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Tarango III

Rodrigo Tarango III


Dr Sharity Nelson


Remix with power tradition and diversity.

Main idea- once someone’s eyes lay upon this poster and all its abstract, diverse, and sci-fi

components it instantly takes hold of their attention. The goal of this posters is to show the

strength in diversification, and the simpler obvious goal advertisement, while using it to continue

bringing new life to an existing and constantly worked on franchise. How-It is through key

elements such as the tone, background setting, and characters fading in the background of the

pronounced character whose upside down within the foreground with claw marks illustrating a

mature tone, that unite and succeed in proving its goals.

Topic sentence- The character within the foreground seems to be the main character with

elements similar to past projects based on source material and sets a serious tone with key

aspects of his character. evidence-the character is placed at the very front of the poster and larger

than many of the other characters behind him, along with not wearing a mask which reveals a

serious facial expression with scrunched eyebrows tense lips, and eyes, all of this alone helps

him stand out from everyone else, while also being the only character upside down. His suit also

has a unique design just like every other character within the poster, black being the primary

color while having a spider symbol filled in with red on the inside of a red hollow circle. Located
from his shoulder down to his chest are tears which seem to be from claws helping set a serious

atmosphere. Explanation-All of the previously stated components help connect to the idea of new

and diverse while tied to the Og concept the movie poster is going for.

Topic- silhouettes of buildings underneath characters, giving viewers an idea of an familiar

setting with enough room for a gallery of possibilities.

Evidence- underneath all the characters including the main character there are silhouettes of

multiple buildings. Within the poster there are silhouettes of multiple buildings outlined by the

characters above it and thin grey lines, with white being the background color for most while a

few other have a black background from the characters. Their other silhouettes of buildings

outlined in thin white lines further in the back. Some silhouettes can be described as tall

rectangular pillars, office buildings with many windows. There are other facilities which could

be apartments, and possibly cell towers due to long lines that sprout from some roofs, as well as

square windows colored in with bright neon lights, all of this tells me the setting will be urban

similar to that of other spiderman content. Explanation- with all the information I’ve listed above

I believe that this area is familiar to those who watched past spiderman films, while leaving

enough room to be filled with mystery for new twist, breath taking, aww inspiring architecture

and locations were memorable showdowns will take place between heroes of righteousness and

justice and villains of wickedness and cruelty that will be watched again and again over and


Topic- Theirs an abundant number of characters with wide ranging colors and concepts, in the

background and spotlight with new takes and inspiration but the overall core idea created so long

ago. Evidence- Behind the enlarged character there are many characters with different concepts

and colors. one of the character’s has a metal spiked mohawk, and their body being outline
possibly in yellow. Secondly there’s a character with a paper bag for a mask with cut out eyes. A

third character wearing what appears to be a winter coat. A fourth character is the one to the

bottom right next to the enlarged character with a primarily white suit with black being a

secondary color in a hood with white eyes could be a main character as well due to their c

proximity to the enlarged character. Another character that may also be potentially apart of the

main cast is the spider person next to the previously stated spider person. They have a suit

colored mainly in red with some blue going from up to down of the body with a large golden

spider and a small diamond above the white eyes at the center. Lastly two other potential main

characters are the two characters on the left side of the enlarged character, wearing a suit with

dark blue being the primary color along with red as a secondary color due to the large red spider

logo starching all over the body and a mask that appears to be menacing or tense with red eyes.

Next to the previous spider person is someone with a blue hoodie and white eyes. Explanation- I

believe with all this evidence my over all idea is true based on all the characters with similar and

contrasting designs and ingredients but keeps the most important part that help know their all

spiderman or woman to the core.

Conclusion-In conclusion this poster’s goal is to show how this film can take a preexisting

property and add a new unique spark to it using diversity as one of its tools to do so such as new

and diverse cast of characters, familiar and yet new settings.

Marvel company, and Sony Pictures Animations, “Spider Man Across The
Spider Verse”. 10/10/2023
Work cited
Marvel company, and Sony Pictures Animations. “[movie poster] Spider Man Across the Spider
accessed October 2023

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