A2 Grammar Escape Room - Grammar Qs

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Articles: Fill in the blank with the correct article (a, an, the, *none*).
1. She never leaves without __________ kiss.
2. She really likes __________ spring.
3. Willem-Alexander is __________ king of the Netherlands.
4. Linda is __________ beautician.
5. Lana works as __________ volunteer at that hospital.
6. He’s at __________ work.
7. Jarret works out five times __________ week.
8. Look over there! That’s __________ prime minister of the Netherlands!
9. Samantha has __________ cold.
10. I like to play __________ the drums.

Plurals: Fill in the blank with the plural form of the noun in ( ).
1. (chair) I need two __________.
2. (kiss) He gave her three __________.
3. (loaf) Mum has bought two __________ of bread.
4. (copy) I’d like to have two __________ of this document.
5. (bush) The kids were playing behind the __________.
6. (story) I’ve told you both __________.
7. (man) Do you see those __________ out there?
8. (foot) Take your __________ off the table!
9. (woman) Tonight it’s __________ only.
10. (child) My neighbors have two __________.

Present Simple: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.
1. (to buy) Esra never __________ any sweets.
2. (to go) My brother never __________ to the dentist.
3. (to do) I always __________ the washing-up on Monday.
4. (to catch) Our dog always __________ the ball.
5. (to study) Monica __________ English five days a week.
6. (to say) Karen always __________ “I love you” before she leaves.
7. (to work) Richard __________ during the weekend.
8. (to see) Do you __________ that man over there?
9. (to hear) We __________ the engine of a car.
10. (to freeze) Water __________ at zero degrees Celsius.

Present Continuous: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.
1. (to help) I __________ my sister with her homework.
2. (to go) I __________ to the gym.
3. (to bake) We __________ a cake.
4. (to tell) They __________ us which way to go.
5. (to give) She __________ them directions.
6. (to eat) You __________ a peach.
7. (to snow) It __________.
8. (to play) The children __________ outside.
9. (to cook) I __________ dinner.
10. (to call) He __________ his girlfriend.
Past Simple: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.
1. (to paint) They __________ their house yesterday.
2. (to do) They __________ not like the surprise.
3. (to go) Sanne and Nena __________ to the mall together.
4. (to look) The car __________ new when we bought it.
5. (to work) Melissa __________ on her project for two whole weeks.
6. (to rain) It __________ all day yesterday.
7. (to be) The children __________ at school.
8. (to have) You __________ so many friends.
9. (to try) You __________ really hard to win that match.
10. (to carry) He __________ her all the way home.

Present Perfect: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the verb.
1. (to listen) Our bosses ____________________ to us.
2. (to clean) Carla ____________________ her room.
3. (to work) They ____________________ here since 2021.
4. (to go) They ____________________ to the cinema.
5. (to have) You ____________________ your chance!
6. (to know) She ____________________ him for many years.
7. (to make) I ____________________ you a sandwich.
8. (to give) We ____________________ him some more time.
9. (to tell) I ____________________ her everything!
10. (to stay) She ____________________ here for two weeks.
Modal Verbs: Circle the correct modal verb in each sentence.
1. Can / Could / Must you let me know as soon as possible, please?
2. You have to / may / should bring a friend if you’d like.
3. You can / may / should tell her you are sorry.
4. We can / have to / may study hard because we don’t want to fail the test.
5. Can / Must / Should I ask you a personal question?
6. She can / may / should know better than to disturb Mum while she’s working.
7. I can / must / should not find your keys.
8. We can / could / should stop eating so much sugar because it’s bad for us.
9. It can / must / should be hot, you’re sweating!
10. My dad could / has to / should fix your bike for you, if you’d like.

Negations: Rewrite the sentence as a negation (Ex: We liked the show.  We did not like the show.).
1. I want a new bike. ________________________________________.
2. She writes him every day. ________________________________________.
3. We walked to school. ________________________________________.
4. Simon eats a pizza every day. ________________________________________.
5. Amy talked a lot. ________________________________________.
6. She is very nice. ________________________________________.
7. He has got an older brother. ________________________________________.


Comparative/Superlative Adjectives: Fill in the blank with the correct form of the adjective.
1. (heavy) The box I’m carrying is ____________________ than your box.
2. (sweet) Her cake is ____________________ than yours.
3. (smart) Nicholas is the ____________________ boy in the class.
4. (simple) That is the ____________________ one I have got.
5. (low) This bridge is much ____________________ than 2 meters!
6. (difficult) Samir thinks surfing is ____________________ than ballet.
7. (cold) The sea is ____________________ than the lake.
8. (tall) Joey is the ____________________ guy I’ve ever seen.
9. (careful) You need to be ____________________ than you are now!
10. (happy) You look ____________________. Are you feeling better?
Comparisons (as … as): Fill in the blank with a comparison. Use as … as in your answer.
Example: (smart) Sophie is ____ Britt.  Sophie is as smart as Britt.

1. (cold) Today it is just ____________________ yesterday.

2. (tall) Chris is not ____________________ you.
3. (simple) This book is just ____________________ that book.
4. (old) Jildau is just ____________________ Santosh.
5. (rich) We are not ____________________ you are.
6. (impressive) That film was not ____________________ the last one.

Adverbs: Circle the correct adverb or adjective to complete the sentence.

1. My grandmother walks very slow / slowly.
2. That is a very nice / nicely book.
3. I complete / completely forgot what she asked.
4. That is a wonderful / wonderfully story!
5. I closed the bedroom door quiet /quietly.
6. We just heard an awful / awfully story.
7. Nicky’s paintings are beautiful / beautifully.
8. She drove the car careful / carefully.
9. My mother sings horrible / horribly.
10. I complete / completely forgot what she asked.


Possessive Pronouns: Fill in the blank with the correct possessive pronoun.
1. Miryam and I own this place. It’s ____________________ home.
2. Sara and Ayoub bought a boat. It’s ____________________ boat.
3. I got an iPhone for my birthday. It’s ____________________ iPhone.
4. You got a new bike. It’s ____________________ bike.
5. This present is for you and Nathan. It’s ____________________ present.
6. Gwen received a package today. It’s ____________________ package.
7. Dad is going to roll the dice now. It’s ____________________ turn.
8. Whose dog is this? Excuse me, sir, are you ____________________ owner?
Reflexive Pronouns: Fill in the blank with the correct reflexive pronoun.
1. I think he should do it ____________________.
2. I’m sure she can’t help ____________________.
3. You guys should spoil ____________________ for a weekend!
4. I am only speaking for ____________________.
5. You should take a look at ____________________!
6. We want to do it ____________________.
7. They all introduced ____________________.
8. The cat washed ____________________.

Interrogative Pronouns: Fill in the blank with the correct interrogative pronoun.
1. ____________________ color do you like?
2. ____________________ shoes are these? Mine or yours?
3. ____________________ is going on around here?
4. ____________________ one do you like best? The red one or the green one?
5. ____________________ did you phone just now?
6. ____________________ would you like to eat?
7. ____________________ car would you buy, the Ferrari or the Porsche?
8. ____________________ brother is he? Farouk’s or Jamima’s?
9. ____________________ do you want to do?
10. ____________________ told you that?


Some/Any: Complete the sentence with some or any.

1. Would you like ____________________ grapes?
2. Why isn’t there ____________________ food left? The fridge is empty!
3. I need ____________________ milk.
4. ____________________ people put peanut butter on their pancakes.
5. You don’t want ____________________ problems, do you?
6. There aren’t ____________________ oranges in the fridge.
7. She hasn’t got ____________________ money left.
8. Do you have ____________________ questions?
9. I need ____________________ apples for the pie.
10. Can I get you ____________________ water? You look thirsty.

Conjunctions: Fill in the blank with the correct conjunction. Choose from and, because, but, or.
1. We went shopping ____________ afterwards we had dinner.
2. They studied really hard, ____________ they did not pass the test.
3. Tonight, we will go into town ____________ we will celebrate your birthday there.
4. Would you like some coffee ____________ tea?
5. You can buy a new handbag ____________ a new backpack. But not both.
6. He wanted to buy a taco ____________ he was hungry.
7. Is that a cat ____________ a rabbit?
8. Gary isn’t very tall, ____________ he is as strong as an ox!
9. We’ll come by tonight ____________ pick you up, okay?
10. Same was late for work ____________ his alarm clock was broken.

Word Order: Put the words/phrases into the correct order to create a sentence.
1. yesterday – to the swimming pool – went – Miranda and I
2. am going – next year – to Australia – I
3. my parents – me – this morning – at the hospital – visited
4. to the station – shall – give – tonight – a lift – you – I
5. leaves – at 3.34pm – the next train – from platform 9
6. to study – Joshua – Next year – is going – Product Design
7. to talk – tomorrow – I – to my English teacher – am going
Questions: Rewrite each sentence as a question.
1. He works hard.
2. They work in London.
3. Harry is very clever.
4. She went to school.
5. I look silly.
6. Dad wants a new car.

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