Motivational 1

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Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you



Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you


I am waiting,

Waiting for someone to love,

And love me too,

Laugh with me,

Someone to tell my problems,

Someone to tell my deepest secrets,

And that person will never tell anyone


To cry when I am rejected by people

I love but don’t love me,
Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

To cry when I have feelings for

someone but that someone pushes me
away and pulls someone else closer,

Someone to count the stars with,

A friend,

A friend who will help me to study,

A friend who makes me grateful,

A friend who makes me to leave

someone who doesn’t value me,

A friend who thinks that I am a jewel,

A friend who knows that I am a jewel,

A friend who believes in me,

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

A friend to watch me grow old,

I am still in search for the jewel,

But for right now I have God & me,

And I am grateful for that,

Now that I am thinking about it God is

the jewel,

I have been looking for,

He is the true alpha friend who will

give me other friends
Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

Precious rock

I am that rock,

I am that plain old rock that no one


Everyone hates,

That people throw from here to


And there to here,

That rock that people throw in the

river where the creatures are,

Or children play games with,

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

That people speak bad about,

Maybe if it was a pearl with a smooth

texture and it would be cute,

It is disgusting,

Did you see the algae on it?


That is why they say,

They don’t value me,

They don’t see the treasure inside me,

Inside me there is gold,


Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

A crystal,

The moment someone breaks me,

They will see a gem,

A precious mineral,

And it will glow very bright,

Brighter than the sun,

And they will be shocked,

God will open up the gates for me,

God takes the things that look useless

and makes them useful,

So if you don’t value me,

You are losing something precious,

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

You will never get it again,

I gave you the attention as a rock but

did not value,

Only God did,

But now I am that precious gem,

That same old disgusting rock which

holds the gem,

Without the rock many unworthy

people would take it.

But with it only the worthy whom

value the rock find the precious gem,

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you


Why is that life makes you sad?

No one values but you value them,

It crushes you until you have no air


Barely in my mind,

I am in a state in life where joy is


Why can’t I have what I want & need,

No one to comfort,
Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

The mere thought of pain grows in


Not even one person to tell my


To cry,

No one understands,

No one,

It is like a revolution where the

heaven and earth were not yet

But to tell the truth,

Though many sad things can happen,

I will smile,
Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

I will dance,

Cause God will be there,

To help me and counsel,

And my God,

My Family,

And myself,

Will make sure that I am happy to

show that I am strong and resilient.
Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you


I think I am lost,

I think I am unloved,

I think no one values me,

Like there is a black hole in my life,

And I may go through hardships,

Cry out loud,

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

Loud that no one will be able to


I then start looking for love,

I look and instead I give a person who

doesn’t even care about me,

But I have my God,

My parents,

And myself,

I will always value these three and

nothing else,

I do not have to look everywhere like

a lost puppy,

It only shows I am weak,

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

It makes me look like a fool but for

my information I am not,

One special time in my like,

Someone will love me as their other


To treat me well,

We will not need to look for each


But destiny will make us meet,

So I focus on the things that I have

had since birth and things that will be
with me and carry me when I die.
Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

Hard work needs me to work hard

I am lazy,

I assume I am dumb,

Not intelligent,

Worst in achieving a task,

Never paying attention,

I see others excelling,

Flying high,
Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

But I realized that I have the same


I can be highly intelligent,

I can be in the top class,

It just depends on the way I think,

If I work hard,

Mediate on a certain topic,

Push the limits,

Break the boundaries,

All the hard work I would have done

would pay off,

I am not less than anyone else,

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

So I will burn some weight,

And the devil will not win,

Cause God stands by my side,

He will be there by my side,

When I do not have patience,

When I am tired,

When I seem to think everything else

is not going to work,

God will be my lamp,

In the darkness (the hard work),

Good things take time,

And working hard is the key.

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

I am not ugly

People judge,

I am ugly,

I do not have a perfect body


I am disgusting to look at,

That is what I end up saying to

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

Body shaming,

People then laugh at me,

And it hurts me,

I then silently cry,

And a silent cry represents the

greatest pain,


Beautiful is not about the looks only,

It is about being you and standing for


Looking at yourself at the mirror and

Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

It sounds impossible,

But impossible means I’m possible

Simply meaning that the issue is

possible to overcome,

Meaning I am good looking,

Interesting to look at because I am


Interesting to talk to,

And interesting fact is that being me

makes me beautiful.
Be Happy cause noone will make you happier^Make sacrifices that improve you

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