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Fructose Intolerance

By, Jency Rajan

S1 FT & QA
• HFI is a metabolic disorder in which the small
intestine cannot process fructose (fruit sugar)
into a source of energy because of an enzyme
deficiency that prevents fructose absorption .

• HFI is a condition people are born with

usually in families where there is no previous
• It makes difficulty for our body ( liver ,
kidney)to use fructose or fructose containing
foods . The sugar is taken by the body but in
attempting to use sugar, toxic substances are
produced , which leads to serious illness.
• Fructose metabolism is due to the deficiency
of fructose 1-phosphate aldolase (necessary
for fructose absorption)
• Fructose accumulated in liver , kidney , small
• The accumulated fructose interferes with
conversion of glycogen ( the body’s energy
material ) into glucose .As a result , the blood
sugar falls to abnormal levels,(
• Prolonged fructose ingestion in infants leads
ultimately to hepatic and /or renal failure and
or death.

• Initial symptoms include , abdominal pain

, vomiting , that can lead to dehydration
and unexplained fever ,
• Other symptoms include extreme thirst
and excessive urination and sweating.
• Loss off appetite and failure to grow
• The liver becomes swollen and patient
becomes jaundiced with yellowing of eyes
and skin. left untreated , this conditions
can lead to coma and death.
• HFI is checked by one of the two tests
• An enzymatic assay to determine aldolase activity
the aldolase is obtained from a patient liver tissue in an
invasive surgical procedure called a liver biopsy.
• A fructose tolerance test - Fructose is injected
Intravenously under controlled conditions where acute
glucose , fructose , and phosphate levels are monitored .
• Both test represent a considerable risk in new born
• A newer , non -invasive DNA test is readily becoming
more available .
• while DNA test is not diagnostic because negative
results do not guarantee that one does not have HFI,
positive results along with clinical symptoms are strong
indicators of disease.
• A presmptive diagnosis can be made .

• Strict fructose free diet . Successfully

treated by eliminating fructose , sucrose
and sorbitol from the diet(less than 40mg/
per day ).
• Early symptoms of hypoglycemia can be
treated with oral glucose or gel available
for most pharmacies.
• Severe hypoglycemia should be treated
with a glycogen injection to increase the
blood glucose level.
Foods to avoid

• Eliminating more than just fruit and

honey is necessary when following a low
fructose diet because it is present in many
processed foods.
• Read nutritional labels and ingredients
carefully to determine which food is safe
and which ones should be avoided.
• The words fructose , sucrose ,sugar high
fructose corn syrup ,honey , sorbitol or
sweetened milk indicates the presence of

• can consume fruits with low fructose

• High fructose fruits include
watermelon ,pineapple , orange ,
apples , pears, peaches, and mangoes.
• Some people can eat some of these
fruits in combination with other foods.
• Juices from concentrate should be
limited because they contain more
fructose in a serving than fresh fruits

• Sweet foods are like to contain some

forms of fructose.
• high fructose corn syrup should limit or
avoid if you are maintianing or a fructose
free diet.
• Soda ,candy , Packaged desserts, yogurts,
jams, condiments, some sports drinks
contains this sweetener.
• Any food sweetened with honey, sorbitol
fruit juice should be limited.
What to Eat

• The university of virgina health system recommends meat, egg

, diary, egg , beans,and vegetables.
• Combining these foods will create a balance diet that offers
nutrition and prevents health problems.
Fresh meat contains no fructose .they high in protein and iron .
Red meat , pork sausage are all high in fats as well.
catfish ,tilapia ,salmon etc.. Are some kinds of fish which are low
in fructose. they are also high in protein and low in carbs.
shellfish such as crabs , lobster , shrimp, oyster are low in
fructose as well
Beans is a natural state free or fructose .they are also rich in fiber,
And complex carbohydrates.
• Whole grains
have high protein content and low fructose content.
• Eggs
Eggs contain no fructose and low in carbs and high in protein and
fat. these include the yolks and whites and egg substitutes as well.
• Seeds and nuts
seeds and nuts are low in fructose , high in protein healthy fats
and fibre.
• Vegetables
Majority of vegetables are low in fructose .iceberg, green peppers ,
radishes , cabbage , mushrooms are exmp
• Dairy
Dairy products such as cheese , buttermilk and milk are low in
fructose .they are high in calcium , protein and fat.

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