Mock Exam III-Answer Key

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1-which/- 2-who 3-whose 4-who 5-where 6-when 7-which/-
8-which 9-which

1-who 2-that 3-whose 4-that 5-that

1-several 2-plenty 3-some 4-enough 5-too much 6-a couple of
7-a lot of 8-too many

1-d 2-a 3-e 4-c 5-b

1-e 2-c 3-b 4-d 5-a

1-will definitely 2-will probably 3-unlikely to 4-will definitely
5-is likely to 6-are likely to 7-probably won’t

1-don’t cover, might 2-will confuse/might confuse, allow 3-will be able to, don’t have
4-doesn’t have, won’t be 5-tell, might not return/won’t return

1-moved, would 2-was/were, would 3-wouldn’t, was/were 4-if, be

5-asked, would 6-could, would/might

1-B 2-A 3-A 4-B 5-B 6-A


1-twenty forty 2-minus ninety three degrees centigrade 3-five point two billion
4-four hundred and sixty thousand square metres 5-twenty four percent
6-four thousand kilometres per second

1-b 2-g 3-e 4-a 5-d 6-c 7-f

1-You don’t have to go to school on Saturdays.

2-All drivers must have a driving licence.
3-Peter has to learn Spanish.
4-Customers don’t have to go on the trips organized by the hotel.
5-Passengers mustn’t smoke in this compartment.
6-You are allowed to park your car here.
7-You should see a doctor as you are not feeling well.

1-Although 2-For this reason 3-therefore 4-despite 5-However 6-Besides

1-had to 2-didn’t have to 3-couldn’t 4-had to pay 5-didn’t have to

6-weren’t allowed to

1-shoplifting 2-mugging 3-death penalty 4-prisoner 5-burglary 6-commit


1-shouldn’t have taken 2-couldn’t have won 3-should have done 4-would
have come 5-would have called 6-couldn’t have finished.

1-If I had gone to the party, I could have spoken to your brother.
2-If we had your phone number, we would have phoned you.
3-If you had studied much, you wouldn’t have failed your history exam.
4-If we had taken a map,we wouldn’t have got lost in the center of the city.
5-If your mum hadn’t been sick, I would have visited her.
6-If he had had his medicine with him, he wouldn’t have got very ill.
7-If we hadn’t lost our plane tickets, we could have flown yesterday.

1-……………………..we wouldn’t have mass air travel today.
2-…………………….Bill Gates hadn’t started Microsoft.
3-…………………….they wouldn’t have elected Barack Obama.
4-…………………….we had had a cure for malaria.
5-…………………….the world would be very difficult.

1-talk over 2-concerns 3-ignore 4-sympathetic 5-trust your intuition

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