECE
Viveka R ECE
Yamunasri T S ECE
Mathivanan D ECE
Nandha Kumar S ECE

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