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Assignment guidelines:
1. Dates of submission are mentioned with assignment topics .Submit assignment on
2. Late submission of assignment will not be considered for evaluation.
3. Answer should have clarity and understanding of topic.
4. Answer must be relevant.
5. Copy of answers will not be considered for Evaluation.
6. Submit assignment on A4 sheet paper.
Case study guidelines:
1. Dates of submission are mentioned with case study topics. Submit case study on time.
2. Late submission will not be considered for evaluation.
3. Answer should have clarity and understanding of topic.
4. Answer must be relevant.
5. Copy of answers will not be considered for Evaluation.
6. Submit case study on A4 sheet paper.

ASSIGNMENT NO.1 (Submission date:25/10/2023)

Write a note on demand trend of telecommunication industry of India in the last five years
and evaluate the road ahead.

ASSIGNMENT NO.2: (Submission date:11/11/2023)

Examine the changes in oil demand over the last decade in India.

ASSIGNMENT NO.3: (Submission date:30/11/2023)

Which kind of market structure exists in airline industry? Explain the challenges faced in this
particular market structure.

ASSIGNMENT NO.4: (Submission date:09/21/2023)

How does fiscal policy affect the growth and stability of the country? Evaluate it.

ASSIGNMENT NO.5: (Submission date:20/12/2023)

Collect the data of national income of last five years and write which sector is contributing
more in formation of national income.
Agriculture & Allied Sector
Industry Sector
Services Sector

Case No. 1:

Demand and Supply Analysis (Submission date:30/10/2023)

Assume there is a well-defined geographic area of a city. The area is composed exclusively of
apartments and is populated by low-income residents. The people who live in the area tend to stay in
that area because

(1) they cannot afford to live in other areas of the city,

(2) they prefer to live with people of their own ethnic group, or

(3) there is discrimination against them in other areas of the city. Rents paid are a very high percent
of peoples' incomes.


(1) Would the demand for apartments in this area be relatively inelastic or relatively elastic? State

(2) Would the supply of apartments in this area be relatively inelastic or relatively elastic? State why.
(3) Draw the demand and supply curves as you have described them, showing the initial equilibrium
price and quantity. Label carefully.

(4) Now assume the government creates a rent supplement program. Under this program, the renter is
required to pay 30% of income in rent. Any additional rent is paid by the government --- up to a limit.
For example, a low-income person with an income of $1,000 a month would be required to pay $300
in rent (30%). If the rent is $500, the other $200 would be paid by the government. Analyze the
results of this program. Show the changes on the graph and explain what will result. Who gains and
who loses from this program?

(5) Instead, now assume that the government decides to provide a building subsidy to people who
build apartments in this low-income area. A certain percent of their costs will be paid by the
government. Analyze the results of this program. Show the results on the graph and explain what will

Case No. 2: (Submission date:10/11/2023)

Case no.3: (Submission date:30/11/2023)
Case no.4: (Submission date:05/12/2023)
Case NO.: 5(Submission date:28/12/2023)
Write your opinion the above case.

Power Point Presentation1 Submission 28/11/2023

Inflation it’s types and impact on economy.

Power Point Presentation2 Submission 13/12/2023

National income, it’s components and ways of calculation of national income

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