Microorganism Between Twi Rotating Disks

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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

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Case Studies in Thermal Engineering

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Thermal effect on bioconvection flow of Sutterby nanofluid

between two rotating disks with motile microorganisms
Hassan Waqas a, *, Umar Farooq a, Taseer Muhammad b, c, Sajjad Hussain a,
Ilyas Khan d
Department of Mathematics, Government College University Faisalabad, Layyah Campus, 31200, Pakistan
Department of Mathematics, College of Sciences, King Khalid University, Abha, 61413, Saudi Arabia
Mathematical Modelling and Applied Computation Research Group (MMAC), Department of Mathematics, King Abdulaziz University, P. O. Box
80203, Jeddah, 21589, Saudi Arabia
Department of Mathematics, College of Science Al-Zulfi, Majmaah University, Al-Majmaah, 11952, Saudi Arabia


Keywords: The main objective of the recent article is to investigate the flow of Sutterby nanofluid with
Variable thermal conductivity applied magnetic field and convective boundary aspects referred to as two coaxially rotating
Bioconvection stretching disks. Nanofluids are a combination of simple fluids and small particles, the particles
Motile microorganisms
are evenly distributed in the base fluid and have impressive uses in thermal transport sources.
Sutterby nanofluid
Shooting technique
Nanofluids play a significant role in enhancing the heat transfer coefficient in fluids via the
Thermal radiation suspension of nanomaterials in the base fluids. This study is specific to involve non-Newtonian
base fluid namely the Sutterby model. In addition, non-uniform thermal conductivity, non-
linear thermal radiation, and bioconvection of motile microorganism’s characteristics are taken
into consideration. Bioconvection is a process in which the motion of motile microorganisms is
addressed which may be helpful to avoid the probable settling of nano entities. PDEs such as
momentum, boundary conditions, temperature, volume fraction, and motile microorganism
density are upgraded into a model of non-linear ordinary differential equations employing
appropriate similarity transformation. Transmuted dimensionless ODEs are tackled with shooting
techniques and outcomes of prominent physical parameters are attained with a built-in bvp4c
solver via MATLAB (Lobatto-IIIa) computational software. Inspirations of interesting physical
parameters against the velocity field, temperature field, the solutal field of species, and micro­
organisms’ profile are elaborated and briefly investigated numerically and graphically. The flow
speed becomes faster directly with mixed convection parameter but it retards against magnetic
field parameter and bioconvection Rayleigh number. The fluid temperature enhances in direct
response to the parameters of thermal conductivity, thermophoresis, temperature ratio, and Biot

1. Introduction

Nanofluid has demonstrated an immense capacity for heat transfer in various systems. There are a limited number of energy
gadgets wherever they are used. The usage of Nanofluid is beneficial in treatment with medical treatment, treatment planning,

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: syedhasanwaqas@hotmail.com (H. Waqas).

Received 7 April 2021; Received in revised form 1 June 2021; Accepted 5 June 2021
Available online 9 June 2021
2214-157X/© 2021 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

physiological status, artery activation, and surgery. The optimal storage of thermal energy and greater coefficients of convective
thermophysical characteristics are critical elements in the flow of nanofluid. Initially, basic fluids with moderate heat conductivity,
including water, oil, and heat transfer, were employed for thermal energy and heat transmission. With the progress of nanostructures,
Chinese researcher Choi et al. [1] suggested a novel fluid termed nanoliquid in 1995. They discovered that nanofluid had higher
conduction and heat transfer rate efficiency increases than simple or basic liquids employed in earlier studies. Buongiorno [2] utilized
this notion of Nanofluid to develop a mathematical form that might aid in the inspection and analysis of fluid and the concentrations of
base fluids. Ramzan et al. [3] elucidated the 3D nanofluid thin-film moving at a constant rate by thermal radiation and over the tilted
spinning disc. The Sutterby fluid flow induced by a rotating stretchable disc was investigated by Hayat et al. [4]. Faisal et al. [5]
investigated the possibility of Casson nanofluid magnetized flow in a bi-directional sheet. Irfan et al. [6] investigated the physical
properties of Carreau fluid with mass flow circumstances of nanomaterials. Carreau [7] has produced an effective connection that has
been employed with excitement to date and properly represents the characteristics of non-linear viscoelastic materials by analyzing
these limitations. Khan et al. [8] have created a new three-dimensional fluid structure for the development of
shear-thinning/thickening fluid expressions. Hashim [9] documented heat transport with several Carreau fluid natural research
studies. The classic Fourier term for the study of aspects of heat transport is strengthened by the implementation of time-based energy
relaxation analysis by Cattaneo [10]. Following that, Christov [11] introduced the outermost gap to describe the structural value of the
Cattaneo formula. Khan et al. [12] identified the feature of Arrhenius activation energy on enhanced nanoliquid. Shehzad et al. [13]
investigated the modified micropolar Nanofluid viscoelastic structure of Cattaneo-Christov. Ullah et al. [14] investigated the heat
transfer properties of the Maxwell liquid using the Cattaneo-Christov heat flux methodology and boundary conditions. Sutterby [15]
studied the flow of dilute polymer solutions via conical sections. Khan et al. [16] investigated the interactions of Sutterby nanofluid
with heat radiation through a disk. Song et al. [17] investigated the effects of Sutterby fluid on heat transmission through a cylinder.
Hayat et al. [18] used nonlinear radiation to study the Sutterby nanofluid fluid flow. The effects of nanofluid radiative flow over a
spinning disk were investigated by Waqas et al. [19]. Waqas et al. [20] investigated the flow of magnetized nanofluids in the presence
of radiative heat transfer. In a stretched cylinder, Sohail and Naz [21] investigated the impacts of Sutterby nanofluid with MHD. Alhuyi
et al. [22] examined the heat transfer improvement in graphene nanoliquid. Ramezanizadeh et al. [23] discussed the nanofluid ap­
plications. Ghalandari et al. [24] discussed the implementations CNTs submerged in nanoliquid. Ramezanizadeh et al. [25] explored
the heat efficiency of water-based nanofluid.
The term “bioconvection” denotes the macroscopic movement of fluid-induced by a gradient of density formed by the mutual
floating system of motile microbes. Because of swimming microorganisms, the convection effects of the irregular stratification rate
resulting from transportation in a particular way raise the base fluid density with these motile microorganisms, thus producing bio­
convection. The process of bioconvection flow exists predominantly in bacteria. It has a higher density when we detect a stable
boundary layer of bacteria on the fluid’s surface. This is regarded as an extremely unbalanced environment, and a biological flow path
is separated into a sequence of bioconvection molecules in this situation. The basic concept of bioconvection of one and the other
continuum models is identical. Kuznetsov [26] investigated the notion of isothermal convection utilizing gyrotactic and motile mi­
croorganisms. Khan et al. [27] conducted a theoretical analysis with Arrhenius energy activation and chemical reactions to examine
the activity of converted inner energies within the MHD nanofluid flow. Ansari et al. [28] examined the influences of motile micro­
organisms and nanoparticles on the MHD bioconvection division of Casson fluid at the nonlinear boundary. Waqas et al. [29]
investigated how Carreau-Yasuda nanofluid moves under the aspects of slip parameter. The motion of microorganisms in the
third-grade flow of nanofluid with stimulation energy and viscous conductivity was calculated by Abdelmalek et al. [30]. Amirsom
et al. [31] presented a 3D motion of bioconvection nanoliquids over a bi-axial stretching surface. Mansour et al. [32] investigated the
mathematical modeling of magneto-hydrodynamic mixture convection via gyrotactic motile microorganisms. Usman et al. [33]
studied a 3D nanofluid bioconvection model with a stagnation point flow. Khan et al. [34] implemented the motion of energy and mass
of the unsteady 2D flow of the non-Newtonian bioconvective rate of nanofluid via the exponential expansion sheet. Uddin et al. [35]
studied a computational formula of the transition of bioconvection through a horizontal surface with a blowing effect and multiple
slipping influences. Mosayebidorcheh et al. [36] explored the key objective of the flow of nanofluid comprising nanoparticles. Nadeem
et al. [37] examined bioconvection for unsteady, 3D-motion of the viscous liquid. Anwar et al. [38] investigated the bioconvection for
nanofluid with various physical boundary conditions and implementations. Basir et al. [39] considered the motion of MHD laminar
nanofluid with immersed gyrotactic microorganisms and heat/sink source. Saini et al. [40] tested the energy mechanism for
micro-thermal convection in fluids. Waqas et al. [41] examined the transfer of generalized second-grade nanoliquid via mass trans­
mission via stretchy sheets. Waqas et al. [42] investigated mass transfer in the MHD flow of nanofluid including microorganisms.
Waqas et al. [43] conducted a thorough investigation of electrically applied Maxwell nanofluid flow employing gyrotactic motile
microorganisms. Li et al. [44] explored bioconvection effects for generalized nanofluid flow including motile microorganisms. Khan
et al. [45] used activation energy, porous media, heat transfer, motile microorganisms, and the Nield boundary to examine the thermal
and solutal transport of nanofluid. In the occurrence of chemical potential, Alwatban et al. [46] illustrated the movement of
Eyring-Powell nanofluid on a surface. Waqas et al. [47] scrutinized the mobility of nanofluid across a stretched surface containing
swimming microorganisms. More research on Bioconvection has been conducted [48–55].
A view of the past studies convinces that efficient heat transportation remains at the center of this research field, whereas, the novel
idea of nanofluid proved to be useful in this respect. However, in most of the previous investigations, common Newtonian fluids are
taken as base fluid. Sutterby nanofluid motion between two rotating stretchable disks is rarely considered earlier. Bioconvection,
temperature depending thermal conductivity, thermal radiative nonlinear heat flux, heat source, and the existence of non-varying
magnetic field are qualitative attribution of this work. The results can be utilized in heat exchangers, automobiles, and electronics
to manage thermal processes.

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Fig. 1. Physical arrangement of the problem.

2. Mathematical modeling

In this article, there is an incompressible, time-independent, three-dimensional flow of Sutterby nanofluid with bioconvection and
moving motile microorganisms via two stretchable coaxially rotating disks in the existence of the non-varying magnetic field, heat
source, and non-linear thermal radiation mode. The flow is generated by rotating surface of disk. It is presumed that the temperatures
of the lower disk at z = 0 and the upper disk at z = h are T1 and T2 respectively. In addition, the temperature-dependent thermal
conductivity is included with Brownian motion and thermophoresis effects. The microorganisms and nanoparticles move indepen­
dently. Here, (u, v&w) denote the components of fluid velocity, (r, ϕ&z) show the cylindrical coordinates. By inspecting all overhead
assumptions, the leading equations for continuity, momentum, temperature, concentration diffusion, and microorganism’s diffusion
are evolved in the existence of thermal efficiency and non-linear thermal radiation characterized by two stretchable rotating disks. The
schematic flow problem is depicted in Fig. 1.
The Sutterby fluid extra stress tensor is written as:
τ = − pI + S, (1)
[ ]n
μ0 sinh− 1 (β1 γ) ̃
S= A, (2)
2 β1 γ
In the above equations
̃ = (gradV) + (gradV)T ,
A (3)

√̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅̅ √̅̅̅
γ = Σ i Σ j γ 1i γ1j = , (4)
[ ]2
Λ = trace (gradV) + (gradV)T . (5)

Here (p) denotes pressure, (n)&(β1 ) stands for the material constants, (I) is for the identity tensor, (τ) depicts the Cauchy stress
tensor, (μ0 ) the viscosity at low shear rates, (γ) denotes the shear rate, (S) the extra stress tensor, (Λ) the second invariant strain tensor,
and (A)
̃ the first Rivlin Erickson tensor.
By series expansion

(β1 γ)3
sinh− 1 (β1 γ) ≅ β1 γ − . (6)
The viscosity relation for Sutterby fluid is expressed as:
[ ]n
sinh− 1 (β1 γ)
μ = μ0 . (7)
β1 γ
By using equation (6) and equation (7), the second order approximation is defined as:

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

[ ]n [ ]
(β1 γ)2 n(β1 γ)2
μ ≅ μ0 1 − ≅ μ0 1 − . (8)
6 6
The Sutterby model diminish to viscous fluid (for n = 0) as. (μ = μ0 )
For (n = 1)
[ ]
(β γ)2
μ ≅ μ0 1 − 1
The governing equations are:
ur + + wz = 0, (9)
( )
v2 2 ( ) μu
ρ uur + wuz − = ∂r r2 μur − 2 2 + ∂z (μ(uz + wr )) − δB20 u
r r r
1 [( ) * * ( ) * ( )]
+ 1 − Cf ρf β g (T − T2 ) − ρp − ρf g (C − C2 ) − (N − N2 )gγ** ρm − ρf ,
( uv) 1 ( 2 ( v))
ρ uvr + wvz − = 2 r μ vr − + ∂z (μvz ) − δB20 v, (11)
r r r

ρ(uwr + wvz ) = ∂r (ru(uz − wr )) + 2∂z (μwz ) − δB20 w, (12)
( )
1 k 1
uTr + wTz = ∂z [k(T)Tz ] + Tzz + Tr + Tzz
ρcp ρcp r
( ) (13)
DT 2 1 Q0
+τ DB Tz Cz + (Tz ) − q + (T − T2 ),
T∞ ρcp z z ρcp

1 DT
uCr + wCz = ∂z [Cz ] + DB Czz + Tzz − k* (C − C2 ), (14)
ρcp T∞

uNr + wNz + [∂z (NCz )] = Dm (Nzz ), (15)
(C1 − C2 )

DT ⎪
u = rc1 , v = Ω1 r, w = 0, − kTz = hT (T1 − T), DB Cz + Tz = 0, N = N1 at z = 0, ⎬
T2 , (16)

u = rc2 , v = Ω2 r, T → T2 , C → C2 , N → N2 , at z = h

Here, (g) signifies gravity, (ρ) shows density, (T) shows temperature, (C) concentration, and (N) microorganisms, (μ) expresses
dynamic viscosity, (qz ) denote the radiative heat flux, (Q0 ) is for coefficient of heat source/sink, (DB )&(DT ) denote Brownian diffusion
and thermophoresis coefficient respectively.

Fig. 2a. Aspects of f via λ&Nc.

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

To explain radiative heat flux, we applied Roseland approximation:

( )
− 4δ* ∂ T 4
qz = , (17)
3k* ∂z
Here (k* ) denote the coefficient of mean absorption and (δ* ) show Stefan-Boltzmann constant.
With the appropriate similarity transformation

u = rΩ1 f ’ (ζ), v = rΩ1 g(ζ), w = − 2hΩ1 f (ζ), ⎪

T − T2 C − C2 N − N2 z ⎪, (18)
θ(ζ) = , φ(ζ) = , χ (ζ) = ,ζ = ,⎭
T1 − T2 C1 − C2 N1 − N2 h
By adopting above similarity transformation, equation (1) is trivially satisfied and Eqs. 10–16 are becomes:
′′′ [ ′ 2 ′ 2 ′′′ ] [ ′ 2] ′
f − 2n∈2 2f f ′′ + f f + Re g2 + 2ff ′′ − f − MRef
+Reλ(θ − Nrφ − Ncχ ) = 0,

[ ′ ′ ]
′2 ′ ′
g′′ − 2n∈2 2f f ′′ g + f g′′ − 2Re[f g − fg ] − MReg = 0,
[ ′2
′2 2
(1 + α1 θ)θ′′ + α1 θ + 2RePrθ f + Rd 3{θ(θw − 1)} (θw 3− 1)θ

+{θ(θw − 1) + 1} (θw − 1)θ (21)
′ ′ ′2
+PrNbθ φ + PrNtθ + Prβθ = 0,

Nt ′′

φ′′ + 2ReLePrf φ + θ = 0,

′ ′ ′
χ ′′ + 2ReLbf χ − Pe(φ′′ (χ + δ1 ) + χ φ ) = 0
′ ′ ′ ⎫
f (0) = 0, f (0) = B1 , f (1) = B2 , g(0) = 1, g(1) = τ, θ (0) = − Bi(1 − θ(0)), ⎬
Nt ′ , (24)

φ (0) + θ (0) = 0, χ (0) = 1, θ(∞) = 0, φ(∞) = 0, χ (∞) = 0. ⎭
( ) ( )
2 δB2
Here Re = Ω1νh show Reynolds number, ∈ (= Ω1 β1 ) indicates material parameter, M = ρΩ01 denotes magnetic parameter,
( ) ( ) ( ) ( )
(ρcp ) ν
Pr = k f depicts Prandtl number, Le = DνB indicates Lewis number, τ = ΩΩ21 is ratio of angular velocities, B1 = Ωc11 and
( ) ( ) ( ) (
B2 = Ωc21 are stretching parameters, β = (ρQc0ph) ν denotes heat source parameter, Nb = DB τ(Cν1 − C2 ) is Brownian parameter, Pe =

Fig. 2b. Aspects of f via ε &Nr.

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Fig. 2c. Aspects of f via M&Re.

Fig. 3a. Aspects of f via λ&Nc.

) ( ) ( )
γ(ρ − ρ )(N − N ) (ρ − ρ )(C − C )
stands for Peclet number, Nc = βmρ (1−f C21)T2 2 indicates bioconvection Rayleigh number, Nr = βpρ (1−f C12 )T22 is buoyancy ratio
f f
( ) ( ) ( )
16δ T 3
parameter, Rd = 3kk* 2 thermal radiation parameter , Lb = Dνm be the Bioconvection Lewis number, Nt = DT τ(TT21ν− T2 ) signify the

thermophoresis parameter, θw = TT12 show the temperature ratio parameter.

The engineering quantities are
( ) ( ) ( )
− 2τw,r − 2τw,ϑ hqw
Cfr = 2
, Cfϑ = 2
, Nur = (25)
ρ(uw ) ρ(uw ) k(T1 − T2 )

The shear stresses and radiative heat flux at right disk are:
τw,r = (τzr )z=0 = (μuz )z=0 , (26)

τw,ϑ = (τzϑ )z=0 = (μvz )z=0 , (27)

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Fig. 3b. Aspects of f via ε&Nr.

Fig. 3c. Aspects of f via M&Re.

[ ]
[ ] − (T1 − T2 ) 16δ* T23

qw = − k(Tz ) + qz z=0 = k+ *
{1 + (θw − 1)θ(0)}3 θ (0) .
h 3k
For right disk skin friction and Nusselt number are attained

− 2 [ ′ ] ⎪
Cfr1 = 1 − 2n∈2 (f (0))2 f ′′ (0), ⎪

(Rer )A2 ⎪

Cfϑ1 =
− 2 [ 2 ′ 2 ] ′
1 − 2n∈ (f (0)) g (0), , (29)

(Rer ) ⎪

[ ] ′ ⎪

Nur1 = − 1 + Rd{1 + (θw − 1)θ(0)}3 θ (0),

Rex = rhΩν denotes the local Reynolds number.


For left disk the engineering properties are discussed as

τw,r = (τzr )z=h = (μuz )z=h , (30)

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Fig. 4. Aspects of g via M&Re.

Fig. 5a. Aspects of θ via Pr&α1 .

τw,ϑ = (τzϑ )z=h = (μvz )z=h , (31)

[ ]
[ ] − (T1 − T2 ) 16δ* T23

qw = − k(Tz ) + qz z=h = k+ *
{1 + (θw − 1)θ(0)}3 θ (0) .
h 3k

− 2 [ ′ ] ⎪
Cfr2 = 1 − 2n∈2 (f (0))2 f ′′ (0), ⎪

(Rer )A 2 ⎪

Cfϑ2 =
− 2 [ 2 ′ 2 ] ′
1 − 2n∈ (f (0)) g (0), , (33)

(Rer ) ⎪

[ ] ′ ⎪

Nur2 = − 1 + Rd{1 + (θw − 1)θ(0)}3 θ (0),

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Fig. 5b. Aspects of θ via Nt&Bi.

3. Numerical approach

In this segment, the reduced ODEs (19–23) with related boundary constraints (24) are tackled utilizing the bvp4c shooting
technique coded in MATLAB computational computer software. Bvp4c is based on the Lobatto-IIIa collocation formula used for nu­
merical computations. The multiple-order derivatives are converted to yield the first-order ODEs by introducing the following

f = l1 , f = l2 , f ′′ = l3 , f = l3 , ⎪
′ ′′′ ′

′ ′′
g = l4 , g = l5 , g = l5 ,
′ ⎪

′ ′′ ′
θ = l6 , θ = l7 , θ = l7 , ,

φ = l8 , φ = l9 , φ′′ = l9 ,
′ ⎪

′ ′
χ = l10 , χ = l11 , χ ′′ = l11 , ⎭

[ ] [ ]
2n∈2 2l2 l3 2 − Re l4 2 + 2l1 l3 − l2 2 + MRel2 − Reλ(l6 − Nrl8 − Ncl10 )

l3 = ( ) ,
1 − l2 2 2n∈2

2nα1 2 [2l2 l3 l5 ] + 2Re[l2 l4 − l1 l5 ] + MRel4


l5 = ( ) ,
1 − 2nα1 2 l2 2
[ ]
− ∈ l7 2 − 2RePrl7 l1 − Rd 3{l6 (θw − 1)}2 (θw − 1)l7 2 − PrNbl7 l8 − PrNtl7 2 − Prβl6

l7 = ( ) ,
(1+ ∈ l6 ) + Rd{l6 (θw − 1) + 1}3 (θw − 1)

Nt ′

l9 = − 2ReLePrl1 l9 − l,
Nb 7
( ′ )

l11 = Pe l9 (l10 + δ1 ) + l11 l9 − 2ReLbl1 l11 ,


l1 (0) = 0, l2 (0) = B1 , l2 (1) = B2 , l4 (0) = 1, l4 (1) = τ, l6 (0) = − Bi(1 − l6 (0)), ⎬
Nt , (40)
l9 (0) + l7 (0) = 0, l10 (0) = 1, l6 (∞) = 0, l8 (∞) = 0, l0 (∞) = 0. ⎭

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Fig. 5c. Aspects of θ via θw &Re.

Fig. 6a. Aspects of φ via Pr&Le.

4. Discussion and results

By harnessing the above-mentioned numeric scheme, exploration for the flow of Sutterby nanofluid with varying thermal con­
ductivity, bioconvection of motile microorganisms and convective boundary aspects between two rotating stretching disks are made to
predict the physical insight of this work. Numerical results are attained for non-dimensional velocity profiles, temperature profile,
nanoparticles concentration field and motile microorganism’s field in response to controlling physical parameters such as magnetic
parameter (M), bioconvection Rayleigh number (Nc), mixed convection parameter (λ), buoyancy ratio parameter (Nr), material
parameter ( ∈), Reynolds number (Re), bioconvection Lewis number (Lb), Peclet number (Pe) , Prandtl number (Pr), thermophoresis
parameter (Nt), Biot number (Bi) , Lewis number (Le), and thermal conductivity parameter (α1 ) to be displayed in Figs. 2–7.
Fig. 2(a) is designed to examine the performance of parameters λand Nc over velocity profile. In this fig, the velocity of the fluid is
witnessed to become faster for higher inputs of λ, the mixed convection parameter, while it decreases with Nc, the bioconvection
Rayleigh number. The impacts of ∈and Nr on the velocity field are depicted in Fig. 2 (b). It is observed that by augmentation in the
variations of ∈andNr, the velocity field is depressed. Fig. 2(c) illustrates the features of M magnetic parameter and Re Reynolds number

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Fig. 6b. Aspects of φ via Nb&Nt.

Fig. 7. Aspects of χ via Pe&Lb.

against velocity component. Here, the velocity profile diminishes with higher estimations of MandRe. Physically, the strong magnetic
field is responsible for Lorentz force which acts as retarding body force and caused to slow the fluid motion. Fig. 3(a) examines the
effect of λ and Ncversus axial velocity components f. It is demonstrated that velocity is increased directly with λ but it behaves inversely
against Nc. Fig. 3 (b) interprets the roles of ∈ and Nr over axial velocity components f. Consequently, it is depicting that ∈ and Nr
deteriorates the velocity f of the fluid. The Rheological nature of M magnetic parameter and Re Reynolds number against velocity is
shown in Fig. 3(c). It is noted that axial velocity f reduces for higher amounts of M magnetic parameter & Re. The consequence of M
magnetic parameter and Re Reynolds number against azimuthal velocity is demonstrated via Fig. 4. The azimuthal velocity diminishes
against exaggerated values of M and Re. Fig. 5 (a) depicts the exploration of Pr Prandtl number and α1 thermal conductivity parameter
on temperature distribution. Decrement in temperature field occurs for the dominant amount of Pr Prandtl number but reciprocally it
is incremented directly with α1 thermal conductivity parameter. The impacts of Ntthermophoresis parameter and Bi on thermal field
are manifested through Fig. 5 (b). It is depicted that temperature boosts up with Nt thermophoresis parameter and Biot number. Fig. 5

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Table 1
Consequences of local skin friction coefficients for diverse parameters.
M λ Nr Nc Re − g’ (0) − f ′′ (0)

0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.2 0.7086 0.7902

0.6 0.7693 0.8534
1.2 0.8729 0.9396
0.1 0.3 0.7093 0.6600
0.5 0.6913 0.6145
0.8 0.6541 0.5500
0.2 0.5908 0.7656
0.6 0.6960 0.8445
1.0 0.6997 0.9423
0.2 0.6901 0.7790
0.6 0.6921 0.8623
1.0 0.6939 0.9547
0.4 0.6755 0.7699
0.8 0.6834 0.8500
1.2 0.6589 0.9343

Table 2
Consequences of local Nusselt number for diverse parameters.
M λ Nr Nc Pr Bi Nt θw Re ′
− θ (0)

0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.0 2.0 0.3 0.5 0.2 0.4994
0.6 0.4939
1.2 0.4862
0.1 0.3 0.6178
0.5 0.6543
0.8 0.6890
0.2 0.4988
0.6 0.4755
1.0 0.4625
0.2 0.4945
0.6 0.4835
1.0 0.4765
3.0 0.6014
3.5 0.6402
4.0 0.6740
1.0 0.4030
3.0 0.5444
5.0 0.5947
0.4 0.4955
0.8 0.4738
1.2 0.4514
0.2 0.5564
0.6 0.4916
1.0 0.4436
0.4 0.4389
0.8 0.4743
1.2 0.4966

(c) is captured to illustrate the aspects of θw the temperature ratio parameter and Re Reynolds number on the thermal field. From this
figure, it is detected that temperature rises θw while it diminishes Re. Fig. 6(a) signifies that the mass field shows a reducing trend for
Pr&Le. The impacts of Nt and Nbover-concentration of nanoparticles is elucidated through Fig. 6(b). Here, concentration is augmented
Nt while it declines for Nb the Brownian motion parameter. Fig. 7 manifests the inspiration of Pe and Lb versus microorganism’s field.
Here microorganism distribution is depressed for the enlarged amount of Pe and bioconvection Lewis number.

5. Tabular values

In this segment, the numerical outcomes for local gradients of different physical quantities with variations of prominent parameters
are enumerated in Tables 1–4. It can be observed from Table 1 that the local skin friction coefficient improves for higher inputsM&Re.
The results of the local Nusselt number− θ (0) are characterized in Table 2. It can also be noted that with largerNt,Nr and θw , the

quantity − θ (0)reduces and it is boosted withPr and λ. Table 3, it is seen that the Sherwood number − φ (0)diminishes by enhancing
′ ′

the variationsλ. Table 4, it is witnessed that the local microorganism density number is improved for different assessments of PeandLb.

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

Table 3
Consequences of local Sherwood number for diverse parameters.
M λ Nr Nc Pr Nb Nt Re ′
− φ (0)

0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 2.0 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.7491

0.6 0.7408
1.2 0.7293
0.1 0.3 0.7654
0.5 0.7711
0.8 0.7784
0.2 0.7756
0.6 0.7631
1.0 0.7519
0.2 0.7869
0.6 0.6547
1.0 0.6149
3.0 0.9021
3.5 0.9604
4.0 1.0110
0.4 0.3756
0.8 0.1887
1.2 0.1252
0.4 0.9910
0.8 0.8876
1.2 0.7083
0.4 0.3499
0.8 0.3945
1.2 0.4355

Table 4
Consequences of local microorganism density number for diverse parameters.
M λ Nr Nc Lb Pe ′
− χ (0)

0.2 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.8 0.1 0.6025

0.6 0.5904
1.2 0.5744
0.1 0.3 0.6275
0.5 0.6366
0.8 0.6486
0.2 0.6070
0.6 0.6122
1.0 0.6170
0.2 0.6062
0.6 0.6081
1.0 0.6100
1.2 0.7627
1.6 0.8966
2.2 1.0698
0.2 0.6725
0.3 0.7393
0.4 0.8078

6. Conclusions

In this case study, we scrutinized the MHD flow of Sutterby nanoliquid between two rotating stretching disks with bioconvection
and convective boundary constraints. The impacts of temperature-dependent thermal conductivity and nonlinear thermal radiation
are also taken into consideration. The prominent characteristics of this communication are:

❖ A slowing velocity field is characterized by an upsurge in the material parameter for Sutterby fluids and the buoyancy ratio
❖ Larger magnitudes of mixed convection parameter improve the velocity field while bioconvection Rayleigh number and magnetic
parameter caused deceleration.
❖ The temperature of fluid attains higher values directly with the larger inputs of the parameters of radiation, thermal conductivity,
thermophoresis, and Biot number but it lowers down against Prandtl number.
❖ The concentration profile is a declining value of the Prandtl number and Lewis number.
❖ By increasing the magnitudes of Peclet number and Lewis number bioconvection, the profile of microorganisms decreases.

H. Waqas et al. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 26 (2021) 101136

❖ The local heat transfer rate at the surface of the disk (z = 0) reduces in magnitude against incremented inputs of the parameters for temperature ratio, thermophoresis, and
buoyancy ratio but it is improved with rising estimations of the parameter for mixed convection and Prandtl number.
❖ This problem can be studied for hybrid nanofluid to avail further improvement in thermal transport.

Declaration of competing interest

The authors declare that they have no known competing financial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.


The authors extend their appreciation to the Deanship of Scientific Research at King Khalid University, Abha, Saudi Arabia for
funding this work through general research groups program under grant number G.R.P-150/42.


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