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The Life of My Little Seedlings

Name: Nurqaleesya Dania Mohd Zulkhibri Binti Abdul Wahhab

Class: 1 Bersih
Date: 2 September 2023
Activity: Germination of Seeds

Objectives 1. Describe the germination process of a seed.

2. Describe the shape of a germinating seed change in terms of
the growth of the radicle, plumule and the condition of the

3. Differentiate epigeal germination and hypogeal germination.

Materials -green beans seeds
-corn seeds
-spray bottel

Procedure 1. The process of germination started by putting some corn seeds

and green bean seeds in a plastic bag.
2. The changes of both seeds during the germination process in
every 2 days until the seeds grow into seedlings were observed
and recorded.
3. The germination of corn seed and green bean seed were
4. The results could be seen at the template given.

Discussion 1. What went well:

the growth of green beans

2. What didn’t go well:

the growth of corn seeds

3. Action taken:
put more water and put it
under the sun
Conclusion 1. During germination, the _______
seeds bursts and the radicle starts to
but and grow ________________
big into the soil to form
root. Meanwhile, the plumule grows ___________
sprouts to form
a new shoot

2. Corn seeds
Cotyledons ___________
sprout in the soil during germination. This
germination is known as _______________
seed germination.

3. Green beans seeds

Cotyledons are ___________
sprout out of the soil during germination.This
germination is known as ________________
epigeal germination.

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