Experiment 13 Software Engineering Rishit Toteja 2k20 Ee 217

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AIM - To develop a program to calculate maintenance metrics using different models.


Effective maintenance of equipment is a critical factor in delivering quality operations that

provide timely resources at a minimal cost. However, those in the maintenance field
understand that equipment reliability does not come easy. Some important maintenance
metrics one should track if they want to improve and optimize their maintenance operations
1. Planned maintenance percentage (PPC):
This metric represents the percentage of time spent on planned maintenance activities
against the unplanned. In simpler terms, this metric tells you how much maintenance
work done on a particular asset was a part of your preventive maintenance plan versus
how much time you’ve spent repairing it because it unexpectedly broke down.

In a great system, 90% of the maintenance should be planned.

The calculation is as follows:

PPC = (scheduled maintenance time/total maintenance hours) x 100

2. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE):

OEE is the measure of the productivity of a piece of equipment. It gives informed data
on how effective an organization's maintenance processes are running based on factors
like equipment quality, performance, and availability. A 100% OEE means that your
system is producing no defects, as fast as possible, and
with no stops in the production.
To calculate the OEE, you multiply the availability by the performance and quality:
OEE = availability x performance x quality

3. Preventive maintenance compliance (PMC):

PM compliance is defined as the percentage of the preventive work scheduled and
completed in a set time.


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
float smh, tmh, choice, ava, per, qual, dp, rep, op, fal, pws, pwc;
cout << "1.Planned maintenance percentage\n2.Overall Equipment
Effectiveness\n3.Preventive maintenance compliance\nChoose choice:\n";
cin >> choice;
if (choice == 1) {
cout << "Enter scheduled maintenance hours\n";
cin >> smh;
cout << "Enter total maintenance hours\n";
cin >> tmh;
cout << "Planned maintenance percentage = " << smh * 100 /
tmh << "%\n"; }
else if (choice == 2) {
cout << "Enter availabality,performance and quality\n";
cin >> ava >> per >> qual;
cout << "Overall Equipment Effectiveness = " << ava * per *
qual << endl; }
else if (choice == 3) {
cout << "Enter preventive work scheduled\n";
cin >> pws;
cout << "Enter preventive work completed\n";
cin >> pwc;
cout << "Preventive maintenance compliance = " << pwc * 100 /
pws << "%\n"; }
cout << "Wrong choice\n";
return 0;


1. Ensure that the code handles edge cases, such as invalid inputs, gracefully.
2. Properly format and comment your code for clarity and maintainability.
3. Validate the correctness of the program's logic for both triangle classification and
weekday calculation.

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