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No. ……………….

Name : Tax Payer’s ID Number / NPWP :

ID Card Number :

Phone Number : Email :

Office Number :

Address :

Correspondence Address :

In thiscase acting for him/herself hereinafter referred to CUSTOMER, shall here by order a Unit as follows :

Project : Block Type Unit No

Unit size : … m2

Jadwal Pembayaran
Keterangan Tgl JT Rupiah
Payment Method : KPR/…
Booking Fee 14-04-2023 Rp. 25.000.000,-
Selling Price : Rp
Down Payment Rp. Total Selling Price : Rp

Rp. Note :
Promo 2023
Total Rp.
 Free Notary Fee, Transfer of Tittle , Deed of Sale and Purchase , PNBP,ZNT,

 Free ……

 Free Full Kitchen Set

Bank : Bank … .
Account Name : ….
Account No. : …………

By the signing of this House Purchase Order Letter, CUSTOMER has read, understood,
acknowledged, and agreed to accept and comply with all regulations, terms, and
conditions stated in this Booking Order and terms and conditions which are an
inseparable part of this Booking Order, and shall sign and deliver all necessary
documents as required by the developer from time to time.

Bali, ..... 2023

( ) ( ) ( )

Customer Marketing Direktur

* Attach a photocopy of the buyer’s valid ID (Resident’s Identity Card & Tax
Payer’s Identification Number) or Passport (specifically for foreign buyer).
* Payment is considered valid if it has been well received in the account of …….
* If the customer cancel the purchase unilaterally and or the purchase becomes
void as the KPR/KPT (mortgage) is rejected, paid Booking Fee and tax cannot be
* If the customer is later in payment within an agreed timeline, the late payment
penalty is 1‰ (one per mill) per late day.

1. This booked unit confirmation is not a valid proof of transfer for the booking receipt of the Booked
Unit (residential, office or home office, or land parcel) and must be exchanged with a Booking Order
and/or Sales and Purchase Agreement for the booked unit.

2. All data in the booked unit confirmation (including correspondence address, name and
branch of the marketing agency) must be filled out completely, clearly and correctly. A
correct and readable copy of the identity card (KTP) shall also be attached. The Booking
Recipient shall not be held responsible for anything if it turns out that one or more of the
required data or documents are found to be incomplete or incorrect, including Customer
does not receive a notice or confirmation of the booked unit is not signed by the
Customer and/or authorized person/party or one or more of the terms or conditions in this
Booked Unit Confirmation is not carried out.
3. The binding price (“binding price”) and payment mode (including payment schedule) for the
Booked Unit (residential, office or home office, land parcel), which has been agreed,
shall bind on the Customer and Booking Recipient.

4. Purchases shall be made in cash, cash in arrears without interest or in

instalments/arrears via through the Booking Recipient or other parties (including banks).
The Customer is subject to and bound to the terms and conditions set out by the Recipient
of Booking, including the Customer’s obligation to settle all payment liabilities (down
payment instalments and/or instalments/arrears) in the correct amount (in the sense of
no withholdings or deductions) and on time (in the sense of not exceeding the due date)
according to the payment schedule. Payment via transfer, cheque or written transfer
instruction (bilyet giro) is considered valid if the funds have been received in the account
of the Booking Recipient and for that the Customer will receive an official proof of
payment (receipt) from the Order Recipient. The fee for rejected cheque or written
transfer instruction from the Buyer is set out at IDR200,000.- (two hundred thousand
Rupiahs) per rejection and stamp duty until the full payment shall be borne by the
5. On payment schedule:

a. Payment of down payment 1st instalment must be paid by the Customer within 14
(fourteen) days from the booking fee payment date. If after the booking fee is paid
the Customer does not or is late in paying the instalment on the due date due to
any cause or reason, the Customer shall be subject to fines and a Warning Letter as
provided in Article 10a.

b. The payment schedule is not related to the development progress of the unit
selected by the Customer.

c. The deadline for late second down payment or other payment liabilities is maximum 30
(thirty) calendar days since the due date of each payment liability.

6. On Bank Loan Facility Use:

a. The Customer must provide all data as required by bank and such data shall be sent to Sales
Administrator by no later than 7 (seven) business days after the down payment instalments are fully
paid. If the Customer does not carry out such liability or other obligations as required by Bank within
the stipulated timeline, the Booking Recipient is entitled to and concurrently authorized by the
Customer to cancel the purchase of the Booked Unit under this Booked Unit Confirmation
unilaterally and a cancellation sanction as regulated in number 10 letter b of this Booked Unit
Confirmation shall prevail. When the Booking Recipient unilaterally cancels the Booking, the
Customer shall not sue and/or shall hold the Booking Recipient harmless of any lawsuits and/or
demands related to such cancellation.

b. Regarding the use of bank loan facility, the Customer realizes and acknowledges
that the Booking Recipient is only an agent of the Customer. Therefore, all
consequences and risks related to the loan facility application and/or Booked Unit
booking shall be fully borne and sustained by the Customer and they cannot be
linked and charged to the Booking Recipient due to any cause or reason. If the loan
application process has been submitted to minimum 3 (three) banks and it is
rejected by such three banks due to an error or negligence of the Customer or any
cause/reason, and if the Customer rejects a change of payment mode to the
Booking Recipient to another settlement scheme, which should be collectively
agreed upon within 14 business days, the Booking Recipient is entitled to and the
Customer shall hereby grant a power of attorney to the Booking Recipient to
unilaterally cancel the Booked Unit as regulated in article 11 letter
b. Provisions of article 1266 and 1267 of the Indonesian Civil Code shall be waived.
When the Booking Recipient unilaterally cancels the Booking under this provision, the
Customer shall not file for a claim and/or shall hold the Booking Recipient
harmless from any lawsuits and/or demands related to such cancellation.

c. If the payment is made by the bank using a loan facility under the name of other party
agreed by the Booking Recipient and such other party commits a default and/or
negligence related to the obligations to relevant bank, the Booking Recipient is entitled to
and hereby granted a power of attorney by the Customer to cancel this Agreement
unilaterally. A penalty for the cancellation as regulated in 11 letter b of this
Agreement shall also prevail by waiving provisions of article 1266 and 1267 of the
Indonesian Civil Code. When the Booking Recipient unilaterally cancels the Booking
under this provision, the Customer shall not file for a claim and/or shall hold the
Booking Recipient harmless from any lawsuits and/or demands related to such
7. On the unit size measurement result:

a. The Customer and Booking recipient shall agree to be subject to the measurement
result carried out an authorized institution and they shall not change any sizes stated in
the Booked Unit Certificate.
b. An under-measured or over-measured Booked Unit
Size (except flat unit) up to 3% (three percent) shall not
change any price stated in the Booking Order. However,
a difference on the Booked Unit Size which exceeds 3%
(three percent) shall be recalculated after being deducted
by 3% (three percent) with a per meter square price unit
under the price as referred to in this Booking Order. It
shall be settled by a party concurrently and immediately
without any withholdings.
8. Specifically for a Booked Unit of a Shop-house, unless otherwise (further) specified or
arranged in the premise/area code of conduct and other regulations stipulated by the Booking
Recipient or a manager appointed by the Booking Recipient, the Customer is required to
continuously open his business in three (3) months since the handover date of the
Booked Unit.
If the customer does not continuously open his business since the stipulated date:

i. The Customer is obliged to pay to the Booking Recipient for a penalty of IDR250,000
(two hundred and fifty thousand Rupiahs)/m2 per month as of a demand at the first
notice from the Booking Recipient; or

ii. At the sole discretion and decision of the Booking Recipient, the Booking Recipient is
entitled at any time to and at the same time acts as a full proxy of the Customer to
lend or lease the Booked Unit to any party at the rental price under terms and
conditions deemed suitable by the Booking Recipient; provided that the Booking
Recipient is obliged to hand over the rent (after being deducted by taxes, fees and
other relevant costs) to the Customer.
For such purpose, the Customer authorizes the Booking Recipient with the right of
substitution to remove all goods (if any) from the Booked Unit (make vacant) and
places them in a place specified by the Booking Recipient. All risks of damages,
losses and costs shall be fully borne and assumed by the Customer. The Customer
shall agree and accept the Minutes of Discharge carried out by the Booking
Recipient and hereby hold the Booking Recipient harmless from all claims and/or
demands for such discharge.

9. Specifically for a booked Unit of land parcels, the customer is required to carry out a
construction on the Booked Unit by no later than 6 (six) months from the handover date
of the Booked Unit. If the Customer does not carry out the construction on the Booked
Unit during this period:
i. The premise management fee (maintenance fee) for the Booked Unit which must be
paid by the Customer is 200% (two hundred percent) or two folds of the fees set out
by the Booking Recipient or the manager appointed by the Booking Recipient.

ii. All consequences arising from the postponement of the construction on the Booked
Unit including new regulations by the Government are entirely borne and assumed
by the Customer.

10. On Late Payment Penalty:

a. If the Customer does not pay or is late in payment or underpays the instalments/arrears and/or other
payment liabilities on the due date of the payment, the Customer is subject to a late penalty of 1 0/00
(one per mile) per day out of the instalment or other outstanding payment liabilities.

b. The Booking Recipient is not required to notify or remind the Customer if the Customer
is late or underpays according to the agreed schedule and payment amount.

c. Physical submission of the Booked Unit is carried out in phases by no later than:
• Cash: 18 months (twelve months) after the settlement
• Cash in Arrears: 18months (twelve months) after 75% instalments have been paid
• KPR (house mortgage): 18 months (twelve months) after the Credit Agreement is
entered into.

In the case of the Booked Unit Confirmation unless:

i. During the construction period, there is an order request approved by the Booking Recipient to
change the building;
ii. During this period, some issues which are beyond the control of the Booking Recipient
or Force Majeure take place;

iii. At his discretion, the Booking Recipient delays the handover of the Booked Unit
while the Customer has complied with all obligations to the Booking Recipient,
including but not limited to the payment of all Agreed Prices, penalties, fees and
other payment liabilities (if any).

The handover of the Booked Unit Orders must be acknowledged by the Customer and
shall be stated in a Minutes of Handover (“BAST”).

d. If the Booking Recipient is unable to make a physical and gradual handover since the
Construction Completion:

i. In the event that the Customer has not paid the Agreed Price on the Construction
Completion Date, within 6 (six) months from the Agreed Price settlement date the
Booking Recipient shall be subject to a late payment fee of 1 ‰ (one per mile) per
day of the building value of the Booked Unit where it is capped at 2% (two percent)
of the building value of the Booked Unit.

ii. In case the Customer has fully paid the Agreed Price prior to the Construction
Completion Date, within 6 (six) months from the Construction Completion Date
the Booking Recipient shall be subject to a late penalty of 1 ‰ (one per mile) per
day of the building value of the Booked Unit which has not yet been completed
where it is capped at 2% (two percent) of the building value of the Booked Unit.

11. Regarding the Cancellation after the first advanced payment instalment or arrear payment:

a. If the Customer fails to make the instalment payment within 7 (seven) days from the
instalment due date, the Booking Recipient is entitled to
impose a fine as stipulated in article 10a and issue the
1st Warning Letter. If the Customer still has not made
payment in 7 (seven) days, the Booking Recipient shall
continue to calculate the fine and issue the 2nd Warning
Letter. If the Customer has not made any payment for the
next 7 (seven) days, the Booking Recipient is entitled to
issue the 3rd Warning Letter and hereby receives a
power of attorney from the Customer to unilaterally
cancel the booking for the Booked Unit. Provisions of article
1266 and article 1267 of the Indonesia Civil Code shall be
waived. The Customer, when the Booking Recipient
cancels unilaterally under this provision, shall not sue and/or
shall hold the Booking Recipient harmless from any claims
and/or lawsuits related to the cancellation.

b. In the event of this Booked Unit Confirmation cancellation by the Booking

Recipient under provisions of number 6 letters a, b and c and number 11 letter a,
terms and conditions of the Booked Unit Confirmation Letter, the Booking Recipient
shall charge 50% (fifty percent) withholding and related taxes on the payments
received by the Booking Recipient.
c. If this Booked Unit Confirmation cancellation is requested by the Customer and can be
approved in written by the Booking Recipient, the refund for the payment received
by the Booking Recipient shall refer to provisions of number 11 letter b.

d. By this Order Cancellation, the Booking Recipient has the right to take any action
to the Booked Unit, including but not limited to selling and/or renting and/or transferring
the right to the Booked Unit to any party without any consent from and notice to the
Customer. Therefore, the Customer shall hereby hold the Booking Recipient harmless
from all claims and/or lawsuits from the Customer and/or any party related to the

12. If the payment has reached 20% (twenty percent) of the Agreed Price and complied with
applicable laws and regulations, the Customer is required to sign the Sales and
Purchase Agreement (PPJB) under terms and conditions set out by the Booking

13. The Customer cannot assign or transfer all or part of the rights and obligations in this
Order to other person/party, including renting, lending and guaranteeing his rights to
other party without a consent of the Booking Recipient. If this is violated, all
consequences (legal consequences), including taxation provisions shall be entirely borne
and assumed by the Customer.

14. If the Booking Recipient agrees, for the transfer of rights and responsibilities of the
Booked Unit to another party, the Customer is subject to the administration fee
reimbursement of 3% (three percent) of the Agreed Price.

15. On the handover of the Booked Unit:

a. The physical handover of the Booked Unit must be carried out by the Customer at a written notice
from the Booking Recipient (or his officer/official) and set forth in a designated Minutes of
Handover (“BAST”), after the Booked Unit is ready for handover and all fines and instalments have
been paid. For this purpose, the Customer must comply with all terms and conditions (including
the settlement of the Agreed Price, penalties and other payment liabilities, if any) which are
specified by the Booking Recipient, and must accept the Booked Unit.

b. If within 7 (seven) days after the notice date for handover it appears that the
Customer does not come and/or sign the BAST due to any reason/cause, the
customer is deemed to agree that the Booked Unit has been handed over and in
such case, a proof of delivery for the notice of the Booked Unit handover is
considered as a sufficient proof that the Booked Unit has been handed over on the
7th (seventh) day after the notice delivery date.
16. On the Booked Unit:

a. The Booked Unit which has been booked cannot be exchanged with other unit.

b. The Booking Recipient is responsible for completing the Booked Unit in a standard condition.
c. The Customer may not renovate, alter or add any parts to the Booked Unit building
before the handover is made under the terms and conditions set out by the Booking

17. As of the handover date, all risks and responsibilities for the Booked Unit, including the
obligation for the Land Building Tax (PBB) payment, costs (including maintenance fees), and
maintenance, shall be borne and paid by the Customer.

18. The Customer must have a Tax Payer’s Identification Number (NPWP) and provide a
photocopy of NPWP, Family Card, and Resident’s Identity Card (KTP) to the Booking
Recipient at the signature date of the House Purchase Order (SPR).

19. Regarding the vacating and re-handing over of the Booked Unit:

a. If the Booked Unit has been handed over to the Customer and this Booked Unit Confirmation later
become void or is cancelled due to any cause/reason, by no later than 14 (fourteen) calendar days
since the date of notice sent by a registered mail, the Customer is required to hand over the
Booked Unit in a good and complete (along with all keys) and vacant condition, which means it is
not occupied/used or controlled by any parties due to any causes or reasons.

b. The Customer is subject to 1% (one percent) vacating penalty of the Agreed Price
for each late day of the Customer’s handing over the Booked Unit in a vacant
condition to the Booking Recipient.

c. If within 14 (fourteen) calendar days since the notice date aforesaid the Customer does not hand
over the Booked Unit in a vacant condition to the Booking Recipient as it shall be, the Booking
Recipient at any time is entitled to and concurrently as a full proxy of
the Customer to vacate and take over the Booked Unit under the control of the
Booking Recipient from any parties. If necessary, the Booking Recipient may ask for
any assistance from an authorized party/ institution and all expenses shall be borne
and assumed by the Customer. For such purpose, the Customer shall hereby grant
a power of attorney with a Substitution Right to the Booking Recipient to remove all
items from the Booked Unit and place them on a designated place by the Booking
Recipient. All risks of damages, losses, and costs shall be fully borne and assumed
by the Customer.
If, within 14 (fourteen) days since the expiry date of this Booked Unit Confirmation due
to a cancellation as referred to in provisions of number 6 letter a, b or c or number
11 letter a and terms and conditions of this Booked Unit confirmation, some items
remain on the Booked Unit and/or are placed on the premise designated by the
Booking Recipient to temporarily store such items, the Customer shall hereby
waive a propertiary right on such items and fully relinquish the control and
ownership of such items as an owner. The Customer shall hereby hold the Booking
Recipient harmless of all claims and/or lawsuits regarding such issue and grant an
exemption, settlement, and full payment to the Booking Recipient (ecquit et
Related to such issue, the Booking Recipient is also entitled to calculate and
collect a vacating penalty to the Customer under clause 19 paragraph b and all
costs which may arise due to the Booked Unit vacating.

d. Regarding all issues related to the Booked Unit vacating as referred to in this item,
both parties shall agree to waive all regulations or provisions, either existing or
future, which require any assistance or authority from an authorized party/institution
in vacating the Unit. Therefore, the Booking Recipient (or his proxy) is entitled to
vacate and take over the Booked Unit with or without any assistance from an
authorized party/institution. All costs and risks shall be fully borne by the

20. If the Customer does not enter into and sign the Sales and Purchase Deed (AJB) and
complete all Deeds, documents or letters needed for completing the entering into/signing
of the Sales and Purchase Deed (AJB) after 2 (two) written notices from the Booking
Recipient on the scheduled signing date of the Sales and Purchase Deed (AJB), all
consequences and risks due to the delayed signing of such Sales and Purchase Deed
(AJB) shall be borne and assumed by the Customer. In addition, the Customer must pay
some fees to the Booking Recipient where the fees are stipulated by the Booking Recipient
due to the delayed signing of such Sales and Purchase Deed (AJB), including but not
limited to penalty for the delayed signing of the Sales and Purchase Deed (AJB) in the
amount of 3% (three percent) of the agreed price to be paid by the Customer prior the
Sales and Purchase Deed (AJB) is signed.

21. All payments must be fully made without any withholdings and paid directly to and at the
office of the Booking Recipient, i.e.:
Bank ......... KCP ......................,
a/c no ……………………….
In cash or by cheque or written transfer instruction (bilyet giro) on weekdays (Monday to
Saturday) at 09.00 to 16.00 Western Indonesian Time (WIB) or by money remittance
(transfer) to the above account by mentioning the Name of the Project, Block and
Number of the Booked Unit, Name of the Customer, and sequence number of the
Or other places to be decided later by the Booking Recipient.
The transfer receipt is required to be sent to the office of ………………………… via email to:

22. Specifically for the booked units of land and building units, the Customer shall hereby grant a
power of attorney with a substitution right for now and later to the Booking Recipient to:

a. Accept and appoint the Booking Recipient and/or a party appointed by the booking
recipient as the area/complex manager on the Land and Building unit booked by the
customer, which is a part of the integrated area built by the Booking Recipient.
Therefore, the booking recipient or a party appointed by the booking recipient is entitled
to and concurrently acting as a proxy of the customer to manage the area/complex.
Thus, the Customer shall hold the Booking Recipient or a party appointed by the
Booking Recipient harmless of all claims and/or lawsuits related to the management of
such area/complex.
b. Make, add, alter and/or improve the code of conduct for residents, premise/area
regulations, and other regulations stipulated and enforced in general by the
managing committee, specifically related to the management, governance, parking, etc.
and their amendments (if any).

c. Collect and accumulate all costs which should be borne by the booked unit
owners/occupants, including but not limited to neighbourhood due.

d. Submit a tender, make and sign all agreements with other parties which are
considered good by the managing committee related to the management.

23. The Customer shall hereby state and guarantee to the Booking Recipient that all liabilities
payments due to the booked unit purchase (booking fee; down payment); arrears/instalments;
penalties (if any) and many more shall not derive from any crimes/unlawful acts/actions
which breach prevailing laws and regulations, including but not limited to: Corruption,
Collusion and Nepotism (KKN), theft, embezzlement, fraud, drug cartels, trafficking,
gambling. Therefore, the booking shall hold the Booking Recipient harmless of all legal
risks/consequences/proceedings which may arise from the origin booking fund source/status.
The Customer is liable for all risks and costs related to this representation and guarantee
if the representation and guarantee is not true.

24. The Customer is required to be subject to and comply with each provision in the code of
conduct of residents, articles of association, bylaws,
premise/area regulation, and other regulations which are
stipulated and enforced in general by the manager,
including regulations related to the governance,
management, parking, and other issues related to the
booked unit as a part of one integrated area, and all future
amendments, including but not limited to the Customer
being required to pay Maintenance Fee and/or other fees
(if any) to the manager under a general tariff stipulated
from time to time by the manager.
25. If in the future:

a. If in the future, this booked unit confirmation has been amended or upgraded into a Booking Order
and/or Pre-Sales and Purchase Agreement, Sales and Purchase Agreement and/or sales and purchase
deed, all terms and conditions of this booked unit confirmation and power of attorney and other
regulations stipulated by the manager shall remain effective and bind both parties and the
beneficiary(s) and/or assignee(s)
/substitute(s) of each party.

b. If in the future, the Customer sells, assigns his rights, lend/lease the booked unit to
any persons, the customer shall hereby bind himself to require the new
borrower/lessee to comply with and be subject to all terms and conditions of this
booked unit confirmation.

c. If in the future, the booked unit confirmation and/or booking order and/or sales and
purchase agreement and/or sales and purchase deed becomes void and/or
cancelled due to any causes and reasons, all rights and authorizations of the
customer and/or sales and purchase deed shall become void and/or cancelled due to
any cause and reasons. All rights and authorizations of the booking and/or sales
and purchase deed which accept the rights and authorizations of the customer shall
automatically be void and returned to the Booking Recipient. Therefore, parties shall
waive all provisions of article 1266 and 1267 of the Indonesian Civil Code.

26. The Customer shall hereby agree to assign the areal management to PT. Jimbaran
Hilltown. Related to this management, the Customer shall agree to pay a monthly areal
management due to PT. Jimbaran Hilltown, with the Booking Recipient where it is required
to be paid per 3 (three) months in advanced. The amount of this due is IDR2,000/m2 x
Land Lot Width plus IDR4,000/m2 x Building Size. Such due includes 24-hour security,
cleaning, waste collection, facility and areal maintenance. The maintenance fee may at any
time be adjusted by PT. Jimbaran Hilltown.

27. Issues which are or have not been regulated in this booked Unit confirmation shall be further
regulated in the sales and purchase agreement and other agreements entered into related
to the booked Unit.

28. The Customer has carefully read, understand, and agree to terms and conditions of this
booked unit confirmation. The Customer shall sign this Booked Unit Confirmation.


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