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1)An extension strategy

✔ Is developed to enhance the agricultural productivity
and production of smallholders.
✔is a strategy to guide, harmonize and implement
agricultural extension services to farmers, farmers'
groups, and other actors in agriculture value chains
throughout the country.An extension strategy is a
practice used to increase the market for farmers
✔ The effective strategy of agricultural extension to
improve the farmers’ participation in the program of
improving rice production was participatory counseling
by attempting to increase farmers’ capabilities through
intensive interaction with the counselor, provision of
relevant sources of agricultural information, doing
meaningful learning and learning by self-experiences.

An extension strategy is aims:-

✔ To sustain a market-led and pluralistic extension
system that improves the lives and livelihoods of
smallholder farmers, agro-pastoralists and pastoralists".
✔ to contribute to agricultural growth and poverty
reduction by installing pluralistic extension system,
ensuring transfer and adoption of improved
technologies and good practices.
✔ to contribute to the attainment of food security and
poverty reduction in the country and ensure better rural
2)Extension strategies components:
Vision, Mission, Goal, and Objective
✔ Vision:Modern agriculture integrated with the rest of
the economy and a wealthy society free from food
insecurity and poverty.
✔ Mission: Create modern, effective and efficient
agricultural extension system through enhanced
marketoriented, demand-driven and pluralistic extension
services to promote improved technologies, good
practices and methods which enable the society to
achieve food security and create wealth.
✔ Goal: Contribute significantly to the attainment of food
and nutrition security, poverty reduction and wealth
creation in the country through adoption and adaptation
of improved technologies by delivering marketoriented,
demand-driven and pluralistic extension services.
✔ Objective:To transform Ethiopia’s agriculture through
the implementation of pluralistic extension system by
providing demand-driven and market-oriented extension
services to male, female and youth farmers, pastoralists
and agro pastoralists.
3)Procedures of formulating agricultural extension
✔Polcymakers consultative workshop
✔ Development of a frame for assessing the practices
✔ Field assessment of innovative approaches
✔ Identification of Pillars key bottencks and
✔ Write-up of the strategy and validation
✔ Approval and implementation

4)criteria to select best extension strategy

As a guide in the selection of extension methods, useful
set of criteria to judge whether the method is well
chosen are:

1. Is the chosen method adapted to whether we wish to

change knowledge, skills, attitude, or behaviour?
2. Are the educational activities clearly specified so that
we know what the farmer will see, hear, discuss, and
carry out?

3. Are the different methods integrated in such a way

that they reinforce each other?

4. Does the planned time scale make it possible to carry

out all of these activities well?

5. When choosing learning activities, has the extensionist

adequately considered the needs, skills, and means of
the target group?
5) Ethiopian agricultural extension strategy during
monarchy:- development through import substitution
and industrialisation.
Policies were:
.Land was mainly owned by the state and the church

• Establishment of large commercial farms producing coffee, as means of

earning foreign currency

• Prioritised the development of non-agricultural industries

Ethiopian agricultural extension strategy during derg:

Centrally planned, industry-led development.
• Nationalisation of land and other productive assets

• Collectivisation of farms and promotion of villagisation programmes

• Mixed economic policies (1988-89). Distortion of markets through

price controls, and overvaluation of the Ethiopian birr

Ethiopian agricultural extension during EPRDF to

Home-grown, agricultural-led, export-oriented
development policies
.Land remains state owned
• Changed national development priority to agricultural
• Adoption of SAPs and export-oriented open economy

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