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5 Weather dynamics

Words to learn


blizzard n [ˈblɪzəd] We don’t have blizzards in Switzerland. Schneesturm, Blizzard

blow v [bləʊ] The wind is blowing from the north, so it might snow. hier: blasen
calm adj [kɑːm] The sea is calm today. ruhig
cloud n [klaʊd] White clouds in a blue sky look pretty. Wolke
hurricane n [ˈhʌrɪkən] Hurricanes only happen in tropical climates. Hurrikan
rain n [reɪn] We’ve had a lot of rain today. Regen
snow n [snəʊ] If there’s enough snow, we can go skiing! Schnee
storm n [stɔːm] We had to stay indoors because of the storm. Sturm
umbrella n [ʌmˈbrelə] Don’t forget your umbrella! It’s going to rain. Regenschirm
weather n [ˈweðə] In summer, the weather is simply too hot for me. Wetter

Fair weather

a bit [ə bɪt] Why don’t you wait a bit longer? ein bisschen
actually adv [ˈækʧʊəli] Sorry, I’m not actually interested in meeting him. eigentlich
cloudy adj [ˈklaʊdi] It’s rather cloudy. It might even rain later on. bewölkt
cool adj [kuːl] Maybe there will be some cool weather at the weekend. kühl
dry adj [draɪ] After this rain, a few dry days are very welcome. trocken
fair adj [feə] We hope to have fair weather on our holiday in Cornwall. hier: schön
helpful adj [ˈhelpfəl] This book about dogs is really helpful. hilfreich
I don’t mind [aɪ dəʊnt maɪnd] I don’t mind that I didn’t win the match. es macht mir nichts aus
icy adj [ˈaɪsi] The road is icy. Drive carefully! hier: eisig
kind of [kaɪnd əv] It’s kind of crazy to go swimming in this weather. irgendwie, ziemlich
lucky adj [ˈlʌki] We were lucky to have some sunny days in Scotland. glücklich, Glück habend
make sure [meɪk ˈʃʊə] Make sure you follow the directions so you don’t get lost. sich vergewissern
mild adj [maɪld] The weather is mild in May. I like it a lot. mild
of course [əv kɔːs] But of course I can swim! natürlich,
radio n [ˈreɪdɪəʊ] I always listen to the radio in the car. Radio
rainy adj [ˈreɪni] On rainy days we stay at home. regnerisch

æ cat | ɑː bath | e egg | ɜː third | ə balloon | ɪ sit | iː tree | i many | ɒ dog | ɔː horn | ʌ hut | ʊ foot | uː boot | aɪ my | aʊ cow
Weather dynamics

stormy adj [ˈstɔːmi] The weather was very stormy last night. stürmisch
sunny adj [ˈsʌni] I always wear a hat when it’s so sunny. sonnig
warm adj [wɔːm] It was so warm that we went to the beach every day. warm
wet adj [wet] We got all wet because of the rain. nass
windy adj [ˈwɪndi] It’s windy today, isn’t it? windig
winter n [ˈwɪntə] Do you often go skiing in winter? Winter

Windy weather

air pressure n [eə ˈpreʃə] High air pressure means that the weather is sunny. Luftdruck
arrange v [əˈreɪnʤ] My sister arranged her wedding flowers herself. arrangieren
earth n [ɜːθ] The earth is also called the blue planet. Erde
force n [fɔːs] The elephant threw the tree with great force. Kraft, Stärke, Wucht
heat v [hiːt] The sun heats the water on the surface. erhitzen, erwärmen
originally adv [əˈrɪdʒɪnəli] Originally, many English words were French words. ursprünglich
scale n [skeɪl] The marking scale for the test is quite complicated. hier: Skala
speed n [spiːd] In a hurricane air is moving with great speed. Geschwindigkeit, Tempo
surface n [ˈsɜːfɪs] The surface of polished wood is smooth. Oberfläche

Blizzards and hurricanes

based on evidence [beɪst ɒn ˈevɪdəns] Write a report based on evidence. auf Beweise gestützt,
aufgrund von Hinweisen
camp v [kӕmp] Every summer we camp at the lake. zelten, campieren
category n [ˈkӕtəɡəri] How many categories of storms are there? Kategorie
cause damage [kɔːz ˈdӕmɪdʒ] The storm caused a lot of damage. Schaden verursachen /
coast n [kəʊst] We went for a long walk along the coast. Küste
cry v [kraɪ] They cried when they heard the bad news. weinen
dangerous adj [ˈdeɪnʤərəs] Free climbing looks like quite a dangerous sport! gefährlich
declare v [dɪˈkleə] I now declare the buffet open – help yourselves! hier: erklären für
definition n [defɪˈnɪʃən] I don’t think that this definition is very helpful. Definition
extreme adj [ɪkˈstriːm] Last winter, we had a few days of extreme cold. extrem, äusserste( r, s )
first-aid adj [fɜːst eɪd] Maybe we can do the first-aid course together? Erste-Hilfe-
hat n [hӕt] Put on your hat. It’s freezing outside. Hut, Mütze
heavy snowfall [ˈhevi ˈsnəʊfɔːl] There was heavy snowfall last night. starker Schneefall
I was born on [aɪ wəz bɔːn ɒn] I was born on 16 June 2004. ich wurde geboren am
low visibility [ləʊ vɪzəˈbɪləti] It rained hard yesterday, with low visibility. schlechte Sicht
plane n [pleɪn] It was cheaper to go by plane than by rail. Flugzeug
powerful adj [ˈpaʊəfl] He’s a powerful man with lots of money. mächtig, kräftig
predict / [prɪˈdɪkt / Can you predict how the story is going to end? / vorhersagen
make a prediction v meɪk ə prɪˈdɪkʃən] Make a prediction about the ending of the story.

eɪ say | əʊ go | ɔɪ boy | ɪə ear | eə pear | ʊə pure | b bus | d do | f flow | ɡ get | h house | j yes | k calm | l leg | m man | n now
Unit 5

shake up v [ʃeɪk ʌp] The accident shook up their lives. ( drastisch ) verändern,
sky n [skaɪ] When we were in Italy, the sky was blue all day. Himmel
take off v [teɪk ɒf] Hold tight – we’re going to take off in a minute! hier: abheben, starten
take pictures [teɪk ˈpɪktʃəz] Did you take pictures when you were in Paris? Fotos machen,
tonight adv [təˈnaɪt] Do you want to go to the cinema tonight? heute Abend
valuable adj [ˈvæljʊəbl] They gave me some valuable advice for my project. wertvoll
weak adj [wiːk] After her illness, she felt quite weak. schwach
wood n [wʊd] Let’s get some wood to start a fire. Holz

Weather idioms

at a later date [æt ə ˈleɪtə deɪt] We can record the film and watch it at a later date. zu einem späteren
später einmal
be out of touch with [biː aʊt əv tʌtʃ wɪθ] I think that many people are out of touch with nature. den Sinn für …
verloren haben
boss n [bɒs] Do what he says: he’s the boss. Chef /-in
colleague n [ˈkɒliːɡ] His colleagues are nice, aren’t they? Kollege / Kollegin
go on about [ɡəʊ ɒn əˈbaʊt] My brother goes on about football all the time. dauernd reden über
ill adj [ɪl] I was ill yesterday and couldn’t go to school. krank
in a fixed order [ɪn ə fɪkst ˈɔːdə] In an idiom, the words are in a fixed order. in einer festen
joke n [dʒəʊk] He always makes these silly jokes. Witz
reality n [rɪˈӕləti] This story has nothing to do with reality. Realität, Wirklichkeit

My words

p pen | r red | s so | t tea | v vase | w wet | z zoo | ʃ shoe | ʒ vision | tʃ chips | dʒ jump | θ thin | ð brother | ŋ sing

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