Success Pre 11 14

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Success Pre-Intermediate
Fehér Judit: Your Exam Success Workbook
Némethné Hock Ildikó: 1000 kérdés 1000 válasz

Success Pre-Intermediate

Weeks Topic Grammar Vocabulary Reading Listening Speaking Writing

1. Revision
2-5. 11 Crime Past Perfect Anecdotes about An unsuccessful crime
doesn’t pay crimes
Articles A newspaper report A dramatised detective A murder mystery
on a crime story
A story about a
Crime, criminals and An advert for a lost A conversation with a Expressing fear, shock An advert
the law item friend about a problem and surprise; giving
6. Think Back
7-10. 12 Entertain Reported Films and reviews Film reviews
us! Speech: A poem
Films, art and A programme for an A conversation about Making and responding A film review
entertainment arts festival which events to suggestions
Dictionary Skills: to go to
An article about a A debate about art
An informal email Writing skills: Short
Short messages/notes notes/messages
11. Think Back
Unit 12
12-15. 13 Health Second Sport and fitness Two interviews with people Talking about sports you
matters Conditional about sport would like to try
with First
Phrasal verbs (3) An article about a
Personality adjectives teenage explorer
Modals Health and illness An advert for a A conversation about health A list of rules
should, medicine Short dialogues about Giving advice
shouldn’t, health
mustn’t, have
to and don’t
have to
A ‘get well soon’ A conversation at the Asking for and giving
email doctor’s surgery advice
A radio phone-in
16. Think Back
Unit 13
17-20. 14 Europe, Question The European A quiz on a website Two people trying a quiz Using question tags
Europe tags Union/European
An article about Giving opinions on the EU
Nation, Society and A radio arts programme Talking about wishes,
government People talking about plans and intentions
A letter giving Discussing your country Writing skills: a formal
information letter
21. Think Back
Unit 14

Fehér Judit: Your Exam Success Workbook

Tanítási Tananyag Érettségi témakör

22-23 Unit 1 A vizsgázó személye, életrajza, életének fontos állomásai (fordulópontjai)
Knowing Me Knowing You Családi élet, családi kapcsolatok
- With a Handshake A családi élet mindennapjai, otthoni teendők
- You and Yours Személyes tervek
-This is Your Life
- Special Days in Life
- Skills Practice

24-25. Unit 2 A másik ember külső és belső jellemzése

Human Touch Baráti kör
- Mirror, irror on the wall A tizenévesek világa: kapcsolat a kortársakkal, felnőttekkel
- Inside out Női és férfi szerepek
- You and Us Ünnepek, családi ünnepek
- Close to your Heart Öltözködés, divat
- Skills Practice
26. Összefoglalás, számonkérés
27-28. Unit 3 Vásárlás, szolgáltatások (posta)
Sort it out! Hasonlóságok és különbségek az emberek között
- Shopping Centre
- Can I help you?
- What shall I wear?
- Running errands
- Skills Practice

Némethné Hock Ildikó: 1000 kérdés 1000 válasz

29-30. Personal Particulars, studies

31. Számonkérés
32-33. Family, relatives, relationships, appearance
34. Számonkérés
35-36. Family occasions
37. Vizsga (Exam)

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