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Gabriel Aubrey L.

JORIZAL Activity 2

Reflection Paper
Reading through the readings of the life of Dr. Jose Rizal, I of the things that I learned
from him is to always strive to be better. He exemplified this not only through his education but
in everything that he does. Jose Rizal always did his best and always excel not only in academics
and also in extra-curricular activities. Despite being bullied in school, he was able to overcome
this by continuing to focus on what’s important to him. This taught me to also do my best in
everything that I do. It doesn’t mean that I should always get a perfect score in my exams or be
the smartest person on the class, but to always do everything with diligence.

Another thing that I learned from Dr. Jose Rizal is his patriotism and standing up for
what he believes in. Despite losing his life, he was one of the main proponents that spark the
Philippine Revolution due to his writings that enlightened the Filipinos of the real situation
between Spain and the Philippines. This made me love my country even more and appreciate the
ones who sacrificed their lives for the sake of freeing the country from slavery. This made me
more proud of my culture and my country and I too would want to continue to promote my
country and my culture to others.

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