Utf-8genre 20analysis 20worksheet

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ENGL 1301 Genre Analysis Notes Assignment

Instructions: Following the example of Dr. Nelson in the Genre Analysis Demo videos, analyze the genre and
rhetorical situation of your written text. Complete each chart with information and evidence gathered from your
written text in order to document your analysis of that text.

Genre: Schedule

Conventions Quoted Evidence

 Dates: "Monday, Tuesday, etc."  "Group Fitness Classes"
 Times: "12 pm - 1pm, 5pm- 6pm, etc."  "For our most updated schedule"

Convention Spatial Placement / Additional Visual Details

 Class names and numbers  The classes are lined up in rows. The days are on the top
and the times are on the left side.
 Some text is in a different color to show that those classes
need to be signed up for.

Combine your notes from the two charts above into this chart for a comprehensive view:
Convention Quoted Evidence Spatial Placement / Additional
Visual Details
 Dates: "Monday,  "Group Fitness Classes"  The classes are lined up in rows.
Tuesday, etc."  "For our most updated schedule" The days are on the top and the
 Times: "12 pm - 1pm, 5pm- times are on the left side.
6pm, etc."  Some text is in a different color to
 Class names and numbers show that those classes need to be
signed up for.

Gather your notes on the remaining elements of the rhetorical situation:

Rhetorical Situation Quoted Evidence Explanation
Situation, or Context

Author  "TAMIU Rec Sports"  The schedule is school related. It

does feature a name you can
Date of Publication  "2023" contact for more information, but
this person is not the author.
Location of Publication  "TAMIU." "Community
Relations and Special Events."  It does not have a publishing date
Culture on it. It does, however, have a
 Gym/fitness culture. future date.

 TAMIU is a diverse compass.

Since this is a fitness schedule, one
may consider gym culture
involved. A socioculture

Audience  TAMIU athletes/students  This is a schedule that features

time slots for exercising classes.

Purpose  To establish a routine students  Schedules are usually made with

can become familiar themselves the intended purpose to help bring
with and become informed. organization. Students are busy,
therefore establishing dates and
times in advance allows for them to
plan when they can be available.

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