Boost Converter Configuration

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In a boost converter, the output voltage is greater than the input voltage – hence the
name “boost”. A boost converter using a power MOSFET is shown below.

Figure. 1. Circuit diagram of Boost Converter

The function of boost converter can be divided into two modes, Mode 1 and Mode 2. Mode 1
begins when transistor M1 is switched on at time t=0. The input current rises and flows
through inductor L and transistor M1.
Mode 2 begins when transistor M1 is switched off at time t=t1. The input current now flows
through L, C, load, and diode Dm. The inductor current falls until the next cycle. The energy
stored in inductor L flows through the load.
The circuits for the two modes of operation are shown below:

Figure. 1. Circuit operation (a) Mode 1

Figure. 1. Circuit operation (b) Mode 2

The waveforms for the voltages and currents are shown below:
Figure. 1.Waveforms
The voltage-current relation for the inductor L is:


For a constant rectangular pulse:

When the transistor M1 is switched:


And when the transistor is switched off the current is:


Here VD is the voltage drop across the diode D m, and VTrans is the voltage drop across the
transistor M1.

By equating through delta i, we can solve for Vout:

Neglecting the voltage drops across the diode and the transistor:

So, the output voltage is related directly to the duty cycle. The main challenge when
designing a converter is the sort of inductor to be used. From the above equations, the
inductance is inversely proportional to the ripple current. So, to reduce the ripple, a larger
inductor should be used.

Toroidal Model and DC Design

Figure. 1. Structure of the bond wire transformer with toroidal ferrite core and round bonding wires.
Dimensions and design parameters are included.

The toroidal structure with bonding wires as coils and a soft ferrite as magnetic core. Fig. 1
depicts the two-winding transformer structure. Loops around the magnetic core are performed
with bonding wires and completed on the underlying metallization layer. The toroidal
transformer can be represented as a finite length solenoid closed on itself to form a toroidal shape
with rectangular cross-section. The DC self-inductances of both windings L11 DC and L22 DC
are estimated by the reluctance method as follows:

where n is the number of turns of the side

considered, µ0 = 4·π·10-7 H/m is the free-space permeability, µrc is the low frequency core
relative permeability, Ac = tc (Do - Di) / 2 is the cross-sectional area of the core through which
the magnetic flux flows, lc = π (Do + Di) / 2 represents the mean magnetic path length (MPL)
which is the average length of the closed path followed by the magnetic flux within the core, Do
and Di are the outer and inner diameters of the toroidal core, and tc is the core thickness. The DC
series resistances of both windings Rw1 DC and Rw2 DC are obtained by summing the DC
resistances of a single round bonding wire Rb DC and of a single PCB rectangular metallization
Rm DC multiplied by the number of turns as:
where ρb and ρm are the bonding wire and metallization resistivities, db is the wire diameter, lb
and lm are the 1-turn mean wire and metallization lengths, whereas wm and tm are the conductor
width and thickness. It is also worth to recall that generally the flux produced by the primary
winding is not entirely coupled to the secondary coil. Hence, in order to deal with this leakage
we define the mutual inductance L12 for any frequency by:

where k (0 ≤ k ≤ 1) is the coupling coefficient, which measures the magnetic coupling between
the coils, whereas L11 and L22 are the self-inductances. For the two-winding transformer
sharing a common flux path, the turns ratio n12 is defined by:

where n1 and n2 are the number of turns of primary and secondary side,
respectively. In order to get the voltages over the windings, the effective turns ratio ne is
expressed as:

With a perfectly coupled transformer (k ≈ 1) the effective turns ratio would become ne ≈ n12,
while (1) gives more exactly the self-inductances of the coils.

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