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Enseignant : M.

KAMBOU Année Académique : 2022-2023

Niveau : Master ELT/GIM/ RIM
Durée : 2h Cours en ligne

English Test

Translate the following text into French

However electrical engineering is a science that studies the electrical applications, that is
to say the production, transport, distribution and use of electrical energy. Electricity is
produced in thermal, hydraulic, solar, geothermal and nuclear plants.

The discovery of electricity has been beneficial for humanity. In fact, we use it to light our
houses and the cities. In addition, it brought revolution in many domains; for instance, in
medical ground some electro technical robots are used in surgery process. Moreover, the
use of electricity in industry sectors has boosted the world economy.

Students are interested in this sector because of the job opportunities it presents. They
believe the future of Africa resides in the solar electrical power.

NB : Toute traduction automatique (Google) sera détectée et sévèrement sanctionnée.

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