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14.1 Introduction
14.2 Thii Spherical Shells
14.2.1 Stresses
14.2.2 Strains
14.3 Doubly Curved Shells
14.3.1 Stresses
14.4 Conical Shells
14.4.1 Stresses
14.5 Summary
14.6 Answers to SAQs

This unit presents the analysis of thin shells subjected to internal or external pressure. This
is an extension of the previous unit describing thin cylindrical shells. In this unit, stresses
and strains induced in shells will be found out based on the geometry of the shell.
We shall begin by defining a thin spherical shell identifying the assumptions to be made for
the analysis. After finding the stresses,in the material of the shell, strains will be decided.
We shall then analyse doubly curved shells explaining their difference from a spherical shell.
Conical shells will be analysed considering their geometry for arriving at the stresses.

After studying this unit, you should be able to
define a shell and put down the assumptions made in the analysis,
determine stresses in a spherical shell,
find the strains produced in a spherical shell,'
calculate the stresses in a doubly curved shell,
obtain expressions for the analysis of conical shell, and
workout problems involving shells.


In this section, we shall obtain expressions for the stresses and strains in spherical shells and
use &em for working out the related problems.
We assume the following in order to derive the expressions for the stresses and strains in
thin shells.
(a) The diameter of the shell is more than 20 times the thickness of the shell.
(b) The stresses are uniform over the cross section from the inner surface to the
outer surface.
(c) The weight of the shell material and that of the fluid contained inside are not
taken into account.
(d) The atmospheric pressure is taken as the reference pressure.
14.2.1 Stresses
Consider a thin spherical shell of nominal diameter d and shell thickness r which 1s
containing some fluid at an internal pressure a (see Figure 14.1).
Stresses in Shafts & Shells Spherical shell is symmetrical in all directions and hence, it will have a tendency to burst
and Thermal Stresses
equally in all directions hence, one may decide that the hoop or circumferential stresses in
the material will be the same in all directions. We shall consider a diametrical plane XX
which cuts the shell into two halves of hemispherical segments, we shall consider the upper
hemispherical portions and see the nature and magnitude of the internal stresses acting on
the reaction. 'Ihe stresses will be as shown in Figure 14.2.

Figure 14.1 Figure 14.2

For the upper half of the shell considered, the equilibrium is achieved by the hoop stresses
oh set up nonnal to the section of the shell wall which is cut and exposed. The internal
pressure of fluid a c h g on the internal surface of the shell induces a bursting force. This is
resisted by the hoop stresses a h acting vertically down and tensile in nature.
We can write the expressions for the bursting and resisting forces as below.
The pressure acting on the inner curved surface of the shell acts normal to the surface and
hence, it will be acting in all directions. The vertical components of the bursting force is
obtained by considering a small ring ABCD subtendig an angle d0 at the centre as shown in
Figure 14.3. I
Wgure 14.3

Resolving the nonnal force due to the internal pressure acting on this elemental ring
vertically, we have

Hence, the total vertical component of the brushg force in the hemispherical shell will be
P,, = %d2~sin0cos0d0

The vertical resisting force due to the hoop stresses acting on the reaction will be

Since the equilibrium is maintained by the action of the two forces, they must be equal and
opposite. Hence, we get
R = P"
n Shells
Thus, we get, n dt a, = - pd2

Similarly, considering any other diametrical plane section cutting the shell, the hoop stresses
in the shell will be found to be the same both in magnitude and nature, due to the symmetry
of the shell. Hence, it can be understood that the hoop stress in any direction in thin
spherical shell is given by the following expression :

ah = $ (tensile)
Let us see some examples for finding stresses in thin spherical shells.
Example 14.1
A thin spherical shell of 1.5 m diameter and 8 mm thickness is filled with a liquid at
an internal pressure of 1.5 N/mm2. Find the stresses in the shell.
Diameter of the shell, d = 1.5 m = 1500 mm
Thickness of the shell, t = 8 mm
Internal pressure, p = 1.5 N/mm2 -
:. --
Hoop stress = pd - 1500 = 70.31 N/rnm2 (tensile)
4t 4x 8
Example 14.2
A thin spherical shell of 2 m diameter is subjected to an internal pressure of
1.5 N/mm2. If the permissible tensile stress of the material of the shell is
125 N/mm2, find the minimum thickness required.
Diameter of the shell = 2 m = 2000 rnm
Internal pressure = 1.5 N/mm2
Permissible tensile stress = 125 N/mm2
If thickness of the shell is t,

Then, we have, 125 = pd


.: Minimum thickness required = 6 mm.

Example 14.3
A thin spherical shell of 1.5 m diameter is made by joining steel plates of 8 mm
thickness by riveting. The efficiency of the joint is given to be 75%. Find the
maximum pressure that can be applied inside the shell. Take permissible tensile
stress as 140 N/mm2.
The efficiency of the joints influences the stresses induced..For a seamless shell, i.e. a
shell with no joints, efficiency is 100%. For reduced effieiency, stresses are
increased. Hence, if q is the efficiency of the joints in the shell, then the hoop stress
is given by ah = pd
In this example, ~iameter,d = 1.5 m = 1500 mm, Thickness, t = 8 mm
Permissible hoop stress = 140 N/mm2
Efficiency = 75% = 0.75
Stresses in Shafts & SheUs
and Thermal Stresses Thus, we have, 140 =
4 x 8 x 0.75
:. p = 2.24 N/mm2
Example 14.4
A thin spherical hollow steel shell of 4QO mm diameter and 5 mm thickness is
immersed into a liquid container pressurised to 2 N/mm2. Find the magnitude and
nature of the stresses induced in the material of the shell.
In this case, the shell is subjected to an external pressure of 2 ~ / m mHence,
~. the
stresses will be compressive in nature.
Diameter, d = 4Q0rnm
Thicbess, t = 5 rnm
External pressure, p = 2 N/mm2

:. Hoop stress, ah =!!!i4r

ah = 40 N/mm2 (compressive)

SAQ 3'
k \phericill vessel of 750 Inn1 diameter,is made trciol 13, rnnl Lhick :;i,'ill plates will^ ii
pi:rmissibl!: terisile stress of 140 N/innik. Firid the safe internal prcssutc: tl~atcan t ~ t :
:lpplierl insidc the shell.

out of X nlni sleel plates to cuntain gas iit a

:1 tilit! spherical ves2el is tcr be forr~~ciJ
pr-essurco P 2 N/nml-. 1I'Ulr allowable‘ lcnsile strcss in stccl is ,140 N / T ~ I I ~ ~ ' l'i11~1
. ~hc
!rlauin~urndiatneler of the vessel that car1 bc miltlc.

14.2.2 Strains
At any point in a thin spherical shell acted up by an internal pressure p, we have seen Ule
stress acting in all circumferential directions is the same, owing to the symmetry of the
shell. Its magnitude has been determined as @ Considering three mutually perpendicular
4t '
directions at any point on the shell, the stress will be as follows.
Stress along the two cicCumft?rentialdieclions = @ (tensile)
Stress along the radial direction = p (compressive) r'

These are the principal stwises at fie point (refer Figure 14,4),how eve^, when yd IS
. very
large to make the shell thin, hoop stress will be very large compared to the internal pressure.
Hence, the compressive stress in @g 123;; i;&t:~i;~n can be neglected leaving only the two
principal tensile .Q?:;;E~of aheach.

Figure 14.4

With these principal stresses acting at any point on the shell, we shall now calculate the
strain along the circumferential direction. Again, due to symmetry, it may be understood,
that strains m all circumferential direction will be the same. It will be given as,

where v is the Poisson's ratio for the material of shell, and E is the Young's Modulus.

HOOP strain, ~h = &-"EL

4tE 42E

This strain will give the change in the circumference of the shell. Since the circumference of
a circular ring in directly proportional to its diameter, the diametrical strain (ratio of chenge
in diameter to the original diameter) is the same as the circumferential strain (ratio of the
change 111 @ecircumference to the original circumference). Hence, hoop strain will be used
to find the change in diameter of the shell.
Volumetric Strain
To frnd the volumetric strain (ratio of change in volume to the original volume) the
expression for the volume of the sphere will be considered.
Capacity/volume of the sphere, V = -6
Enlarged volume, V+SV= q d + 6 d )
where 6d is the correspondingchange in diameter.

Uhdnge in volume, GV = E ( d + ~ ) ~ - ~ d ~
6 6
Expel14 ing and neglecting second order terms and on simplifying, we get

GV 2
:. Volumetric strain, E, = -- - ----
v -nd2
Stresses in ShPfe & Shells Thus, E, = 3xeh
and Thermal Stresses
or, volumetric strain = 3 x hoop strain
which gives the expression,

= 41E (1 - v )
We shall now see some examples for finding out the strains in spherical shells.
Example 14.5
A thin spherical shell of 1.8 m diameter is 10 mm thick. It is filled with a liquid so
that the internal pressure is 1Nlmm2. Find the change in diameter if the Young's
Modulus of the material is 2 x lo5 N/mm2 and Poissons ratio is 0.3.
Diameter of the shell, d = 1.8 m = 1800 mm
Thickness, I = 10 mm
Internal pressure, p = 1 Nlmm2
.: Hoop stress, oh = pd
- l l8O0 = 45 ~ / m m ~
4 x 10
:. Hoop strain, eh = -(1 - V )
= - ( 1 - 0.3) = 1.575 x 10- 4
2 x.10~
.: Increase in diameter = &hx d
= 1.575~10-~~1800
= 0.2835 rnm
Example 14.6
A thin spherical vessel of diameter 800 rnrn and thickness 6 mm is filled with a liquid
at an internal pressure of 1.5 ~ l m mFind
~ . the increase in volume of the vessel,
taking E = 2 x lo5 ~ / m and m ~v = 0.3.
Diameter of the vessel, d = 800 mm
Thickness, t = 6 mm
Internal pressure, p = 1.5 N / m 2

.'. HOOPstress, oh = pd

- = 50 N/mm2
4x 6
:. Hoop strain. &h = y (! - V )

- 50 (1-0.3) = 1 . 7 5 x 1 0 - ~
2 x lo5
.: Volumetric strain, E, = 3 x &h
= 3 x (1.75 x = 5.25 x
;. Original volume, V = -6

- "x = 2.6808 x 10' m3

:. Increase in volume, 6V = E, x V Shells

Example 14.7
A thin spherical vessel of diameter 750 mm and wall thickness 8 mm is filled with
water at atmospheric pressure. Find the increase in pressure if an additional volume
of 1000 cc of water is pumped into the vessel. Young's Modulus of the material of
the vessel is 2 x lo5 N/mm2 and Poisson's ratio is 0.3. Take bulk modulus of water
as 2 x lo3 ~ / r n r n ~ .
Diameter of the vessel, d = 750 mm
Thickness, t = 8 mm
Net Increase in volume, dV = 1000 cm3 = 1 x lo6 mm3
Let increase in pressure be p N/mmL.
Allowing for the compressibility of water, the additional volume of water pumped in
is the net change in volume due to the increase in the capacity of the vessel and the
decrease in the volume of water.

HOOP stress, o h = pd

Hoop strain, &h = - (1 - V)

= 8.203 x 10- p
Volumetric Strain, E, = 3 x &h

Original volume of the vessel. V = nd -'

6 6
7503 = 2.2089 x lo8 mm3

Increase in the capacity of the vessel, 6V1 = E, x V

Original volume of water in the vessel = 2.2089 x lo8 mm3

Increase in pressure = p

.-.Decrease in volume of water, 6V2 = 3'

= 110445~
Net volume change (additional volume of water pumped in)
= Increase in capacity of vessel + Decrease in volume of water
6V = 6V1+ 6V2
1 x106 = 54359.6p+ 1 1 0 4 4 5 ~
:. p = 6.06 ~ / r n r n ~
Stresses in Shafts & Shells
and Thermal Stresses
Calculate thc increase in volume of a splicri~alshell 1 m in Jiilmieter ailtl 10 mlli In
Lhickness when it is sohjccted to an internal prcsswc 01- 1 6 K!mmL.
Take I: - 2 x I!? ~!mnz\aa;d Poisst-iri's ralio = 0.1

A spherical shcll is of 600 nlrn diameter and h rum wall thickness. If the tensile stress
is linlileci to 60 N!mmd. Calculate the sal;! working pressure and increase In its
volu~neunder the pressure. Take E =: 203 ~ ~ l nand i ' v = 0.25.

S.AQ 6
A sp11r11calsheli 1s 1.5 111 ln d l a n ~ e ~and
c r r,t plate U ~ I L ~ I ~ L 15
' S Snuri WJECIis I?UII~)L'L(
in ur~tilwater pressure in thc shell 1s registered as 4 x!nun2. Find the chalrgc ln
tliamclel and the corrrsplnding increase In volui~:c of the shell.

A sp!?ericai vcssel o( 750 K J ~inI diat~~ere!. is mide irr~17.1I !? lillil SIC~!Ipl:~ie-;ilidis just
I iI1:id with water a t al~::i?spilericprrssut.,:. n.i~ct? ;ill ;icl;t?aollaiH85000 111111' oi' v-,,:!tci-

is puniputl i l l , thc prcssisrc rircs tc: 5.8 Niirrlirf &mi ihi. I.ri!lk n.i:,dulu or waltSc.
I.' 200 (;Pa u~clPoisson's raiii: = 0.286.


Spherical shell studied in the previous section is actually a special case of a general curved
shell with two different radii of curvature. We shall now see, how the general expression
for stresses in a doubly curved shell is obtained.
(a) The radii of curvature of the shell are very large compared to the thickness of
the shell.
(b) The shell is incapable of offering any resistance to bending and thus acts as a
thin membrane.
(c) The stresses acting on the shell are uniform throughout the thickness.
(d) The stresses act tangential to the middle surface of the shell.
14.3.1 Stresses
Consider a thin walled vessel with two principal radii of curvature rl and r2. Let the
thickness of the shell be t and let it be subjected to an internal pressure of p. The stresses in
the two principal directions arefl and f2 acting tangential to the middle.surface at any point
as shown in Figure 14.5.

Figure 145

In order to evaluate the stresses, consider the equilibrium of the element shown in
Figure 14.6. Here,fl is the circumferential stress and f2 is the meridional stress. And rl is
the radius of curvature of the circumferential arc and r7 is the radius of curvature of the
meridional arc.

1 Figure 14.6

For the element, let

dol= angle subtended by the circumferential arc at the centre of curvature O 1
do2 = angle subtended by the w--:":--ra! arc at the centre of curvature 0 2
dsl= length of the circumfereiitial elemental arc

ds2 = length of the meridional elemental arc
The forces acting on the surfaces are as shown in Figure 14.6. The forcefl ds2 t is acting in
the circumferential direction and f2 dslt is acting in the meridional direction.
rn The radial force due to the internal pressure on the wall of the element is p dslds2.
Resolving all the forces on the elemental part along the normal,
fids2 t dol +f2 dslt do2 = p dslds2
Stresses in Shafts & Shells
and Thermal Stresses Thus, we get,

The expression gives the general relationship between the circumferential stresses and the
meridional stresses with the internal pressure.
Particular Cases
(a) If the vessel is spnerical
r l = r 2 = r and f l = f 2 = a n

.. -anr+ - =anr p

(b) If the vessel is cylindrical

r l = r and r 2 = m

Since the longitudinal stressf2 is due to the pressure at the ends of the cylinder,

Example 14.8
A doubly curved shell of thickness 8 mm is filled with a liquid under an internal
pressure of 2.0 N/mm2. At a point on the shell having radii of curvature 800 mm and
500 mm, the stress along the circumferential direction is found to be 40 N/mm2. Find
the stress in the meridional direction.
Thickness, t = 8 mm
Internal pressure, p = 2 N / m m2
Circumferential stress,f i = 40 N / m m 2
Radius, rl = 800 mm
Meridional radius, r2 = 500 mm
Using the relationship,

st r>s
A t ;i point 111 n doubly cutvctl .;hell having rndrl ot curvature $00 Inin arid 30lI IiiIii.
the clrcumlerentlal stress 1s the,: lourh 01 the r~~:rid~onal skcss. It tllc th~cLliz\\(11
the shcll 1s 10 mm and is subjected to 1 . 1 ~/mrjl'ol intcrnai prcs\tln~.Ilnd Iho
tndgnitude of the strc-;scs ;rt tllc pomt.
A doubly curved shell, havlng 12 rnm thickness is subjected to 2111 interilnl pressure Of
2 ?I/mnl2. At a point on the shell lhe circunlferciltial and mnerid~onalstresses arc
observed to be 120 N/m& and 90 N/mm%both tenslle. Find the rad~lot curvatule at
that point if the ratlo between the radii is given to be 5/6.


14.4.1 Stresses
Shells in the shape of conical containers will normally be supported around their upper rim.
Consider a conical shell of total height h and supported at the top as shown in Figure 14.7.

Consider any level XX at a height from the apex 0.
At this level, r2 = m

Using the expression for stresses in a doubly curved shell,

where rl is radius of the circumferential curvature.

From the geometry curvature of the shell, we have

rl =
cos a

This is the hoop stress at the level XX.For this stress to be maximum,

dfi - w tan a
- - P
( h - 2y) = 0
dy t cos a
Stresses in Shafts & S h l s h
and Thermal Stresses SubstitutingY = -, we get,
w (h - NL)h12 tan a
Maximum hoop stress =
t cos a

- w h2 tan ci
4t cos a
Stress in the meridional dirwonf2 can be calculated by considering the total weight of
water contained in the shaded portion of the vessel as shown in Figure 14.7.
This weight is resisted by the vertical component of the induced material tension on the

Thus, ~ tYa n
f ~ 2 1 c y t a n a t c o s a = w ( h - ~ ) n y ~ t a n ~ a + w n y2 a
wtana 2
:. f2 = -(hy-??)
2t cos a

For this stress to be maximum,

df2 w tan a
. dy 2t cos a

Maximum meridional stress,

- wtana
-- 3h2 3h2
2tcosa [,-Ti

Example 14.9
= L[wh2tana
A conical water tank of height 2 metres and base radius 500 m m is supported at the
top and is full of water. The thickness of the wall is 24 rnrn, find the maximum hoop
and meridional stress.

Figure 14.8


Apex angle, a = tan-' ( y] = 14.036'

h 2
Maximum hoop stress occurs at -= -= 1 m from the bottom.
2 2
wh2 tan a
Maximum hoop stress =
4t cos a
Unit weight of water, w = 9.81 x ~lrnm~
Thickness, t = 29 mm.
9.81 x x 20oo2 x tan 14.036'
:. Maximum hoop stress =
4 x 29 x cos 14.036'

3h 2
Similarly, maximum meridional stress occurs at - = 3 x - = 1.5 m from the
4 4

:. Maximum meridional stress = -

x moo2x m 14.036'
3 9.81 x
16 29 x cos 14.036'

= 78.995 N/mm2
Example 14.10
A conical water tank is to be fabricated from steel plate of 10 mm thickness. The
shell should have an apex angle (a) 15'. If the permissible tensile stress is
140 N/mm2, find the dimensions of the tank.
Unit weight of water, w = 9.81 x N/mm3.
Apex angle, a = 15'
Thickness, t = 10 mm
Permissible tensile stress, a, = 140 N/mm2
wh2tan a
Thus, we get 140 =
4t cos a

- 9.81 x x h2 tan 15'

4 x o x c o s 15'
:. h = 1434.Smm
We know, r = h tan a = 1434.5 tan 15' = 384.4 mm
Base radius = 384.4 mm.

In this unit we have seen the assumptions made in the analysis of thin shells. For a spherical
shell, which is symmetrical in all directions, the hoop stress has been found to be @ in all
directions. The expressions for circumferential strain and volumetric strain were arrived.
Examples for finding stresses, strains, changes in diameter and volume were worked out.
For a doubly curved shell, expression relating the stresses to the internal pressure was
derived. A conical shell has been analysed and the hoop stress and meridional stress at any
point have been found out. The magnitude and location of maximum hoop stress and
meridional stress were derived. Examples have been worked out illustrating the use of these
and ThermalShA
stresses 14.6 ANSWERS.TO SAQS
4 mm.
8.96 N/mm2.
1.12 m.
220 lo3 mm2.
2.4 N/mm2, 7.63 x lo4 mm3:
0.5625 mm, 1.988 x lo6 mm3.
2041 N l d .
24 N/mm2, 32 N/mm2.
1404 mm, 1170 mm.
SAQ 10
130.4 N/mm2, 97.96 N/mm2.

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