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“OSA L ‘Work Procedure s PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA Rev. : 02 | nvsties ; faptsifoa | indore bate 20 March 2012 | Page: 1/2_| TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) Prepared by: Checked & Approved by Operations Manager QC Engineer controlled C« wot | “]__ WorkProcedure OSA PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA No. :05 PV 24 [Rev 02 Indonesia [Date :30March2012 | Page: 2/12 TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE (REFER TO API GD SPECIFICATION) Amendment Record Sheet l 7 Date of Revision Item No. Issue No, | Description of Change i | ‘Additional Simulation Test DPE SFebruary 2011 17.0 Related Document 01._—_—| Ball Valve, Form No.: OSA-F-SRV- 23 | Logo OSA From “OSA industries” | 30 March 2012 Change Logo OSA on Bp “Osa indiesuies eae Without “Coniraled Copy” stamp, document is Uncontolied= Z Controlled Coy ety ca OSA Work Procedure | PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA | No. Rev. : 02 industries | a Indonesia _| Date :30 March 2012 | Page : 3/12 TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) 1.0. PURPOSE 20 30 40 5.0 60 79 ‘The purpose of this procedure is to maintain a system which identifies and plans the method, acceptance criteria and responsibilities to perform Pressure Testing of Double Piston Valves required by PT. OSA Industries Indonesia and/or the contracts SCOPE This procedure is intended to give necessary and adequate instructions in order to simulate the real operating conditions, where the downstream end is de-pressurized first, after that the valve cavity, but with the upstream/pipeline end remaining at pressure. APPLICABILITY This procedure applies to ball valves with valves seat execution Self Relieving x Double Piston. REFERENCES API 6D, ISO 5208 and ISO 14313, TEST FLUID & EQUIPMENT Hydrostatic test shall be carried out with potable water containing a corrosion inhibtor and chloride content should not exceed than 30 ppm. Water PH should be between 6.5 and 8.5. Water ‘temperature should be maintained within 2 °C of ambient and not less than + 16 °C. Gas test shall be carried out with Nitrogen gas. Allvalves should be operated in dry condition, three times, before commencement of hydro test. Test shall be carried out prior to any painting of valves bodies. SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL REQUIREMENTS This procedure have to be executed by suitably competent and qualified personnel. Element of this, procedure are of a dangerous nature and it is the responsibility of the user of this procedure to adhere to all health and safety regulations. PRESSURE GAUGES 7.1. Pressure gauges and pressure/temperature recorders shall be calibrated according to the QA program (£ 2.% of full scale tolerance according to BS 5782). 7.2. The test pressure shall not be less then 30 % nor greater than 80 % of the full scale range Of the pressure gauge. Without “Controlled Copy” stamp, document is Uncontoled nee ntrofied Co; geno | Work Procedure OSA PT.OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA No. :0SA-P-SRV-24 | Rev, : 02 | Industries | a el | [ome a0 merch 20i2 | Page: 4/2 TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE iE (REFER TO API GD SPECIFICATION) 8.0 Tests The tests that have to be applied on the Valves, as follow: i | ster st fect 1 | shen Tex > [Pain| Se A eavtet forward ent 5 pee Azer et Ios Ba _| sie cece text forward seating = 4 | Side A self relieving seat test 5 | Side C double piston 6 | Simulated operating test initial condition 7 | Simulated operating condition first test: test of Double piston seat side C 8 Simulated operating condition second test, test of forward seating side A 9 Simulating operating condition re-pressurization 10 _| Simulated operating test: Initial condition : other side 11 _ | Side A eat test, forward seating 12 _| Side C seat test, forward seating Additional Operating Simulation Testing 13 | Side Aself relieving seat test tolled Copy” stomp, documents Uncontrolled + cantrotied COR? ear | Work Procedure | \ eeeacat OSA PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA | No. :0SA-P-SRV-24 | Rev. : 02 industries | Indonesia Date :30 March 2012 | Page: 5/12 | "TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE | (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) 9.0 NOMENCLATURE SIDEA SELF RELIVING SIDE SIDEB VALVE CAVITY sIDEC DOUBLE PISTON SIDE 10.0 TEST OURATION Duration of every test step shall be refer to the Table 3 {attached) Test Simulation: te = 1 Minimum Test Duration (minutes) Valve Size (inch) Shell test/Operating | test initial condition | | Stabilization | Seat Test | 24 inch Wnecessary | 15 I 5 11.0 TEST PRESSURE Test pressure as per listed in Table 2, and shall be specified as follow: = Hydrostatic Shell test pressure Shall be min. 1.5 times Max Design Pessure (ASME 8.16.34) = Seat test pressures shall be min 1.1 times Max. Design Pressure (ASME B.16.34) = Double Piston test shall be min, 1.1 times Max. Design Pressure (ASME B.16.34) = Self reliving pressure shall be < 33 % Max Design Ptessure (ASME 8.16.34) = The pressure value shall be maintained constant for the whole time of the test 12.0 ALLOWABLE LEAKAGES Allowable Leakages Shall be refer to the Table 3, attached, Witheut“Contoed Copy” stamp, dovuments Uncontraled™ controlled copy QAaelr OSA Indsties Ingonesia Work Procedure PT. OSAINDUSTRIES INDONESIA No. :0SA-P-SRV-24 | Rev. : 02 Date : 30 March 2012 | Page: 6/12 TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) 13.0 HYDROSTATIC TESTING PROCEDURE 134 432 133 HYDRAULIC SHELL TEST PROCEDURE (STEP 1) (TEST MEDIUM WATER) ‘With both ends closed and the bell in half open position, the valve shall be completely filled with the test fluid including the cavity, apply the test pressure inside the valve body through the ends plugs and vent the air off through the uppermost vent on the body (if any), Ensure that all air has been expelled from the valve body. After stabilisaton, the pressure shall be maintained for the specified time, Examine the entire surface of the valve and the body/bonnet joint and ascertain that no drops, or sweating, or humidity is visible ‘during the duration of the test. Relieve the pressure leaving the valve body cavity filled with water and turn the valve in closed position HYDRAULIC HIGH PRESSURE SEAT TEST WITH THE VALVE IN CLOSSED POSITION (STEP 2 & 3) (TEST MEDIUM WATER) ‘The seat on each side shall be subject to separate seat test. The uppermost vent on the body cavity shall be operated and excess medium allowed draining from the cavity. The other section of the valve, adjacent to the pressure seat, shall be pressured at the pressure specified in Para 8, and held for the specified time. The leakage rate across the seat shall be measured at the body vent hole after a stabilization period. Upon completion of this test, the valve shall be depressurized and the test repeated on the other seat. SELF RELIVING & DOUBLE PISTON SEAT TEST (STEP 4 & 5) (TEST MEDIUM WATER) 13.3.1. PRELIMINARY ACTIVITIES ‘With ball in half open position fill the water inside the valve from the valve drain hole until the water leak out from the plastic pipe connected to the double piston & self reliving seat side ends. Close the valve and start to pressurize the valve ‘through the body cavity (SIDE 8) and the double piston Side end (SIDE C] 13.3.2 SELF RELIVING SEAT TEST During the first step it will be needed to check the self reliving system as follows: = Increase the pressure until the self reliving seat starts to relieve the cavity pressure, the relief pressure shall be recorded, ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA RELIEF PRESSURE < 33 % of the maximum operating pressure. IE: for 150 LBS valve it shall be <7 barG. During the second step it will be needed to check the double piston effect as follows : = Stop the self releving seat side of the valve by means of a proper stop valve. = Increase the pressure until the valve cavity (SIDE 8) and the self reliving side {SIDE A) rises to the 1.1 maximum operating pressure. Without “Controlled Copy” stamp, document is Unconvoled» controlied Ce; [9 1B Work Procedure | = | OSA Industries Sao Indonesia Date :30March 2012 | Page: 7/12 "TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA No. :OSA-P-SRV-24 | Rev. : 02 The pressurization shall be done in THREE EQUAL STEP, during all step the pressure shall be stabilized for $ minutes (LE. TEST PRESSURE BarG, 1” STEP 40 Barg 2° STEP 80 BarG, 3° STEP 110 BarG) = Once the body cavity is stabilized to the testing pressure the tightness of the double Piston seat can be tested, 14.0 GAS TESTING PROCEDURE (Additional operation simulation) TEST FLUID. NITROGEN Gas 14.1 INITIAL CONDITION (STEP 6) Utilizing the Nitrogen gas, the valves in closed position, shall be pressurized in all the areas simultaneously (SIDE A SIDE 8 & SIDE C) at the testing pressure equal to 1.1 MOP and maintainee for atime. 14.2 DOUBLE PISTON TEST (STEP 7} The pressure on side shall be slowly reduced to zero and the pressure onside A & 8 shall be continuosly moniotored by the pressure gauge connected on then, 4143 DOUBLE PISTON TEST (STEP 8) Then completed the test as per item 13.2 the pressure on cavity shall be slowly reeuced to zero in 7 cifferent steps (starting from the testing pressure 110 BarG). On every step the pressure on side A shall be monitored and the leakage on Side Cshall be recorded. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Leakage rate onside C shall be as per tem 12 during al the 7 depressurzation steps Slight reduction of pressure on Side Ais acceptable during depressurization of B caused by the trim deformation, 18.4 DOUBLE PISTON TEST (STEP 9) ‘Then completed the test as per item 13.3 the pressure on cavity shall be slowly increased up to the testing pressure in 7 different steps. On every step the pressure on side A shall be monitored and the leakage on Side C shall be recorded, ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA Leakage rate on side C shall be as per item 11 during all the 7 pressurization steps. Slight increasing pressure on Side A before stabilized is acceptable during the pressurization pof 8 caused by the trim deformation. 145. INITIAL CONDITION {STEP 10) Then completed the test as per item 13.4 with the valve in fully closed position the pressure on all parts {SIDE A B & C) shall be balanced at the testing pressure (1.1 MOP) as per par 9 and maintained for a time as per par & After the test the valve shall be completely dedpressurized. Without “Centolled Copy” stomp, docomentis Uacontraed €] -ontroited CC: Waar [Osa] Wed Proce PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA No. : OSA-P-SR) Industries | 4 | Rev. = 02 Indonesia Date : 30 March 2012 Page : 8/12 | TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) 14.6 CONVENTIONAL SEAT TEST SIDE A (STEP 11) ‘Then completed the test as per par 13.5 the conventional seat test shall be performed; with the valve in fully closed position the pressure on side A shall be increased up to the testing pressure (1.1 MOP) and maintained for a time as specified in par 8, with the side 8 and C vented in atmosphere. After the test the pressure on Side A shall be reduced to zero ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA True the cavity hole the leakage shall be measure by a flow-meter and shall be as per item 11 {Tabel 3) 14.7 CONVENTIONAL SEAT TEST SIDE € (STEP 11) Then completed the test as per par 12.6 the conventional seat test shall be performed, with the valve in fully closed position the pressure on side A shall be increased up to the testing pressure (1.1 MOP) and maintained for a time as specified in Par 8, whit the side A and 8 vented in atmosphere. After the test the pressure on C shall be reduced to zero. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA ‘True the cavity hole the leakage shall be measure by a Flow-meter and shall be as per item 11 (Tabel 3} 14.8 SELF RELIVING TEST ON SEAT A (STEP 12) With the valve in fully closed position both side B and C shall be pressurized simultaneously up to the relief pressure of SEAT A. ACCEPTANCE CRITERIA The release pressure shall be <33.% Wheat “Coniated Copy” stomp, documents Uncontrolled» pe Cantroiled Coy (Qa Ae | OSA Vion Woceaur PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA | No. :OSA-P-SAV-24 | Rev. : O2 Industries —}—_—— Indonesia r Date :30 March 2012 | Page: 9/12 | TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE | (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) 15.0 TESTSCHEME Got “aa pine me Sige peo Bite oe et wee ‘Without *Controied Copy” stam, document is Uncontrolled « controled co WAAQAT [Tosa | enka | hel PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA | No. :OSA-P-sRv-24 | Rev. : 02 industries, i Indonesia | Date : 30 March 2012 | Page: 10 /12 TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) 16.0 CERTIFICATION Results of the hydraulic and simulation test shall be recorded on a proper test report. As per Attachments A Attachment A: TEST REPORT T Report No. ‘Sheet 2 of 1 | SIMULATION TEST | Valve Description Valve S.N Testing Procedure | __ GADrawing OSAP-T0-38 Phase Test SideA | BCavity | SideC | Comment Test Rules [a Shales P P P| Conventional shel Test | Eternal Lekage=Zer0 2 Side Seat Test, P Tand | ~Oand | Conventonalseat test | Pa)e.--86°G forward Seating monitor | mentor Lesage on seat A Test RESULTS %/FSieCSeatTer | Oand | and P| Conventional vention | P(b]= Bare e Forward Seating monitor | monitor Leakage on Seat 8 = 2) Bare HEE Test RESULT = [a Silencer 3 EaseP | SHRP | Cavityandside Btobe [Sel Rehevng \& Relevng Sea Test Pressurized TEST RESUUTS= | | | i sieutaneousiy 3 | Sdet double P ? | cavity and side Atobe Piston Pressured 2 Simitaneovsh 6 | Simulated ° P P| Valve pressure balanced | ‘operating Test | mah presuetvourbou | ina Condition bilpors 7 | Simulated Fand | Pand Reduce] Ths would represent} Pla) = Bare - Operating Montor | Monitor | Pressure | vertng/de-ressuriing | P(Q) = mnB¢G g Condon fest to the i a9 Leakage on OP Seat C= | 3 teat ert of double stmosphe | g piston ses sie rieand TeSTRESULTS 5 hott 2 [e_| simuaea Fant [ Ramee Oand | CheekTorany POF bare 3 Operating mentor | pressure | moniter | communication between Leakage on Seat €= E Condition Second Slowly to cavity and elther 3 Test test of ‘Atmospheric upstream or downstream, EB) _ | toward seating partly 9s pressure z Side reduces. This veri all g | seat deformation under | 6 rmacbad rom pine 3 Side/side A S [9 | Simlatea Pand Tnerease | Oand | This simulates the fature | Pb)=.....Ba76 5 operating monitor | pressutein monitor | ofthe Asiseseatand | Leakage on Seat C= 2 cenaition faviytoP ‘demonsiates the side 8 repressuriation seat would eneze ain, This verifies bal & Seatintegrity/eontact after max bad trom | pipeline sde/Side A Without “Controlled Copy” stamp, document is Uncontroled = controtied Cony AWAHAT 'osa | ee PT. OSA INDUSTRIES INDONESIA | No. : OSA-P-SRV-24 Rev. : 02 Industries | Indonesia _| Date: 30 March 2012 | Page: 11/12 _| TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE | (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) TEST REPORT Report No. aa Sheet 1 of 1 SIMULATION TEST (Waive Description ValveSiN Testing Procedure | GADvawing i O5APTO38 | Phase [Test ide A_| B-Gaviy_| Se [comment Test Rules 0 Sues rye 7 | We presireblnced serait | witnpressre weuthut tatatcorton ree caters [se Reenter a Sand | Wad | Gomeatoal vata | eaage Sea A= mee mentor _| center resratstrs ae [Sees | oad | cand | | coment semtest —P Leakge onseste> 7 Ferdseaing | mentor | owner resrarsur= sae TEN? | SSERP Gop andseDTo be | Set etelng > Bas | tro Seat est mesure esr nest | Srulteneush 17.0 RELATED DOCUMENT OSA-F-SRV-23 Test Report Simulation Test DPE Ball Valve Without “Contraied Copy” stomp, document is Uncontalled « controiied copy a ‘Work Procedure | OSA PT. OSAINDUSTRIES INDONESIA | No. :OSA-P-SRV-24 _| Rev. Industries ats Indonesia _[ Date :30 March 2012_| Page : 12/12 | TESTING PROCEDURE FOR DPE BALL VALVE (REFER TO API 6D SPECIFICATION) _ OSA ‘TEST REPORT Feu: OS SAV20 nee SIMULATION TEST DPE BALL VALVE amare (iis — tae ape T = ea per emaeers i a i cece | ee — a= Gace |: |. an gl> race [mercer i ae t later Ee eet ee + alsa] { acrenecsonan Peleeee sls | tafe Steere pea pase | > eoteon|snanenclenenatanen —— (Strman ead oem ras | AS a ES eS ae er er EA t = fe tates | =e |e tee haa | a | = = r without “Contoled Copy” stamp, dcument ls Uncontroled « = € Controfied Cepy gage

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