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Vol. 32 No.

1 January/February 2010 59

Lead-Time Reduction Utilizing Lean Tools

Applied to Healthcare: The Inpatient
Pharmacy at a Local Hospital
Omar Al-Araidah, Amer Momani, Mohammad Khasawneh, Mohammed Momani

Lean manufacturing principles, introduced by Abstract: The healthcare arena, much like the manufacturing in-
the Japanese automotive industry, namely the dustry, benefits from many aspects of the Toyota lean principles.
Toyota production system, are being applied Lean thinking contributes to reducing or eliminating nonvalue-
successfully in manufacturing as well as service added time, money, and energy in healthcare. In this paper, we
arenas. Utilizing lean tools, improvement ideas apply selected principles of lean management aiming at reducing
are pursued and implemented in a systematic the wasted time associated with drug dispensing at an inpatient
manner. Lean thinking drives out wastes so pharmacy at a local hospital. Thorough investigation of the drug
that performed work adds value and serves in- dispensing process revealed unnecessary complexities that
tended needs. In assessing improvement contribute to delays in delivering medications to patients. We
opportunities, it should be noticed that prob- utilize DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze, Improve, Control) and 5S
lems might result from people doing their job (Sort, Set-in-order, Shine, Standardize, Sustain) principles to
incorrectly or from incorrect work procedures. identify and reduce wastes that contribute to increasing the lead-
Lean methods are relatively low cost tools that time in healthcare operations at the pharmacy understudy. The
help companies reduce costs, increase quality, results obtained from the study revealed potential savings of
and enhance timely delivery of services (Kra- 445% in the drug dispensing cycle time.
jewski, Ritzman, & Malhorta, 2007). By
eliminating or reducing waste, lean focuses improve quality of care and cut down operat- Keywords
on value-added activities as perceived by cus- ing expenses. Consequently, savings can be uti- Quality of healthcare
tomers. In healthcare, lean aims to improve lized to invest in medical care technologies that lean thinking
care by eliminating waste activities that under- further help improve customer satisfaction. DMAIC
mine efficient treatments. Moreover, lean This confirms the growing need to eliminate 5S
enhances the quality of care by reducing de- wastes, optimize procedures, and improve reli-
lays and waiting for care, and by speeding up ability and efficiency. Lean principles have
processes such as the delivery of drugs to the been successfully adapted to the healthcare
patient. While these may lead to cost savings, environment enabling hospitals and clinics to
profit must not be the primal goal in health- streamline their operations and to focus on
care; efforts should be oriented toward value as perceived by their patients. Many
improving the quality of care. healthcare organizations have sought the sup-
The lean thinking process begins with iden- port of lean manufacturing to improve their
tifying value-added and nonvalue-added steps efficiency. Examples include Virginia Mason
in a process. To this end, a process can be im- Medical Center, ThedaCare Inc., The Clear-
proved by eliminating unnecessary steps, view Cancer Institute, Mayo clinic Division of
combining steps, reordering steps, simplifying Cardiovascular Diseases, WestCare Heath Sys-
procedures, or improving the reliability of the tem, Midwestern Regional Medical Center,
process (Meyers & Stewart, 2002). Unlike many Hotel-Dieu Grace Hospital, Western Pennsyl-
production and service processes, unreliable vania Hospital, and University of Pittsburgh
healthcare can be lethal and results in serious Medical Center. These and more examples and
consequences for the health organization. studies can be accessed through the URLs of
Eliminating, combining, or simplifying steps, American Society for Quality, U.S. National Li-
on the other hand, reduces the cycle time of brary of Medicine (PubMed), Lean Enterprise
the process and hence enables physicians and Institute, and Healthcare Financial Manage-
nurses to spend more time caring for patients. ment Association referenced below.
As a result, this may improve the quality of Recent investigations show that significant
healthcare and reduce costs that make it more accomplishments have been reported in
affordable to many. healthcare environment worldwide using lean Journal for Healthcare Quality
Public and publicly-owned healthcare en- process tools. Van Lent, Wineke, Goedbloed, Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 59–66
& 2010 National Association for
terprises are largely experiencing efforts to and Van Harten (2009) applied a lean thinking Healthcare Quality
60 Journal for Healthcare Quality

approach for a hospital-based chemotherapy nonvalue-added activities. In this section, we

day unit. The method improved process design present a DMAIC (Define, Measure, Analyze,
and led to increased efficiency and more timely Improve, Control) based procedure for identi-
delivery of care. Bisgaard and Does (2009) fying and reducing wastes that contribute to
provided an example of the application of increasing lead time in healthcare operations.
Lean Six Sigma to healthcare. They investi- Moreover, we utilize 5S (Sort, Set-in-order,
gated reducing the length of stay of patients Shine, Standardize, Sustain) principles in iden-
with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. tifying, tagging, and eliminating nonvalue-
Obtained results illustrate the possibilities of added activities.
improving quality while at the same time re- DMAIC is a systematic Six Sigma quality
ducing cost. Dickson, Singh, Cheung, Wyatt, improvement procedure developed based on
and Nugent (2009) used lean manufacturing methodologies for improvements proposed
techniques in the emergency department (ED) by Deming, Juran, and Crosby (Evans & Lind-
in an effort to enhance patient and staff satis- say, 2005). The define phase of DMAIC
faction. The implementation followed a six- focuses on identifying project critical to qual-
step process of lean education, ED observation, ity (CTQ), defining the process map, and
patient flow analysis, process redesign, and new developing team charter. The measure phase
process testing. Results showed a slight de- concentrates on defining performance stan-
crease in length of stay and a significant dards for CTQs, collecting data, and verifying
increase in patient satisfaction without raising the adequacy of the measurement system to
the cost per patient. Other studies focused on measuring the selected CTQ. The analyze
improving efficiency (Arbos, 2002), developing phase focuses on identifying the gap between
and using quality indicators (Lloyd, 2004), and the performance of the current process and
reducing medical errors (Raab, Andrew-Ja, the required performance, investigating vari-
Condel, & Dabbs, 2006). Promising outcomes ation sources, and identifying root causes.
of such studies encourage interest from the The improve phase of DMAIC focuses on
healthcare sector. Various opportunities exist generating ideas for removing or solving the
to deploy lean in healthcare including reducing problem. The control phase concentrates on
waiting time and delays, reducing redundant ensuring that key variables remain within ac-
walking, reducing paperwork, and speeding up ceptable limits under the modified process.
communications. Improvement efforts would in- This may include establishing new standards
clude health delivery processes and associated and procedures, training the workforce, and
supporting procedures. instituting control measures to ensure sus-
In this article, we present a multistep procedure tainability. On the other hand, the 5S meth-
for identifying and investigating improvement odology is based on clearing and cleaning the
opportunities in the healthcare organization. workplace from unwanted items. Moreover,
We focus on time-intense activities that largely the process fixes locations for necessary
contribute to increasing the lead time of the pro- equipment and tools in the workplace. Pro-
cess. Moreover, such activities require extensive cedures for performing sorting, organizing,
human efforts with low or no added value. By and shining are then standardized and sus-
eliminating waste activities, human efforts are tained by management and employees. In this
redirected toward value-added operations. The article, we propose a five-phase procedure for
rest of the article is organized as follows: The next identifying and eliminating nonvalue-added
section discusses lead-time reduction techniques steps in a process based on DMAIC method-
and tools. The following section introduces a ology. The proposed procedure is subdivided
lead-time reduction case study performed at the into five phases including data collection,
inpatient pharmacy at a local hospital. The final analysis of current state, improvement, anal-
section presents lessons learned from the study ysis of future state, and validation and
and introduces concluding remarks. implementation of results.
In the data collection phase, efforts are on
Lead-Time Reduction documenting details of the process under in-
Lead time is the total time required to com- vestigation. To this end, the process is
plete one unit of a product or a service. subdivided into activities and information
Therefore, lead-time reduction focuses on about each activity is documented. The activ-
eliminating wastes in time that result from ities are then categorized into value-added,
Vol. 32 No. 1 January/February 2010 61

nonvalue-added, and support activities. An ac- hances flexibility and ensures the contiguity
tivity without which the process cannot be of work. Preventive actions performed in the
completed is considered a value-added activity. workplace avoid unexpected malfunctions/
Moreover, no outcome is achievable from the mistakes. The control of activity outcomes as-
process if a value-added activity is eliminated. sure customer satisfaction by reducing errors
On the other hand, eliminating a nonvalue- and rework, and by minimizing the time
added activity does not affect the outcome of needed to perform the activity. Moreover, time
the process. Support activities do not add value and effort are further optimized using tech-
to the process but at the same time, the process nology, especially information technology.
cannot be completed without them. Such ac- Examples of the use of information technol-
tivities are required to connect value-added ogy in healthcare is electronic medical records
activities (transportation), assure that a value- that ease access to patient records by medical
added activity never starves (waiting lines/in- and administration personnel throughout the
ventory), and assures the quality of output of a medical organization.
value-added activity (inspection). Although The various improvement opportunities are
supporting processes are vital for the contigu- evaluated in the future state analysis and im-
ity of the process and the quality of the plementation phases. One may select among
outcome, customers are not willing to pay for the many opportunities based on ease of
such activities. If long times are spent at sup- implementation, cost of implementation, ex-
port processes, then such times are considered pected savings in effort and/or time, expected
waste. losses, or any combinations of these objectives.
In phase two, the time required to perform An improvement plan is then documented and
each activity is measured and documented. Us- validated with management before applying
ing a Gantt chart, activities are represented in improvements. Customers are re-approached
sequence along the timeline where a box with a for evaluating the process after the implemen-
width equal to the time required to perform an tation of the improvement plan. Standardizing
activity represent that activity. Moreover, one work procedures and communicating them
can use Pareto chart to identify the 20% of the to employees is a vital step that assures the
activities that contribute to 80% of the cycle holding of gains. Furthermore and to ensure
time of the process. These activities are to be sustainability, efforts must include monitoring
considered foremost during the improvement and auditing of procedures on continuous
phase. bases. Table 1 summarizes details of the pro-
To improve an activity, we walk through de- posed phases.
tails about why the activity is performed, when
it is performed, where it is performed, and who
is performing it. To this end, Brainstorming Model Assessment
and the 5 Whys are very useful tools for an- In this section, we apply the proposed model to
swering these questions. Results obtained from the drug dispensing process from the inpatient
this investigation help us decide whether to pharmacy at a local hospital. The inpatient
eliminate the activity, combine it to another pharmacy consists of 10 pharmacies including
activity, or simplify the way it is performed. For the main pharmacy (IPS), the chemotherapy
pure nonvalue-added activities, this study pharmacy, and eight satellite pharmacies lo-
should favor the elimination of such activities. cated on the third–sixth and the ninth–twelfth
For support and value-added activities, various floors of the hospital. Initial investigation of the
solutions may be proposed based on the nature process shows that the average cycle time of the
of the way the activity is performed and the process exceeds 2.5 hr. In this study, we aim at
recourses used in performing that activity. Ex- simplifying the process and reducing the cycle
amples of improvements include relocating time without jeopardizing the quality of the
successive value-added activities close to each dispensing process. Moreover, the improve-
other to cut down on transportation; this saves ment process must be at low or no added cost
effort and time of employees and/or custom- to the hospital.
ers. Assuring the availability of materials and
equipment at the workplace reduces waiting Data Collection
time for customers and assures utilization of The process of dispensing the medication from
employees. Cross-training of employees en- the inpatient pharmacy is rather complicated
62 Journal for Healthcare Quality

Table 1. A Lean-Based Procedure for Lead-Time Reduction

Work Activities Tools
Data collection
1. Select a process.  Project selection criteria
2. List and document all the activities required to complete the process.  Problem statement
3. Identify value-added, support, and nonvalue-added activities.  Brainstorming
4. Consult internal and external customers of the process.  VOC (voice of the customer)
Current state analysis
1. Measure the time required to perform each activity.  Time study
2. Collect information about the few activities that contribute to the  Gantt chart
largest percentage of time in the work cycle.  Pareto charts
3. Document losses and gains.
For each activity under investigation, ask the following questions and  Brainstorming
act consequently  5 Whys
1. Can we eliminate this activity?  Relocation/layout
2. If not, can we combine it to another activity?  Prevention
3. If not, can we simplify the way it is performed?  Cross-training of employees
 Use of technology
 Setup time reduction
 Increasing reliability
Future state analysis
Using results from the improvement phase  Flowcharts
1. Document the remaining activities.  Time study
2. Compute savings.  Gantt chart
3. Document losses and gains.  Losses and gains chart
4. Develop an improvement plan.
Implementation and control
1. Validate improvements and results with management.  VOC
2. If approved, apply improvements.  Work sampling
3. Consult customers for after implementation consequences.  Statistical process control
4. Develop written work guidelines.
5. Train employees on new procedures.
6. Develop monitoring and audit procedures.
7. Repeat the improvement process.

and time consuming. Moreover, the process of patients (sample size). For each ward, the
has plenty of paperwork and many check times required for performing each activity in
points. This complexity results in large delays Table 2 are measured and documented. Table
in the delivery process that may be fatal to 3 illustrates activity times and the average time
patients. In addition to on-time delivery, the to complete a medication dispensing process.
quantity of the medication must be correct The cycle time for a ward equals the summa-
because under-dosage and over-dosage might tion of times required to complete all activities
be life threatening to patient. Internal and for all patients
P in that ward (Cycle time for
external customers agree that the process is ward i ¼ time to perform activity j, for all
lengthy and has many inspection activities. activities

After medications are prescribed by physicians, j activities performed on ward i). The average
the drug dispensing process consists of the cycle time equals
activities detailed in Table 2. ðnumber of patients in ward  cycle time of wardÞ
Current State Analysis Total number of patients
Sixteen wards utilize the satellite pharmacy of From Tables 2 and 3, note that the process is
the fourth floor. The wards exist on various rather complicated and includes different time-
wings of the floor and have different numbers consuming inspection points. Moreover, many
Vol. 32 No. 1 January/February 2010 63

Table 2. Activities Performed During the Drug Dispensing Process

Location of Personnel Involved Value; No
Activity Description Activity in Activity Value; Support
1 For each patient in the medical Satellite Satellite pharmacist Value-added
ward, information about each pharmacy
drug in the medical record is
typed to the computer utilizing
the special form. This infor-
mation includes drug name,
strength (100 mg, 200 mg,
etc.), the route of administra-
tion (IV, IM, etc.), and
duration (1 day, 2 days, etc.)
2 A copy of prepared prescription Satellite Satellite pharmacist Support
sheet is printed for each pharmacy
3 On each prescription sheet, the Satellite Satellite pharmacist Value-added
quantity for each drug is hand pharmacy and head nurse
written to place in the sheet
4 Transportation of prescription Between floors Satellite pharmacist Support
sheets to IPS
5 For each sheet, drug doses and IPS Satellite pharmacist Support
quantities are verified with the and IPS pharmacist
IPS pharmacist. Drug
information is typed into the
6 For each patient, labels are IPS IPS pharmacist Value-added
manually prepared for each
7 Preparing medications for all IPS IPS pharmacist Value-added
patients in the ward
8 Medications are received and IPS Satellite pharmacist Support
checked by the satellite and IPS pharmacist
pharmacy pharmacist
9 Transportation of prescription Between floors Satellite pharmacist Support
sheets to satellite pharmacy
10 Medications are received and Satellite Satellite pharmacist Support
checked by the head nurse at pharmacy and head nurse
the level.

activities are manually performed and others process takes valuable efforts from many staff
are redundant ones. members.
It is worth noting that the time consumed by
activities 1 (data entry at satellite pharmacy), 5
(data verification and re-entry at IPS), 6 Improvement Suggestions
(label preparation at IPS), and 7 (drug prep- The drug dispensing process can be largely
aration at IPS) contribute to 460% of the simplified using information technology. It
cycle time. Moreover, redundant data entries is worth mentioning that computers at the
of the same information are performed at various levels of the hospital are connected
the satellite pharmacy (activity 1) and at IPS through a network of fiber optics. Utilizing
(activity 5). Four inspection activities of drug computers, medical software already in use,
quantities (activities 3, 5, 8, and 10) are per- and networking, various activities can be elim-
formed at various locations and include inated or simplified and hence save time and
different personnel. In addition to consuming effort. Explanations of suggested improve-
440% of the total cycle time, the inspection ments follow:
64 Journal for Healthcare Quality

Table 3. Time (minutes) per Activity and Cycle Time (minutes) for the Drug
Dispensing Process at the Satellite Pharmacy of the Fourth Floor
# of Cycle
Ward Patients 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Time
4C 17 20 3 5 15 22 20 30 11 12 12 150
20 20 3 7 13 30 22 36 13 10 15 169
20 17 4 8 16 36 24 35 12 13 13 178
21 20 4 9 17 40 21 32 14 14 10 181
4B 21 19 4 9 15 33 18 33 13 12 13 169
20 21 3 8 16 15 20 28 12 14 13 150
21 17 3 9 10 28 21 20 11 9 14 142
18 17 3 8 13 45 17 25 11 12 13 164
PICU 6 15 3 6 10 13 10 15 10 19 10 111
5 8 2 5 12 55 8 9 8 13 8 128
2 12 2 4 7 20 7 10 6 11 9 88
4 10 2 3 9 23 9 13 8 15 7 99
GICU 11 16 4 9 7 30 15 35 14 11 18 159
10 19 5 8 9 22 16 40 15 10 21 165
10 20 3 9 5 40 14 25 16 7 20 159
11 22 3 10 7 25 17 27 18 11 18 158
Average time 18.36 3.38 7.91 12.60 30.58 18.56 28.87 12.58 11.83 13.76
per activity
Average cycle time 158.43

 Activities 2 (printing records) and 3 (man- of a label printing setup that includes a
ual documentation of drug quantities): word template, label paper, and a printer.
These activities only contribute to assuring This assures that label preparation can
that drug quantities are correctly docu- be performed in a fraction of the original
mented. Note that combining activity 1 activity time.
(data entry of drug information excluding  Activity 7 (drug preparation): This is the
drug quantities) and activity 3 eliminates most value-added activity that can be
the need for activity 2, adds little time to speeded up through the practice and study
activity 1, and eliminates the time needed of the medication order picking process.
to perform activity 3. This requires the For the purpose of this study, we assume
presence of the head nurse at the satellite that the process is optimal.
pharmacy for parts of the data entry pro-  Activity 8 (receiving and checking medica-
cess. Note that this combination saves tions at IPS): This activity is vital and hence
valuable times for both the nurse and the will be unchanged.
pharmacist.  Activity 9 (transporting drugs to the floor):
 Activity 4 (transporting drug sheets to IPS): This activity is vital and hence will be un-
This process can be eliminated as drug changed.
sheets are communicated to IPS using in-  Activity 10 (receiving and checking medi-
formation technology. This saves time for cations at satellite pharmacy): The activity
the satellite pharmacy pharmacist. is redundant to activity 8 and hence can be
 Activity 5 (verification of drug information eliminated.
and re-entry of data): The activity is redun-
dant to activity 1 and hence can be Future State Analysis
eliminated. Remember, verified drug in- We eliminate activities 2, 3, 4, 5, and 10 and
formation is digitally transferred to IPS speed up activity 6 such that the process will
using computer network. take approximately 5 min for any ward. More-
 Activity 6 (manual preparation of drug over, we increase the time for performing
labels): This process is vital and can only activity 1 by 5 min per ward. Table 4 illustrates
be simplified. To do so, we suggest the use activities and times for the modified drug dis-
Vol. 32 No. 1 January/February 2010 65

Table 4. Time (minutes) Per Activity and Cycle Time (minutes) for the Drug
Dispensing Process After Improvement

Ward # of Patients 1 6 7 8 9 Cycle Time

4C 17 25 5 30 11 12 83
20 25 5 36 13 10 89
20 22 5 35 12 13 87
21 25 5 32 14 14 90
4B 21 24 5 33 13 12 87
20 26 5 28 12 14 85
21 22 5 20 11 9 67
18 22 5 25 11 12 75
PICU 6 20 5 15 10 19 69
5 13 5 9 8 13 48
2 17 5 10 6 11 49
4 15 5 13 8 15 56
GICU 11 21 5 35 14 11 86
10 24 5 40 15 10 94
10 25 5 25 16 7 78
11 27 5 27 18 11 88
Average time per 23.36 5 28.87 12.58 11.83
Average cycle time 81.64

pensing process. Note that the average cycle Acknowledgments

time is reduced from 158 to 82 min, which is a The authors express appreciation for the re-
time savings of 76 min, or 448% of the original viewers’ suggestions leading to improvements
cycle time. in this article.

American Society for Quality, Quality in Healthcare,
Concluding Remarks Retrieved March 20, 2009, from
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successful applications in service organizations ficiency service by lean production principles:
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thinking. Lean tools focus on eliminating Bisgaard, S., & Does, R. (2009). Quality quandaries: Health
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processes with the focus on lead-time reduc- Healthcare Financial Management Association (HFMA),
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tion. Moreover, we offer alternative tools for
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procedure. The procedure is validated through tions management: processes and value chains (8th ed.).
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obtained from the study show potential savings using indicators (1st ed.). Sudbury, MA: Jones and Bart-
of 448% in the cycle time. lett Publishers.
66 Journal for Healthcare Quality

Meyers, F. E., & Stewart, J. R. (2002). Motion and time study for and Technology. He received his PhD in Industrial Engi-
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U.S. National Library of Medicine, PubMed, Lean case Mohammad Khasawneh is an Associate Professor in
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pean Journal of Cancer, 45, 800–806. His research has an interdisciplinary emphasis that
links human factors in manufacturing, quality, and
Authors’ Biographies Mohammed Momani works at the quality assurance de-
Omar Al-Araidah is an Assistant Professor in the Indus- partment at Shifa Pharmaceutical Industries, Aleppo,
trial Engineering Department at Jordan University of Syria. He worked at the in-patient pharmacy at King
Science and Technology. He received his PhD in Decision Abdullah University Hospital, Jordan, at the time of the
Sciences and Engineering Systems from Rensselaer Poly- study. He received his MSc in Pharmaceutical Technology
technic Institute, New York, in 2005. His research from Jordan University of Science and Technology, Jordan,
emphasizes links between the multidisciplinary areas of in 2006.
Industrial Engineering.
Amer Momani is an Assistant Professor in the Industrial For more information on this article, contact Omar
Engineering Department at Jordan University of Science Al-Araidah at

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