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Torres 1

Braelyn N. Torres


Dr. Sharity Nelson

21 November 2023

Rhetorical Analysis Paper

In the Journal of Environmental Science and Health there’s an elaborate study about

“Concentrations, Seasonal Trends, Sources, Health Risk and Sub–Chronic Toxicity to The

Respiratory and Immune System of PAHs in PM 2.5 in Xi'an”. Written by author Xian-Ni,

Wang, et al. Made for the purpose of proving that there are toxins in the air that affect the human

immune system and can cause issues later on in life.The article published on February 9th, 2022

is meant for researchers and practitioners of the study of lungs. This article was effective in

convincing the audience it is reliable in sharing this information.

The pollutants in the air have been proven to be toxic to human health. Within the article

it names why these pollutants affect human health so drastically within a long time of being

exposed. “Numerous epidemiological investigations have found that increases in asthma,

cardiovascular, respiratory, lung cancer and other diseases are associated with air pollution.

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Citation It has also been found that long-term exposure to PM2.5 increases morbidity and

mortality in people.” This investigation discovered that these are the main effects of the

pollutants in the air to the human body after being exposed for long periods of time. The harm to

humans that these pollutants have caused have taken lives and continue to. Which is a big

concern for the authors conducting the investigation. This proved to make the article effective in

making the audience concerned as well, making the audience understand the argument of the

article. If the audience wishes they may also look at the charts and data of the investigation
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within the article this easy access to the findings helps the audience realize that the authors have

thoroughly looked into this topic and know what they are mentioning is true.

The authors of this article refer to the pollutant as PM2.5, which absorbs other toxins

known as PAHs that are in the air making it more hazardous to breathe. These toxins make the

pollutants more potent to human health. “PM2.5 can absorb many toxic compounds, such as

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PAHs, polychlorinated biphenyls, and so on. Citation Among these toxic and hazardous

substances, PAHs are of great concern. PAHs are widespread environmental pollutants formed

by incomplete combustion of coal, tobacco, or other organic matter.” In the article it states that

organic matter is a big part of the toxic air that damages the lungs. The toxins known as PAHs

enhance the pollutants’ danger to human health. They show a great amount of damage done to

the human immune system. This is a major issue in today's polluted air. The study helps with

knowing how these toxins can be detrimental to the human population. Without clean air to

breath the immune system starts to deconstruct itself. This is fatal for the human body.

The study was thorough and precise in order to confirm their argument. The author of this

article published the process of the study conducted as well. “Sixteen priority PAHs were

extracted by Soxhlet extraction method. The filter membrane was placed in the Soxhlet extract

and concentrated three times after 5 mL of hexane was added. Prepared samples were stored

under refrigeration at 4 °C and analyzed within 30 days. Finally, they were analyzed and

quantified with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) etc .” This section taken from

the article itself demonstrates ethos and logos by describing how the study was conducted. It

also details the toxins found in the environment, and exactly how they can be harmful. Perfectly

explaining how the investigation was conducted and what the results were further convinces the
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audience that what is being said is crucial to understand and makes it know why it is important to

the argument.

In the article there is data, sources, and results proving the claim of there being pollutants

and toxins in the air that are harmful to the human immune system which can be a form of pathos

and logos. With the evidence, conducted study and list of facts about these pollutants it is

definite that this article is effective in giving their argument and convincing the audience how the

air is contaminated. The authors of the article did a wonderful job getting their information

across and backing it up with hard proof evidence from other sources as well as a study

performed by the authors themselves. Using the information described in the article allows

readers to acknowledge what is in the air that is inhaled every day, acknowledging what pollutes

the air can help with refraining from using products that release the toxins. With reading the

article one can assume that what is being stated is confidable when wondering if the toxins in the

air may affect the lungs and how they may affect the immune system. It is recommended that the

audience refrain from using products that release harmful chemicals into the atmosphere and

begin living a healthier life.

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Work Cited

Wang, Xian-Ni, et al. “Concentrations, Seasonal Trends, sources, Health Risk and sub–Chronic

Toxicity to The Respiratory and Immune System of PAHs in PM 2.5 in Xi'an.” Journal of

Environmental Science and Health, Vol.58 (4), 2023, Taylor & Francis Online, p.276-283.

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