Aturan JP

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- Peraturan Area Bermain Jungle Play (Papan Pemberitahuan)

1. Rules acknowledgement is required and must

accompany each admision.
2. We are not responsible for your child's safety
or injuries that may occur from unsafe and/or
unsupervised play
3. Jungle Play does not tolerate unrully,
aggressive behavior (pushing, fighting,etc),
bullying, disrespect of other's playtime or
vulgar, inappropriate language. In the event a
child or adult violate this policy, they will be
asked to leave the facility, with no refund
4. Please be considerate of other families and do
not bring sick children to the playground. If a
child is visibly sick (caughing, runny rose,
discharge/redness from eyes), we reserve the
right to deny admission
5. Accidents happen. If your child soils
themselves while in the play area, please
notify us right awas so that we can properly
provide first aid and sanitize the area
6. Firearms, ammunition, knives and weapons
of any kind are prohibited

- Google Form sebagai portal pendaftaran kids club harus juga dijabarkan peraturan diatas, agar saat proses
pendaftaran orang tua siswa/siswi mengetaui dan menyetujui aturan di area jungle play.

- Setiap pengunjung Jungle Play harus diberikan informasi terkait dengan peraturan diatas, dan diberikan form
persetujuan dari mereka terhadap peraturan diatas.

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