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A-Complete the sentences with the correct form of the word in brackets.
1 Steel ………………(produce)has decreased by thirty-four percent.
2 There has been a big ……………….. (improve) in the children’s behaviour.
3 Successful people are not good at dealing with……………….. (fail).
4 ……………………is essential for you to find a qualified job. (experienced)
5 With a little………………….(imagine), you can find inexpensive presents.

B-Complete the sentences with a suitable word. You have the first letter to help you.
1 I haven’t met such a w………………….. person like her. She can easily arrange everything.
2 His new job makes him w…………………… . He feels really exhausted after work.
3 Good c…………………… skills help you to be able to work in related jobs.
4 I’m not very good with n_ _ _ _ _ _, so I couldn’t work as an accountant!
5 The atmosphere at our school was highly c…………………… Especially this can be easily witnessed during
exam times.
C-Match sentence beginnings 1–6 with endings a–f.
1 Please call me a as soon as you return the ones I lent you.
2 Be sure to turn off the TV b before you leave the house
3 I won’t lend you any more books c when you get home.
4 I have no intention of ever speaking to her again d unless she apologizes
5 I won’t come to see you e if you behave like that way.
D-Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.
1- When do you _ travel abroad?
a intend to b thinking of c about to
2 I think I concentrate on my job
a ’m due to b ’m about to c ’ll
3 My daughter is being a famous designer.
a due to b thinking of c about to
4 I don’t think we……………..a seat in the bus because it is so crowded inside.
a get b intend to getc ’re going to get
5 The new computer on Tuesday.
a will arrive b is going to arrive c is due to arrive

E-Complete the sentences by using will, going to, present continuous.

1. My father _________ (go) to Australia next week

2. “What are your plans for the future?” “I ____________ (be) a famous actor!”

3. I don’t think schools ____________ (change) very much in the next few years

4. Our computer broke down yesterday, so we ___________ (buy) a new one soon

5. Look at that man on the bridge! He ______________ (jump)!

6. I think that people ___________ (live) on the moon by 2050

7. Peter is not studying hard enough. He ______________ (fail) his exams.

8. The sun is shining and the sky is so blue. It ______________ (be) a nice day

9. “The phone is ringing!” “Ok, don’t worry, I _________ answer it!”

10. I hope robots ___________ (do) the housework in the future

F- Which action comes first in each sentence? Write 1 or 2 after the verbs.
1-Russell realised ( ) his mistake only hours after he had sent ( ) the money.

2-When Chris arrived ( ) at the station, the group had already left ( ).

3-Mandy had asked ( ) her father to lend her the car before, but this time he agreed. ( )

4-By the time the builders completed ( ) the work, we had already moved in. ( )

5-Jelena started ( ) the course because she hadn’t found ( ) a job.

G- Read the sentences and choose the correct words in italics.

1-The girls were still there, standing where he saw/had seen them earlier.

2-Liesel’s treat was a ride in a car. She was never/had ever been in one before.

3-The man was pleasant, reminding him that they met/had met at Adam’s wedding.

4-As Joe walked away, he felt/had felt that he said/had said goodbye to the last phase of his youth.

5-She stepped out of the bath, reached/had reached for the towel the maid left/had left for her and wrapped/had
wrapped it around her.

H- Report the sentences below.

1-I can’t live on my basic salary.

She said……………………………………………………… .
2-I am going away tomorrow.
Mark said…………………………………………………….. .
3-I didn’t steal the money.
The boy said………………………………………………….. .
4-The sales are starting tomorrow.
She said……………………………………………………….. .
5-I have made a terrible mistake.
He said……………………………………………………….. .

I- Report the questions below.

1-Why are you so happy? I asked……………………………………………………… .

2-What are you doing today? He asked……………………………………………………. .
3-Did you see the TV news yesterday? Irısh asked………………………………………………….. .
4-When do you do your homework? His mother asked……………………………………………. .
5-Where did you buy that cool t-shirt? His friend asked……………………………………………… .

J-Choose the correct answers.(say or tell)

1-Can you ……. me the way to the station, please?

2-He didn't ……….a word.
3-She……… her name was Sue.
4-Let me………you something about my hobbies.
5-Let me……… something about my hobbies.
6-Forget everything I just ……...
7-Why didn't you …….him that before?
8-Why didn't you……….that before?
9-They………..nothing to me
10-What did Eric……..when he saw the new bike?

K-Choose the correct answer: a, b or c.

1 He retired…………….after the end of the war.
a immediately b gradually c suddenly
2 …………, everything worked out all right in the end.
a fortunately b obviouslyc surprisingly
3 The barber was……… drunk. I can smell the alcohol in his breath.
a thankfully b gradually c obviously
4 The exam was …………easy.
a unfortunately b eventuallyc surprisingly
5 ………………, I managed to pay off all my debts before we got married.
a immediately b thankfully c suddenly

L-Choose the correct option to complete the sentences

1-I am so ………………….! This massage chair is very………….. .




2-I get very………….. when I can’t find the words to say what I mean to say.It’so……………….. .




3-She knows a lot of………………. facts. She is very ……………… .




4- The students were very……………….. about the exam results. The exam results were……………… .




5-She was very……………….with him for not telling her the truth. This was something……………. .



6-This math problem is so………………….. . I was really………………….. .




7-My sister is so……………… because she is going on holiday tomorrow. I am sure the holiday will
be………………… .




M-Make the following active sentences passive.

1-He is going to publish a new book.

A new book…………………………. .

2-They haven't started the game yet.

The game……………………………..yet.

3-Have they surprised you?


4-We will sign all the documents.

All the documents……………………… .

5-Did they sign the contract?


6-They didn't return the books.

The books ………………………………. .

7-A million people visit the cathedral every year.

The cathedral…………………………….every year.

N-Choose the correct option to complete the sentence.

1-The Egyptian pyramids……………………..thousand of years ago.

a.are built

b.been built

c.were built

2-Your letter………………. within 28 days.

a.will be answer

b.will be answered

c.will answer
3-Chocolate…………………………. for over 4000 years.

a.has been produce been produced

c.has been produced

4-I don’t know who……………. my bike.

a.stole stolen

c.was stolen

5-Not enough of our rubbish………………. .

a.recycles recycled recycle

O-Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
documentary weather forecast a reality show sitcoms soap opera
1 Several family…………….. are on TV in the early evening.
2 She looks very much like a………………. actress.
3 A local film crew is making a…………………… about volcanoes.
4 The ……………….. for the weekend is fine and dry.
5 The………………..enabled her to win a new fan base.

P-Complete the sentences with the extreme forms of the ordinary adjectives in the brackets.

1-She was absolutely………………. It was really hard to make her relaxed.(angry)

2-It was a horrible weekend over here too.It was …………….(hot)

3-It’s……………….in this house.Can’t I turn on the heating?(cold)

4-You should read this book. It’s ………………...(funny)

5-Sandy will be…………………….to see you.(happy)

6-I was ……………….. by the exam result.(surprised)

7-He was………………… stay home alone.(frightened)

R-Rewrite the sentences to make them more polite. Use the word in brackets.
1-I want to leave the class early. (Can)
2 Open the window. (Could)
3 I want to help you. (all right)
4 I want to do the housework tomorrow. (mind)
5 Lend me £50. (Could) ____

S-Complete the sentences by using will and going to

1-I haven’t got my phone. That’s OK. I……………………(lend) you mine.

2-It’s Julia’s birthday next week, so we……………………..(buy) her some flowers.

3-Will you lend me €50? I promise I…………………………(give) it back to you tomorrow.

4-We………………….(have) a barbecue tomorrow.It’s all planned, so I hope it won’t rain.

5-Jim’s starting university tomorrow.What…………………..?(study)

6-You …………………(not like)that film.It’s very frightening.Let’s choose another one.

7-Look! The coach…………………..(leave).Run or we will miss it!

T-Complete the sentences with the words in the box.

usual unacceptable good normal rude tend

1-People to like kissing and hugging each other in Turkey.

2 It’s manners to stand up and kiss an old person’s hand as a way of respect.
3 It’s to interrupt someone’s talk while he/she was sleeping.
4 It’s considered to ask a woman’s weight.
5 It’s perfectly for friends to hug one another.
6 It isn’t to go your friend’s house for dinner without taking a gift.

U-Complete the sentences by using correct form of the verbs in the box.

kiss insist on pick up shake refuse

1- I think ……………………. each other on both cheeks is common among girls.

2- She was really lucky because James ……..her…….. at the end of the party.
3- Actually she was really rude to………………… his kind invitation.
4- She will………………washing her hair just when I want to have a bath.
5- He……………………. my hand warmly when I went to visit him in his Office.

V-Put the conversation in the correct order.

a so when you get this message and if you would like to come with me,will you give me a call?
b Hi, John. It’s Linda. I got your message.
c I’m sorry but I can’t because my best friend is coming to stay with us tomorrow morning.
d How about next weekend instead?
e Hi, Linda.I am phoning to ask whether you would like to come with me to the party tomorrow evening.
f. Great see you next weekend then.
g.Yes, that sounds great.

1 5
2 6
3 7

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