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TIPHYTOSANITARY CERTIFICATE no:ecr A 4345140 1 Name ang adavess of exporter PETEK DEGIRMENCILK SANAYI VE TICARET ANONIM SIRKETI ‘ILEK HAH. 63140 SOK. NO:d MERKEZ AKDENIZ-MERSIN mmruaxey omicinaL Ton of Turkey to Plant Protection 3+ Decibred name and address of consignee et ee Grganizations of TTOPRAK URUNLERI KURUMU_ AUS. GEUBOLU 12,HUSEVIN AU ARABACI SK ET 2 APT.LEFKOSA, TURKISH REPUBLIC OF NORTHERN CV? KerC 5- Piece of origin TURKEY 6 - Declared means ef com BY SHIP/ M/V NAM. sepustic or Tune sanisTRv OF ReRICULTURE AND FORESTRY GMAGOSA/KKT.C 8 Distigulshiog marke: number and descrstion of packager name of the product 9 Quantity declared INBUK CORN /zea mays L. 11000000 kg 1000000 kg, 11000000 kg 1000000 kg 1O- This is to certity that the plants, plant products or ether regulated aries Gascribed sbowe have been inspected and/or tested according to soorcoviate offical procedures, and + 2fe considered to be free from the quarantine pests specified by the imparting cooaty, end {2 conform withthe current phytosanitary requirements of the imparting country, Including those for quar are deemed to be practiealy tre from other pests {eding tose for regulated non-quarentine pests, and M1- Additional declaration NONE DISINFESTATION AND/OR DISINFECTION TREATMENT 18- Place of issue 12- Treatment, HATAY/TURKEY FUMIGATION baa 24 August 2021 = Chemical (Active ingredient) | 14 - Duration and Temperature 13 = Chemical (Active Ingredient) Name and sign reot ‘Auatraues PHOSPHIDE HOURS authorized officer 16- Date 15 - Concentration Start:24/08/2021 Ené:27/08/2021 Sedma 17 - Additional information DERYA SAT Max Inspector None ain naan Soong EET TT Sittemccronnanmnann san ee cea Bre ee NET WEI :.000.000,00 KS | i PANNA (253)8882022062758T09901 37 1 treet 5 ORIINAL Consignor xot 0990137 oniGna. Expedia ORIGINAL rex cbivencticsn ve Teer axDw RCE STOCK NAR, 1 3 4 ORG SAN, OLE NOD SELGURIRONYA she MENSE SAHADETNAMESi CERTIFICATE OF ORIGIN ZA CERTIFICAT D’ORIGINE Consignee Destnasire fopaax GROMER! euRUMU 3. Menge Olkest Fou 12, HSE Al ARABAG SK E112 AP, LEPKOGA Tush Rep ot Country of Origin farmer Cyps Pays orisise Tey 4. Tagan ligkinBilgter Tecibe Bali) 5. Giutemier | thanspon Details (Options) Remarks Informations relatives au transport (etionfacuatve) Remerques bev vessen nano 6. Sra No: olilesn marks ve ate, ap ve Sr egy aims 7. Mike item aumber, ats, aurbers, norber snd kind of packages: description of goods Quanity [Numérod ore Marques, nmios, nome et nate des colts Désigaation des uate hh weucconreeo ods wn yong 1oota0 KG 8. Yukanda Tanmlanan Esyalann 3 Nolu Kutuda Belirtilen Uike Mengeli Oldugs Tasci Oluour. ‘Lautorté soussignée certife que les marchandises Didzenleme Yeri ve Tarihi, fsim, Ima ve Yetkili Meceiinin Mea Place aud date of issue, nde, signature and stamp of competent authority Lea ot date de divrance, désignation, signarute e¢ cu ‘The Undersigned Authority Certifies That The Govds Deseribed Above Originate In The Country Shown In Box 3 andes ci~dlessus sont originales du pays figu He array QENOERUN CHAMBER OF COMMERCE AND HOUTA 24g 2021 1 dans fa case No 3 5 2 z i i E b i : : : i i sears enti spss in

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