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Original Article The Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) 2018;23(2):243-247 • DOI: 10.


The Effect of Suture Materials on the Biomechanical

Performance of Different Flexor Tendon Repairs
and the Concept of Construct Efficiency
Yoke Wong Rung*, Austin Mun Kitt Loke*, Shian Chao Tay*,†
*Biomechanics Laboratory, Singapore General Hospital,

Department of Hand Surgery, Singapore General Hospital, Singapore
J Hand Surg Asian-Pac Vol 2018.23:243-247. Downloaded from
by UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL) on 05/10/18. For personal use only.

Background: To propose a new term (‘construct efficiency’) for the evaluation of multi strands flexor tendon repairs using differ-
ent suture materials.
Methods: A total of twenty specimens from 4-0 braided polyblend sutures (FiberLoop/FiberWire; Arthrex, Naples, FL) and 4-0 ny-
lon sutures (Supramid Extra II; S. Jackson, Inc., Alexandria, VA) were subjected to tensile testing using Pneumatic Cord-and-Yarn
Grips (Instron Corp., Canton MA, USA). The ultimate tensile strengths of the suture materials were measured. The expected repair
strengths and construct efficiencies were computed based on the experimental results and from available literature on actual re-
pair strengths of the 4-strand Becker, Cruciate repairs and 6-strand Tang, modified Lim-Tsai repairs.
Results: The ultimate tensile strength of nylon suture was 15.4 ± 0.6N, lower than that of braided polyblend suture (45.3 ± 2.3N)
with a difference of 194%. The construct efficiency of multi strand repairs varied with respect to different repair techniques and
suture materials. It was found that the Becker repairs using FiberWire had the highest construct efficiency (55.7%) followed by the
modified Lim-Tsai using Supramid (50.9%), Tang repair using Supramid (49.8%), Cruciate repair using Fiberwire (49.1%), and modi-
fied Lim-Tsai repair using FiberLoop (33.5%).
Conclusions: The construct efficiency is more accurate in showing that, in terms of biomechanical strength, the use of FiberWire
for the 4-strand Becker and Cruciate repair is more efficient than that of using FiberLoop for 6-strand modified Lim-Tsai repair.

Keywords: Flexor tendon repair, Suture tensile strength, Uneven load bearing, Construct efficiency

INTRODUCTION the risk of repair rupture due to excessive loading at the

repair site. Increased biomechanical strength of tendon
Early active mobilization is important for rehabilita- repair has been frequently highlighted as an important
tion after flexor tendon repair to prevent adhesion forma- factor in the prevention of repair rupture.2-4) It is also
tion and stiffness of joints.1) However, doing so increases widely believed that the strength of flexor tendon repair
is proportional to the number of strands, or core sutures,
crossing the repair site.5-7) Contrary to this belief, our ear-
Received: Mar. 7, 2016; Revised: Jun. 13, 2016; Accepted: Jun. 17, 2017 lier study found that there were no significant difference
Correspondence to: Shian Chao Tay between the repair strength of 4-strand Cruciate repairs
Biomechanics Laboratory, Singapore General Hospital, Academia, 20 and that of 6-strand modified Lim-Tsai repairs when 4-0
College Road, Level 1, 169856, Singapore
braided polyblend suture was used.8) This challenges the
Tel: +65-6576-7962, Fax: +65-6227-3573
assumption of increasing the number of suture strands in
order to achieve higher repair strength.
Yoke Wong Rung, et al. Effect of Suture Materials and Concept of Construct Efficiency

Our previous study utilizing free body diagrams dem- METHODS

onstrated that, as a consequence of uneven load bearing
between paired core suture strands, both the modified Mechanical Testing of Sutures
Lim-Tsai and Cruciate repairs were able to withstand The Pneumatic Cord-and-Yarn Grips were developed
only up to two times the tensile strength of the suture to conduct mechanical testing for single suture strand
used.9) This highlights the importance of evaluating bio- under the American Society for Testing and Materials
mechanical performance of flexor tendon repair, with the (ASTM) Standard D3822 (Standard Test for Tensile
expected tensile strength of suture used to benchmark Properties of Single Textile Fibers) (Fig. 1). The grips
the repair strengths of each technique. were mounted on an Instron 3343 mechanical tester (In-
In this study, we propose ‘construct efficiency’ as a stron Corp., Canton MA, USA). One end of the tested
new quantitative term when comparing different types of suture was passed around the top arm 3 times, then
repair techniques and suture materials. The objective of clamped by the pneumatic gripper. A similar approach
the study was to validate ‘construct efficiency’ in evalu- was used to secure the suture to the bottom arm. The
J Hand Surg Asian-Pac Vol 2018.23:243-247. Downloaded from
by UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL) on 05/10/18. For personal use only.

ating the efficiency of the construct of different flexor gauge length was standardized at 20 mm with 1N of
tendon repair techniques. This was done by comparing preload applied to the suture and pulling rate was set at
the construct efficiency of 4-0 braided polyblend sutures 20 mm/min. The suture was pulled until failure and the
(FiberLoop or FiberWire; Arthrex, Naples, FL) and 4-0 ultimate tensile strength was recorded.
nylon sutures (Supramid Extra II; S. Jackson, Inc., Al-
exandria, VA) in 4-strand repairs (Becker and Cruciate) Computation of Construct Efficiency
and 6-strand repairs (Tang, modified Lim-Tsai). Ten 4-0 braided polyblend sutures (FibreLoop; Ar-
threx, Naples, FL) and ten 4-0 nylon sutures (Supramid
Extra II; S. Jackson, Inc., Alexandria, VA) were tested in
the experiment. The mean ultimate tensile strength of the
sutures were tabulated in Table 1 and used to compute
Pneumatic cord their expected repair strengths. Expected repair strength
and yarn grips is defined as mean suture strength multiplied by the
number of suture strands crossing the repair site. Con-
Top arm struct efficiency of the flexor tendon repairs was com-
puted as the quotient of the mean actual repair strength
(obtained by Wong et al.,8) Gan et al.10) and Tang et al.11))
and the respective expected repair strength. Construct
Gauge length
efficiency thus quantifies the effectiveness of the flexor
tendon repair technique in achieving its maximum po-
Bottom arm
tential strength based on the suture material used.

Statistical Analysis
Mean and standard deviation of the variables were
calculated from the mechanical testing of sutures. One
way ANOVA was adopted to compute the statistical
Fig. 1. Setup of suture material testing. difference of mean values in between the groups. Post

Table 1. Construct Efficiency for Different Repair Techniques with Different Suture Materials

Expected repair Construct efficiency

Repair Suture Number of Mean suture Mean actual repair
strength (N) for actual repair
technique material strands (a) strength (N) (b) strength (N) (d)
(c) = (a) x (b) strength (%) (d)/(c)
Modified Lim-Tsai Supramid 6 15.4 92.4 47.010) 50.9
Modified Lim-Tsai FiberLoop 6 45.3 271.8 91.08) 33.5
Becker FiberWire 4 45.3 181.2 101.08) 55.7
Cruciate FiberWire 4 45.3 181.2 89.08) 49.1
Tang Supramid 6 15.4 92.4 46.011) 49.8
The Journal of Hand Surgery (Asian-Pacific Volume) • Vol. 23, No. 2, 2018 •

Nylon 93.6% difference DISCUSSION
Braided polyblend
Based on current literature, there are two methods
80 typically employed in the evaluation of the mechani-
cal properties of suture materials. The first method, no-
Load (N)

60 194% difference knot suture material test, involves the passing of a suture
around two metal rods several times, and attaching the
suture ends to the rods with adhesive tape.12,13) The sec-

20 ond method, a knotted suture material test, is carried out

by tying a knot between two metal rods after mounting
0 the suture.4,12,14,15) In both methods, the ultimate tensile
Suture strength Mod Lim-Tsai repair
strength of suture is measured when the suture is pulled
to failure by using a mechanical tester. However, these
J Hand Surg Asian-Pac Vol 2018.23:243-247. Downloaded from

Fig. 2. Comparison of ultimate tensile strength of suture materials and

by UNIVERSITY COLLEGE LONDON (UCL) on 05/10/18. For personal use only.

methods may be inaccurate; In the no-knot method, su-

6-strand modified Lim-Tsai technique. The (*) showed a significant ture slippage may occur when advanced suture materials
difference between two groups (p < .001).
(such as braided polyblend) are stronger than the adhe-
sives used. For the knotted method, the presence of a
hoc test with Bonferroni correction was conducted if knot is widely acknowledged to weaken the suture.10,15-17)
the mean values were statistically different in between With the use of the Cord-and-Yarn Grips, there is no
groups. A p value of less than 0.05 was considered to be need for tying a knot, which allows an accurate measure-
statistically significant. ment of tensile strength of the suture material. The grips
were developed for the specific purpose of testing the
RESULTS strength of cord-like materials, in accordance with the
ASTM standard. Therefore, the suture strength measured
Ultimate Tensile Strength of Sutures and Modified in this study is more accurate.
Lim-Tsai Repairs It is believed that the biomechanical strength of the
As shown in Fig. 2, there was a significant differ- repair technique is directly proportional to the suture
ence (p < .001) in ultimate tensile strength between the strength. Therefore, we can compute the efficiency of a
4-0 braided polyblend suture (45.3 ± 2.3N) and the 4-0 repair based on the suture material. Suture strength of
nylon suture (15.4 ± 0.6N). The difference in ultimate FiberLoop was found to be 194% stronger than that of
tensile strength of the two sutures is 194%. On the other Supramid (Fig. 2). However, the actual repair strength of
hand, our previous published data reported that the repair modified Lim-Tsai repair using FiberLoop was 91.0N,
strength of modified Lim-Tsai repairs using FiberLoop or only 93.6% higher than that of Supramid (47.0N).
(91.0 ± 11N)8) was higher than Supramid (47.0 ± 8N).10) This demonstrated that repair strength did not increase
The difference of repair strengths in between the two re- proportionally to suture strength. Thus, another term is
pair groups was 93.6%. needed to evaluate the efficiency of a repair technique.
‘Construct efficiency’ quantifies the efficiency of a
Construct Efficiency repair technique and tells us how good the technique is
As shown in Table 1, the modified Lim-Tsai repair in harnessing the tensile strength of the suture material
using Supramid had a higher construct efficiency (50.9%) being used. Conversely, it is also able to tell us which
as compared to the one using FiberLoop (33.5%), pro- suture material is more efficient with respect to a repair
ducing a 17.4% difference in between the two groups. technique. As shown in Table 1, the construct efficiency
On the other hand, the Becker repair using FiberWire of modified Lim-Tsai repair was higher for Supramid
had the highest construct efficiency (55.7%) followed than for Fiberloop, although Fiberloop had higher repair
by the modified Lim-Tsai using Supramid, Tang repair strength. This shows that superior suture strength is not
using Supramid, Cruciate repair using Fiberwire, and always associated with higher efficiency.
modified Lim-Tsai repair using FiberLoop. In one of our earlier study,8) 60% of the modified
Lim-Tsai repair using FiberLoop failed by suture pull-
out; the rest either by suture breakage (25%) or knot un-
raveling (15%). On the other hand, Gan at el.10) reported
Yoke Wong Rung, et al. Effect of Suture Materials and Concept of Construct Efficiency

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