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Sunita in Spag, 1. _ Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the help box. Help Box : + 7 3 (é meteorite Globe space flight Neil Armsfrong _ Gravity 4 (@) Sunita Williams made a record for the longest Space. li9/t by a women, is an model of the Earth. ®) ..m&ilebe Mel 4%5ost.veqwas the first man to walk on the‘rioon. (c) (d) On earth, when we throw something up, it confes down due to... awit which catches fire on entering the earth’ (e) atmosphere . Write the full form of the following abbreviati 2m @ NASA ~Nehkional.. Adtronasbics. ghd hhnace..d ©) ISRO adler... 88 pata... Rabibdiral.... OUbgacs Write 'T’ for True or 'F' for False statements. (a) Stars revolve around the earth. (b) Moon changes its phase every night. (c) Moon is a natural satellite of Earth. (a) Aspace ship carry astronauts in to the space. Swe e) Sunita went 3600 km away nee ni (e) 600 km away from the Earth, in the spaceship. jot 4, Give one word answer: (a) World's first unmanned spacecraft. Zpudy Dp. (0) First Indian to go into space, Pa: shame (©) The Russian spacecraft in which Rakesh Sharma travelled. ZZ 77 IG Ju (2) First Indian satellite to map mgos thendrayagoes| (©) First American to walk on moon. ~~ Neth. AzingeoR. | (®) First women to go in to space. , Vallinting uaecr (g) The first man to travel into space. Puri... agarinss 5, HOW DO YOU FEEL IN SPACE? Underline or tick (/) the correct answer from the options given below. | (@) Weightless )Heavy Le (b) Can walk / Carronly oa . (c) Can breathe freely Can breathe through oxygen cylindery (d) Can hear (Cannot hear 6. Answer the following questions: (a) Write about Sunita's experiey floated... (b) Describe how Sunita viewed the earth from spaceship. whe... dis evibed..thab Shen SAR ARE.. carved spacé...of.eardh.,.ane candingdS.plMAe..0¢en, was...visible..A 1. Seventh planet from the sun. T P B 4, Eighth planetfomthesn, ~ LWIBIAIluls | fe 7. Closest planet to the sun. = Al _|o c= 9. Small, rocky objects that orbit Lape |e |T oly te the sun. dl T vo A 11. Fifth planet from the sun. Mle | Rf cl voIR LY R Down | le! [ol Ly 1 2. Planet with many rings. M h 3. The closest star to Earth. fa eA e/ Q] olz [6 5, Third planet from the sun. el A (eee ls 2 8 Sometimes shows a prety tail, LLL} 2 ITE IR Lk 10. This side of the moon is cooler \E | than the other side, 7 9, Spacey Word Search agonally and vertically in the wi Ord gy, 1 as you find them. Brig a Search for the words horizontally, di n circle them given on the list below, the mercury ~ Te = ~~ venus ( A mars ttetehe le lel i jupiter lel k saturn E } uranus fe neptune — b 5 telescope le stars Fale SS moon a. IN sun T/| s planet ~ BLY meteor comets ~ D a asteroids “| = spacecraft | B i What if it Finishes-.-? Write 'T' for True or 'F' for False statements. (a) The heavy traffic on road causes noise and air pollution. (b) CNG is a preferred fuel to petrol and diesel. (c) Petrol can be artificially made. (@) Using public transport can reduce the level of alton ten (ce) Buming of damp wood does not cause pollution. PEBAe Fill in the blanks with appropriate words given in the help box. Help Box cheaper plastics _ refinery petroleum a) Crude oil is sent to the vePine.x.1y... for cleanin and separating them. tly ig (b) Diesel is caeag.e.... than petrol. = arce but Salay = (0) is non renewable and exhaustible 1 energy is renewable and unlimited. (d) We get kerosene, diesel, petrol, LPG, Coal tar, wax, etc. from ..%. t Iney (©) Petroleum is used to making pla.s.}.1°@.5. and paints. 59 3, Name the following: ¥ . (a) Two vehicle that run petrol. CO ale y (b) Two vehicle that ran on diesel. yan 4 Yuck at do not need any fuel. Cyc le R. 1k Shoy, (c)_ Two vehicle th (a) Two vehicle that run on CNG. Bus. van. Write the full form of the following abbreviations: / figs @ CNG .comexes.sect... natay. () LPG LA quitied.Pertrals [Dd JAS 5. Find out the rate of petrol and diesel in the metropolitan cities. | Cities Petrol per litre Diesel per litre Delhi 6.712 WA £2 Mumbai yi ean Kolkata 106-03 4216 Banglore re EPO 6. Look at the given picture carefully and answer the following questions: * Petrol and diesel will not last forever. Save it for E your children. \ + Make every drop go a R Jong way. yy + Switch off the engine when you stop the car. Date 06-06-2017 Rate Petrol; Petrol € 69.80 perive Diesel: Diesel «58.26 per titre 7. (a) Why will petrol and diesel not last forever? . \ cand, sas, il Now. wuengwolle SAWN CE ith. 08404... that..dake....nillians Wh sfeavs. ADL BM S.8.AL sO DLC IS 2D AK SS exhausted. (b) List any three ways to save oil, we. Switel oft.) HK..MSL..ptablic.. 0 Ke hing. AGN... LAY. paals. (c) Name any two fuels which causes lesser can be used to ruh vehicles, 121 echwicidy.. : {ation than petrol or diesel and which CGR. A Choose the correct option. (a) Which mode of transport can reduce congestion or road? (Car Odi) Auto O (ii) Bus YD liv) Scooter © (b) Which mode of transport does not cause pollution? (i) Train (iii) Motor cycle (ii) Bus (iv) cycle Qc D) (©) Which of these is a renewable source of energy? () Solar @M ii) Kerosene (ii) Petrol © (iv) Natural Gas OO 8. Look at the pictures below showing five different types of stoves. Stove I Stove 2 Stove 3 Stove 4 6 f.' Write the fuel used in the different types stoves given above: Stove2...ku€ 2G. Staye S4g Stover Angi the. Stoves £lectvies.tave Stoves .KENOSene Stoves salay...sdove. ‘e (b) Arrange these stoves in the increasing order of pollutiof caused by them, solay,LP,.Elecdess. hg. AES, ee Angith;, 9. Write and label the five oil refineries and their states in the Politica) map of India. Uttin ) panieal.L Muu does, ‘gh@aharesha), es Y) Ouwahadt wed ain any *|n02 nA Sand) (To a he arujaval 62 answer the following questions: (a) What are the drawbacks of using fossil fuels? « &ovlvonmends. pollution. x Icakage. oO Lin wedey SPUNLE Sy LAUS.ES. ede... pallation.... ME ow SIMOARE.... LAUS.OS..GARLN J howse..ettect..... * Exilvacdian...caase, stcucdlarn off. land. xesourees (6) Why do majority of people in our country use cow dung cakes (uple), wood and dry twigs as fuel, oY anal |ble ASH AMC CAPE nel AS fae ls ATI AMAA on of. peop be nth Q nt 2.0O (©) What is a refinery? ee ee Teh nd Son 0605.8... DOK. AL 2S. eehmoleuion (a) Why do we feel uneasy if we are caught in traffic jam for a long time? _Because..of.vebicles....naisganck.s.ralse AMG AK Let OLAS Ld Py) Asif .gives.less smaks?.andJOuer...g. ... lad..xeot.. eee 12... uy Vegelabta.s. and..creals fer winter ase (b) Compare and contrast between the houses in Leh and houses in Changpa. Houses in Changpa — sas Houses in Leh a 2 Tem povava he ‘d Se Pevraanent : I o7 ake SO much time? read ifn fing : sleaQttopy yp 3 Sood Ok waar. aid Sag, ina sa wl f 4, (@ Why de ther (Why Waa pots in wo (g) Why do the Changpas graze their goats at higher and colder places? fay 9 (To NAME A ARON. E wand. en OATS Brn G (h) Why is it difficult to breathe in places in high altitude? wll ub Gon ZO igh. eoceal: ae Aad ud tS. of MELE, - Look at the picture given below carefully and answer the questions: ¥ “ish } Pashima Shawl ii) What is it made of ? ET btn ) (i) Which type eee here? HOS Gor NPRANS reer (ii) Where do you usually find these boat \. Hae woke QSL. (iii) the Earth Shog e help box, When propriate words give? in th 3. Fillin the blanks with aPI Help Box prime Minister's Relief fund tsunami natural lift floods ) Earthquake is a natuval. Z.... disaster. MIL hans quake in the ocean bed cal (a uring an earthquake. (b) Do not use a (c) Volcanic eruption/earth uses t amy, __is meant for the victims of natural disaster, Relief. ful... @) exime. Miaisdexs... (e) Excessive rainfall can lead to Look at the pictures given below and answer the following questions: (a) Identil ify the natural disaster shown the abo’ ve pictures, bl vth.quva ke (o) When did this disaster struck Bhuj, Gujrat? ER BMS oy Gee) AMAL... OF) " January D291.° (9) Can the occurance of this disaster be predicted? Pas ? 7 NG ..t.GA A eX« Aicled (@) How can the intensity of this disaster be measured? eS MOS. NEA... bneL 9. SXOLB.» % Name the following: (2) Any three natural disasters. ce yalconicncibelion - Feat. quan, TEMA oon (b) Any three man-made disasters. By Bis... Alolae.war0nit pollution... o ted by earthquake. (©) Any five things needed by those people affec clethe.s. © AeA EMAL SK mas. (d) Any five organisations which provide help during disasters. badeliag word. te the cross | le’ mp! below fo 60" RS iven EI d the clues give RAL DISAST! Real TU! 4, NA ebtTelarke [elely Tole 8 Winds and heavy rain. = ; ut from A sudden explosion When burning Tocks, ash, lava are thrown o} (two Words), A fie that start iN an area of Countryside and spreadg very quickly, long pe ‘od of, time wy, Cre is little NO rain and Crops die. Shortage Of f Water for everyon e. t large Mass ¢, : Scks ang arth thas Ountain op hint 5, Answer the following question: (a) What advice do engineers and architects give to people while building houses in the earthquake Prone areas? LATER ooo. 0 (b) Whatare the necessary precautions to be taken before, during and after earthquake. *.keep.calinoe

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