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Total: _____/33 points Name: …………………………………..

Class: …………….

Placement Test

1. Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box. (10 points)

bought, comes, studies, studied, meet,

is staying, went, been, was, come

1 My mother _______ in our house while we are on holiday.

2 Paul _______ French four times a week.

3 Anna _______ to the cinema last weekend.

4 My mother _______ from Poland.

5 My brothers _______ modern languages in Paris last year.

6 When I was ten, my parents _______ me a bicycle.

7 Has Simon ever_______ to England?

8 Where _______ your father born?

9 Who did you _______ last night?

10 Where does he _______ from?

2 Match the questions (1–8) with the answers (a–h). (7 points)

1 What’s this in English? a It’s his.

2 Who is your teacher? b A month ago.

3 Whose book is it? c Thirty-five pounds.

4 Where did you park? d The small blue one.

5 When did you go on holiday? e It’s 12 o’clock.

6 How much were your jeans? f Marie Evans.

7 Which bag is yours? g It’s a bicycle.

8 What’s the time, please? h Near the station.

1.…g… 2. … 3. …4. … 5. … 6. … 7. … 8. …
3. Match A with B. (9 points)

1. tell a. driver
2. spend b. work
3. hard c. abroad
4. say d. a bill
5. make e. money
6. take f. sorry
7. sore g. a joke
8. taxi h. throat
9. pay i. a photograph
10. go j. a promise

1. g 2. … 3. …4. … 5. … 6. … 7. … 8. … 9. … 10. …

4 Read the information. Write OS (Oxford Street), CM (Camden Market), or CS

(Carnaby Street). ( 7 points)

Carnaby Street was a famous London street in the 1960s when the Beatles were young and
Britain was the centre of pop and fashion. Unfortunately, it is now a place for tourists where
there isn’t much to buy except postcards and badly-made souvenirs.

Camden Market is in a fashionable area of north London. More than 9 million visitors go
there every year. The market is open all week but it is busiest at the weekends. If you don’t
mind being with lots of people, it’s great walking along the streets looking at the jewellery,
clothes, and antique stalls. There are lots of small specialist shops and stalls selling interesting
things from all over the world, so make sure you have lots of time to look around.

Oxford Street in central London is world-famous for its shops. However, not many tourists
find it very interesting: the shops near Marble Arch are large department stores selling mass-
produced things and at the other end of the street there are smaller shops selling cheap clothes
and electrical goods.

Which shopping area(s) ...

1 was fashionable about fifty years ago?_CS_

2 sells things for tourists?__

3 has big shops?__

4 is very busy on Saturday and Sunday? __

5 sells cheap clothes and CD players?__

6 sells more unusual things?__

7 is fashionable now?__

8 is the most crowded? __

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