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Lecturer: Siti Wasliyah, Nurse, M.Kep.

Arranged by :

Group 13:

1. Hafiza NIM P27907123012

2. Serin Wahyudini NIM P27907123022





First of all, thanks to Allah SWT because of Allah's help, the author finished writing
the paper entitled "Nursing Liability and Responsibilities" exactly on the calculated time. The
purpose of writing this article is to fulfill the assignment given by Mrs. Siti Wasliyah, Ners,
M.Kep. As a lecturer in Nursing Ethics and Health Law.

In preparing this paper, the author really faced many challenges and obstacles, but
with the help of many individuals, these obstacles were able to pass. The author also realizes
that there are still many errors in the process of writing this paper.

Therefore, the author would like to thank all individuals who helped in the process of
writing this paper. May Allah reward all your help and bless you all.

The author realizes that this article is still not perfect in its arrangement and content.
Then the author hopes that criticism from readers can help the author in improving the next
paper. Last but not least, I hope this article can help readers gain more knowledge about the
Religion department.

Tangerang, 18 October 2023



COVER ....................................................................................................................i
FOREWORD ...........................................................................................................ii
TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................iii
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION............................................................................. 4
A. Background.................................................................................................... 4
B. Formulation of the problem........................................................................... 4
C. Our purposes.................................................................................................. 4
CHAPTER II DISCUSSION ..................................................................................5
A. Responsibility................................................................................................. 5
B. Types of Responsibilities............................................................................... 5
C. Liability .........................................................................................................9
D. Types of Liability........................................................................................... 10
CHAPTER III CLOSING....................................................................................... 12
A. Conclusion............................................................................................................. 12
B. Suggestions............................................................................................................ 12
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................................................................... 13


A. Background
A nurse's responsibility means being trustworthy and trustworthy. Shows that
professional nurses perform work carefully, thoroughly and that nursing activities are
reported honestly. Trust will grow if nurses have adequate abilities, skills, expertise and
education. Accountability can be interpreted as a form of nurse participation in making a
decision and learning from that decision. Nurses should have accountability, meaning that
if someone sues them, they say they are ready and have the courage to face it.

B. Formulation of the problem

1. What are the nurse's responsibilities?
2. What are the responsibilities of a nurse?
3. What is meant by Nurse Liability?
4. What are the nurse's responsibilities?

C. Our purposes
1. Explain the meaning of nurse responsibilities
2. Describe the types of nurse responsibilities
3. Explain the meaning of nurse's responsibility
4. Explain the types of nurse's liability


A. Nursing Responsibilities
Nursing responsibility means a state of trustworthiness and trustworthiness. This
designation shows that professional nurses display their performance carefully,
thoroughly and the nursing activities are reported honestly (Koziers 1983: 25). Clients
feel confident that nurses are responsible and have the ability, knowledge and expertise
relevant to their discipline.
Application of legal provisions (execution) to tasks related to certain roles of nurses,
in order to remain competent in Knowledge, Attitude and work according to the code of
ethics (ANA, 1985).
According to this definition, in order to have responsibility, nurses are given legal
provisions with the aim of ensuring that their care services remain up to standards. For
example, the law regulates whether nurses carry out criminal activities, falsify diplomacy,
make illegal levies, etc. The nurse's responsibility is demonstrated by being ready to
accept legal punishment if the nurse is proven guilty or violates the law.
A person's obligation as a rational and free being is not to avoid it and to provide an
explanation of his actions, retrospectively or prospectively (Bertens, 1993: 133). Based on
the definition above, responsibility is defined as readiness to provide answers to actions
that have been carried out by nurses in the past or actions that will have consequences in
the future. For example, if a nurse deliberately installs a contraceptive device without the
client's consent, this will have an impact on the client's future. The client will not have
children even though having children is the right of all humans. Nurses must be able to
take responsibility retrospectively even if the nurse's actions are considered correct
according to medical considerations.

B. Types of Nurse Responsibilities

1. Primary responsibility towards God
From the perspective of Normative ethics, the most important responsibility of a nurse
is responsibility before God. Indeed, sight, hearing and heart will be held accountable

before God. From an ethical point of view, nurses' responsibilities towards their God,
especially regarding the following matters:
a) Do nurses go to their duties with sincere intentions because of God?
b) Does the nurse pray for the client during treatment and ask God for healing?
c) Does the nurse teach the client the wisdom of illness?
d) Did the nurse explain the benefits of prayer for his recovery?
e) Does the nurse facilitate the client to pray while in the hospital?
f) Does the nurse collaborate in meeting the client's spiritual needs?

2. Responsibility towards clients and society.

Responsibility is the most important aspect of nursing ethics. Responsibility is a
person's willingness to face even the worst possibilities, providing compensation and
information regarding what they do in carrying out their duties. The nurse's
responsibility towards the client focuses on what she does to the client. Examples of
forms of nurse responsibility towards clients: getting to know the client's condition,
caring for the client during office hours, responsibility for documentation, maintaining
client safety, responsibility if there is a decline in the client's condition, and so on.
Nurses' responsibilities are also closely related to the main task of nurses, namely
care. As in delegated tasks, for example in administering medication. Even though
this is a delegated task, the nurse must share responsibility even though the main fault
sometimes lies with the superior who delegated it.
Nursing ethics also underlies nurses to have responsibilities, especially viewing
humans as unique and complete creatures. Unique means that an individual is unique
and cannot be compared to other individuals. Whole means that humans have
complex and interrelated needs. Nurses have various other responsibilities towards
their clients, such as being responsible for maintaining an environmental atmosphere
that respects the cultural and religious values of individuals while carrying out their
service in the field of nursing and being responsible for collaborating with
individuals, families and the community, especially in carrying out health and welfare

3. Responsibility towards colleagues and superiors

There are several things related to nurses' responsibilities towards colleagues or
superiors. Among them are as follows:

a) Make complete records (documentation) about when to carry out nursing actions,
how many times, where and in what way and who did it. For example, nurse A
installed an IV in the right arm's brachial vein, and administered 5 kolf of RL
fluid, the infusion was removed on the evening of Monday 30 June 2007 at 21.00.
Then add the nurse's signature and clear name.
b) Teach nursing knowledge to other nurses who are not yet able or not skilled at
doing it. For example, nurses who are not yet proficient at installing an ECG are
taught by nurses who are already proficient. To protect the public from mistakes,
new nurses are trained by senior nurses who are already professional. Even though
they are academically competent, environmental and field conditions often require
special adaptations.
c) Provide warnings if colleagues make mistakes or violate standards.
d) The nurse is responsible if another nurse smokes in the room, falsifies medication,
takes a client's belongings that are not theirs, forging signatures, collecting money
outside of official procedures, carrying out nursing actions outside of standards,
for example installing an NGT without maintaining sterility. e. Providing
testimony in court about a case experienced by a client. If a lawsuit occurs due to
malpractice cases such as abortion, nosocomial infections, diagnostic errors,
medication administration errors, client falls, overhydration, drug poisoning,
overdose, etc. The nurse is obliged to be a witness by including adequate

4. Responsibility to the profession.

The following responsibilities of nurses towards the profession are:
a) Nurses are responsible for efforts to improve their professional abilities
individually or in groups through additional knowledge, skills and experience.
b) Nurses are responsible for upholding the good name of the nursing profession by
showing a commendable attitude and personality.
c) Nurses are responsible for determining professional nursing services and
implementing them in nursing service activities.
d) Nurses are jointly responsible for developing and maintaining the quality of
nursing professional organizations as a means of service.

5. Responsibility towards the country
The following responsibilities of nurses towards the state are:
a) Nurses are responsible for implementing the provisions outlined by the
government in the field of health and nursing.
b) Nurses are responsible for carrying out an active role in contributing ideas to the
government in improving health services and treatment for the community.

6. Nurse's Responsibilities for Duties

a) Nurses maintain high levels of mutual service accompanied by professional
honesty in applying knowledge and developing skills according to the needs of
individuals, families and society.
b) Nurses are obliged to keep everything they know in connection with the tasks
entrusted to them confidential, unless required by the authorized parties in
accordance with applicable legal provisions
c) Nurses will not use their knowledge and treatment skills for purposes that are
contrary to humane norms.
d) Nurses, in carrying out their duties and obligations, always try with full awareness
so as not to be influenced by considerations of nationality, ethnicity, skin color,
age, gender, political beliefs, religion, and social position.
e) Nurses prioritize the protection and safety of patients or clients in carrying out
their nursing duties, and are mature in considering their capabilities when
accepting or transferring physical responsibilities to nursing.

Several ways in which nurses can communicate their responsibilities:

a) Convey attention and respect to clients (sincere interest)
Example: "I'm sorry, ma'am, for your comfort and your health, I will change the
dressing or replace the bed sheets."
b) If the nurse is forced to delay services, the nurse is willing to provide a friendly
explanation to the client (explanation about the delay).
For example ; "I'm sorry sir, I'm prioritizing urgent and emergency clients so I have to
leave you for a moment."

c) Show the client an attitude of respect which is demonstrated by the nurse's behavior.
for example saying hello, smiling, bowing, shaking hands, etc.
d) Talking to clients that is oriented towards the client's feelings (subject to the patient's
desires) and not to the nurse's interests or desires,
for example "Please explain to me how you feel right now". Meanwhile, if the nurse
is oriented towards the interests of the nurse; "Don't you understand that I have a lot
of work to do, from morning to afternoon, please understand, sir, don't want to be
served all the time?"
e) Do not discuss other clients in front of patients with the intention of insulting
for example "this patient may have less hope of recovery compared to the previous
f)Accept the client's critical attitude and try to understand the client from the client's point
of view (see the patient's point of view).
For example, the nurse remains tactful when the client states that the medication is not
suitable or the diagnosis may be wrong.

C. Nurse's Liability
According to Barbara Kozier (in Fundamentals of Nursing 1983: 7, 25)
Accountability can be interpreted as a form of nurse participation in making a decision
and learning from that decision the consequences.
Accountability can be interpreted as a form of nurse participation in making a
decision and learning from that decision's consequences. Nurses should have
accountability, meaning that if someone sues them, they say they are ready and have the
courage to face it. Nurses must be able to explain all their actions. This can be explained
by explaining the following three questions:
a) To whom is the responsibility directed? As health care workers, nurses have
responsibilities towards clients, while as workers or employees nurses have
responsibilities towards the director, as professional nurses they have responsibilities
towards professional ties and as members of the health team nurses have
responsibilities towards team leaders, usually doctors, for example nurses. giving
injections to clients. Injections are determined based on instructions and in

collaboration with the doctor, the nurse makes a list of costs for the actions and
treatment given which must be paid to the hospital. In this example, nurses have
responsibilities towards clients, doctors, hospitals and their profession.
b) What kinds of nurses are liable? Nurses have responsibility for all professional
activities they carry out, from changing cloths, administering medication to preparing
for discharge. This performance can be observed or measured.
c) By what criteria is a nurse's accountability measured whether good or bad? The
nurses' association, PPNI or nurses' association or hospital association has developed
standards that have certain criteria by comparing what nurses do with the standards
listed, be it in input, process or output. For example, do nurses wash their hands
according to standards through 5 stages, namely. Wash your nails, palms, back of your
hands, use soap in running water 3 times and then some.

D. Types of Liability
a) Contractual Liabilities.
This type of liability arises because of a broken promise, namely the failure to carry
out an obligation (performance) or the other party's rights not being fulfilled as a
result of a contractual relationship. In relation to the therapeutic relationship, the
obligations or achievements that must be carried out by the health care provider are in
the form of effort, not results. Therefore, doctors or other health workers are only
responsible for medical efforts that do not meet standards, or in other words, medical
efforts that can be categorized as civil malpractice
b) Liability in Tort
This type of liability is a liability that is not based on the existence of a contractual
obligation, but for unlawful acts. The definition of unlawfulness is not only limited to
actions that are contrary to the law, one's own legal obligations or the legal obligations
of others but also those that are contrary to good decency & is the opposite of
carefulness that should be exercised in life's interactions with other people or other
people's things (Hogeraad, January 31, 1919).
c) Strict Liabilities
This type of liability is often called liability without fault (liability without fault)
considering that someone must be responsible even if they have not done anything
wrong; whether intentional, recklessness or negligence. Liability like this usually

applies to products sold or articles of commerce, where the producer must pay
compensation for a disaster caused by the product he produces, unless the producer
has given a warning about the possibility of this risk occurring.
d) Vicarious Liability
This type of liability arises due to mistakes made. made by his subordinates. In
relation to medical services, hospitals (as employers) can be held liable for mistakes
made by health workers who work in subordinate positions (employees).


A. Conclusion
Nurses have responsibility and accountability in carrying out their nursing practices.
Nurse responsibility means being trustworthy and trustworthy. Nurses' responsibilities are
identified into several types, namely responsibility towards individual clients, families
and the community, responsibility towards their duties and obligations, responsibility
towards fellow nurses and other health workers, and responsibility towards the
Accountability can be interpreted as a form of nurse participation in making a
decision and learning from that decision the consequences. Nurses should have
accountability, meaning that if someone sues them, they state they are ready and have the
courage to face it. Especially those related to professional activities. Accountability
triggers evaluation of nurses' effectiveness in practice. Accountability requires evaluation
of nursing performance in providing health care.

B. Suggestion

For the nursing profession, it is hoped that this will encourage nurses to be more prepared
to take responsibility and be accountable. For readers, it can increase insight into the
concept of nurse responsibility and accountability.


Ismani Nila. (2000). Nursing Ethics . Jakarta : Widya Medika

Joseph Iyus. (2009). Responsibility and Liability from an Ethical Perspective. Barbara
Kozier, 1983, Fundamentals of nursing
Gaffar Jumadi Laode (1997). Introduction to Professional Nursing . Jakarta: EGC.
Joseph Iyus. (2009). Responsibility and Liability from an Ethical Perspective .
Lucie Young Kelly, 1981, Dimensions of Professional Nursing , Fourth Edition, Macmillan
Publishing London
Taylor, Lilis, LeMone, 1997, fundamentals of nurses the Art and Sciences of Nursing care ,
Lippincott Philadelphia New York


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