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Volume 15. Number 2.

December 2020 Page 342-358


Local Autonomy and Federalism: How Indonesia Deal With

Democracy in The Global Governance?

Rodiyah1, Ridwan Arifin2, Steven3

Faculty of Law, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Indonesia

Article info Abstract

Article History: This paper is intended to analyze the local autonomy in the context of federalism
Received : January 30td 2020 concept. The problem of this paper is basically motivated by that most countries in
Accepted: May 04td 2020 the world choose the form of Federal state or Unity within organizing a government.
Published: December 1st 2020 The selection of this form of state based on political, social will include the culture
and history of a country. Each form of this country has advantages and disadvantages.
Keywords: The Unitary State emphasizes the administration of government in the government
centers and regions in the province do not have extensive autonomy in managing
regional autonomy;
practical analysis; their regions. Unlike the Federal State, where the position of the Federal State and
democracy the State are equal. The concept of federalism has been applied in many countries.
The state is given the widest possible autonomy to take care of their area. Regional
autonomy aims to improve community service, develop democratic life, and encour-
age the community empowerment to foster creativity. Regional autonomy also has a
positive impact and a negative impact on the region. This paper intends to analyze
the concept of federalism and regional autonomy with practical analysis in Indonesia.

 ISSN 1907-8919 (Cetak)

Address : K Building, Universitas Negeri Semarang, Sekaran, ISSN 2337-5418 (Online)
Gunungpati, Semarang, Central Java, Indonesia, 50229
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Pandecta. Volume 15. Number 2. December 2020 Page 432-358

1. Introduction hidden agenda to maintain its sovereignty

The concept of federalism and regional and independence movement toward a Uni-
autonomy has been debated at the beginning tarian state as it exist today (Richard & Vedi,
of Indonesia’s independence. The debate 2013; Batavelijic, 2012; Charles, 2014). The
was carried out by the Indonesia leader at formation of a federal state become a very
that time, Soekarno and Mohammad Hatta. large discourse after reform. Indonesian po-
Soekarno desperately defended the concept litic figure has been debating about the form
of a unitary state as a continuation of the of the state, either federalism or unitary. Be-
archipelago that has triumphed in the past. cause there are some problems such as inter-
This idea was opposed by Mohammad Hat- nal conflict, corruption, and separatism unre-
ta who agreed more to the federal state. solved. Some people in the provinces such as
Hatta stated that Indonesia consisted of a Aceh, Riau, and Papua, want to be separate
pluralistic society, so it needed a form of a from Indonesia because they feel that they
federal state to unite the entire Indonesian have not been treated fairly by central go-
nation (Rusdianto, 2013). vernment for a long time. The central govern-
After the proclamation, the Dutch re- ment has only concentrated on developing
turned to Indonesia by piggybacking on allied some provinces, and it has seemed to ignore
forces. The Netherlands intends to re-colo- the other provinces that give a lot of tax mo-
nize Indonesia utilizing other political staret- ney to the central government. Considered
gies. The implementation of the Round Table before the reformation, the Indonesian go-
Conference officially marked the founding of vernment only focused on the island of Java
the Republic of Indonesia states (RIS) that on so that there was a social gap between re-
December 27, 1949. The implementation of gions. A centralized government system does
the union state is not only caused by inter- produce a proud economic growth. But this
ference from outside parties, but Indonesia’s is only felt by people who live on the island of
internal conditions also contribute. Some In- Java. While people outside the island become
donesian historians and experts say that re- helpless. Jealousy of social inequality causes
gions in Indonesia from the beginning had a symptoms of national disintegration. This is
desire to break away from the unitary state evidenced by the existence of separatist mo-
and form their own country. vements that want to secede from Indonesia.
So a discourse emerged to make Indonesia a
The recognition of the sovereignty
federal state. As an effort to counteract this
carried out on December 27, 1949 actual-
discourse, the government then introduced
ly encouraged a unity movement that not
only emerged from the Indonesian elite, but the concept of regional autonomy.
also among the people themselves (Rinardi,
2. Concept of Federalism
2012). Unstable socio-political conditions
have caused a number of states to demand Definition
the dissolution of regional governments and The word of federal came into Eng-
wish to combine their state with the republic lish via French from Latin. Foederatus means
of Indonesia. Thus, the leaders of Indonesia “bound by treaty” deriving from foedus me-
views that the unitary state is more suitable to ans treaty and fidere means “to trust”. Fede-
be adopted by Indonesia rather than federa- ralism was developed as a response to the
lism. Unitary state has been promulgated in ancient question of how to link separate poli-
Article I of the 1945 Constitution, “The Indo- tical communities together in order to persue
nesia state is a Unitary state”. effectively objectives unobtainable alone, but
From the beginning history of modern without submerging their own identities (Ste-
Indonesia, federalism was mostly considered phen, 2000; Weis, 2017). According to Prof.
Dutch political design to preserve the fading Jovan Dorvedic, the word federalism stems
power of colonial in the country. Most Indo- from the word foedus, foederis and means
nesian viewed federalism as Dutch’s political “a union and collaboration for the purpose

Rodiyah et al, Local Autonomy and Federalism: How Indonesia Deal With Democracy in The Global Governance?

of achieving common goals by per se auto- to try to cope with this complexity and grasp
nomous and independent subjects and in- the fundamental linkages of the interdepen-
dividualities.” This term donates a contract, dence figurations (Nobert, 1994; Marquardt,
an alliance, while federalism is meant to be a 2017).
formation of a union and a voluntary associa- Characteristic of Federalism
tion of different territorial unions of people
within the scope of a state, or between se- There are some basic characteristics
veral states and political unities for different of federalism, First, the distribution of po-
purposes (Dragan, 2012). wer is the essence of federalism. Constitu-
ent member of a federation, i.e. states, are
Federalism is a democratic concept determined territorially; in other words, the
where sovereignty is constitutionally shared distribution of power in a federation is terri-
between a central governing authority and torial or geographical. Second, in a federation
constituent political units (Heather, 2010). As the existence and functions of the states can
a form of government where both legislation only be modified by amending the constitu-
and institutions are shared between national tion and the institution cannot be changed
and state and regional authorities, federalism without consent of the states. Third, It men-
necessitates the existence and facilitates the tioned above that the distribution of power
creation of local representation and govern- is made by constitution. There are two ways
ment. It has proven to be an effective form of of doing this. One of them is enumeration of
governance that ensures political stability in the function of federal governments. Another
societies which are ethnically, culturally and way is enumeration of the function of states.
religiously diverse (Christian, 2012). A “go- Fourth, as a way of judicial resolution of po-
vernment” is usually defined as the institution wer conflicts between federal governments
that holds a monopoly of legitimate coerci- and states and among states, the establish-
ve force within a defined territory. Such an ment of a supreme court is necessary. Fifth,
agency of human power offers great poten- the equality of state should be real; the upper
tial advantages to its citizens, and great dan- chamber of the assembly should have an ef-
gers too (Jameson, 2009; Purniawati et al., fective power especially in the legislative pro-
2020; Rodiyah, 2018). Furthermore, it also cess. The federal prototype state is one which
emphasized that the political science litera- extends legislative authority to all or most
ture seems today to have reached a mature parts of its territory, provides the part with
state of development. Sophisticated compa- extensive functions, establishes constitutio-
rative analyses, global in scope, now yield a nal entrenchment for the safeguarding of the
wealth of fruitful insights into the nature and autonomous position of the parts (Jonathan,
functioning of federal systems of government 2004; Charles, 2014; Christian, 2012; Dra-
(George, 2008). gan, 2012; George, 2008; Marzuki, 2012).
Federalism is also about the recogni-
tion that there are no closed boxes in the 3. Concept of Regional Autonomy
world politics. All level of government and of The concept of decentralization is one
political struggle interact with one another. way that can be done to divide the division
The sharp distinction between domestic and of power. The division of power theoreti-
international politics and the analysis of one cally can be done in two ways, namely the
aspect in complete isolation from the others capital division of power and the division of
cannot bring a fully satisfactory comprehen- power. The Capital division of power itself is
sion of elite sphere . If politics and society a division of power in accordance with the
were as simple as many hard-nosed realist teachings of the Trias Politica of Montesque,
assume, the research’s job would be easier. namely dividing power into power to imple-
Unfortunately, the world is complex, plural ment the law (executive power), the power
and nuanced. This requires an open-minded to make laws (legislative power) and finally
attitude to other disciplines and perspective the judicial power (Jan, 2017; Diniyanto,


Pandecta. Volume 15. Number 2. December 2020 Page 432-358

2016; Weis, 2017). While the area of divisi- ​​ on itself that can be used by the government
on of power itself can be done in two ways, itself to transfer authority, both in planning
namely through decentralization and decon- and implementing the authority, namely de-
centration. Decentralization itself is a legal concentration, delegation, devolution, and
submission of power (which is based on the privatization (Alberti & Bertucci, 2007). In
law) to be able to carry out certain functions decentralization, local units are formed with
or functions remaining to the local authority the existence of certain powers they have and
which has been formally recognized by the have the authority to carry out certain func-
constitution. While deconcentration itself is tions by which they can themselves imple-
a delegation of power to be able to carry out ment their own decisions, own initiatives,
certain functions to the central government and administer themselves. The definition
staff outside the head office. Decentralization of decentralization also contains two related
“is the transfer or delegating of planning, de- elements, namely the formation of autono-
cision making or management authority from mous regions and a surrender of legal power
the central government, to sub-coordinate to deal with certain areas of government.
units, semi-autonomous public corporations, Decentralization itself gave birth to a strengt-
regional or regional authorities, functional hening in both the financial and legal fields
authorities, or non-governmental organiza- (in the sense of regulating itself, making deci-
tions” (Rian, 2018; Arifin, 2020; Mujtaba, sions) from local government units (Cheema
2015; Dubois & Fattore, 2009; Holzhacker & Rondinelli, 2007). With decentralization
et al., 2016; Wever et al., 2012). The type of itself, activities that were previously carried
decentralization is determined by the degree out by the central government could substan-
to which the authority or power is transfer- tially be left to local government units, and
red from the centre and what institutional thus were outside the control of the central
arrangements or institutional arrangements government. That the main characteristics of
can be used to make the transfer. In this case decentralization are the first, the existence of
decentralization can be the simplest, namely
autonomous, independent local government
the assignment of tasks carried out routinely
units and clearly can be perceived as a level
by the government to devolution to carry out
of government that is separate from where
certain functions previously held by the cent-
the authority is given to them with little or no
ral government.
direct control from the central government
Decentralization itself can be imple- itself (Merilee, 2007). Secondly, local govern-
mented in two ways, namely by means of ments have clear geographical boundaries
functional decentralization or by means of where they can exercise authority and can
territorial decentralization (decentralizati- provide public services. Third, the local go-
on area) (Amrizal et al., 2015) . Functional vernment itself has the status of a corporation
decentralization itself is a transfer of autho- and has the power to manage the resources
rity from the central government to certain that can be needed to carry out its functions.
institutions that have certain functions. For
example, such as the surrender of an autho- Thus decentralization gave birth to au-
rity or authority to be able to manage a toll tonomous regions. Autonomous regions have
road from the Department of Public Works several characteristics, including being outsi-
to a certain BUMN. Whereas for territorial de the hierarchy of central government or-
decentralization itself, it is the transfer of aut- ganizations, free to act, not under the direct
hority from the central government to public supervision of the central government, free to
institutions that can operate within certain initiate decisions on the basis of community
boundaries of the area, such as the delegation aspirations, not intervened by the central go-
of certain authority originating from the cent- vernment, containing system integrity, having
ral government to the Provincial, Regency or limits boundaries, and have an identity (Du-
City governments (Bannink & Ossewaarde, bois & Fattore, 2009).
2012). There are four forms of decentralizati- While it can be said that decentraliza-

Rodiyah et al, Local Autonomy and Federalism: How Indonesia Deal With Democracy in The Global Governance?

tion itself will give birth to a regional govern- cial aspects, aspects of delegation of autho-
ment (local self-government), while decon- rity, aspects of staffing, and the attitudes and
centration itself can be said to give birth to behaviour of elites at the central and regional
a local government (local state government levels. There are several important elements
or field administration). Decentralization it- of regional autonomy that need to be consi-
self has various characteristics such as a de- dered in relation to efforts to achieve good
legation of authority to be able to carry out governance including: 1) Autonomy is close-
a certain function of government originating ly related to democratization. 2) In the au-
from the central government to autonomo- tonomy contained meaning self-initiative to
us regions; the functions submitted can be take decisions and improve fate own. 3) Be-
specified or can be residual functions; the cause in the concept of autonomy contained
recipient of authority itself is an autonomous freedom and independence of the local com-
region; submission of authority itself means munity to make decisions and initiate, means
the authority to be able to determine and be supervision (Lukman, 2008). Regional auto-
able to implement policies, the authority to nomy also is an idea that emerged after the
be able to regulate and administer (regeling fall of the New Order regime under Suharto’s
en bestuur) interests that are local; a regu- leadership (Maulana, 2017). Regional auto-
lating authority is the authority to establish nomy that means independent, at the prac-
legal norms that can be generally accepted, tical level in some cases it is still ambiguously
or can be abstract; managing authority itself interpreted as a necessity to do it alone (Al-
is the authority to be able to establish legal kadri, 2016; Christopher, 2007; John, 2000;
norms that can be individual, or can be conc- Rudy & Baldric, 2015; Nita, 2014).
rete (beschikking, act administrative, verwal-
tungsakt); and the existence of autonomous Definition
regions is outside the hierarchy of the central Understanding of regional economy,
government organization itself; which can namely a right, authority, and obligation of the
show patterns of power relations between or- autonomous region in order to regulate and
ganizations; and and creating political variety manage government affairs and the interests
and diversity of structure in a political system of the local community in accordance with
(Holzhacker et al., 2016). the laws and regulations (Michael, 1992). Li-
In the framework of running a decent- terally itself, regional autonomy comes from
ralized system of government, in the regions two words, namely the word autonomy and
local governments are formed which are the region. In Greek itself, autonomy comes
legal entities separate from the central go- from the words autos and namos (Charles,
vernment. For the regional governments, 2014). Autos means self and name which
a portion of government functions (which means rules or laws, so that it can be inter-
were previously functions of the central go- preted as an authority to regulate itself or the
vernment) were handed over to the regional authority to make rules in order to manage
government (Louis, 2014). Besides that, the their own household. While the region itself
regions are also given sources of income that is a legal community unit that has regional
can be used to finance the functions that have boundaries. The implementation of regional
been submitted. Likewise, organizations are autonomy apart from being based on legal
formed by Regional Representatives (DPRD) references, can also be as an implementation
whose members are elected through an elec- of the demands of globalization that must be
toral system. Thus, the regional government empowered by providing broader, more real
is an institution that has the autonomy power and responsible areas of authority, especially
to determine its own policies, how to carry in regulating, utilizing and exploring poten-
out these policies, and how to finance them. tial resources in their respective regions–one
The implementation of decentralization can (John, 2000).
then be seen in various aspects of the existing There are several opinions of experts
regional government system, such as finan- regarding the notion of regional autonomy.


Pandecta. Volume 15. Number 2. December 2020 Page 432-358

According to Law No. 32 of 2004 that the of administering government, Sinindhia in

notion of regional autonomy according to Suryawikarta, has put forward an autonomy
Law No. 32 of 2004 is the right, authority, boundary as freedom to move which can be
and obligation of the autonomous region to given to autonomous regions and provide an
regulate and manage their own government opportunity for him to be able to use his own
affairs and the interests of the local commu- initiatives from there are all kinds of decisi-
nity in accordance with applicable laws and ons, to take care of public interests (Pepins-
regulations. According to the Dictionary of ky & Wihardja, 2011). From the existence
Law and Glossary of Regional Autonomy of various restrictions on regional autonomy
the notion of regional autonomy is the aut- mentioned above, it can be understood that
hority to regulate and manage the interests in fact autonomy itself is a realization of the
of local communities according to their own government’s recognition that it is the inte-
initiatives based on the aspirations of the rests and will of the people that will be the
community in accordance with the laws and only source to determine the formation of
regulations. According to the Encyclopedia state government. In other words, autonomy
of Social Science the notion of regional auto- according to Magnar, that gives a greater pos-
nomy according to the Encyclopedia of social sibility for the people to participate in taking
science is the right of a social organization to part and responsibility in the government
be self sufficient and its actual freedom. procession (Paul, 2015).
According to the Opinions of the Ex- It is also emphasized that autonomy
perts the notion of regional autonomy in the contains goals, namely with the division and
opinion of experts is a legal community unit limitation of power itself. One of the main
that has certain regional boundaries authori- problems in the existence of a democratic
zed to regulate and manage the interests of legal state, is that how on one hand can gua-
the local community according to their own rantee and protect the private rights of many
initiatives based on the aspirations of the people from the possibility of the occurrence
people in the ties of the Indonesia. According of things that can be arbitrary. By giving the
to the Big Indonesian Dictionary the defini- authority to the regions as well as being able
tion of regional autonomy according to the to manage and manage their own household,
Indonesian dictionary is the rights, authority it means that the central government can
and obligations of the region to regulate and share its power and at the same time limit its
manage their own household with the appli- power over matters that have been delegated
cable laws and regulations (Eko, 2014). to regional heads (Marquardt, 2017; Muhta-
da, 2017; Pratchett, 2004; Setiawan & Sud-
Theory harto, 2007). Efficiency and effectiveness in
Autonomy itself has meaning in the implementing government tasks themselves.
form of freedom and independence but It is too difficult and even impossible to put in
it will not be an independence (Pratchett, place and hope that the Central Government
2004). Freedom is limited or independence is can carry out its duties as well as possible in
a manifestation of the opportunity that must the face of any problems if it can be regional-
be accounted for. Implicitly, the definition of ly very diverse in style (Aizirman, 2012; Ha-
autonomy can contain two elements, namely san & Siti, 2014). Therefore to be able to gua-
by giving assignments which in the sense of a rantee efficiency and effectiveness in carrying
number of jobs that must be completed with out a task and obligation, then the regions
the authority to be able to implement them; need to be given the authority to be able to
and the existence of a trust in the form of participate in regulating and managing the
authority to be able to think about and de- implementation of government tasks them-
termine the various resolutions themselves selves in their household environment, so
(Ladner et al., 2016). In relation to its own that problems that can be local are expected
obligation to be able to think and determi- will get very reasonable and good attention
ne for themselves how to complete the task and service. Development itself is a process

Rodiyah et al, Local Autonomy and Federalism: How Indonesia Deal With Democracy in The Global Governance?

of mobilizing social, economic, political and point of view of its ability to actually continue
cultural factors to achieve and create a pros- or operationalize previously designed pro-
perous life. With the existence of regional grams (Erk, 2011). Instead the whole process
governments that have the right to regulate of policy implementation can be evaluated
and manage the affairs and interests of their by measuring or comparing the final results of
regional households, people’s participation is these programs with policy objectives.
expected to be raised and development will
be truly directed to the real interests of the
region concerned, because they themselves In attempt of development or moral,
know best about their interests and needs . political, and bioethical philosophy, auto-
nomy is one of the capacity to make and in-
Article 1 of Law Number 32 of 2004
formed, un-coerced of about decision. Au-
concerning Regional Government states that
tonomous organizations and institutions are
regional autonomy is the right, authority, and
independent or self-governing. Autonomy
obligation of autonomous regions to regula-
can also be defined as the human resource
te and manage their own government affairs
perspective and is granted to the employee
and the interests of the local community in
in his or her work (Tsakyrakis, 2009; Weis,
accordance with the laws and regulations
2017). In such cases, autonomy is also kno-
(Arifin et al., 2018; Lukman, 2008; Sarman
wn to bring about the sense of job satisfaction
& Taufik, 2012). An autonomous region,
among employees. The autonomy is a term
hereinafter referred to as a region, is a legal
that is also widely used and in the field of
community unit that has regional boundaries
medicine. As a matter of fact, the personal
which are authorized to regulate and manage
autonomy is greatly recognized and valued
government affairs and the interests of the lo-
cal community according to their own initia- in the health care.
tives based on the aspirations of the people The determination of self-determinati-
in the Unitary State of the Republic of Indo- on that can be found in ancient Greek phi-
nesia. Such a policy of regional autonomy is losophy is the idea of ​​self-mastery. For both
a state policy that underlies the organization Plato and Aristotle itself, the most important
and management of regional government. part of the soul is the rational part, which is il-
This means that all government policies and lustrated by Plato himself rather than a lion or
activities as well as development policies and a lot of head, which in his own description is
activities in the regions are carried out in ac- about the tripartite soul in the Republic. Only
cordance with the policy directions stipulated for the soul, for Plato himself, it is one of the
in the country’s policies. The implementation most natural parts of the world. Aristotle also
of regional autonomy is of course not merely once identified a rational part of the soul that
discussing the mechanism of how to translate was truly personal in Nicomachean Ethics
policy objectives into routine procedures and (Kaasa & Vadi, 2010). Plato and Aristotle are
techniques, but rather than that, involving also partners who are ideal for humanity with
various factors ranging from resource factors, independence and lack of dependence on
relations between organizational units, bure- others. For Aristotle himself, a self-sufficiency,
aucratic levels to political groups. certain that and an autarkis, is an important element of
might not approve the policy that has been happiness, and this has involved a lack of
set. In this context, Grindle says that Attempts dependence on external conditions for hap-
to explain this divergence have led to the rea- piness. The best human being who will be-
lization that implementation, even when suc- come a human being will be ruled by reason
cessful, involves far more than a mechanical itself, and it is not dependent on others to
translation of goals into routine procedures; get happiness itself (Setiawan & Sudharto,
it involves fundamental questions about con- 2007). This ideal will also continue through
flict, decision making, and who gets what in philosophical philosophy and it can be seen
a society Thus, the success or failure of policy in an early modern philosophy of Spinoza.
implementation can be evaluated from the This concept of autonomy and emphasis on


Pandecta. Volume 15. Number 2. December 2020 Page 432-358

individual reasons. Rousseau’s own ideas nal autonomy became, and remains, one of
about moral freedom, also as self-control, are the most important keywords characterizing
connected with civil liberties and the ability the post-Soerharto era (Aminuddin, 2017;
to participate in legislation. Mietzner, 2018).
Kant has also developed the idea of​​ Characteristics
moral autonomy as an authority for a person’s Since the issuance of Law No. 22 of
actions. Instead of establishing the principles 2009 and then revised with Law No. 32 of
through which he has made the decisions 2004, until this moment regional autonomy
that have been determined by political lea- has been implemented in the Indonesian go-
ders, clergy, or society, Kant himself has been vernment. Within the period of issuance of
called upon to guide his principles for him- the law, there were also many regions which
self, thereby linking the idea of self-govern-
​​ were divided. If we refer to Terminology Re-
ment with morality; instead of obeying the gional Autonomy can be interpreted as the
existence of externally imposed laws, people freedom of regional governments to play a
also must obey the existence of their own law role in determining goals, policies and making
that has been forced. The first one he calls development decisions in the regions based
a heteronomy; last autonomy. In his essay on the needs of the local community. Gran-
‘What is Enlightenment’, he has described an ting authority on the basis of the principle of
enlightenment as “the appearance of a hu- decentralization, causing all fields are left to
man being from a minority that has arisen on local governments in the implementation of
its own” and also asks him to have the coura- regional autonomy basically become the aut-
ge to be able to use their own understanding hority and responsibility of local government
“without direction from others” it is close to and county governments fully, both concer-
what we might admit today as personal auto- ning the determination of policy, planning,
nomy, but our account lies only in its moral implementation, monitoring, control, and
philosophy. In acting, we are also guided by evaluation (Mujtaba, 2015; Kagami, 2005).
maxims, which we have chosen to obey. If In line with that the Regional Autonomy Ter-
these principles can be universal, such things minology is a regional autonomy or decent-
will certainly be useful to be rational, and ralization in the context of the relationship
thus not rooted in only the experience of cer- between regional autonomy and the deve-
tain contingents, then they may also obtain lopment of regional government authority is
an objective legal status of morality. Every important to develop because only regional
moral agent, then, must definitely be seen as government authorities can guarantee that
a lawyer in a community where other people autonomy is implemented based on the loca-
are also lawyers in their own right, and will lity of a region. In essence the essence of the
be respected as an end in themselves; Kant Terminology of Regional Autonomy is how
also once referred to this community as a local governments can build their regions in
destination kingdom (Kant, 2019a, 2019b). accordance with the characteristics of their
The history of regional government in respective regions. If we look at the charac-
the Indonesian republic is not short-lived. teristics of each region, we are referring to
more than half a century this local govern- the specificity of an area. Until this moment,
ment institution has filled the nation’s jour- in the context of regional autonomy which is
ney. there are at least seven stages up to the truly applied specifically in accordance with
current form of regional government. Each the characteristics of the region, only regions
period of regional government has different affected by the Special Autonomy Law or
forms and arrangements based on general Privileges such as Aceh, DKI Jakarta, DI Yo-
rules stipulated by the law (Sarman & Taufik, gyakarta, and Papua. Among other things, the
2012). The collapse of Soeharto’s New Order aim is to specialize in this area so that deve-
Regime led to vast socio-political changes in lopment in this area is more optimal in accor-
Indonesia, and the political slogan of regio- dance with the distinctive characteristics of

Rodiyah et al, Local Autonomy and Federalism: How Indonesia Deal With Democracy in The Global Governance?

these regions. But actually, there is a wrong more equitable, a review of the islands with
perspective that has been carried out by the an geographical landscape is needed. From
central government in the context of regio- the problem above, it can be concluded that
nal autonomy. Not a regional problem given the island region will experience problems if
the specificity mentioned above, but this is its development uses land insight (continental
a matter of regional autonomy for the archi- oriented). Meanwhile, just look at island are-
pelago. Not also the issue of political writers as that tend to consist of separate islands, this
say such things, but errors in the implemen- causes that in the span of control the imple-
tation of regional autonomy are generalizing mentation of government tends to be diffi-
all methods of regional development with in- cult if it starts from the insight of the land. In
sight into the land (Brian, 2014; Kahn, 2017). addition, the prospect of the island’s econo-
During this time, the development of mic development cannot be generalized to
regions with marine and island geographical the economic development of the mainland.
tend to fail. That the failure was caused by Coupled with the pattern of the development
several factors, including: first, maritime po- of the spatial plan of the islands or the sea,
licy has not touched on strategic aspects that it should be considered the characteristics of
are able to bind and cover marine economic the development of the spatial plan of the is-
instruments, such as the fisheries, mining, lands (Mutereko & Chitakunye, 2015). This
and offshore energy sectors, marine tourism, prevents the isolated areas of the islands from
sea transportation and ports and resources being isolated in an island-characterized pro-
humans in the sea. Second, maritime poli- vince. Therefore, a question arises: is it pos-
cy does not become a political umbrella for sible to carry out special autonomy for the
maritime economic development, so insti- archipelago, for example the Province of Ke-
tutions involved in the maritime sector will pulauan Riau which is a province that has a
also experience disorientation. Third, there marine geographical and consists of separate
is a massive backwash effect that places the islands and also borders with Singapore and
fisheries special maritime sector as a draina- Malaysia. Another example is North Maluku
ge or waste sector. This tendency affects the Province, which is also an archipelago.
level of sectoral leakage (sectoral leakages)
which actually makes the maritime sectors 4. Practical Analysis of Federalism
dwarf and marginal. And fourth, the State Federalism has been applied in Indo-
Budget and Expenditure (APBN) factor which nesia in the range of December 27, 1949 to
is expected to be a channel of prosperity August 17, 1950. During this period the gui-
fairly, still seems difficult to realize becau- deline was the Constitution of the Republic of
se the State Budget is continental oriented. Indonesia in 1949. Based on the constitution,
Thus, placing the maritime sector including our country is a union or federation with 15
islands (maritime) -based provinces and small states. The Republic of Indonesia United Sta-
islands marginalized in the distribution of de- tes is a federation as a result of the agreement
velopment facilities and infrastructure. From of three parties in the Round Table Conferen-
some of the problems described above, it ce: Republic of Indonesia, BFO, and the Net-
is clear that the implementation of regional herlands. The agreement was also witnessed
autonomy has been carried out based on by the United Nations Commission for Indo-
land insights (continental oriented), while the nesia (UNCI) as a UN representative (Howe,
geographical regions of the islands have be- 2016). The federalism that was used in this
come marginalized and uneven in the deve- republic was not in accordance with the spi-
lopment process. One solution is to change rit and spirit of the Indonesian people. The
the mind set of regional autonomy that in the Indonesian people realized that the form of a
context of optimal regional development in union state applied at that time was a tactic
accordance with the characteristics of each and an attempt by the Dutch to divide the
region, with the intention that development, Indonesian state. Indonesia is an archipela-
service and empowerment in the regions are go that has a very high degree of population


Pandecta. Volume 15. Number 2. December 2020 Page 432-358

heterogeneity (Hendratno, 2009; Jati, 2016). state will require workers who are a kind of
This is one of the main reasons Indonesia Civil Servants, but at the regional level. The
uses the concept of a unitary state where the number of regional civil servants that will be
government that governs the course of the needed will be at least more than five fold of
state in general is the central government. civil servants that have been used at this time.
Furthermore, decentralization and regional Civil servants who have been used in the area
autonomy will later make the regions issue will continue to function as at this time. Besi-
the potential they have each. des them the Regional Civil Servants will fun-
The choice of the form of a unitary ction in the interests of their respective states.
and republican state was motivated by the In terms of population, the form of a fe-
social and political situation that occurred deral state also has many advantages. When
at that time. The failure of the federation’s the Republic of Indonesia was born, the po-
government system, the Republic of Indone- pulation was only around 65 million. Now
sia United in 1949 which made the people the island of Java alone has exceeded that
more aggressively called for the existence of number. We chose the form of a unitary state
a unitary state. The form of government that in 1945 because the struggle for the form was
prevailed in this period was the republic. The very harmonious; perfect for that time. The
characteristics of the republic were imple- concentration of power and power requires
mented during the election of Ir. Soekarno as such a state. Now, where the Indonesian po-
President of the Republic of Indonesia Uni- pulation is close to 250 million, the form of
ted States (RIS) and Drs. Moh. Hatta as Prime the central government is in fact no longer in
Minister. The government system adopted in accordance with the needs of its people. The
this period was a quasi-parliamentary parlia- President of the Republic of Indonesia as the
mentary system (quasi parliamentary), with Chief Executive of a country that has almost
the following characteristics. The appoint- 250 million residents will not be able to over-
ment of the prime minister is carried out by come every problem faced by its population.
the President, not by the parliament as is In terms of regionalism, federal state
usual. The power of the prime minister is still benefits also exist. Questions about customa-
being handled by the President. This can be ry law and regional languages, for example,
seen in the provision that the President and can be considered more deeply. Since Indo-
the ministers together constitute the govern- nesian Independence in 1945, or perhaps
ment. The President should only be the head since the Indonesian Oath of 1928, regional
of state, while the head of government is held languages and cultural identities have been
by the Prime Minister. very degenerate. For the sake of national uni-
The formation of a cabinet is carried ty, regional civilization is placed in the rear
out by the President not by parliament. The korsi, so that many regional cultures almost
cabinet’s responsibility is to the House of disappear because of it. Even though in the
Representatives (DPR), but must go through Sumpah Pemuda we all agreed for the unity
a government decision (Geissel et al., 2016; of the nation and state to prioritize the Nati-
Larry, 2000). Parliament does not have a clo- on, Language and Country of Indonesia, the
se relationship with the government so that Oath did not require the disappearance of
the DPR does not have a major influence on ethnicity or regional culture. Without regio-
the government. The DPR cannot use a moti- nal cultures, the slogan of Unity in Diversity
on of no confidence in the cabinet. The Pre- will not mean anything at all.
sident of RIS has a dual position, namely as
Negative Impact
head of state and head of government.
As a result of the birth of a federal sta-
Positive Impact te, first, that we know that the Republic of
The form of a federal state will over- Indonesia itself has become a RIS country
come the problem of employment. In terms (so that there is no more independent sta-
of labor, we can see that these parts of the te), secondly, the struggle itself is increasing

Rodiyah et al, Local Autonomy and Federalism: How Indonesia Deal With Democracy in The Global Governance?

among those who have opposed the federal Masjumi, PSII, the Labor Party and Parkindo
state (Intan, 2006), and the three contradic- it turned out they had to budge. And in the
tions of the Jakarta federal government itself end the unitary state has been agreed upon
and the republican government as well. The as the first choice with several requirements,
occurrence of conflict among unitarist groups such as the first, namely the enforcement of
consisting of progressive revolutionary groups democracy is more useful to reduce dissatis-
that are anti-cooperation with representa- faction in various regions, to fight injustice,
tives of the conservative federal themselves and avoid unbalanced centralization, and as
who have worked together with foreign ca- much as possible the autonomy broad. Third,
pitalists, where this conflict has occurred in the debate in the form of discourse from the
all parts of Indonesia. The occurrence of a federal state was addressed when the New
merger between several countries and state Order failed to accommodate the needs of
units that entered the Indonesian republic the people in the outer regions of Indonesia.
which lasted until May 1950, and finally, the But this kind of debate, according to Abdul
disintegration of all regions in Indonesia itself. Haris Nasution is similar to what was stated at
Failure the hearing at the Constituent Assembly mee-
ting (Taran & Chirag, 2008). Problems such as
There are two reasons for the failure of
excessive centralization of power, economic
the 17 states that were proposed by Abdul
inequality between regions, and the existen-
Haris Nasution that the first Indonesian had
ce of various kinds of injustices, are always
felt betrayed by the Dutch Governor General
heard in every debate of the Board members.
Van Mook, because of the establishment of
One thing that really needs attention is the
a miniature state outside the federation na-
existence of communal lifestyle problems
mely Pasundan, Central Java, East Java, Ma-
that have arisen as a result of federalism,
dura , West Sumatra, South Sumatra, Riau,
where there will be anti-foreign sentiments
Bangka, Belitung, outside the agreement
that will lead to rejection of the entry of outsi-
between the Indonesian and Dutch govern-
ders who are not from certain regions. Abdul
ments themselves, and the two writings from
Haris Nasution also argued that this kind of
Dr. Anak Agung Gede Agung, a leading figu-
concern if it happened would lead to social
re from the Eastern region of Indonesia, has
and political chaos.
contained about three and a half years of
implementation of federalism in the Eastern 5. Practical Analysis of Regional Au-
part of Indonesia which apparently failed to tonomy in Indonesia
produce satisfactory results. Third, there was
a debate that arose in the Constituent As- The Challenge of Regional Autonomy
sembly between 1956 and 1959. This very Regional autonomy in Indonesia,
sharp debate emerged in 1957 when all po- which has been running for nearly 15 years
litical forces and parties from various politi- since January 1, 2001, has not succeeded in
cal ideologies had expressed their opinions achieving its goal of accelerating the welfa-
on the country’s own system. The sentiment re of society. The purpose of regional auto-
that arises that Van Mook is still very warm nomy has not been successful in improving
to debate, and although there are also some the welfare of society due to various factors
parts of the federal system that are accepted such as the inability of local governments in
by supporters of the unitary state itself. Ho- managing finances and the budget fraud. The
wever, however, the Constituent Assembly unsuccessful implementation of regional au-
again failed to achieve agreement, with large tonomy, particularly ineffectiveness in local
parties such as PNI, PKI, and others such as government budget allocations, related to
Murba, IPKI, GPPS involved in heated deba- the opportunistic behavior of politicians and
tes to break the theoretical argument for the local government officials. On the expenditu-
existence of a federal state. From the parties re side, the effectiveness of the budget used
supporting the idea of ​​a federal state such as for public interest is still low. The public spen-


Pandecta. Volume 15. Number 2. December 2020 Page 432-358

ding which not optimal lead to economic ac- central government, provincial government,
tivities that add value to the welfare of society and government district / city. Right now bu-
does not function properly. In addition, ca- siness the government handled the same.
pital expenditure is only capable of creating Therefore, it needs to be mutually exclusive
an exclusive and low quality economic deve- locus and focus on government affairs which
lopment variables such as regional autonomy, are the authority of provinces, districts and
capital expenditures, and economic growth cities that are mutually huddled together.
with the welfare of society (Rudy & Baldric, This situation has resulted in the emergen-
2015; Bannink & Ossewaarde, 2012). ce of duplication or neglect of handling and
In theory, the implementation of regio- even throwing responsibility at each other if
nal autonomy has the opportunity to build the matter has implications for spending mo-
or even weaken regional development. This ney, but if the business is making money the-
is because Decentralization and democra- re is a struggle for handling it. This is evident
cy will make the state apparatus more open in cases of natural disasters and procurement
and accountable, becoming more responsive of infrastructure (Surtikanti, 2013).
to regional needs and aspirations. And it is The implementation of regional auto-
intended that the government be closer to nomy has to face the fact that districts in Indo-
the community through empowerment of nesia have different situation (Irdam, 2011).
regional & provincial governments, DPRD, Many local governments have extremely li-
and local communities, and intended so that mited financial resources and are dependent
the use of public funds is more effective and on allocations from the central government in
efficient in line with regional development Indonesia. Limited administrative, technical
needs itself and improve the quality of public and management capacities of regional and
service provision. But on the other hand, re- local governments are a major obstacle to
gional autonomy will actually weaken regio- the successful implementation of decentrali-
nal development. There are allegations that zed coastal management in both countries.
there is a general or predictable relationship While local and regional government officials
between government decentralization and have gained a broad range of new responsi-
development policies whose pro-poor out- bilities with decentralization, they have rare-
comes or poverty reduction are clearly mis- ly received appropriate training to implement
sing out on convincing evidence. Decentrali- transparent, responsible, integrated resource
zation itself is not always improve efficiency, management (Wever et al., 2012).
equality, effectiveness in the health sector.
Instead, it can increase inequality, weaken Special Autonomy
regional commitment to priority health issues Giving different autonomy to one regi-
and reduce the efficiency and effectiveness of on or region from several regions is a practi-
service delivery (Aizirman, 2012; Purniawati ce of administering governance that is quite
et al., 2020). The implementation of regional common in experience of political regulati-
autonomy seems simple. However, it actually on in many countries. This experience goes
contains quite a complicated understanding, well inside the form of a unitary state that is
because it contains the meaning of democra- decentralized, as well as in the format of a
tization, empowering the community, and at federative arrangement. In the fields of poli-
the same time making the people prosperous tical science and government, this pattern of
with justice (Fatkhul, 2014; Aji et al., 2020). unequal arrangements is called as asymmet-
The division of government affairs between rical decentralization, asymmetrical devoluti-
the Government, Provincial Government and on or asymmetrical federalist, or in a man-
Regency/City Government is the most crucial ner general asymmetrical intergovernmental
problem in implementation of regional auto- arrangements. In principle, various forms of
nomy. Until now, the division of functions was dissemination the asymmetrical power above
still incomplete and left a gray area that often is one of the policy instruments intended to
triggered disharmony relations between the overcome the two fundamental things facing

Rodiyah et al, Local Autonomy and Federalism: How Indonesia Deal With Democracy in The Global Governance?

a country, namely problems patterned poli- rity, which is perceived to be theirs by threats
tics, including those that stem from unique- of secession from Indonesia. The situation is
ness and cultural differences; and problems certainly very unfortunate both, not only the
technocratic-managerial pattern, namely the central government does not have a good
limited capacity of an area or a region in car- reason, but also because of independence is-
rying out the basic functions of government sue became a political commodity in the pro-
(Ane, 2014). cess of bargaining for power (Kesuma, 2016).
The implementation of special auto- For several reasons, the system of regional
nomy can also have a positive impact on In- autonomy cannot be implemented uniform-
donesia such as in education (Sumule, 2003). ly in all regions in Indonesia. The province
Special autonomy in education is a great bles- of Aceh has obtained greater autonomy as
sing for the Papua people. They expect that the agreement with central government for
Special autonomy funds allocated for edu- the conflict resolution (Hasan & Siti, 2014).
cation will elevate their living. The populati- Law No. 18 of 2001 on Special Autonomy
on of the research, however, perceived that for Aceh Province was enacted on 9 August,
such wishes and expectations did not match 2001. This special autonomy was granted in
with the reality. It is assumed that there had order to address the political, economic and
been mismanagement of the funds. The data culture grievances of the Acehnese peop-
were collected from government employee, le which has been going on for a long time.
NGO officers the target population, and ot- The law transferred a unprecedented level
her resources by observation, in-depth inter- of power and resources from the central go-
views, and library reviews. The results show to vernment to the province. It also gave Aceh
public that local government officials lack of a greater share of income from its natural
capacity in handling the funds and there had resources, allowed more freedom to manage
internal affairs, and gave the authorities the
been poor budget management as indicated
ability to remake the local government in line
from four management functions planning,
with local context and provide authority on
executing, reporting, and monitoring of edu-
religious matters (McGibbon, 2004).
cational funds which were not implemented
appropriately and effectively. A concept as The Criticism of Regional Autonomy in
asset of law and regulation that shapes Spe- Indonesia
cial Autonomy fund management of Papua Regional autonomy is the delegation
Province is needed by the people. Therefore, of authority from the central government to
an integrated mechanism of building comp- regional governments to develop their re-
liance and control system of educational gions in accordance with the potential of
funds management is necessary to reach the their respective regions. This is done because
Value for Money (effectiveness, efficiency, Indonesia is an archipelago so it is difficult
and economics) of existing education budget. for the central government to reach every re-
But the implementation of special autonomy gion. Even though it has a positive impact,
in Papua also has disadvantages. In general, the implementation of regional autonomy
there are indications that central government also opens up space for local governments to
limits the authority of provincial government corruption. Most of these criticisms concern
in Papua on the basis of concerns about pub- the budget and physical form that is conside-
lic demands for independence from Papuan red not suitable and not fair (Achmad, 2001;
(Sumule, 2003). Richard & Vedi, 2013).
In other words, the central government Compared to the central government
is still reluctant to give full authority to the level, the anti-corruption instruments avai-
provincial government in Papua for reasons lable to monitor local politics are far less
of disintegration. On the other hand, the sophisticated, especially in the more remo-
provincial government and the institutions of te areas of Indonesia (Dirk, 2015). Although
government in Papua try to draw the autho- decentralization has, at least to some extent,


Pandecta. Volume 15. Number 2. December 2020 Page 432-358

enhanced both electoral and societal accoun- mally. Supervision and monitoring of imple-
tability, corruption is still a deeply rooted part mentation is still lacking, so there are many
of local government as the parliaments and problems that arise are not handled early.
executive offices of the reform era remain Here is the importance of exploring how the
dominated by a ‘pool of former officials, actual implementation of regional autonomy
party apparatchik, as well as business figures policies is understood by implementers at the
and gangsters, many of whom had helped to district level and how the implementation of
exercise authority at the local level on behalf regional autonomy policies can be under-
of the old authoritarian regime’ (Kahn, 2017; stood and felt by community (Utang, 2006;
Arifin & Putri, 2019). Challenging these ent- Ahmad, 2011).
renched networks and their corrupt practices
at the local government has been extreme- 6. Conclusion
ly difficult, because here, in contrast to the From Indonesia’s short experience of
central government, the virtual absence of undergoing a federal state system, it can be
internal control mechanisms is exacerbated concluded that our federal system has not
by absence of supervision from the central been optimally adopted. Unfortunately, the
government. Dutch political intervention at that time was
Regional financial management must still strong so that the Indonesian people were
entrusted to staff who have high integri- already “allergic” to federalism. RIS must fail,
ty and honesty, so that opportunities for without being given the opportunity to live
corruption can be minimized (Ika, 2013). longer. The debate that arises now regarding
The problems that often arise in the imple- the federal state system by including senti-
mentation of regional autonomy are ments will divide Indonesia’s unity, especially
the dominant role of the Center in determi- if it includes the obsolete “romanticism” of
ning development priorities (top down) in the the past that will divide the Dutch colonia-
regions, and less involving stakeholders and lists into politics, can the authors say that the
must submit to various directives in the form reasons are obsolete and not proportional.
of implementation instructions and technical
To be honest, we don’t need to be af-
referrals from the center government (Sur-
tikanti, 2013). Since the enactment of the raid of adopting a federal system because
Law on Regional Autonomy package, many indeed we have halfway succeeded in imple-
people often talk about the positive aspects. menting decentralization and deconcentrati-
Indeed, there is no denying that regional au- on which is fair between the center and the
tonomy has brought positive changes in the local. And again, in essence there is not yet
regions in terms of regional authority to re- a strong federal state (the United States, Ger-
gulate themselves. This authority is a dream many and Malaysia) whose central govern-
because a centralized system of government ment is not dominant, as is the case with the
tends to place the region as a less important central government in unitary countries like
or peripheral actor of development. In the Indonesia. This will break the argument that
past, dredging the potential of the region to if a federation is formed, the central govern-
the center continued to be carried out un- ment will lose teeth ’in maintaining national
der the pretext of equitable development. political stability. Euphoria freed itself as a
Instead of benefiting from development, the result of the implementation of the federal
area just experienced an extraordinary pro- system, it would find its irrelevance, becau-
cess of impoverishment. With this authority, se at that time the regions had to think hard
it seems that many regions are optimistic that about their readiness to betray the consensus
they will be able to change the unfavorable with other regions to form a federation. That
conditions (Amrizal et al., 2015; Faisal, 2016). is, the task of the central government is to
During its journey the regional autonomy po- provide support for the independence of the
licy has not been fully implemented. Before local government, not to frighten it with the
it is implemented it is not carried out opti- threat of disintegration. This means that the

Rodiyah et al, Local Autonomy and Federalism: How Indonesia Deal With Democracy in The Global Governance?

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