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1. 3 economic issues of Pakistan?

2. Give 3 suggestions to resolve Pakistan's economic challenges.
3. What are the causes of corruption in the country?
4. What Kind of an administrative structure did the Delhi sultanate have?
5. Who was a better administrator Akbar or Aurangzeb?
6. What is the concept of gender mainstreaming?
7. What are the measures taken by Pakistan for gender mainstreaming?
8. Define Islam in one sentence?
9. Narrate the Islamic months from Muharam?
10. Why do Eid-ul- fitr and Eid-ul -Adha fall on fixed dates every year?
11. What is ideal civil servant?
12. Why there was U in USSR?
13. Why opt. philosophy and role of philosophy?
14. Cop26 (venue importance) and why it had been delayed?
15. What are the names of emirates in UAE?
16. Was it your first attempt and you were doing prep in 2021 right?
17. How beef activity contributes to climate change and its entire process?
18. Greenhouse effect on global warming?
19. Name greenhouse gases?
20. Relevance of objective resolution in contemporary constitutionalism?
21. Significance of COP 27 in Sharam ul Shaikh?
22. 2 token questions related to Islamic history?
23. Discuss why Pakistan recognized Bangladesh and when it recognized it?
24. How you will deal with policy execution being civil servant related to environmental
25. Difference between elite capture and rent seeking economy. Being civil servant how can
you play your Role in minimizing elite capture in Pak?
26. Area of Changha Mangha and its distance from Lahore?
27. Issues plaguing economy in three sentences?
28. Significance of Cop 28 and its venue?
29. Prime meridian and its significance?
30. Theme of UNFCCC and its importance?
31. Practical Dimensions of sustainability and sustainable development?
32. Forest cover minimum and maximum threshold in percentage?
33. Why you are obsessed with idea of civil service?
34. Besides environmentalism, what are the other achievements to being part of civil service?
35. How international financial institutions are creating economic equity in global south?
36. About Islamic banking?
37. What does Ishaq Dar mean by 'bringing shariah law in our economic system'
38. Is political stability needed for economic stability?
39. They will ask you questions about your preferences
40. What you wrote in psychological and why
41. Gender related questions
42. CPI vs SPI
43. GDP vs GNP
44. Gig economy
45. Questions on Hazrat Zainab (R.A)
46. Books, authors
47. Lesson from.”Fall.of Dhaka”
48. Date of Fall of Dhaka
49. APS attack
50. What happened on 16 Dec
51. Asked fav books and authors?
52. Yes. 2 fav books and what you learnt from those books.
53. Economic problems? NOTE ( Read DOWN, specially economy page)
54. Conversations, women bias vs gender bias?
55. SPI = the degree of change (positive or negative) between two CPI's, CPI = prices at any
given time.
56. Energy crisis in Pakistan?
57. Circular debt figures?
58. Akbar's 9 ratan: Names
59. Meaning of Atom and Its origin?
60. Quantam entanglement?
61. Before 1956 constitution, how was the country being administered?
62. Which law gave powers to make constituent assembly?
63. What are the major problems of Pakistan along with institutional decay?
64. What is elite capture of economy?
65. Favorite poet?
66. Why does our young generation like John Elia so much?
67. Importance of gratitude in one's life?
68. Nobel Prize is given in which categories?
69. Who got Nobel Prize in physics from Pakistan?
70. What is the difference between Hadith and Sariah?
71. USSR full form
72. Causes of breakdown of USSR?
73. Ills of Pakistan's economy?
74. Solutions to cater to economic problems?
75. What are services exports? Services exports current figure in Pakistan?
76. Which sector(s) of economy are affected?
77. What is the % of Agricultural sector in Pakistan's GDP?
78. Tell us about yourself that is not written in the Performa?
79. Family background?
80. Why the service?
81. Why the respective fields of top 3?
82. What do you want in life?
83. Social issues of Pakistan?
84. Positive things about Pakistan?
85. What is a colony?
86. Mechanisms for international crime prevention?
87. Crime prevention agencies in Pakistan?
88. Ethnocentrism
89. Confirmation Bias what is it?
90. Solutions to Pak economy
91. Solution to our economy?
92. Social and economic impacts of corruption?
93. Your favorite ruler from Indian History
94. Why Asoka the Great?
95. Comparison between Asoka and Akbar and Sher Shah
96. Reforms of Sher Shah
97. Why PAS?
98. Akbar’s reforms are they relevant?
99. Akbar’s place in history?
100. Nau Ratans?
101. Three things you will do after PAS?
102. Why Muslims against democracy?
103. Which one is damaging Corruption or Incompetence?
104. Why you want to switch job?
105. Surah’s with names of prophets and animals?
106. Pakistan is a big and important country in the world comment?
107. Why no political stability in Pakistan?
108. Is history of Pakistan the history of Islam?
109. Disintegration of Ottomans?
110. Doctrine of Lapse?
111. Two Ideological states in the world. Israel and Pakistan.
112. Diarchy?
113. 1935 constitution?
114. MAO, Nadwatul.Ulma and Dar ul Uloom Deoband their contributions.
115. Surah Ikhlas related.
116. Quran 7 stages why?
117. Parliaments and their names: of different countries.
118. 2 fav. Books: questions.
119. Automobile industry?
120. Designing field?
121. Physics and different concepts and theories.
122. Economy: Import export and the impact of Pakistan rupee devalue on trade deficit?
123. Is Pak failed stat? Bureaucracy and Army incompetent and corrupt what do you think?
124. What is rule of law? How will you implement it?
125. IR: Ukraine war, 38th parallel, Vietnam War, Pak relations with neighbors, strategic
depth a dilemma.
126. MH370 flight where it went missing.
127. What is HDI? And Pak HDI? What to do for HDI improvement?
128. Baluchistan Issue and their perception of state? Have we treated them like colonial
129. Physics: Large hydro collider.
130. Time dilation, CERN, NASA, Special relativity and General relativity, how will you
explain it to a layman?
131. Moriya dynasty founder?
132. Why jinnah left congress?
134. Agencies to deal with crime at global level?
135. FATF?
136. Who is called HAFTA TUN?
137. Cuba missile crisis VS Ukraine crisis?
138. Agriculture problems in Pakistan?
139. Energy crisis?
140. Rational choice theory?
141. Weber’s theory?
142. F.W Tylor scientific management theory?
143. Social contract?
144. Herzberg theory?
145. Total Gazwa and first Gazwa?
146. Distributive and Retributive justice?
147. Wakhan boarder?
148. Are you well prepared?
149. Explain your job position and the work you do?
150. Is Free trade agreement good for a country?
151. WTO advocates to not having a FTA. How can you justify your answer?
152. What can Pakistan do to make better FTAs?
153. Which economist is known as the giant economist and we still follow his ideologies? He
was giant because of his height?
154. What is Keynes economic theory?
155. What is public policy? (Asked twice by different panelists)
156. How is public policy formulated? Its steps?
157. Who gives governance indicators?
158. Pakistan's ranking in governance indicator?
159. What are good governance aspects?
160. Policy rate has been increased by 300 basis points. What will be its impact?
161. Ishaq dar yesterday said pakistan islami mulk hai aur allah chalayega mulk something
like that. What are your views on that?
162. What are ishaq dar's policy failures
163. Ishaq dar and miftah ismail's comparison
164. What is hindsight bias?
165. What is confirmation bias? One more similar question.
166. If you had to make a policy, which two policies will you make and why?
167. Date of fall of Dhaka
168. Lessons from fall of dhakka
169. When was bengal partition annulled?
170. Why was it annulled?
171. Bengal partition made Hindus angry for what reasons?
172. Who were Mir Jaffer and Mir Sadiq?
173. Who was Tipu Sultan
174. Who gave the idea of two nation theory?
175. Do you read Iqbal?
176. Do you plan on further studying economics? Are you planning to be a hardcore
177. Surah Fateha is called Ummul Furqan, Why?
178. What major thing happened in COP27?
179. What was the name of fund that was created in cop27
180. It was agreed to not increase the temperature beyond certain threshold. Do you know it?
181. What is governance?
182. You wrote in your Performa diplomatic stance. First define it and then tell what can
Pakistan do in that aspect
183. Rate yourself as a team worker from 1 to 10?
184. Factors that lead to the disintegration of USSR?
185. Difference between trade deficit and current account deficit?
186. Governance issues of Pakistan?
187. The IMF policies to the Asian economies in 1990s. How were they different from us?
188. Who was hamurabi?
189. Which governments governance was the worst?
190. What about Ayub Khan?
191. When you chose law as your degree, what career goals did you have in mind?
192. How will law help you in civil service?
193. Do Islamic laws discriminate against women?
194. What similarities are between Akbar’s system and the system of today?
195. Does London court of arbitration curtail sovereignty? In light of Reqo Diq case?
196. How to increase ease of doing business?
197. What are the factors of good governance?
198. How will law help you in the field of public service?
199. Who was Asoka?
200. Compare the administration of Asoka, Akbar and Aurangzeb?
201. Name some famous dynasties of Egypt, turkey
202. Who were the first four caliphs of Ummayah dynasty?
203. How to improve government functions?
204. Service delivery?
205. How should the constitution be interpreted in light of the current elections conflict
206. You wrote In Your exam Pakistan should have had a different policy to the US, if you
were Musharraf’s advisor what would you have advised him?
207. The weakest government so far?
208. Provinces during Akbar’s reign?
209. Do one judge arbitration awards curtail sovereignty of a country?
210. Female PM in South Asia?
211. In which year EIC came. Who was raja or governor at that time?
212. Governor General who belong to East Pakistan?
213. Factors that lead to the disintegration of USSR?
214. Difference between trade deficit and current account deficit?
215. Governance issues of Pakistan?
216. The IMF policies to the Asian economies in 1990s. How were they different from us?
217. When you chose law as your degree, what career goals did you have in mind?
218. How will law help you in civil service?
219. Do Islamic laws discriminate against women?
220. What similarities are between Akbar’s system and the system of today?
221. Does London court of arbitration curtail sovereignty? In light of Reqo Diq case?
222. How to increase ease of doing business?
223. What are the factors of good governance?
224. How will law help you in the field of public service?
225. Compare the administration of Asoka, Akbar and Aurangzeb?
226. Name some famous dynasties of Egypt, turkey
227. Who were the first four caliphs of Ummayah dynasty?
228. How to improve government functions?
229. How should the constitution be interpreted in light of the current elections conflict
230. You wrote In Your exam Pakistan should have had a different policy to the US, if you
were Musharraf’s advisor what would you have advised him?
231. The weakest government so far?
232. Provinces during Akbar’s reign?
233. Do one judge arbitration awards curtail sovereignty of a country?
234. Where are you working, What you learned over there, what you contribute in your
235. Are you performing better than your batch mates? If yes, How?
236. What are Audit Risks?
237. Difference between NPV and IRR?
238. What would you use for a project?
239. What are some of the social issues of Pakistan?
240. Is gender about Men vs Women?
241. What are women vs women issues?
242. What about saas bahu issues, are they part gender studies?
243. What do you know about the 1937 elections?
244. Why did Congress resign?
245. What's the League of Nations?
246. Who gave the idea?
247. Who were the members? Why did it fail?
248. Why did Germany invade Poland?
249. What else happened in WW2?
250. How many members are there in the UN? Which treaty and when?
251. Last state to join UN?
252. Are UN resolutions binding?
253. Why aren't countries following the UN resolutions?
254. Was this your third attempt? Hope you would make it this time.
255. Difference between MA and MSc?
256. Why are some fields studied in both MA/MSc?
257. Economic problems of Pakistan?
258. Pakistan is failing, Why is there hope?
259. Questions on Youth bulge?
260. Questions on CPEC?
261. Flashpoints in the world?
262. Panama Canal?
263. Suez Canal crisis?
264. Favorite book?
265. Questions from the book?
266. What other books?
267. Why is there a rise of populism? Which states have seen populist movements recently?
268. What is Pan Islamism?
269. What is the future of Islamic leadership?
270. What should be done with SOE and why?
271. What is confirmation bias?
272. What is wrong with Pakistan’s economy?
273. Could we negotiate a better deal with IMF?
274. 2 books you have read recently, Detail about 1 book?
275. What is business process engineering, What are its steps?
276. How do you determine what processes are to be re-engineered?
277. Why do we study gender?
278. Who were the Mughals. Where did they come from?
279. How long did Mughals rule India?
280. Who ruled before Mughals?
281. Who were the Lodi’s?
282. Name the Dynasties of Delhi Sultanate?
283. Why is it said that Alaouddin Khilji prevented Mongol invasion of India?
284. Who were the Mamluks? Why they called the "slave" dynasty?
285. What was the Govt of india act 1773? Main points of it
286. Why congress said in 1937 that there are only two political forces in India, congress and
287. Who won majority in NWFP in 1937 elections?
288. Why you have written in proforma that the economic success 2000 decade is an
289. What was the actual economic success decade of Pakistan and for what reason?
290. Why 1960s development was considered in equal in nature?
291. At that an index was developed by WB. What was it?
292. What is Pak’s HDI rank?
293. What are other indexes of development? And Pakistan rank in them?
294. What else besides CPI, gender gap?
295. What is growth stunting?
296. What is Pakistan ranking in stunted growth index?
297. International lending agencies besides IMF, WB, and ASIAN bank?
298. What are non-tax revenues? List the sources?
299. What is Pak’s budgeted revenue from non-tax sources in 2022-23 budget?
300. If you were devising policy for Pak what immediate measures you would suggest?
301. FOB vs CIB?
302. Issues in Pak economy?
303. Why we have trade deficit?
304. How Pakistan trade policy is designed to generate revenues?
305. How to improve Pak exports?
306. What is Pak budget deficit?
307. IMF vs WB?
308. What is AUKUS?
309. Why France backed out of a certain deal?
310. Strait of Malacca? Significance?
311. Russia's largest exports besides oil and wheat? What specific mineral is Russia exporting
in large quantity?
312. History behind your name?
313. What is your plan if not selected?
314. Reformative and retributive justice?
315. Fall of Sindh to British Empire?
316. Important Farz of Hajj?
317. Pillars of Islam?
318. Reasons behind fall of Dhaka?
319. Why crime are rising in Pakistan?
320. Which law is followed in NAB and FIA?
321. International watch dog agencies and their purpose?
322. National watch dog agencies against money laundering and terror financing?
323. Your hobbies?
324. Poetry of Ghalib?
325. Do you read books?
326. Why have you changed your fields so much?
327. Biden vs trump administration differences?
328. Climate change policies of current US government?
329. What is global warming? Detailed discussion. Greenhouse effect. How does it work?
330. Years of the American war of the revolution. Were European powers involved in it? Why
concentrated around the Boston area?
331. 3 favorite US presidents?
332. Why was America colonized?
333. Revolt and revolution difference.
334. Different color revolutions. Yellow. Red. Purple
335. Tiananmen Square?
336. “Tear down this wall” who said this?
337. Name three marvelous civil engineering structures?
338. Golden gate bridge length? Why it is called golden gate?
339. Allahabad address of Iqbal?
340. Concept of khudi?
341. Any verse of Iqbal’s poetry?
342. Name two poets born in Sialkot?
343. Who was clement Atlee? His predecessor?
344. MOFA full form?
345. Geopolitics vs Geo-economics. Are we capable of realizing geo-economics?
346. Difference between Culture and civilization?
347. Economic issues. Why did u write “economic turmoil”? Why it is a conscious decision or
on the spur of the moment? (From psychological)
348. Why Jinnah was called ambassador of Hindu Muslim unity? How long did that sentiment
349. Top 5 economies?
350. What is El Nino and La Nina effect?
351. How beef activity contributes to climate Change and its entire process?
352. Greenhouse effect on global warming?
353. Name greenhouse gases?
354. Significance Of COP 27 in Sharam Shaikh?
355. HOW you will deal with policy execution being Civil servant related to environmental
planning? 115 Theme Of UNFCC and its importance?
356. Practical Dimensions Of sustainability and sustainable development?
357. Forest cover minimum and maximum threshold in percentage?
358. Treaty Of Versailles?
359. What do you know about treaty Of Westphalia?
360. Reformation and Renaissance debate?
361. Reasons for Brexit?
362. What are the origins of Protestantism?
363. Why did Germany invade Poland?
364. Lord Macaulay?
365. Treaty of Versailles 138 Who was Martin Luther King?
366. Name of NASA's telescope recent one and the one before it?
367. Pakistan's ranking in governance indicator?
368. What are good governance aspects?
369. Policy rate has been increased by 300 basis points. What will be its impact?
370. What is governance?
371. Who gives governance indicators?
372. Pakistan's ranking in governance indicator?
373. What are good governance aspects?
374. Policy rate has been increased by 300 points. What will be its impact?
375. What is governance?
376. Governance issues Of Pakistan?
377. What are the factors of good governance?
378. Discussion on key Governance indicators and why Pakistan falling short on each?
379. Public policy v social policy?
380. Difference between business policy and Public policy ?
381. Do you think the IT sector has low paying jobs?
382. What should be done with SOE?
383. Treaty of Westphalia?
384. Family related questions?
385. I know, that I dint know, I don’t know that I know, who said that?
386. Marketing Ps?
387. Women day?
388. Equality and equity?
389. Any poetic line of faiz ahmed faiz?
390. Kashmir and Palestine?
391. UN a good body to maintain peace
392. Abrahamic religions
393. Fav president and PM in Pakistan?
394. 2 fav US President?
395. MONETARY policy?
396. Expansionary policy? Pak is adopting?
397. OMO?
398. Going concern?
399. Objective resolution ?
400. IBERIAN peninsula ?
401. Who sponsored voyages of Columbus?
402. 3 PM OF east Pakistan?
403. Nationalization policy?
404. Bisp?
405. Democracy failed to deliver?
406. Today's new?
407. Trade war?
408. Dar's policy?
409. Should there be economist or account on finance ministry?
410. How do you see, US and multipolar world?
411. Indira Gandhi, her sons name, who killed him?
412. Ancient civilization in Pak?
413. Differences between economic growth and development?
414. Time dilation?
415. Bullet trains working principle?
416. World heritage sites?
417. Treaty of Westphalia?
418. Why civil services?
419. Shimla deputation and who led it?
420. Misaq e madinah ?
421. State bank increased 300 basis points in which category it falls: monetary or fiscal
422. Anthropology 3 stages of religion?
423. Animism?
424. Agnostic Vs atheist?
425. Friends not masters (book)?
426. Articles of confederation?
427. Bill of rights?
428. Malcolm X and Martin Luther king ... Speech." I said I have a dream ...?
429. LGBTQ?
430. Gender budgeting?
431. Forms of gov.?
432. Communist Vs socialist?
433. Martin Luther birth place?
434. First woman ruler of Indian subcontinent?
435. Muslims first continent with India subcontinent in whose era?
436. Area where this contact started?
437. Difference between egalitarian Vs agrarian society?
438. Watergate scandal?
439. Questions from psychological day?
440. What are you doing other than studying?
441. Why content writing?
442. What is chat GPT, can it work in Pakistan? How can we make our educational system
better with chat GPT?
443. We have access of data but it is creating misinformation, how to tackle it?
444. Recently read 2 books? And theme?
445. Success of Pakistan is ‘progress in education’, how? (Mentioned it in psychological)
446. You said fall of Dhaka shifted us back to 1947 condition, how?
447. What is carbon dating?
448. In this recent week, there is progress in china in internal matters, what is it?
449. Main purpose of treaty of Versailles?
450. Names of the head of 4 countries that proposed it?
451. How will you create Q difference?
452. What is Boyal’s law?
453. Define click chemistry?
454. Can head of state and head of government be a single person? What impact will it make
on societies like us?
455. Three approach to stop misinformation?
456. Objective resolution? Can we call it interim constitution?
457. Why all Sufis and saints selected Multan as their destination?
458. What form of government Islam likes the most, is Islam flexible?
459. Organs of UN?
460. What if u don’t get through?
461. What will you focus more on? Policy making or policy implementation?
462. Districts of Multan?
463. Who was head of the government at the time of 1973 constitution?
464. What was his other position other than head?
465. Tell us about yourself?
466. Hidden agenda behind Disney? ( mentioned in psychological )
467. Why PH scale is between 0-14
468. 4 caliphs of Islam, were they elected or selected? Which one is elected and why?
469. Functions of UNGA?
470. What is Oriental mean in MAO College by Sir Syed Ahmed khan?
471. Why the league of nation failed?
472. How they countered that?
473. Mysore?
474. Anglo-mysore wars?
475. Tipu sultan's real name?
476. Battle of plassey?
477. Crime and corruption?
478. Multipolarity?
479. China's economic growth?
480. Bangladesh vs pakistan's economy?
481. Sir Gangaram?
482. Sir Syed’s contribution (educational, social and political)?
483. Tehreek e deoband?
484. Nadva tul ulema?
485. US constitution features?
486. Why is US constitution rigid?
487. Policy making?
488. Burden of disease?
489. Barefoot doctors?
490. Bill of rights?
491. Feminist movements in Pakistan?
492. What if aurat march was conducted on Islamic principles?
493. Hadith about women?
494. Can democracy be established without rule of law?
495. Favorite personality?
496. Why favorite?
497. Governance issues of Pak?
498. Declaration of independence?
499. Abnegail adam?
500. Kashmir (many questions)
501. Why civil services?
502. Political science and intolerance through history?
503. Animism?
504. Agnostic?
505. Atheist?
506. Women movements in USA?
507. Place of women in history?
508. How do you rate yourself as a teacher from 1-10? How do your students rate you
509. Your achievements?
510. Where do you see yourself in 20 years?
511. Like poetry, fvt poet in Urdu, English?
512. MAO College, What does M.A.O mean?
513. 1919 act. And Govt. of India act 1935. What are similarities?
514. What institutions established after Govt. of India Act?
515. When Pak recognized Bangladesh?
516. How many amendments in constitution?
517. Major Amendments 8th, 13, 17, 18?
518. Why want to switch to Bureaucracy while already in service?
519. NFC award issues, function/fund disparity?
520. Which clause is a major problem?
521. Why no folk Lures in Punjab? Who was a folk hero
522. What is Oxymoron, example
523. Law/literature nexsus
524. Satire definition?
525. Shakespeare was revolutionary?
526. White man burden, who said this?
527. Fall of USSR, reason?
528. EU?
529. Members?
530. Why Brexit happened?
531. Tell us something about yourself that we don't know?
532. What is your favorite personality?
533. Summarize your favorite book?
534. What do you know about Immanuel Kant?
535. Why Good governance is not in Pakistan?
536. What is the reason behind lack of constitutional development in first 9 years?
537. What is the relationship of defective political evolution in Pakistan as compared to India?
538. What are Sheikh Mujerb's six points?
539. Compare Mujeeb's six points with Quaids 14 points?
540. What are types of Islamic economic system? Narrate these?
541. What is BPS and Interest rate?
542. Monetary policy and Fiscal policy?
543. Policy rate?
544. What is debt to GDP ratio of Pakistan?

Optional: (IR, physics, GPP, environmental science)

Degree: electrical engineering
545. Tesla? Unit? Company
546. Name of scientist? Contribution
547. Dopplers effect applications?
548. Faraday? Contribution?
549. Famous scientist name any?
550. Einstein and his novel prize?
551. Third law mathematical form?
552. Cuban missile crisis and links with Russia Ukraine?
553. Any treaties you remember from 1500 onwards?
554. Treaty of concordat (some roman pope related)
555. Prisoner's dilemma and in perspective of Russia, USA and China?
556. Balance of power and balance of trade, which is more relevant economic sanctions or
economic aid something on those lines?
557. Performa questions on personality work background and all, education in public vs pvt
558. Abdussalam and what was done to him comment.
559. Extremism in Pakistan?
560. Afghanistan and Taliban creation?
561. Last two books you read and the themes?
562. Shan e nazool of Surah Nasar?
563. Concept of separation of powers?
564. Institutional overriding?
565. Monetary vs fiscal policy?
566. IMF latest demand relating to written statement by countries?
567. Describe yourself in one word and one thing?
568. Personal questions regarding educational background?
569. Who was lord Montgomery (domicile related)
570. Environmental policy for lahore your objectives? And what would you do, steps to be
taken for any one of those objectives.
571. Vertical farming, can it be implemented here?
572. Low Exports and devaluation of currency?
573. How are you doing?
574. Questions about educational profile.
575. What are your hobbies? (The interview remained indirectly centric to these hobbies and
576. What do you write about?
577. Read me some of your own poetry (my interest was mentioned in psychological part)
578. Why do you sing? Why are you coming to civil services? When much potential there?
579. What are your life motivations? (2-3 counter questions on this)
580. What is self-actualization in Maslow Hierarchy?
581. Computer Science related questions:
582. Why CS to Civil services?
583. GPS vs GPRS
584. 5G? Are we prepared for it?
585. Difference between ICT and IT?
586. Muhammad(SAW) Full name and kuniyat?
587. In 3 sentences, the essence of Islam's message?
588. Governance issues? (And then counter questions)
589. How corruption leads to social and economic consequences?
590. UN organs and their peacekeeping missions - Failures?
591. How UN's missions shifted after 1991 and how they were before 1991.
592. NATO and Warsaw Pact?
593. Balochistan political issues - and their history?
594. Deficit vs debt?
595. Twin Deficit?
596. Difference between Current Account Deficit and Balance of Payment.
597. Opportunity Cost?
598. Governance in Islam?
599. Accountability of civil servant?
600. dealing with crimes?
601. Circular debt?
602. IMF policy?
603. Aristotle?
604. Gender mainstreaming?
605. Despite of crime controlling agencies. Why crime?
Optionals: (IR, Env. science, sociology, criminology, US history)

606. Cabinet mission?

607. Crime controlling related international and national agencies?
608. Treaty of Paris?
609. Why US colonized?
610. Treaty of Hudaibiyah?
611. Islamic economic system?
612. bait-e-rizwan?
613. Musarif of zakat?
614. Surat on name of prophets?
615. Define Islam in 1 sentence?
616. Principles of Islamic governance structure?
617. Difference between apartheid and racial discrimination?
618. Foreign policy of Pakistan towards Afghanistan?
619. What is meaning of your name?
620. Name of Abuhuraira (sahabi) before he accept the Islam?
621. What is Asha’y Setah?
622. If you have good earnings, why do you want to join this service?
623. What is big data?
624. Why its so hard for IMF and Pak to agree on same terms and conditions?
625. Which 2 banks default in USA and why?
626. WB, governance indicators?
627. Why Pak has low WB governance indicators?
628. Separation of powers? Check and balance?
629. Which countries have separation of powers? Has Pak separation of power?
630. Montesquieu theory?
631. What is Pakhtoon nationalism?
632. What was Pakhton’s demand at the time of independence?
633. What is your opinion on the change of name of KP in 18th amendment?
634. Difference between khushhal khatk and Alama Iqbal?
635. Difference between Meta physics and physics?
636. Monetary policy? Fiscal vs monetary policy? Its impact on other countries?
637. Political polarization and its impact on Pakistan?
638. Name of bank deal in EU?
639. Stories written by you on psychological day showed that you have western influence is
that true?
640. Lenin?
641. Which life you would prefer; lavish or simple?
642. Why fly in this room sitting on your head again and again? 

Optionals : (Pol Sci, Us history, Public adm, Int law, Pushto)

643. What r u doing these days??

644. What is the main theme of how democracies die?
645. Is islam democratic, if so then y there is monarchy in Muslim countries?
646. First dynasty in sub-continent?
647. A women ruler from that era can you name her?
648. Difference btw state law and int. law?
649. What important treaties shaped int. law after 15th century??
650. An important treaty between Spain and Portugal
651. Difference between debt and deficit?
652. Pakistan total GDP?
653. Nominal GDP?
654. What does PPP stand for?
655. Disputed Islands in South China Sea?
656. What recent problem have you solved?
657. Meaning of name?
658. Theme of why nations fail?
659. What is lacking in Pakistan institutions, internal weakness or external interference?
660. Talked about mauryan dynasty?
661. About bacha khan... Who was bacha khan, Services, Red shirts and massacres related to
662. Parliamentary or presidential, In which the executive is more powerful?
663. ICC recent developments (Putin)?
664. 3 reforms in health?
665. 3 issues in our economy?
666. Diff between civil and criminal law? What do we follow
Optionals: IR, I law, Pashto environmental science, town planning

667. Hobbies?
668. Palestine-Israel conflict?
669. Why civil service?
670. Smart power?
671. Soft law?
672. Change in UN after 1991?
673. Evaluate UN?
674. Current dealing of govt. with IMF?
675. Earthquakes?
676. How to see problems of town?
677. Define integrity?
678. How to diversify exports?
679. FATF?
680. Indian nationalism contemporary?
681. SOEs?
682. Iqbal khudi concept (IN URDU)?
683. Syed Ahmad Shaheed (his political movement)?
684. Pegasus spyware?
685. Pashtoon Nationalism?
686. KUDS issue?
687. Bacha Khan and Dr Khan sahib?
688. Your strengths?
689. Pakistan economic situation?
690. Israel state and Balfour declaration?
691. Difference between Quaid 14 points and Nehru report?
692. Marxism ?
693. USSR (why formed, why alienated)?
694. Saudi-Iran conciliation?
695. US president's powers?
696. Scientific approach in Public administration?

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