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(Required an EIS/EPRMP per Existing Guidelines)

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Date Submitted for Screening: ____________________________________________

Form of Submission: ___ Hard ___ Digital
Project Title:__________________________________________________________________________________
Project Location: ______________________________________________________________________________
Project Proponent: ____________________________________________________________________________
Authorized Representative: _____________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Contact No: _______________ Fax No: ___________________ Contact Person: ___________________________
EIS Consultant: _______________________________________________________________________________
Address: ____________________________________________________________________________________
Contact No: _______________ Fax No: ___________________ Contact Person: ___________________________
Project Category & Type (based on Annex A of MC 2014-005 Guildelines):___________________________________________________
Project Size (use parameter in Annex A of MC 2014-005 Guildelines): ________________________________________________________

Project Status
__ New Project
__ Existing Year of Establishment: _____

With Previous ECC? (Please check) __Yes __No

If with Previous ECC, Date/s of Issuance and Reference Code/s: (List in chronological order)

Date/s of Issuance: Reference Code/s:

____________________ ______________________
____________________ ______________________

Date of Technical Scoping: ________________________________________________

Venue of Technical Scoping: ______________________________________________

Table 1. Checklist of Documentary Requirements

Boxes and blanks in the first column are to be filled-up during scoping and the rest, upon submission of EIS for screening
Screening Officers’ Remarks
Yes No
Check required EIA Report
 Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)
 Environmental Performance Report and
Management Plan (EPRMP)
(include photographs or plates of project site,
impact/affected areas and communities and land-use
plan showing compatibility of the proposed project)

Proof of Authority over the Project Site

 TCT  Lease Agreement
 Others: ___________________

Accountability Statements of Preparers & Proponent

(see Annexes 2-21 & 2-22 of Revised Procedural
Manual for DAO 2003-30)

Duly Accomplished Project Environmental Monitoring

& Audit Prioritization Scheme (PEMAPS)
Questionnaire (see Annex 2-7d of Revised Procedural
Manual for DAO 2003-30)

For EPRMP, Copy of previous ECC

For EPRMP, Proof of compliance in the submission of

monitoring reports

Please refer to attached checklist of EIS/EPRMP Contents
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(Required an EIS/EPRMP per Existing Guidelines)

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ACTION TAKEN: (Please check to indicate corresponding action taken)

 Document accepted; please submit copies
 Document not accepted


___________________________ _________________________
Screening Officer Section/Division Chief

EMB Regional Office

Screening Office Date:

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Table 2. EIS/EPRMP Annotated Outline

Sections /
Content Page # Acceptable? REMARKS

Executive Summary (maximum of 10 pages)

Project Fact Sheet Summary of Project Description
(For EPRMP, Include comparative matrix of the existing
project components vis-à-vis the proposed changes)
Process Documentation of the process undertaken in the
Documentation conduct of EIA (EIA Team, EIA Study Schedule &
Area, description of key EIA Methodology including
sampling and measurement plan, scoping and Public
EIA Summary  Summary of alternatives considered in terms of siting,
technology selection/operation processes and design
 Concise integrated summary of the main impacts and
residual effects after applying mitigation
 Risks and uncertainties relating to the findings and
implications for decision making
1. Project Description
Include as an introduction, basic information about the project and project proponent
1.1. Project Location a) Map showing sitio, barangay, municipality, province,
and Area region boundaries, vicinity, proposed buffers
surrounding the area and Primary & secondary
For EPRMP, impact areas
should be in the b) Geographic coordinates (shape file data) of project
context of the area (use WGS 84 datum - GPS setting)
modification/ c) Describe the vicinity and the accessibility of the
changes project site/area

1.2. Project  Cite and focus on the need for the project based on
Rationale national and regional/local economic development in
terms of contribution to sustainable development
For EPRMP, agenda or current development thrusts.
discussions  Describe the justification for the Project with
should be in the particular reference made to the economic and
context of social benefits, including employment and associate
proposed economic development, which the project may
modifications/ provide. The status of the project should be
changes discussed in a regional and national context.
1.3. Project a) Cite criteria used in determining options for facility
Alternatives siting, development design, process/technology
selection, resource utilization and discuss how the
For EPRMP, decisions on the preferred options were made.
discussions Siting: Alternative project locations including factors
should be in the significant to the selection such as perception of
context of
affected communities with regards to project, ancestral
modifications/ domain issues, land classification, etc. Discuss other
changes options on the siting of major components of the project
within the project area.
General Building Design: Alternative designs including
factors significant to the selection such as construction
cost, design for energy and water conservation/efficient
use, design for waste management, design considering
climate and geologic hazards and managing p
emergency events.
Resources: Alternative sources of power, water and
other resources needed including factors significant to
the selection such as supply sustainability and climate
change projections

Likewise contextualize the determination of preliminary

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Sections /
Content Page # Acceptable? REMARKS
options in terms of project site factors significant to the
selection such as supply sustainability and susceptibility
• Liquefaction, Ground Shaking, Ground Rupture,
Earthquake induced Landslides Volcanic eruptions,
tsunami (PHIVOLCS )
• Rain-induced landslide and flooding (MGB)
• Storm surge, and flooding as well as extreme
climatologic conditions (PAGASA)
b.) Summarize and discuss comparison of
environmental impacts of each alternative for facility
siting, development design, process/technology
selection, resource utilization
c)Discuss the onsequences of not proceeding with the
project or no project option
1.4. Project a)General layout of facilities;
Components b)Maps showing in particular, the location and
boundaries of project area, location and footprint of the
For EPRMP, building/s, parking areas, open spaces, and support
discussions facilities and amenities.
should be in the
b)Identification of major components (eg. commercial
context of
units, office units, residential units, amenities, parking,
open/common spaces, storage facilities, helipad, etc.)
changes) c) Identification and description of support facilities (eg.
For EPRMP, construction workers’ temporary quarters and
delineate sanitation facilities, power generating facility, water
boundaries of storage, waste storage, Guard house, Air Handling
current project Unit (AHU), fire protection system, safety
area and devices/emergency facilities and alarm system, etc.)
proposed and infrastructure requirements (sewerage, drainage,
expansion area, accessibility, telecommunications, power supply, water
if any supply)
d)Identification and description of Pollution control
devices (eg. sewage treatment plant [STP], grease
trap, Material Recovery Facilities [MRF]), collection,
temporary storage, recycling, sorting, etc.
1.5. Project Size Total No. of Buildings (for multiple building projects)

For EPRMP, Total and Gross project areas (total floor area, parking,
include open spaces, landscaped areas, parks, and other
discussion/comp areas) in sqm. or hectares
arison of
existing and
proposed Total number of storeys/floors/levels
modifications or
1.6. Development Phases to be described in terms identifying specific
Plan, activities (w/ special attention on those with significant
Description of environmental impacts as well as climate change
Project Phases adaptation options relevant to the project and project
and activities) and corresponding projected implementation
Corresponding timeframes:
Timeframes  Pre-construction (e.g. planning, acquisition of rights
to use land, etc.) including demolition as part of site
 Construction (e.g. land/site clearing, temporary
housing, transport of materials, health and other
services for the workforce) including mobilization and
demobilization by contractor/s
 Operation (projected period of building operations,
include discussion of STP operations/maintenance,
sludge management, handling and disposal of
domestic waste, maintenance of drainage system,

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Sections /
Content Page # Acceptable? REMARKS
power and water supply and storage, and
telecommunication system)

 Abandonment
- projected life building and alternatives for the future
use of the project area after life of the building
(should be consistent with long term zoning and
land use development plan of the municipality);
- Abandonment Plan (general) to include building
demolition/clearing and management plan for the
projected cumulative/long term project impacts
1.7. Manpower Tabulate the following per project phase (pre-
construction, construction, operation and maintenance):
 manpower requirements;
 expertise/skills needed;
 nature & estimated number of jobs available for
men, women, and indigenous peoples (if sited in IP
ancestral land);
 scheme for sourcing locally from host and
neighboring LGUs
1.8. Project Cost Indicative Project Investment Cost (Philippine Peso)

2. Assessment of Environmental Impacts

See Table 3 for the list of key environmental impacts which shall be
subjected to assessment. The assessment shall done using the prescribed
approach/method and in relation to the corresponding baseline
characterization in the primary and secondary impact areas (as determined
using the Guidelines in Annex 2-2 of the Revised Procedural Manual (RPM) for DAO
2003-30 or succeeding issuances). Likewise, the assessment should be done
for the various phases of development (i.e. pre-construction, construction
and operation) and should consider climate change projections and disaster
risks based on existing natural hazard information. For all maps, include
overlays of project area footprint, show sensitive/critical receptors and
sampling points for baseline data (indicate geographical coordinates). In
conclusion, the residual and cumulative impacts shall be assessed.

For EPRMP, the result of the proponent’s monitoring shall be used as

baseline. The assessment of environmental impacts of proposed
modification shall be discussed in relation to the actual impacts of existing
buildings which shall be presented from a summary of the results of
compliance monitoring (in matrix and graphical form) as described in 6.1. .

3. Environmental Management Plan

Appropriate mitigation/management measures should be specified for each

of the identified key impacts (Table 3). Appropriate climate change
adaptation and disaster risk reduction measures/options shall likewise be
thoroughly discussed. The impact management plan should be summarized
using at the minimum, the format in Annex 2-17 of RPM for DAO 2003-30

For EPRMP, the proposed impact management plan to be discussed shall

consider review of performance of existing project. Also include change in
adaptation measures / options, land restoration, proper dismantling of
existing buidlings, if any.
4. Emergency Response Policy and Guidelines

Emergency Preparedness policy and generic guidelines for

consistent with the relevant regulatory requirements and considering
climate change, geologic and other natural hazards.

For EPRMP, discuss status of implementation Emergency Response Policy

and Guidelines and any proposed changes. Discuss past incidences where
the policy/guidelines was operationalized.

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See Table 4 for details

5. Social Development Plan/Framework (SDP) and IEC Framework

For EPRMP, discussion should focus on the status of implementation of SDP and IEC commitments. Discuss adjustments that
should be undertaken
5.1 Social Community development or livelihood
Development programs/activities, projected beneficiaries, partner
Program (SDP) institutions, timeframe of implementation as well as
source and amount allotted per activity/component
(See Annex 2-18 of RPM for DAO 2003-30)
5.2 Information and Target sector, key messages,
Education Campaign scheme/strategy/methods, Information medium,
(IEC) timelines and frequency, cost (See Annex 2-19 of RPM
for DAO 2003-30)
6. Environmental Compliance Monitoring

6.1 Environmental  Discuss compliance to ECC conditions and

Performance performance against the originally approved
(for EPRMP Environmental Management and Monitoring Plan
6.2.Self-Monitoring The monitoring plan shall be summarized using Annex
Plan 2-20 of RPM for DAO 2003-30 or succeeding issuances
as template.

For EPRMP, the original and proposed

additional/changes in the monitoring plan shall be
7. Institutional Plan for EMP Implementation

Discuss the organizational scheme of the proponent including line of

command and reporting procedures as well as manpower complement and
relationships with other operating departments.

For EPRMP, discuss status of implementation and any proposed changes

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(Required an EIS/EPRMP Per Existing Guidelines)

Table 3. Key Environmental Impacts to be included in the Assessment and Formulation of Management and Monitoring Plan to be reflected in the EIS/EPRMP
During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if  for completeness during procedural screening; page numbers
any) on the blanks/spaces provided should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Baseline Data Parameter Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Plan Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Conditions Analysis Plan
Requirements Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page  Page  Page  Page 
I. Land
1.1 Land Use and Classification
1.1.1 Impact on compatibility Description & Map showing the project area Assessment of the compatibility of the
with existing land use in relation to existing land use. proposed project vis-a-vis actual land use
1.1.2 Impact on compatibility Identify ECA where the project is located or and the approved comprehensive land use
with classification as an near the project area. plan/zoning classification, ECA
Environmentally Critical Classification and/or the coastal resource
Area (ECA) Identify areas vulnerable/susceptible to management plan of the LGU if any.
natural hazards where the project is located
or near the project area (include map/s).
1.1.3 Impact on existing land Determine if the project area is under CARP Identify and assess impact in terms of land
tenure issues or with CADC / CADT / CALC/ CALT, with tenure issues in relation to project
IFMA/CBFMA, within COC, within MPSA or implementation
other tenurial instruments and identify
corresponding existing tenure issues
including presence of informal settlers.
1.1.4 Impairment of visual Visually significant landforms/ Identify and assess impact of the project on
aesthetics landscape/structures these visually significant
1.1.5 Devaluation of land value Existing solid waste management and Identify and assess impacts of the estimated

1 2 3 ___
as a result of improper solid related land management scheme in the generation of solid wastes and other related

waste management and other area issues on the existing management scheme
related impacts

1.2 Geology/Geomorphology
1.2.1Change in surface Slope and Elevation/Topographic Map; Identify and assess project impact in terms
landform/ topography/ of the changes in surface

terrain/slope landform/topography/terrain/slope including
existing hazard as maybe aggravated by

climate change as projected by PAGASA

1.2.2Change in sub-surface Regional/General Geological Map Identify and assess project impact in terms
geology of the changes in sub-surface geology and
Natural Hazard Map (sub surface) inducement of subsidence, liquefaction,
1.2.3Inducement of subsidence, Geological Map as needed.; hazard maps landslides, mud/debris flow to the
liquefaction, landslides, (NAMRIA, NDRRMC, MGB, PHIVOLCS, environment including the possibility of
mud / debris flow, etc. PAGASA) aggravating existing natural hazards

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During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if  for completeness during procedural screening; page numbers
any) on the blanks/spaces provided should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Baseline Data Parameter Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Plan Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Conditions Analysis Plan
Requirements Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page  Page  Page  Page 

Discuss and assess the impacts of geologic

hazards and planned earthworks on the
project facilities (e.g., landslides, mudflows,
subsidence, ground shaking from
earthquake, liquefaction, flooding, etc.).
Note in the discussion how climate change
can aggravate the hazards and impacts. The
geologic hazards map must consider the
hazards/exposure/vulnerability/ risk maps of
Section 1.1.2.
1.3 Pedology
1.3.1 Soil erosion / Loss of  Water and wind erodibility potential Describe capability of the land to
topsoil/overburden  Sediment sources, and accommodate the proposed development
 Riverbank (if any) stability with or without minimal soil
erosion/loss of topsoil/overburden
1.4 Terrestrial Ecology
1.4.1Vegetation removal and  Development plan showing existing land Identify and assess specific impacts of the
loss of habitat cover; location of observed important, project activities guided by the following:
endangered, and keystone species; 1. Habitat loss or degradation – Land
ecologically sensitive sites; planned land clearing, river damming, etc. will result in
development works the loss of habitat. Some activities may lead

1 2 3 ___
 Flora and fauna species inventory or to the alteration of habitat composition,
survey report to cover species listing, structure or function. Some habitats, e.g.,

abundance, richness, dominance, wetlands, are critical to ecological processes
diversity, evenness, ecological status, and or endangered species.

uses; 2. Habitat fragmentation – This is the break-
 Historical occurrences of pest infestation, up of the natural landscape into small

forest/grass fire and/or similar incidences patches isolated from one another. It affects
1.4.2Threat to existence and/or Summary of endemicity / conservation the number of species present, movement of
loss of important local status species, and transfer of materials among

species habitats.

1.4.3Threat to abundance,  Summary of abundance, frequency and 3. Loss of species – Of special interest are
frequency and distribution distribution the keystone, endangered, and endemic
of important species  Economic importance and uses of species.
significant flora and fauna 4. Pollution effects on species – The
stressors include dust, noise,chemical/
1.4.4 Hindrance to wildlife Survey map in relation to the project site
petrochemical spills, eroded sediment,
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any) on the blanks/spaces provided should be provided upon submission of the EIS
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List of Key Impacts Conditions Analysis Plan
Requirements Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page  Page  Page  Page 
increased temperature, etc.

Relate discussions to estimated GHG

emissions and possible carbon
sequestration program/s
2.1. Hydrology/Hydrogeology
2.1.1 Change in drainage Drainage map (also showing local drainage Identify and assess project impact on the
morphology / Inducement of system/infrastructures); historical change in drainage morphology/local
flooding/ Reduction in stream flooding/drought occurrences, stream flow drainage system and resulting effects of
volumetric flow measurements/estimates; Delineation of flooding pattern in the project area and
watershed /sub-watersheds/ floodplain; and surrounding. Include climate projections
identification of aquifers if any effects on flooding.

Relate discussions to item 3.1.1

2.1.2 Change in stream, lake Regional hydrogeological map Identify and assess project impact in terms
water depth of change in stream, lake water depth
2.1.3 Depletion of water Current / projected water use Identify and assess project impact on the
resources / competition in water (groundwater/surface water) in the area existing water resources and the resulting
use and adjacent areas competition in the water use using
analysis/estimation of water availability.
Inventory of water supply source including Include discussions taking into consideration

1 2 3 ___
springs and wells( indicate depth of water the PAGASA medium to long term

table) and show location in a map of projections
appropriate scale
2.2 Oceanography (applicable to projects with jetty/port and/or subsea structures that will change the bathymetry in the area)

2.2.1 Change/disruption in  Bathymetric survey and map Identify and assess project impact on the
circulation pattern  Measurement of water currents degree of change/disruption of circulation

 Analysis of available proximate tides pattern and the potential for coastal erosion
 Hydrodynamic modeling

Build a hydrodynamic model based on the

 Particle dispersion modeling and map measured bathymetry and currents and tidal
 Storm surge hazard, exposure, analysis and then validate the model. A
vulnerability, risk maps public domain software like the United
States Environmental Protection Agency
Environmental Fluid Dynamics Code
(EFDC) may be used. Through the
validated hydrodynamic model, assess the
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any) on the blanks/spaces provided should be provided upon submission of the EIS
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List of Key Impacts Conditions Analysis Plan
Requirements Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page  Page  Page  Page 
impacts of the project on water circulation,
littoral current, and coastal erosion and
deposition. Use the modeling results of Sec.
1.3.1 and 2.1.1. Discuss how the impacts
may be affected by climate change
especially sea level rise.
2.2.2 Change in bathymetry Bathymetric map; USLE / similar modeling when applicable

Use the hydrodynamic model to assess the

impacts of the bathymetric changes. Discuss
how the impacts may be affected by climate
change. Compare projected new bathymetry
as a result of the project with the existing
2.3 Water Quality
2.3.1Degradation of Physico-Chemical characterization of Identify and assess project impact in terms
groundwater quality water : of degradation of groundwater, coastal
surface water and coastal/marine water
 pH quality. Use DENR standard methods and
2.3.2 degradation of surface  BOD5 procedures for sampling and analysis.
water quality  Oil and grease
Assess impact on siltation of surface and
2.3.3 degradation of  TSS coastal/marine waters.
 Fecal/ total coliform

1 2 3 ___
coastal/marine water quality
Circulation / plume modeling for regular

 sampling site map discharges, leaks/spills, worst case scenario
of failure of WTF and other emergency/

accident scenarios for facilities with
structures in water bodies

Link discussion of spills with Section 1.3
especially if spills affect soil and


Aquifer (Groundwater) vulnerability
Assessment (i.e. discussions on
groundwater contamination due to project
Show in a map, sampling sites for

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any) on the blanks/spaces provided should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Baseline Data Parameter Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Plan Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Conditions Analysis Plan
Requirements Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page  Page  Page  Page 
monitoring purposes based on the above
2.4 Freshwater Ecology
2.4.1 Threat to existence and/or • Summary of endemicity / conservation Identify and assess project impact in terms
loss species of important status of threats to existence/and or loss of
local and habitat species, abundance frequency and
2.4.2Threat to abundance,
• Abundance of ecologically and
distribution species and include discussions
economically important species (fishes,
frequency and distribution on overall impact to freshwater ecology.
benthos, planktons);
of species
• Presence of pollution indicator species; Relate discussions to air and water
• sampling site map
Show in a map, sampling sites for
monitoring purposes based on the most
significant threats identified.
2.5 Marine Ecology (applicable if project involves activities, discharges and structure in marine waters)
2.5.1 Threat to existence and/or  Abundance/densities/distribution of Based on reliable secondary data for
loss of important local species ecologically and economically important baseline parameters, identify and assess
and habitat species (mangroves, fishes, benthos, project impact in terms of threats to
planktons, coral reefs, algae, seaweeds, existence, loss of important local species,
sea grasses); threat to abundance, frequency and
2.5.2 Threat to abundance,  Presence of pollution indicator species; distribution and include discussions on
frequency and distribution  Historical occurrences of red-tide, fish kill overall impact to marine ecology. Relate

1 2 3 ___
or any related event discussions to air, water and oceanography.
 marine resource map

In the absence of reliable secondary data,
use quadrat, transect, line intercept, spot

dive, manta tow, marine resource
characterization (e.g. municipal and

commercial fisheries data) for baseline


3.1 Air Quality (& Noise)
3.1.1 Degradation of air quality characterization of ambient air quality: Based on reliable secondary data for
 TSP baseline parameters, identify and assess
impact of the project especially during
 PM10 construction stage.
 SO2
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any) on the blanks/spaces provided should be provided upon submission of the EIS
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Requirements Methodology/Approach Remarks
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 NO2 Primary data shall be secured using DENR

(for sampling methods refer to Clean Air Act) standard methods and procedures if no
secondary data is available within 5km
 sampling site map radius of project site
3.1.2 Increase in ambient noise Characterization of ambient noise level Identify and assess impact of the building
level project on noise levels especially during
sampling site map construction by comparing it with relevant
4.1 Displacement of settler/s Demographic data of impact area: Identify and assess project impacts on
- Number of households and household demography of affected communities. Use
Displacement / disturbance size assessment in the formulation of SDP/IEC
of properties - Land area,
- Population, Assess availability of alternative public
Change/conflict in land - Population density /growth access and housing options for displaced
ownership - gender and age profile, settlers
- literacy rate, profile of educational
Change/conflict Right of attainment, For project with displacement/ disturbance
way of properties/settlers, change/conflict in land
settlements map ownership and change/conflict right of way,
formulate resettlement framework plan or
Census of population / property that will be RAP

1 2 3 ___
4.2 In-migration displaced / disturbed Identify and assess project impact due to in-

migration patterns including proliferation of
proliferation of informal settlers Housing ownership profile / availability of informal settlers
housing/ number of informal settlers

4.3 Cultural/Lifestyle change Demographic data on Indigenous People (if Identity and assess project impact in terms
(especially on Indigenous any) and existing Culture/Lifestyle that may of Culture/Lifestyle that may be affected

People, if there’s any) be significantly affected and/or introduced
4.4 Impacts on physical cultural Inventory and description of physical Identify all potential project impacts in an
resources cultural resources and landscapes that have integrated manner considering the type,

archaeologic, paleontologic, historical, significance, and value/importance of the
religious, aesthetic, or cultural significance: physical cultural resource/s
Movable or immovable objects, below
ground or under water, sites, structures, Identify risks in terms of capacity and
groups of structures, and natural features commitment in managing the impacts

Classify cultural interest value/ importance (protocols in handling chance finds shall be
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Baseline Data Parameter Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Plan Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Conditions Analysis Plan
Requirements Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page  Page  Page  Page 
into local, provincial, national, or implemented)
international level

Sources of information: UNESCO, National

Museum (NM), National Historical Commission of
the Philippines (NHCP), National Commission for
Culture and Arts (NCAA) and the Local
Government Units (LGUs) in the project area and
other UN or National Publications
4.5 Threat to delivery of basic Availability of public services in terms of: Identify and assess project impact in terms
services /resource competition Water supply of threats to delivery of basic services
- Power supply including potential for resource competition
- Communications /transportation in the area including effects of in-migration
- peace and order / crime
- education facilities
- recreational facilities / sports facilities

statistical data / information related to public

- literacy rate, profile of educational
- Crime rate
- Food security

1 2 3 ___
4.6 Threat to public health and Availability of public services in terms of: Identify and assess specific threats to public
safety health resources (Government and Private) health and safety due to project impacts

especially during construction stage Relate
Statistical data / information related to discussions to land, air and water (Item 1 to

public services: 3)
• Morbidity and mortality rates (infants and

adults - 5-year trend) Analysis of the impact of project
implementation on existing disease profile
• Common diseases in the area including including weather sensitive diseases and

endemic diseases;
impact aggravation as a result of climate

change as projected by PAGASA
Environmental Health and Sanitation Profile
4.7 Generation of Local Benefits
Socioeconomic data: Identify and assess local benefits of the
from the project  Main sources of Income project in terms of enhancement of
 Employment rate/ profile employment and livelihood opportunities,
Enhancement of  sources of livelihood increased business opportunities and
employment and  commercial establishments and associated economic activities and
Project Name: _______________________________ Page 13 of 15
(Required an EIS/EPRMP Per Existing Guidelines)

During scoping: Unless otherwise specified as agreed during scoping, all items listed are required. Write specific instructions ( if  for completeness during procedural screening; page numbers
any) on the blanks/spaces provided should be provided upon submission of the EIS
Baseline Data Parameter Required Assessment Baseline Impact Mgmt. Plan Monitoring
List of Key Impacts Conditions Analysis Plan
Requirements Methodology/Approach Remarks
Page  Page  Page  Page 
livelihood opportunities activities increased revenue of LGU
 banking and financial institutions
Increased business
opportunities and
associated economic

Increased revenue of
4.7 Traffic congestion Road network/ systems Identify and assess project impact on the
Existing Transportation/traffic situation traffic situation in the area including
congestion based on existing capacity of
road system

Table 4. Emergency Response Requirements

During scoping: Check () required/applicable items; items with  are automatically required; write specific instructions (if any) on ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page numbers
the blanks/spaces provided. should be provided upon submission of the EIS/EPRMP

Remarks/ Monitoring Plan
Type of Risks Specific Scoping REMARKS
For the identified safety risks in column 1
Instruction/s Page ✓ Page ✓

1 2 3 ___
Safety Risks Type:  Description of conditions, events and circumstances which

 Fire could be significant in bringing about identified safety risks
 Explosion  Description & assessment of the possible accident

 Release of toxic substances scenarios posing risk to the environment
 Description of the hazards, both immediate (acute effects)

and delayed (chronic effects) for man and the environment
posed by the release of toxic substance, as applicable

The safety policy and emergency preparedness guidelines

consistent with the regulatory requirements. Emergency
Preparedness should also consider natural hazards to the
infrastructures and facilities.

For EPRMP, present actual Emergency Response Policy,record

of drills and recorded events.

Project Name: _______________________________ Page 14 of 15

(Required an EIS/EPRMP Per Existing Guidelines)

During scoping: Check () required/applicable items; items with  are automatically required; write specific instructions (if any) on ✓ For completeness during procedural screening; page numbers
the blanks/spaces provided. should be provided upon submission of the EIS/EPRMP


Type of Risks Monitoring Plan REMARKS
For the identified safety risks in column 1 Specific Scoping
 Physical Risks  Description of conditions, events and “trigger” which could
(Failure of Structure w/c could be significant in bringing about identified physical risks
endanger life, property and/or
the environment)
 Description & assessment of the possible accident
scenarios posing risk to the environment
 Description of the hazards both immediate (acute effects)
and delayed (chronic effects) for man and the environment
posed by the failure of structure, as applicable

Noted By: Signature Signature

Review Committee Members EMB Representatives
1. 1.
2. 2.
4. Project Proponent:
6. Project Preparer/Consultant:
Resource Person

1 2 3 ___
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