Workbook 10 Rayado

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Prepositions • Present Continuous

• something/nothing • Clothes • Social expressions (2)

Where on earth are you?

Prepositions Present Continuous

1 in/at/on 2 Spelling
Write in, at or on. Look at the spelling of verb + -ing.
eat eating write writing swim swimming
Wheres Pete?
Write the -ing forms of the verbs.
1 smoke 4 do 7 buy
1 _'n__ a meeting.
2 go S drive 8 wear
2 the train.
3 drink 6 read 9 run
3 _ _ holiday.

4 _ _ Sophie's house.
3 Why are you doing that?
S bed. Match a line in A with a line in B.
6 work.
7 the office.
8 _ _ university.
I'm working hard a D because she's hungry.
2 Mary's washing her hair b D because we're going on holiday.
9 _ _ his way home.
3 The baby's crying c OJ because I need the money.
lO _ _ the airport. 4 Joe's revising d D because friends are coming for dinner.
5 You're making a lot of mistakes e D because she's going out tonight.
6 Jack and Sally are cooking f D because he has an exam soon.
7 We're packing g D because you aren't paying attention.

Unit 10 • Where on earth are you? 61

4 What's she doing? 5 Present Simple or Continuous
1 Look at the pictures. Complete the sentences about what the 1 Complete the pairs of sentences using the
people are verb once in the Present Simple and once
in the Present Continuous.


1 She works in St Mary's Hospital.

2 Sh&'swortcin9 hard because she has
exams next week..
1 She 's utillg spaghetti. 2 He _ _ _ _ _ a sports car.


3 Listen to Sonia! What language _ _

she ?
4 How many languages _ _ she

3 They _ _ _ _ _ football. 4 He _ _ _ _ the newspaper. read

S I _____ a very good book at the

6 I _____ in bed every night.


7 What _ _ you of her

S She _ _ _ _ _ _ her hair. 6 They _ _ _ _ __ coffee.
latest book?
8 You look worried. What _ _ you
2 Complete the questions about the people in part 1.
1 ' What's. utiM ?' 'Spaghetti:
, not eat
2 ?' 'A sports car:
3 ?' 'Football: 9 Vegetarians meat.
4 ?' 'The newspaper: 10 I dinner with my wife this
S ?' 'Her hair: evening.
6 ?' 'Coffee:

3 Complete the negative sentences about the people in part 1.

1 Sh& imt't utiM ice-cream.
2 a van.
3 cartoons.
4 a book..
S her clothes.
6 orange juice.

62 Unit 10 • Where on earth are you?

2 Look at the pictures and answer the questions. 3 Underline the correct verb form.

1 'Would you like some tea?'

1 What does Phil do? 'No, thanks. I don't like / I'm not liking tea:
2 'Do you like Pete?'
2 Does he fly passenger
'I'm thinking / I think he's a really nice guy:
Yes, he doe$ . 3 'Why don't you come out tonight?'
'Sorry, I'm working. / I work.'
3 Is he flying now?
No, he i$n't . 4 'Sprechen Sie Deutsch?'
'Sorry, I don't understand / I'm not understanding:
4 What's he doing?
Ue'$ going for a walle . 5 'Can I speak to Joanne?'
'I'm afraid she has / she's having a bath at the

5 What does Jessie do?

6 be or do?
6 Does she teach maths? Complete the sentences with am/is/are or do/does/
Yes, don't/ doesn't.
7 Is she teaching now? 1 'Why he always late?'
No, 'Because he doe$n't have a watch:
8 What's she doing? 2 'Where you going?'
'I going to the bank:
3 'What time she have lunch?'
'At 1.00, usuallY:
4 'I looking for a pair of shoes:
9 What does Suzie do?
'What size you take?'
5 'Why John eat meat?'
10 Does she deliver letters?
Yes, _ _ _ _ _ __ 'Because he __ a vegetarian:

11 Is she delivering letters now? 6 'Bonjour!'

Yes, _ _ _ _ _ __ 'Sorry! I speak French:
7 'What you doing tonight?'
'We going to the cinema:
8 'Why Hans studying Chinese?'
12 What does Dave do? 'Because he going to China on holiday:

13 Does he act in films?

14 Is he acting now?
15 What's he doing?

Unit 10 • Where on earth are you? 63

7 Tweeting
rtl Read the text about the
social networking service, Twitter is an Internet service for social networking and microblogging,
Twitter. Are the sentences true where you can answer the question, 'What are you doing?', with very
(.I) or false (X). Correct short text messages to your friends, or 'followers'. These messages are
the false sentences. called tweets. Tweets have a maximum of 140 characters. It costs nothing
1 [Z] A Twitter message is to use and is popular worldwide with over 100 million users.
called a tweet.
2 [K] You can write more How do people use Twitter?
than 140 characters in a Researchers collected four million Twitter messages (tweets) over seven days.
Twitter message. They looked at 200,000 tweets from all over the world. They discovered:

You can write a maximum of • 60% of the tweets were in English

• 9% were in Japanese, the second most popular language
140 characters.
• 5% of all tweets came from the top 100 users
3 D It's a free service. • these 100 users posted 200-3,000 tweets a day!
4 D Researchers collected
100 million messages What do people say when they tweet?
over a year. So what are people talking about on Twitter? Is it
really just a lot of boring chat about ' What I'm doing
S D Most tweets are in
at the moment', or are people also talking about
Japanese. more important things? Is there any serious discussion?
6 D Some users post up to First the research company counted the most common· sentences, and
3,000 tweets a day. they discovered that the most popular were ' I'm working' and' I'm sleepy'.
A smiley face © was also very popular. This suggested that most tweeters
7 D The most common
are tired but happy workaholics! The researchers also found that there is not
sentence is 'I'm smiling'.
one main reason why people use Twitter, but there are three main types of
8 D People who tweet are conversation.
called tweeters. 1 Talking about everyday events: ' I'm getting coffee', ' I'm checking my
9 D Topics on Twitter are emails', ' We're having a barbecue', ' I'm studying for an exam tomorrow'.
usually about everyday 2 Topics which last a few minutes or a few hours. For example, people
things. discussing a video that they saw on YouTube or a television programme.
10 D Politics is a popular This often happens during the programme. People exchange views while
subject for discussion. they are watching.
3 Topics which are often more serious, which people debate for a longer
period of time - days, weeks sometimes months. For example, politics
(especially at election time) or disasters (natural or man-made), or any
major news story.

64 Unit 10 • Where on earth are you?

8 Why do people use Twitter?
1 rt1 Listen to four people talking about why they 3 Listen again. Answer the questions.
use Twitter. Write their job.
1 What does David tweet about while it is happening?
2 Why does he think Twitter is important?
3 Which idea of Paul McCartney's does Mary like?
4 Who are angry about the idea?
5 What did Ken advertise on Twitter?
6 Was it good to chat on Twitter before the conference?
7 Does Donna tweet formally or informally on Twitter?
8 What is she learning about?

9 Somebody'swaiting for you
Complete the sentences using each word once.

somebody anybody

1 There's somebody waiting for you in reception.

2 Does _ _ __ __ know what time the train leaves?

anywhere nothing
3 'What did you get for your birthday?' '_ _ _ _ __
4 All the hotels are full. I can't find a room _ __ __ _

2 Match a reason for using Twitter to a person. nobody everything

5 All the lights are off. There's _ _ _ _ _ _ at home.
Because I'm a vegetarian, and 6 There were burglars in my house. They took _ _ _ __
I can talk to other people
with the same interest
Ia D David everybody nowhere

7 This is a great party! _ _ _ _ __ 's having a good time!

2 Because Ican discuss the news
as it happens. b OJ Mary 8 There aren't any seats. There's to sit.

3 Sometimes Itweet people who anything everywhere

Ic D Ken
are in the same line of business 9 Shh! Be quiet! Don't say _ _ _ _ __
as me, and it's exciting.
D Donna
10 I looked , but I couldn't find my phone.
4 It was great to meet other
tweeters at the conference
and put faces to names.

Unit 10 • Where on earth are you? 65

10 Clothes
Write the name of the person who's wearing the item of clothing.

1 a suit Mike
2 trainers
3 a skirt
4 a scarf
5 shorts
6 a shirt
7 a tie
8 boots
9 black shoes
10 white socks
11 atop
12 a T-shirt

Jenny Mike Tom

Everyday English
11 Social expressions (2)
rt1 Match a line in A with a line in B.


1 Can I help you? a 0 Don't worry. It doesn't matter.

2 Dave and I are having a baby! b IT] I'm just looking, thanks.
3 Can I speak to Jenny, please? c 0 Never mind. Another time.
4 I forgot your birthday! Sorry! d o What does that mean?
5 I can't go out tonight. Sorry. e 0 Congratulations! That's great news!
6 The printer isn't working. f o Thanks! It was great seeing you!
7 Have a good journey! g o Sorry, she's having a shower.
8 We're going out to a restaurant. h o It's because there isn't any paper in it.
9 It's 'Dress Down Friday' tomorrow. i o Have a good meal!

66 Unit 10 • Where on earth are you?

Don't forget! 14 have a + noun
What are they doing? Write a sentence using have + a noun
12 Verb forms from the box.
Complete the sentences with the correct verb form. a drink a FfleetiAg a party lunch
a game of cards a picnic a lesson an argument
ski to ski

1 I go skiing every year.

2 Unfortunately, my girlfriend can't _ _ _ __

3 She's learning _ _ _ _ _ at the moment.

listen listening to listen

4 Shh! I want _ _ _ __ to the news!

5 I don't _ _ _ _ _ to music. I watch TV.

1 They're having a meeting. 2
6 I love _ _ _ _ _ to music in my car.

learn learning to learn

7 I like English! It's good fun.

8 It isn't easy vocabulary.

9 I can five new words a day.

go going togo
3 4
10 I'm shopping. Do you want
to come?

11 I'd love with you.

12 Great! Let's now!

13 -ing form as noun

Complete the sentences with the -ing form of a
verb from the box.

I ski smoke live (x 2) say run learn 5 6

1 Smoking is bad for your health.

2 _ _ _ _ _ a foreign language isn't easy.
3 My favourite winter sport is _ _ _ __
4 _ _ _ _ _ can damage your knees.
5 I prefer _ _ _ _ _ in the town to _ _ _ __
in the country.
6 I hate _ _ _ _ goodbye.

7 8

Unit 10 • Where on earth are you? 67

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