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Course title: Academic Writing and Presentation Skills Course code: GEN 745 Assignment: CA1 (Presentation skill)

Faculty name: DR. Nupur Prasad (UID: 20362) Contact details:, 7888996323 Section: 8X231, Term ID: 123241

Objectives Task Instructions

To improve the You will have to present 10 1. It should be created over MS PowerPoint.
Presentation skills the research papers on different 2. Each slide should contain the following sections:
research scholars are broader topics. The topics  Paper title
required to identify an can be broad or specific  Author’s/Authors’ affiliation/s
area in which they will areas of research in your  Aim of the work
have to give a discipline. While deciding on  Methodology adopted by the author
presentation. the broader areas, the  Summary of results obtained
scholar is required to be  References
specific to his/her discipline. 3. Name of the journal with its Impact Factor (IF) and
Scimago Journal Ranking (SJR) value

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