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Onsxt-1 @) Wice less olnme) # Radio wave Prepagedion / Lick '- Radio waves arse He etectroreggnete tdSencs . Kachio Waves ase Sasy to generate, Can travel boy Clistexe and Penetate buildings ety sthacha Lsby they ane toriche ly tcl -for Coromum'extpon beth Indeorh amd Outdoors , One aerejox advantag-0 4 adic wave is thet they ase ommniolirectonal, cmeoning thet dhey Can crave) Jn all directians foorn SOeuxce , So +e Hransmitt es, and geceres, clo met hove 40 be Cone pty @& aljyned Physically “The properties eh Lue freq: Declio uderves easity passes through Bice, bas the PO Of ihe Signal cleereare. Shanty Usith Inerecse. The distence from He user, [ee 4] a Ae Aw big ty Preguenc Stadio Uses fave tendency Jo > H J 0 ‘ ‘ snes ancl beun betachos draami} J? oe (ines 4 binces ef 0 E he ing - Clancy ancl heavy acmrosphare altorbed re Stoctio usaves ancl Crake Interference . a ol) electrical qquipmercds produce elector ognedic 9. ence beth eects L8aves, % wortly ESaveds ase freptienay clepend ord, a | | } | | Scanned with CamScanner 2 Qo te NLP LE and mf hands , Qwclio tsqve franemithe od Prog Groene) ave. Frobagsdon TTransmiccien © for (ous freq, gackio Waves 16 abet fecal, ; \ Ditady ie, ah Bre saver a brrely money Tec lous Lomdusiclty Qo dhe HE and VHE bonds , gedio Lsaver chansmithedd S -prefm gation and Los (line of sight ) tresugh Sly eee Gee Oe hs Gngural oor Snes h = see e \ . Ry she SS & hk East's Sv) S East Ben Seid wm borg SH ee regal Straight Los is * ‘Scanned with CamScanner - i2) the franamifte, ove) gecelved Signe) | + Lange Scale fatb loss %& > fe the mobile mover Ques} fom kore distances , the local averqg? ust ly deoresse , Sole path logs, This la Callao) losge ict dhe mean Syral Sheng) for am arbitrary - geceves, Gronsmithes (T-R) Sebanation distonce. ane called Jorge scle propagation madels, gt Bee space propegede? wale! 2 Qt sed sto Predict the secelved Signed ahrength ushen qranamitte, and secelye hovel Cleos,, fee enered) Loser pedh. berms them, > The Syecewed rower decays OF % function of TR Separation distance gwised to dome [erh, = Rib fart Sgro) Qiehudion on a) por cueeanes and Avtined difraence UindB) ae icdatnigdS helwean dhe -efhectve ctransmittey -pouser and Srecehved) power La free shace loss t- ‘ Bm cont environment, the electromagnetic = “uses that net deberchs ie one. also Stes E fk ‘Scanned with CamScanner > Disection «bh a4 - is Propagedien sae sd > 2, a | a @ Saal a ~ fy en wsaves dn free Space Pgh wie Ue Bib difperert ype of, usirel ent Communication She Sime) Apap pecs dispoue esttn distance » Thaetore dhe Seecig featenna op ected OAS geceves Jers Sirol nen Leow ransmitted pow: 4 sip mode ot or ty NOY ino portent Jn Gode Lite Commithi Cation , jyhen cned Othe, Forces of attentistion oF ebstad. obste cles, ane avilable , then ranxmitted Signed ds being ayeeey oven a hoager ante and Signal odherttedeS O23, ieee da ges Ste? iN ayre ob odteniation D> mousy free Shace ie Pile Leriee lund. ‘Scanned with CamScanner Ke alee ® Co She oh Up (34106 m/see) P> freq. of Signal tn He Rar she Nolues of C ond TT do 29” - (0 : Y x any CF Kel wre, es Pe [asenet) -& Ps, Bw Tene LY for Coleutotion wo dB en e 72 10 39g 9 = 10 S910 | amie) mn Lega = £0 ledyo ae = Boley gf + $10g,,4 - 20 keyio (23-88 x®106 ) leae = (Meat onles,.(0). + cle) tides -@ cdennop , We MuUat dake acceunt the So for chica) , fae UShich gields dhe -Fallawing— gain of, dhe antennas » Zina) ars 29” Jo medium, bi ey a = (un)? ® Ge bs, fete a ‘Scanned with CamScanner NAeGro [Ho 4 . to Sag,6 (eae aS Woda = Wega + Stag + bada-bsda ~-© Becouse deceived SygnsJ alse deperol@t upon dhe Apearcdure area CA) eo adem So for any ardenng the Mardminm direct vity G20 and § Sthect na Aporetume oweg eloted % , Ge rae A flat) from 25" (6) Ge = A Ae g b= ik Pot Joo Values of Ge ard G6, Ie a @) Wee UDG AK Wy Aa un A, XUTAs sete Ws Ae fs Slee) Sl isc a Scanned with CamScanner # Link budget es Y > A dint t Gs an accounting. of al! dhe gana and esses Jn a draumdasion system, 2 The Ae budget ust) dake she -form of the epu?- Recdived Pose (dam) = Trarsmithed fewer (8m) + gal (db) > Where he loses may VUy usidh me Le toasen (a4) —facling. anol alleusance must be mode usithin dhe Nak budget fos shls - often dhe users Cone co ee Jaken, or albenatively om” accebdanee Oty Pesiele ob Srcreosed bist 200r ani (for digrted Signals) o clegracked Signal to mse Sead Poy Omalogue Systeme: > 9n drde to devise so Savesdig ce. all omnes] OCCU bene) a dink budget 2h, a Ss vecmay po meas Ushere gai and -Josses dhe dooramitts anol she ‘Scanned with CamScanner “Where - : Pex - Received Powe, (dBm) Pu, = Transnittes ordpud pores (dé) Crp, = Frarombites anteme: ga (dBi) dei) Gren: Receiver attenne geo | ) ee Transmit fede, and arsocjted lose (48) a : Free Shace Joss or fodh Joss, (8? SS , Lp = Mes cellanesus Signed Propegasior Josbes. we Lex = Receives Peed, and asso cieted Josse, (48) ” ‘Scanned with CamScanner 44 Fundamental, ding © a ee eet © » foci also Jenoudn ad ‘Shai! - $cale foching "ty Salto) -fluchiation % the amptijude of 4 Sadie” ggna} oven a Short povod % time, 2 Fooling is Couseal by Interference Versione of the rons ea) gga) tobiich arnrdno at . aljghtly Bittenend Hime Eehuseen uso or Meme the eeeives, at a 2 The degree 1 —faokiny taj} depend ons dhe oleloey gprs ¢ ) a H pe oeplected Syl Shgst e400 yee [ anes y packings rn - f f ee e\e / [\- Bd Pvt US i MJ i. a ae (de YS pases > = > Time (see) Aig. short - Term and ong ~ Feson fod ry, factom of, affect Roolio Usave Propagster Channey dn Qreall Scale -fadicy Uy pultipedh Propoatadte s. The carclom phore and @ $ geaptidecles of the Ath erenct mu Hpi Cormponertts Calne fluduetions on wecelkeo/ poalutiningth cote roe Se, Scanned with CamScanner en y ty shed 4 Simremnding chtada:- of pe obstacles Jo ithe audio Chayne) axe 9 motion , prey produce a time dele Nasiation on multipath pres Bh te Sheed of Surrcerclieg obstacles ane higher Han uses then this effect Geate Sort ferw Faalivg, Uid Tewremisstn Bandesiote BS Sorat I Te ano aulustely os Combased to fhe wultipads a a. Bese, Ge geceived Signa) bell COG Sopidly and produce Shot fte5m fadirG 7 ‘ ics reat wlodive. metion be kde (iv) Depplen Shift Wi: aie pele nee Puttin Sigal offected from depblias Sibigsed froduce chart fom fading & due +0 eceee Chayge im Free: of Signed ‘Scanned with CamScanner ae . Xe co Hee tohene. — f _ cpobple Freq» in He bse, dn 7/88 N= Velocity ef 05, ms TY ae A = Wave lesad4 of the S}gai oa Q@ > ariived ang of Sfyred a ROlegren and Arce oa Ce Velocity of bgte i ( 370% v9) 90) fea eae eel free, (He So. Gpecetred freq, ¢ nal db [4.207 muti path “Time Delo Spread mobele sroclte Channa} tos e fortand Fein and Mineo phore = oven o banal us} bt tohich is greeter ae Se ceil of the trans) is i , then a Bee apne) wll facli a Packs fOr qr pot : 3 el ci sheeted Chosrattai Hes of the Am 2 4 focticg eect Due fo foingis athe © Blak fea dean alge qf he seetied Sire) Chomges Howser THe Seg koith tine. Scanned with CamScanner sk) -y h wo fe Ls sh Kk) nu) au Ls Ls ny aie ie oa ie a e= es ) ae Hw so ae os a Selina S ie fig Flat fading chanel charoctishes Tha Choraetastion ob 0 Aid Posing hare ee 9+ canbe seen dhat if the channel gon charge ove : oi ass amplitude occusn Ja the gecelved Pe Gene, sved Aignal Site) ade! ea si ho rassmission & preneved —— channely ore abo Known on amplitude mal» and are Sometimes siehfered +o a @ Freqpency _seledive fading & 9h dhe Channel “posees a Constac “Gar? and bineas phose Snepponse Over yy Qed) shay the band adits of~ ral , then she channel creates freq - Seansoirtted Sg : a tive faci on dhe neceived Src. ae hel cat the chennel Jenpsdde s1ea pon troy, peaad tohion bb gett Bren ae. dransmithed mmamcgee, wove for « % When ans OCC » dhe geceived Signal Jnclucles multiple, cdransmifted USaveforn Ushich one ahenucted (fades) Ord delayed an dime, no/ fener ee eee Scanned with CamScanner adhe mecelved Alyna) Gd distortsed @» ae! hier | ay aly 3 nl L z r . _ = j [ nt st a ; OTs Rr =) ‘Aes +> Pie oe ft es at) of the \ othe shee Yecuny soit which daa Channel, Chor frag, delective fedliy Arensmiited Signal Mesa rmbanal jp grrenshesy han dhe coherence band oid! Bane a Fading Elbectn. due te Debio shreds Deperctin on hase siapiddy she canst ade alps elssye> o* a dre sate off Change the channel, A channe) ™ Beet seq) borehord be: Cloosmibied a> gn. cfoat Pacing Chamal atieichainie) Jeoprbse desporse chomyos sropid ty Lotihiy Hee Symrbel Junction, Thad ta Hee cbhenense dime of the channel |x Smalles than dre Symbol perioc) gre dransmitbed Shynals Nip Comes fr-e2, alisper-lov (Time Selective -faalivy ) : eae mpples apreading : ushich leads +o Blane Ply atte Ue =faisee fading Jn Creanea tune) Distrtion 2 a sh weeive done band ustektt, ef de Debplenr sy). chrarsm pes noted shat when a chennel & > 4+ ahould Feit ec chan a ahe-fing cheese, gate, Scanned with CamScanner Sbectby vshatrey dhe chanre) in flat fading ov free» Selective focling - I Madune , wo, A Flot fading fet Sp ushich dhe amplitsele. ob fete thoy he recke of chomge os the base bend Brel, wile i Core of —frey . Selective , fort fading. terre te amplidades , Ploye and cme alelags of- a ore of He pretty bof, Components Voory fords, dhan the ace oF, Chamge a dre transmitted Syd, 3m Slous tocling Channe} , tre. 2 of @ note much facing channe) by a channed hand —funcHey nfasd-es cfreramnney Sous. -fecting Chanvel Fmpilee Presponse chang Sloure, tran re drarsrithed poreband Synal e/lt) , 9n Hie GCxe He Channel soy be, asrtumed Jo ee edete cvs, One (ev Sevens) se chprefad Catand gnfevels. ena fees ovlohon bodeseen e Vani pus BH paraby oe, and tee WP of ~fo-clivey Oxperlenced by fre pra ane germmod=d Cs flak seo) fant dur tors] fran. teletives fren, Selechive poe Be c al Ie y een fede) Shou 2 jk ie ecceaal Free, Sdedhe! drew selobe SE) 1. shaw of lat &l Fa | Slo Ne Su, S Mig Pat Ae | cfeltg cf Te. Fs By “he ‘i Pere Traremittre} 89 < bar) Transmitted Spmbe) Fetes “Bigya) Bad ashok Scanned with CamScanner Rms peloy apreedi— Ho \ Mardrtlry deiny spreed Normale) 107] Recelned “fhredheld uses ea é : Sa Sena See dc Mean Exce* ao -30 a + > Nd ° so yoo so 200 Sa Exces delay (nS) —_ Fa, foe, deloy Propile. fos faching gudtipet> Channel, Paromebers abone cerned from de The pudHpedd Chovne) ee P of je dhe srece) Saned, Paces daly Bote oh ee ee nepal of; gelodive fevers OCG, -& Function of esteem daley wih srespect to a fireed Hime obelar, | D2 An Ge , Dime dispersion Parades Fhe Time disperse properties aide bond mruldy pads Chamne) are most Commonly quantified by qheby Dae ae ce (2) and sims gpread deloy (Ge) The Mean erccers del CEDIA dre feat moment f tex pours delay Profile and ts defined 0 be tris gee = -@ SPC) 2 Se Scanned with CamScanner re The Rims, deloy shreod (o4) in he Beuare aoot of the ofecond Cenbal ymorent of doe ferr2, delory RP fofile and in defied ax ae ley Pee Q ce Where => I Secona) moment 4 megy Loccerd oleloy 22 2 Boe eke 4 SEO ae Sag ES Pew) Ee ‘ AQ Coherence Bmdusists (Se) i 9} ip a Sladinticad -measune of dhe onge % —freqpencis, ese Sarre! Go le Gaiden amare 4 i> Foverwely fropertiona) do foe deloy ~ Spread, Oh dhe Coherence anol csielts Is Considered as fire Udtuich the Frey. Cosrelotion function ach 3g dxen dhe Gherente ha nalusinlts rs ts @ ported et ; get i Reni, lee) GU Sie pnd 96 He Freq, Correlation funchon 16 above OK” then que Coherence banal esidte, 1b abspronbonedcly (emcee reel aan) Sox Scanned with CamScanner 2D Dopple, Spread and _Coherente Time. re) These fRowmetow dape desribe tHe time Vospings mature Of dre Channel Jv q Amal) - aeale Srogion, > Doppler Spree ba meoxure of the Spectr) brow broader’ Caused by the time sede oh Change et dhe mobile srectio Channel and jy defined > dhe Prange cf frequencies ovem Iglich Fae Aecelnecl Doppler cspeeteum enserdial ly > Coheyence dime ie tHe dime. Aorrain clucd of Dopples, Sbread and jy aed to Charactice. Pe time Narying Medune of dhe free. Clispersivener® of the Chonne) dn He dime domain, mon- Tew» Doppler Spreoo and Coheente dre ove sieloded ar, aS a et O wine fan Js marimar doppler ake given by dhe fear ¥ 34 dhe. Gohonence dime tb defined Re dima Correlation function ir chore OS then Coherence dime 16 opprax,. eae i cae 160 ten © | The Coherence dime is defined a» the Geometic men fF 27D & 7 Fee 9 9 & Pe ss a Texte zene enh 0.423 Scanned with CamScanner

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